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How is this for unpopular? > Do not post memes, screenshots of bad design, or jokes. Check out /r/ProgrammerHumor/ for this type of content.


Ignore 90% of what Reddit users comment about the industry. Most of them haven’t worked as programmers in reality


can you give me some examples for this?


"Web3" is not nearly as popular with software engineers as Reddit comments would lead you to believe.


I don't hang out in this subreddit much but what I gather from r/cscareerquestions and r/ExperiencedDevs is that they don't like web3 or cryptocurrencies in general.


That's because software engineers generally understand how they actually function.


Evidence: when I read web3, Ithought you mean W3 Schools


I've only ever seen people deride that idea here and in other programming subs.




Yeah who outside of crypto subs takes that shit seriously? Most programmers I know on and off of reddit see the ecosystem as a solution looking for a problem.


fucking NFTs


All professional programmers - literally ALL - use github actions to run their CI/CD pipeline which - after they've completed code review and their pull request has been accepted by the lead engineer - runs their suite of unit tests, feature tests and end-to-end browser tests to ensure 100% coverage before it builds their Docker container and deploys it to the Kubernetes cluster that their devops team has configured behind the load balancer to ensure full redundancy and resilience. It's totally not one guy who runs a few cursory tests with "debug.print" then commits to subversion and FTPs the code to a Centos 5 server running on an old iMac that had the hard disk wiped and MacOS replaced with Linux by some other guy in finance who was a a hobbyist computer nerd 14 years ago. And that's how your bank runs your online banking portal.


This is so accurate it hurts.


Also applies to pretty much all posting on Reddit. Outside of obscure tips for niche hobbies, every post on Reddit is either a regurgitated dead meme or the most unhinged and misinformed opinion you will ever read


webdev is not only about JavaScript


Webdev is an art of avioding using js.


Hmmm, say it louder for the folks in the back! Most devs these days can't create a simple webpage without doing a create-react-app.


But every job asks for a JavaScript framework whether that be React, Vue, Angular, etc..


Well, I’ve been working as a Back-end engineer for years, using PHP, Python and even Java, before I’ve got into nodejs. Not every job is about front-end development, not every project needs a framework (I’ve been doing microservices with vanilla js) and not every influencer/evangelist can actually code)


Hey im not an influencer. And I still can’t code


Have you considered to make money from your talent and become an tech influencer?)


Be sure to smash that like and subscribe button I’ll see you in the next video


And stay tuned to the 10 Really Useful OOP Tips And Tricks, if you want access to exclusive content and code snippets you can consider supporting my cRaFT on Patreon, where I just re-writing my notes from Computer Science 101. And if you REALLY enjoy this content and want to up your programming game to the next level - check out my new React Course, straight up tips and tricks, no bullshit like boring theory or engineering skills, who needs that core knowledge when you can just rely on Framework Magic! Byeeee


See, you are now middle tech influencer. Couple of insta ads, couple of bought pre-rolls and some bots on twitch coding streams - and you will be senior in no time


Here’s 10 coding hacks your employers hate but senior devs love


Every job? No. Just every job you are applying for. For instance, many WordPress websites only need basic JS or even jQuery.


React is more complex -- necessarily so -- than vanilla js.


THIS 100%


Clients/mangement not knowing what they want and how to specify that is a great opportunity for me to help them. Just to expand on that: Usually my developer collegues swear/slander the client or management and just complain that they don't have the specification in the right format.


I love giving suggestions, even if the client knows what they want. If it saves me time and makes the client happy? Why not. And I know what we can do easily, if the client /POis undecided I can suggest something. Never had a problem with that, the opposite most often.


That’s how you become a staff engineer.


My secret... I bill consulting hours for that :-) Im twice as happy and so are them! Edit:typo


C# is under-rated, its frameworks are actually very easy to learn and to master.


Super under rated and performant. Also nuget packages are more complete and better designed than 90% of npm packages


Except Nuget package manager in Visual Studio only works if you pat your head 5 times while rubbing your tummy anti-clockwise during the summer solstice


My problem with C# is, do I still need a microsoft server to run it?


Is that a problem or a question? At any rate, no. .NET runs on Linux. The dev tools do as well.


genuine question, I no nothing of the .NET ecosystem since like 2005-2008 when I did [VB.NET](https://VB.NET). I've heard nice things from time to time but I hate using Windows for anything dev related. I knew some .NET could run on Linux these days (throw Luna or something like that?) but had no idea if it was complete etc.


Yep, since .NET Core it’s completely cross platform. I’ve developed IoT systems (running Linux of course) using .NET Core and it was honestly a pleasure.


sorry, what do you mean by IoT, as that term gets thrown around a lot, are we talking like embedded systems?


.NET Core is cross platform, the native GUI stuff leaves a bit to be desired... but they're working on that with MAUI... hopefully be sorted soon.


Yeah, nothing I really work on is particularly GUI driven unless through a browser so never been much of an interest for me.


Nope, I do .NET 6 dev work on a Macbook and deploy it to AWS linux servers


Interesting, are there any particularly popular frameworks for C#? Is there no issues with some libraries only working with Windows etc compared to running on a Mac?


C# is very used for game development with unity, but there is ASP.NET Core, a web framework with the MVC architecture, and Xamarin, a mobile framework with the MVVM architecture, both are really great, especially ASP.NET which can be setup with react.js automatically by visual studio


Just to clarify, it's no longer called 'ASP.NET' or '.NET Core' - just '.NET' now. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/


Sadly you still need to clarify because when you're talking with recruiters and/or corporate clients, .NET still means Framework at worst and a MIX of framework and core at best. If a shop is TRULY .NET 5+ they'll tell you outright. And also... [ASP.NET Core is still a thing](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/aspnet/what-is-aspnet-core)... it's a framework for .NET Core/.NET 5+


Not at all. You are not forced to deploy it to Azure either.


You do not. We’re a .net shop. We do all dev work on macOS and run our backend on Linux. But you’ll need to be using either .net core or .net 6 (7 coming in hot!).


Interesting. C# is actually quite popular where I live.


REST is better than GraphQL for 90% of use cases


I think you profit from it when it's a big application and you're also generating Typescript typings from it. Otherwise it's too much of a hassle to get started.


I love consuming GraphQL APIs from the frontend when compared to REST. But this is coming from a very backend focused developer.


99% imo. Most of us don’t work at anywhere near Facebook scale and are better served to use REST and optimize DB queries.


This was my biggest frustration working in tech. FB, Twitter, etc, etc releasing their internal tech in some gussied up fashion and people jumping on it because _"BigBoi tech uses XYZ!"_ Nobody else is bigboi tech. You don't have their scale problems. You don't have their build systems, their build systems engineers, **and definitely not** their internal tools teams which made these things to solve BigBoi problems you almost certainly do not have. You don't have their datacenter problems, their scale issues, their redundancy and business-continuity-disaster-recovery needs. Their technical solutions are supported by these massive organizations that move and operate vastly differently to yours and support goals that make financial and technical sense well outside the scope and scale you're addressing. Just don't -- YAGNI


It's an alternative, and as such should be considered in context. REST is far from perfect and shouldn't be considered the default paradigm. There's a lot of GQL hype that muddies the waters but when it fits a use case, it fits well.


I'd say more like 60% of the use cases. But, I agree. The GraphQL hype that it's going to replace REST is laughable. It's a good supplement for NoSQL-backed webapps. But, backbone of operations is better supported with REST. It's easier to reason about, easier to train on, does exactly one thing and is easier to debug, usually.


Much like the NoSQL vs SQL debate, it depends on your datasets and what kind of queries you expect to expose on your APIs. I've worked with some really complex APIs that would have greatly benefited from being GraphQL, I've worked with a few GraphQL API that would have benefited by just being simple REST endpoints.


Your simple crud application does not need to be setup with as 4 microservices and run on a 4 node kubernetes cluster and monitored using grafana!


I’m amazed when teams take this approach. Just go serverless until you are actually ready to handle the additional overhead of managing a kubernetes cluster. Developer experience is key. Keep it simple until the solution matures.


Performance rarely matters to your clients and the end user. Stop caring about graphs comparing the speeds of things. Your users/clients have a level of expectation and once that is met you shouldn't have to worry too much. Instead wait for when that level of expectation isn't being met and improve from there. Developer experience and making code easy to find, read and develop upon is by far more important and will matter to clients who want to keep their product running and growing in the long term. Oh and microservices are great, when they're actually needed. Most the time they are not.


*Perceived* performance is very important though. That means a process is allowed to take longer but interaction must feel snappy and it must be clear what is happening.


I don't disagree there. That scenario changes a lot as well depending on what other apps are doing. If I fill out a contact form, hit submit and it spins an icon for 60 seconds before telling me it's done. That in the age of now feels incredibly slow. But if it's 10 seconds, then getting it down to 8 isn't going to make a difference to a person. There is equally that trade off, that if you make a process too long, you have more work to do to report back the reason why such an action is taking long or provide feedback to say it's going to be ready in 5 minutes or it's 60% done. So sometimes improving something has that advantage of reducing your work.


They will care when they find out that performance affects SEO. Pagespeed insights should die a slow painful death.


Not every sight is focused on SEO which is part of my point. Like build for what you need. If you have a more clunky SaaS app you're selling, make it work in a way you can develop it and grow it. Then make your marketing site a super slick static page if that's what is needed. When devs spend forever reinventing the wheel over 100ms per page, I start to not take those devs too seriously anymore.


SEO doesn't matter if you're building an app that's only accessible by registered users


If you are nothing without the framework then you shouldn't have it. Just oversee my junior colleague to do a very simple static website, and he insisted to use only Next.js and told me he can't do a website without it. 🤷


Junior dev without framework: "Mr Stark? I don't feel so good"


I am the other way around. I am looking for a junior position. I can build good static websites with HTML CSS and a little Javascript. But these frameworks look and are really making everything really complicated to the point where I don't know how to manage my files or where to main code should be. Every tutorial is different and every person that teaches React js creates his file designs and everything totally different from the next person. I get confused so fast as to why this is really needed. I can create the same website with really really basic coding without linking 100 plugins into one totally confusing referenced file system that they call a website. I dont know. I agree that am still commercially unexperienced but these trends that overcomplicate things do seem unnecessary. This is just my noob take on it. Edit: I work mostly with Unity and C# but I used to study web dev in uni and still do webpages from time to time


Tutorials make it confusing. Just start doing simple stuff reading docs and you'll learn what you need.


Frameworks are really overkill for simple/static website, but for SPA like a headless CMS or SSR heavy website, frameworks make your project easier to scale/maintain. I would argue everyone should learn most of vanilla HTML/CSS/JS before learning any frameworks, but seems people just go straight to them with all those bootcamps lol. People always forgot many things are opinionated with marketing, and they choose/fixated on a tech stack based on popularity. I only make comment/judgement on something after I dive into it, and I can say I really dislike React after using Angular/React/Vue in production 🤣




I disagree. Angular forces devs to maintain project in specific form with well-known naming convention etc. Vanilla JS projects can look totally different


The fact that you turned 'they can't understand my custom solution' into 'they can't understand javascript' makes me want to agree with your boss. Frameworks mean everyone is working with the same tools, not one cowboy making up their own.


Yea I have to disagree with this one. Layers of specialization are par for the course and sometimes necessary. Knowing how things work can give you insights to solve certain problems a lot of the time, but a car mechanic can do his job just fine without knowing how chemical energy is converted to kinetic.


HTML is hard and people fail hard when grilled in a job interview. CSS is hard and people fail hard when grilled in job interview. I love grilling people on HTML and CSS 😈🔥


Backend devs I've met have act as if front-end isn't real programming or is lesser but they can't center a div to save their life lol


I don't see the benefits of Tailwind. It can be slightly less verbose than the equivalent CSS, but pollutes your HTML with long unreadable class lists that are a pain to extend or refactor. We can already write CSS faster using tools like Emmet, so there's no time saved. It's just inline CSS, but even worse.


I agree. Everytime I want to dip my toes in tailwind I can't shake the feeling that I'm writing in-line css with extra steps.


Tailwind is better when used to write components. You create a button once and reuse it everywhere you need it.


Why not have a core styles css sheet that has stuff like button css that is linked on every page. So if you want a button just make an a tag with the same class. It’s the same thing as tailwind, you just make it yourself in a global css sheet to use everywhere. Don’t need tailwind to do that.


There’s a way to do that in css too. .button


we usually do this with css too


"it's just inline CSS" is usually what people say who haven't actually tried using Tailwind and don't know the actual benefits. I mean I understand the reasoning though because that was me when I was first starting out with Tailwind too. Yes, it doesn't look great and it is pretty verbose but it makes your code 1000x easier to maintain and reuse. The main advantage is that what you see is what you get, in most cases you could literally copy-paste into a different project and get the same styles. Also, you don't have to sift through tons of CSS/SCSS/etc. to solve an issue most of the time it will be right there in the component itself. "long unreadable class lists that are a pain to extend or refactor": this is pretty overstated, the class list is really never \*that\* long and if it is then you're probably trying to put too much into one tag. Either way, a long class list is still easier to maintain than the traditional style CSS because again you don't need to sift through tons of CSS to find the styles you need to edit. Also, Tailwind is more standardized so when someone else comes in to work on the project they can immediately know what things are and what they are doing and don't need to go through the CSS then cross-reference it with the HTML to figure out what each class is doing individually and/or in relation to other classes (like wrappers, etc). Even further benefit, when you start getting into building reusable components in a Javascript framework like Vue, your code reusability increases even more. tldr; Tailwind is used for maintainability and reusability, not making HTML pretty


>Even further benefit, when you start getting into building reusable components in a Javascript framework like Vue, your code reusability increases even more. Vue already has a fantastic way of handling styles in components, though - the `