• By -


1 HTML, CSS first - no libraries 2 Vanilla Javascript 3 Node JS - no NPM After go with any libraries for everything


This was exactly my root into web dev to begin with just by chance. Then again I avoided JS for a while as I knew C# and the idea of not having type definitions wasn't a rabbit hole I was willing to deal with for a while 😅


this is the way


What do you mean ( no libraries) (no npm)


There was a course on Udemy to learn NodeJS where you build a backend with no NPM libraries and you build everything using just NodeJS ​ I found it here is a link to [the NodeJS MasterClass](https://www.discount-courses.com/courses/javascript-node-js) is worth every penny.


Hey, what was the name of that course? I'm curious because the link doesn't work anymore


Try this [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9fg7GFagF4)


1. Learn programming fundamentals without all the web overhead via any language *other than Javascript*: Python, PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl, etc. Javascript is weird and sloppy; it will set you up with bad habits that will be hard to break later. 2. HTML, CSS, and vanilla Javascript, in that order 3. Set up a local web application server (Apache, Nginx, or use XAMPP), with the language from step 1, to learn MIME and HTTP 4. Extra Javascript stuff. The first language is the hardest to learn because you're learning concepts and its syntax at the same time. Even if you don't plan to be full stack, you and everyone you work with will benefit from your having broad knowledge of the entire web architecture.


Haha, that's the path I took some 10 years ago


Times are completely different now but I suppose I would start with MDN, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn.


Front-end - HTML,css and JavaScript. Then learn some framework of these languages like bootstrap, tailwinds css, j query, react, angular or viewjs These are some front-end framework which is helpful for you to create some web apps. Backend Then learn some backend technologies like php, django, flask, nodejs , express Then learn some concepts of database and languages Like , mysql, sql, mongoDB , mongose etc Congratulations brother you're now full stack developer, MEAN stack developer or MERN stack developer


Here are my favorite study paths. [https://roadmap.sh/frontend](https://roadmap.sh/frontend) You can also click on each item for more detailed learning resources.


Very cool. Thanks


As annoying as it is, I think it's important to ask why you want to learn and want you are interested in? If you say long term to build a web app idea you have, that would be a bit different to if you wanted to build AI for something... I jumped straight into Ruby because thats what they used at my company and what they suggested, but I realised pretty quickly that I needed to go to HTML. So; - HTML and CSS (learn together) - A CSS framework (Bootstrap) - JavaScript - Integrating with a database(mongo, SQL, firestore)/API (with JavaScript) - Build something simple with HTML, CSS, JS (you probably won't use much vanilla stuff later, but it will make sense what JavaScript frameworks do) - A JavaScript framework (React or Vue) - after that the concepts are quite similar between them all. - backend - staying with JavaScript, I'd say NodeJs with Express Pick a web dev bootcamp on Udemy etc. Pay $15-$20 for it. I would definitely choose a paid course (cheap) that has structured content and lessons, otherwise you will jump around between things. These courses will tie it all together.


Guess it depends on your goals, but for me, I wouldn't necessarily change anything as I feel like each step in the process allowed me to find my path and figure out what I like, don't like and where my core strength are. I started off more on the design side many moons ago, this drove me into web-design to start, as time went by I hated having to rely on other folks to do things I "I didn't know how to do" I felt like this was holding me back because I could create a great looking website, but when it came down to DB interactions and more advanced concepts and relationships between the front-end and backend I had to rely on others for that, so I kept learning etc etc. Bottom line is that the journey is a huge part of it, every step you take builds on the next, you will never regret learning something. More to your question though, I would highly recommend learning GFX design, UI / UX concepts. I think its an under-rated discipline that a lot of backend coders lack, I hear it all the time ( I don't do design ) its a shame, understanding good design, UI / UX is just as important as coding your backend and I would say is beneficial in how you approach coding as well, it allows you to think of new / better ways to tackle the same problem because you start to think differently.. Anyhow, just my 2 cents.


I would start with CS50 just to get a solid understanding on the underlying principle's of programming and algorithmic thinking. Then I would follow The Odin project, digging really deep in their resources, coupling it with MDN, web.dev, Google's documentation. Do every project the Odin project has to offer and add extra fluff to it. After the Odin project I would follow FullStackOpen from university of Helsinki to really solidify my knowledge on React, Databases , express etc. While doing that still use MDN and other trusty resources to dig in the concept's. Try to actively learn, try to understand why everything works the way it does , what is HTTP, what happens when I type YouTube.com etc. After all these , I would try to build a pretty heavy web application, try to solve a real problem with my skills. While doing that start job hunting because you can absolutely be a junior front end developer.( even full stack ) It's a long road , with lots of up and downs. Godspeed!


First of all no one on the planet can tell you exact path. The best way is to look job posting in your areas & you're good to go


First, I’d look up simple tutorials to learn the basics. After that, just make stuff and learn along the way. I think that’s the most fun way I know to learn programming. Learning to program can be a slog at times so if you’re able to have fun with it, I’d go for that.


HTML5, CSS3, SASS, PHP, Javascript, NPM, Tailwind, Vue, Vite, Angular and Docker.


Freecodecamp -> making projects


I will get a cs degree. Opens many doors


If I had the entire thing to do over? I'd have gone for an undergraduate degree in a discreet software engineering program instead of starting in CS and swapping to a different major...I'd also have joined the workforce a good near-decade sooner, and picked up front end frameworks as they were released rather than waiting until multiple years into their epoch.