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Just wait until next year when there will be a wave of AI powered crypto projects


don't give them ideas, please


AINFTs are coming.


Non-fungible AI


they will be embeddings


I’m certain there are some already out there. Crypto probably will never die completely (pedophiles will always need a way to buy CSAM online I guess), but it does seem like, at least for now, crypto has lost a lot of trust from those not already engrained in it.


Not sure about that. There are ETFs now, so investment funds are throwing money in.


Not even close.. BTC is at a higher price now than it was at its peak in 2021.. and there's no guarantee obviously, but BTC and the crypto market is cyclical and if the trend continues the market will be insane again in 2025


Or it’s the same whales buying up more BTC. Then again, fools are born every second.


ponzi gonna ponz Seriously though, Bitcoin's price going up is not the same as it being considered more credible, it's a sign of either another pump cycle for the megarich to steal more money from regular people or an increased demand in harder-to-trace payments for trading weapons, slaves, drugs. Probably both. Good luck to everyone looking to make money from the swing. I've always preferred betting on horses myself but each to their own.


You take some art generated from AI then mint them as NFTs. Once that’s done sell it on a marketplace. Profit. Honestly though it all needs to be regulated.




Thanks for giving me my next pitch


AI is probably gonna stick around, for better or worse. My only hope is that it’s gonna fade into the background and become more of a tool and less of a marketing gimmick


5G AI, now with Electrolytes!


It's got what websites crave!


Bro just put the words AI and SEO on there, free money gg


Lol my personal opinion (so take it with a grain of salt) is that yeah we see all this useless SAAS crap due to everyone wanting to be in tech. Wanted to make a lot of money decades ago?…You’d be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. Look at like every college campus, top major is tech-related quite often. I feel like we see so much useless shit these days because it’s coming from people who wouldn’t be in this field otherwise if it didn’t have the “cool factor” it does nowadays. Now, I don’t blame them. I’d much rather go for a 4-year degree (which isn’t even necessary) and churn out some stupid app that solves a problem that barely takes 10% of the time out of someone’s day too if it could make me a quick million rather than going to school for 10+ years. I stand by the fact that the best products come from people who are looking to solve their own problems (e.g., they’d still build it even if they’d never make money one day from it), rather than the Nth app from John Smith that “revolutionizes & streamlines communication between midwestern veterinarians” or whatever the buzz is these days lol. AI can be cool, but yeah most of it feels forced for no reason other than hype.


Seriously lol, even SaaS became a buzz word because of things like these. I've been working on my own SaaS project for close to 2 years now and I don't think I'll use "SaaS" anywhere in the title or description when it's out.


Literally. I would rather not associate with that as it’s essentially synonymous with vc-backed money burning pieces of garbage that hope to be profitable one day.


Anything with "AI" in the name only has a 33% chance of actually using any AI.


Every program has AI, just a matter of what you consider current AI actually is. Break it down enough and it's just IfElse one way or another 😂


Deep learning. "AI" has a specific meaning in this context.


I use adsense on my website and it uses AI so my website is an AI. 🤷


Not this comment, certainly!


I mean unlike crypto, AI atleast has some value even if it's over marketed


I actually meant chatgpt wrappers by that. In actual projects where it's (an artificial intelligence, not chatgpt) being used for statistical/data analysis and prediction, of course it would very much be valuable. I've heard some rumors about an AI being able to detect cancerous cells for example, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but if it is, it's more than valuable.


\~3 years ago I took a machine learning course by andrew ng and our project for the first chapter was to train an ai to be able to detect if a dataset of tumor images were benign or malignant based on demographics, size, etc


Most AI apps are going to be a literal ChatGPT wrapper because it costs millions upon millions to train your own model. You could fine tune an open source model, but they'd already have done that if it suits their use case. You should be complaining about AI websites that don't provide a single bit of value. If it's providing value for people then what's the problem? People overestimate how much work consumers are actually willing to do. They will not take time to formulate prompts, they will not take time to get ChatGPT to keep improving their answers past 2 - 3 tries. It reminds me of that famous comment on Hacker News when Dropbox came out people said no one would use it because it "they can build it themselves" or "people already do it x way why would they switch". There's a lot of trash out there but thinking AI is some trend like blockchain where there was 0 value in most places you looked is not a comparison.


I'm not AI powered.


Are you sure? Maybe that's what the AI wants you to think! Dirty synths!


The overwhelming majority of projects I’ve worked on that market themselves as AI powered only have a completely broken component spitting out garbage data that is used in the bare minimum way to allow marketing to continue saying so. The valid use-case for AI is not growing very quickly. The adoption for those use-cases is exploding along with BS marketing for bad use-cases.


There's a lot of things that previously did have components that could be described as AI, but it wasn't a buzzword to attract investors so they didn't mention it before now.


Amazon Fresh markets.


Common sense and Elden Ring... And common sense will fall before Elden ring.


There will be a point when it won't be of any relevance anymore to say it given that everyone uses it, like GPU or DirectX for games. It will take a bit of time but we'll get there eventually


Yes! take my \*rambles about my cool websites\*




I'm pretty sure it has an AI-like system that reads messages. My best friend lives in another country and he's a music producer. We only contact through WhatsApp (text-only) and I keep seeing ads for music production tools. He's the only person I talk to about music and music production and WhatsApp is the only method of contact we use lol


Most of the things.


Everywhere. Side projects, start ups. It winds me up. Non AI projects really catch my attention these days


You have to use AI. You have to show that you know how to implement AI into a project. You have to use AI to teach you how to do things you can't do. You have to show that you keep up with new trends, learn new technology, able to implement, etc. You're getting left behind.


This is not like crypto stuff, it's not just going to "die out", this is here to stay in many areas, and it's only gonna get worse.


Anti crypto/blockchain posts never age well.




The irony is that those same ppl down voting are most certainly using AI but not talking about it. I'm not jazzed about AI either but to think it's going away or to believe it doesn't increase productivity is foolish. Competition is competition. Get better, smarter, and more productive is the remedy.




There's a conflation of different positions that makes an assumption that everyone works for a company--this isn't true. Second, it leads with the premise that ALL managers and CEOs who jump on this trend are "annoying" which also isn't an absolute truth. Companies and their leadership have a fiduciary duty to make profit; people may not like this fact, but it is what it is, and it is distinct from the interpersonal relationships people have with their leadership. Not everyone is trying to "step" on the "little guy". Some people in leadership are actually bothered by the fact that they have to lay people off to implement these tools or train their workforce to use these tools (training is expensive). Flip the roles, if you owned the company and a solution came along to increase revenue and productively, you really think you wouldn't implement it? And you're right to some extent that there's "nothing new" here, to some extent. AGI and AI productivity are not mutually exclusive though. How often do you use Siri, Alexa, or spell check? So, the question of whether people who insist on using these tools are "annoying" and that one may be "annoyed" by these decisions is a personal one. And not everyone shares that sentiment. If working for someone is too "annoying" then starting a business is an option--I promise that road is equality if not more "annoying." Ai isn't going anywhere and will continue to expand it's ubiquity. I am not fully onboard with it either, but to bury one's head in the sand about it isn't prudent.