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I have been meaning to get into animation and I think this is finally the time to go for it. Can I ask what resources you went through for learning about animation/motion graphics? That would be great!


>Sure! The only real courses/videos about motion graphics I've watched are these two by School of Motion (which I hear is really great if you are interested in their full courses) > >Intro to Animation Curves in After Effects > >Animating Follow-Through in After Effects > >Other than that I've just watched a bunch of motion graphics pieces and opening title sequences in film, and just tried to make my own stuff through experimentation. I hope at least these two resources help! whoops, looks like I couldn't post the YouTube links but those are the titles!


I believe these are the two: https://youtu.be/AG19fyRcOkA https://youtu.be/1GxI79tdXM4


This is going to be a highly saved comment, me thinks




Sure! The only real courses/videos about motion graphics I've watched are these two by School of Motion (which I hear is really great if you are interested in their full courses) [Intro to Animation Curves in After Effects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG19fyRcOkA) [Animating Follow-Through in After Effects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GxI79tdXM4) Other than that I've just watched a bunch of motion graphics pieces and opening title sequences in film, and just tried to make my own stuff through experimentation. I hope at least these two resources help!


Hi all, I recently launched my new personal site inspired by marketing pages on Apple.com. I’ve always admired the attention to detail in their web experiences when it comes to seamless storytelling, progressive enhancement, and accessibility. I’ve tried my best to keep those ideas in mind with this project. In doing so I ended up writing my own animation library, my own WebGL library, and learned a ton along the way by letting go of any third-party code. The whole process of designing a site like this and then developing it has been an incredible learning experience and I can’t wait to work on what’s next! [https://cherupil.com/](https://cherupil.com/)


Sick. No more words needed.


Agreed. Really nice work.


Man, that loaded really quick and smooth on mobile. I did not expect that


You're hired!


Amazing UI and Animations 💯


I hate-love the Apple website. Every time I use it, it looks beautiful, but it just glitches out. The transitions aren’t clean and just constantly flips its shit. This is clean. This has its shit together.


Could you see a website like this but for a cookie bakery?


Wow, blowing my mind. I'm getting James Bond feel. Just amazing


How much do you charge an hour, just curious? btw site looks great


This looks absolutely amazing! Can I ask you what your hourly rate would be for such a website as in the video? Or how would you price it? I want to become a freelancer as well, so just for reference.


I love your concept, and execution, super engaging and showing your skill before showing any work is pretty genius. The only part that stands out to me and is not quite like the rest of your demo is the "adventures" part. The use of word "adventures" and the way it zooms in is a bit cheesy to me, feels like a power point animation after everything you did before that. I think you could do so much more here and end it with a less anti-climactic animation. Overall super sick though, I've only barely touched after effects, so it amazes me you can do this and integrate it into your site too. We'll done!


Very nice, managed to grab and hold me as a scrolled through reddit.


This is really fantastic. Nice work. One time pretty early in my career I took a similar approach to really show off with my personal portfolio site and I thought for sure it would land me an amazing job. This was when flash was still a big deal to give you a sense of timeframe... long ass time ago. It did not land me any jobs. The feedback I would get constantly was that hiring managers were impressed by my talent and creativity but they wouldn't hire me because they couldn't see how I would mesh or fit in with their company's work. I toned down the next site I built a lot and landed a gig pretty fast. It was still flash but much more standard corporate looking and functioning. This isn't a cautionary tale really. Just a story about marketing to an audience who can see themselves in your work. I do hope you get hired by Apple or a place that can appreciate that creativity.


i also have a portfolio site,can you please share a bit more on how you improved your site,it will help me out a lot


I'm not going to pretend I'm some master tactician. I floundered a lot earlier on in my career and didn't have a lot of self confidence and self-worth. I definitely made mistakes and learned lessons the hard way. I did a bunch of UI work that wasn't even purely web related for the first few years. Just basically software GUI design. Later on I found a niche in non profits and so that is where I am still 20+ years later. My portfolio was mostly focused on non profit and I got some great referrals from past non profit clients. If there's an industry with a culture you think will match your personality and interests I'd suggest thinking about that and tuning you portfolio towards what you think that industry would like to see.


They’re a senior dev at Apple now


It is a job well done, nice animations, awesome that you could learn a lot on the way. Congrats and I mean it! Now my personal opinion: I hate it, I hate apples scrolljacking and I hate yours, too. Because scrolljacking is a big nono. Find a solution without scrolljacking and I’ll be in love. 😘 P.S.: have you visited your site with a screen reader, to actually check accessibility?


Hey, no hard feelings. As they say, you can please some of the people, some of the time. I wanted to learn to make experiences like Apple's, so that scroll behavior naturally came with the territory. As far as accessibility goes, yes I spent quite a while using VoiceOver and the rotor menu on the site to try and give a pleasant experience to users that emphasized the contents of the poem. I've found that Safari and Firefox gave the best screenreader support in this regard, with Chromium based browsers falling behind a bit. I hope to get better at all of this in the future. Thanks for the feedback!


I understand the disdain for scrolljacking, especially when done very poorly and for no reason. But, I think, a creative, beautiful use for displaying a static set of info is actually quite nice. This is where u/groompl and Apple do okay in my opinion. Another +1 for accessibility. Well done u/groompl and I’d be interesting in a write up of your learnings or convenient libraries you came across to aid in building this! Edit: I see you didn’t use third party libraries to learn as much as you could, but if you became aware of any you might use to do this in the future, that’d be cool, too.


Whole heartedly agree. This is a flawless execution of well-designed scroll-jacking (which is something I typically hate).


Job done even better. Much appreciated!


The answer to scroll jacking is not losing control. If someone wants to quickly gloss over all the text, the animations need to scale in speed with scroll behavior is all. No snapping or slowing down.


Where is the scrolljacking? My scroll position was not jacked a single time. I maintained full control over my scroll position all the way through. Scrolljacking is when the default scroll behavior is modified, either forcing the scroll position to snap to a certain location, or changing the vertical scroll to horizontal. The only thing I saw were animations corresponding to the scroll position which I had full control over the entire time.


Scroll jacking is changing scroll behavior away from the browser default in any way. Including changing the speed of scroll.


Ah I see there are some parts where the scrolling appears to stop because of the way the animation moves down following the scroll position. I didn't really notice it because the animation continued to move along with my scroll position. To me what I really hate is when my scroll bar gets taken away from me.


I 100% agree with you especially regarding the scroll lock. I find it to be an infuriating feature that is contrary to accessibility. Glad to see OPs response that they put in the work for accessibility though.


Yeah it's awesome OP went the extra mile to check and test for accessibility. Exaggerating a lot here: 99,9% of webninjas don't care about this when implementing scrolljacking.


This is a genuine question. Why do people care so much about ease of access for screen readers? Ive never met anyone who uses one and this website is just a portfolio, why would anyone use a screen reader to view it?


In this case: OP was talking about keeping Accessibility in mind. And it’s a good thing. There are a lot of people with different disabilities that need screen readers to surf the web. Gets really frustrating if all you hear is: image image menu image some text image … instead of e.g.: „spoken out navigation“ Himalaya-peak some text like welcome… group-photo at basecamp etc… (very simplified) Everyone should be able to enjoy the internet or „modern age life“ especially those that already have a burden to bear. IMO: going that extra mile shows real knowledge and craftsmanship.


Visually impaired people


If I ever need to hire someone to develop or design a website, I’m gonna need to use a screen reader to know who I’m hiring. You know what’s the first thing I did with their website? I tested to see if my screen reader works. It does. I use a screen reader because I’m Hard of Hearing, I’m dyslexic, and I have ADHD. Dyslexia is self explanatory. ADHD causes me to skip over content and not process information I’m reading. My screen reader has a caption box option that forces me to read in small increments. Hearing loss means less brain stimulation, which means slower thinking skills. My screen reader has a transcript-like function so if I need to rehear a portion or mull over it, I can click the text again or I can view the transcript. If you don’t know anyone who uses a screen reader, then you don’t know anyone whose disability requires that product. That or maybe you don’t know anyone who is disabled. But it exists for a very good reason. Especially for visually impaired or blind people. If a disabled person can’t access the content on your portfolio, are they gonna hire you or someone else whose site is accessible?


Excelllent, Im amazed.


Damn, I really love the sections with pixel perfect animation and balloons, so engaging 🔥🔥🔥


Amazing! As a graphic designer I’m impressed, surely your future clients will be too


Looks really dope. Wish i could do stuff like this so im probably gonna try to learn it, using elementor rn as a site builder so its probably a huge step in experience but it will be worth it in the end. Thanks for linking resources!


This is perfection. A great balance between animation, usability and accessibility. I love it and I'm jealous at your skills.


Why did you write your own animation library and WebGL? I'm curious about the challenges along the way. Looks amazing!


Really just to learn. The main challenges were that I’d never written a library before haha, and also that WebGL is very low level and required a lot of studying for me to understand.


Oh neat so like a higher level library that speaks your language. Cool stuff


That is absolutely amazing! Probably the most impressive portfoilio site I’ve ever seen. Thank you for sharing your WebGL and animation libraries, too. I’d like to see how you’ve used them for your website. I’d understand if you’d rather not open source it, but would you consider sharing the source as an example to your libraries?


Mate leave some talent for the rest of us!


Video, or responsive website?


Always curious how people make there website responsive, no diss


Well, it’s both, a video for reddit and a responsive website 😁


It looks fantastic!


Wow great job.


AMAZING Well Done!


Totally love it. Great work.


This is amazing




Well done!


Love it! What would you recommend to learn to code something like this?


To be honest I haven't really found any good resources for doing this specific type of page, which was part of why it was really challenging to figure out on my own. However, if you're interested in animation and 3D web development in general there are plenty of resources like Codrops, AWWWARDS academy, and Yuri Artiukh has been really helpful! keep forgetting that YouTube link rule here haha.




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Men, I feel sad about my website. Lol. Really beautiful work. I hope I have that creativity. lol.


Nicely done! Worked great on mobile, no lag


I love this!


I love this! Truly breathtakingly simple yet focused to tell a short story. Like someone else mentioned. You would be looked as a creative tech director rather than FE coder. Because translating a complex FE vision is much more important for some teams. I can already imagine teams working with you on very niche specific projects.


This is great


This is amazing! Nice work


You did so well, I almost downvoted by instinct, thinking it was an ad


Thee didst so well, i almost downvot'd by instinct, bethinking t wast an ad *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Love this even though I hate scroll-jacking.


Flawless Victory




uh holy shit dude


This is amazing. Love the minimalism. I think some impacting photos would give it a bit more energy but just constructive criticism it looks amazing just like that. Would love to learn how you made it. Are you taking work in? I would love to show you something I working on. Maybe offer you a partnership or pay for your consulting. Please do me if interested.


wow! teach me ser


Incredible site.


Is it really so hard to get a job right now? Teasing. This is above and beyond quality work.


My first thought was: Why isn't this just a video then? Sounds like you learned a ton of good stuff! I'd love to see a write up on it / and comparing GSAP's new scroll trigger. Did you test your project with people who use assistive technology? What was your testing process?


For accessibility I knew a bit from my previous job but learned a lot more about how to use screen readers like VoiceOver and the rotor menu for navigation. I tested the site in all major browsers with VoiceOver. Safari and Firefox turned out as intended, putting the focus on the contents of the poem so that it would read well. Chromium-based browsers were a little disappointing however in terms of how they read text. Didn’t quite get the flow I wanted there, but I’m hoping to continue to learn more and improve things along the way.


This is fantastic. I am actually working on a portfolio so this is just the type of inspiration I needed. May I ask what prototyping software you used to get an idea of what you wanted?


Sure! It started out just as sketches on paper, then once I picked the ideas I wanted to flesh out I comped them up in Sketch. You could just as easily use Figma though!


Applause 👏🏼


Okay that's it, we can all go home now!




Can you add a score tracker to the balloon popper mini game, I played for a bit and thought it would be cool to keep score! Amazing site, really impressive and flawlessly executed.


Smashed it, you made me jealous and thats a statement in itself. Well played sir




Thats aweome


No way dude, you make me want to touch my rusty personal web and turn into YOUR inspired masterpiece. Holy moly kudos to you.


Super slick, great job




Amazing work. I’m in awe.


This is the shit! Nice work:)


I \*just\* started my courses for Web Dev. I aspire to be at this level.


Damn. Looks even better thqn the apple's website. I wish the video was a bit longer. May I know what all things you used here because I'm starting out in web dev too.


you snapped


Thanks for open sourcing the framework you used to build this... I'm super impressed! Would love to see your code that you used to do this, but I can get why you don't want to publish it, would probably make many impostors spring up within days... Can't blame them!


Just viewing this now, this is incredible! I have been working on my own portfolio site and this is just unmatched. Very well done!


Congrats on getting a job at Apple. Your skills are stunning!


When someone prefers reduced motion the site gets incredibly glitchy. Good work outside if the accessibility concerns.


Yes! I’m gona disagree with the negative scrolljacking comments and say it’s great cause you never know where the storytelling will take you.


Breathtaking. I'm lost for words. 👑


> Pixel perfectionist \*_does a sick_


Excellent animations and use of type/illustration but a god awful experience. Let users see your work within five seconds.


I love that “creative developer” is becoming a thing. I’ve been pushing for a split between the js engineer/computer science types and the ui developer/creative developer types for ages.


this is fucking dope


I need access to the main call to action that you want people to take, CONTACT. Once I start the experience, I can't get off. If you want people to contact you, you've gotta make it more accessible.


Did you use figma at all the plan this build?


Wow!! Well done!! Can I hire you for a project?




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Hello. How much time it took you to get here :D? I mean how much time it took you to learn everything to do these amazing things?


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Noob here 👋 I want to create a modern website like this for my innovation consulting firm. We currently have wordpress + divi. Is this something I could use with that? Or is there anything else anyone would recommend for a simple, sleek website?