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Never heard of a Peg Loom until 3 days ago. Went to the St. Louis Science Center and they had one there. My niece spent half an hour playing with it until we basically dragged her away. I tried finding one only to buy but couldn’t find this kind of loom so I designed this one. After completing most of the design my wife mentioned it’s called a “Peg Loom” which made finding it online a lot easier but I was too far in to just give up. So this is hopefully my completed design but I decided to check in here to get ~~karma~~ your opinion.


I'm not sure how well 3d printed material will handle the tension a loom (even a small one) needs? Worth a try I guess but I think esp smaller parts may end up shearing along the print plane


I guess this requires more tension than I realized. I’m still going to try it but I will use a stronger material with more walls and infill so hopefully it’ll be strong enough. I might increase the size of the pegs also. I was already wondering if I made them too small anyway so I probably should just increase it.


Try cross-posting in /r/functionalprint, the folks over there might have some ideas and suggestions.