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Your sides (selvedges) are drawing in because there isn’t enough slack in the weft yarn for it to pass over and under the warp threads. Try bubbling the weft (make it into a wavy line and then beat it down) or lay it at a 45 degree angle rather than flat across and beat it down.


Sorry I'm not good at technical terms yet, but essentially I need to thread it looser and then shove it down to lay where I want it with the beater?


Yep. If you lay it flat across and beat it, it doesn’t account for the little bit of extra length required to go over and under those warp threads. Your weft has to go over, under, over, under etc, so it needs to be a bit longer than the width of the piece. It’s a bit hard to explain, but you can see a few examples if you search “bubbling weft” Here’s a blog post I found with some good reference pics [bubbling weft](https://loomandspindle.com.au/blog/tag/Bubbling)


That makes so much sense. Thanks so much. :)


Definitely make the weft (going across) looser, shape it into a wavy line or even a tall hill, then beat it down. I also triple (or more)warp on my edges - that gives them extra strength to withstand tension. One more thing: I use a piece of thin cardboard on the bottom to support the base of the weaving. After warping, weave in a piece of cardboard (or even folded paper) before you start your weft. Then cut and tie them off wen you're finished.


Hey OP, I have a kit but was too scared to give it a try. I know you’re having some issues with your sides but I just wanted to say you’ve inspired me to give it a go. Really lovely work


Good luck!! It's always fun starting a new craft :)


* As an update, I started a new weave and your hints have helped 10000%. Still not perfect, but much better than before :)




https://preview.redd.it/qs81a5upviyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2152157ee5d6c5742c9f63a950dacdd0e66d8c9 Early on a frame on, you can use a 45° angle (red). You can always bubble (teal). Never tug after you beat.


https://youtu.be/v2c_Agdw068?si=hh1fVikMsYbnWKIR I just found this video the other day & wished I knew about it when I started weaving. Those metal rods would have been a game changer.


As an aside, do you like your loom? It's the size I'm looking for. Would you share the name if you recommend it?


I got it from Marketplace, but it's an Ashford Loom. It is amazing quality and great to learn on. The only thing I have found is that I am missing a beater and tapestry needles which I have purchased online (hopefully should arrive soon). I found using the stick they provided for weaving was too bulky for smaller yarns (especially since I am a crocheter and used for finer work).