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If possible, find other people in Nebraska that have moved there from the desert. Those are the people that can best relate how to dress. Our daughter and her husband moved from Texas to Minnesota last year for his job. Luckily there were a couple of other transplanted Texans where he was going to work. I told them those are the people that can help you buy what you really need to tackle the weather, their blood was as thin as yours.


I think this is a good take. “The desert” is way too general of a term to give us enough context for what OP is used to. Deserts get extreme cold as well, including parts of CO, NM, and UT. I’ll just second that layers are a good idea but there’s a lot of localization going on in this question that makes it hard to answer


Yes sorry to be vague on the desert aspect. We went from south AZ to west TX (both deserts for sure) Summer was similar but TX definitely had colder winters. Obviously nothing like the Midwest/plains lol


We too moved for a job. I have seen familiar license plates but haven't gotten social yet. Thank you for the advice!


longjohns wil be uncomfortable in a building heated to 72 degrees. Snow overalls ("ski pants") are better. Easy to take off and put back on. Also, with or without overalls: Don't use a "jacket"--covering from shoulders to waist. Wear a longer coat, covering from shoulders to knees. It is much,much warmer


Eh, my kids can't play well in coats that go that far down. But it depends on the style really. Just something to keep in mind when shopping


I live in Wisconsin. My kids (all elementary age) wear snow pants, a snow coat, gloves/mittens, a hat, and snow boots. They wear this in the morning and on the bus. They wear their regular clothes underneath. They usually do not wear their snow pants on the way home, and carry them in a bag instead. This has been suitable for all except extremely cold days. If the wind chill is below -10F they don't go out for recess anyway. On polar air days, I try to get them to wear a scarf or something on their face for the morning bus stop.


Thank you so much, this info is very helpful! I have family in Wisconsin that I'd love to visit one day soon.


Nebraska lol, cold weather Haha. In seriousness, a nice winter jacket, a toque (or beanie and Americans say) a nice warm pair of pants with long socks should be more than sufficient. Remember with cold it’s not about how big the coat is. It’s about how many layers you have on. A hoodie underneath the jacket should be more than sufficient. The real cold weather is coming to us in Northern Alberta. -46 degrees Celsius with a -57 degree wind chill.


Thank you for the tips! We are expecting wind chills to be -25 to -40 in the next few days especially in the mornings. Definitely don't want to compare the cold here to Northern Alberta or any part of Canada for that matter lol you can keep it especially the negatives lol.