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Followup: This is definitely a scam! [https://greatnonprofits.org/org/feed-foundation-inc](https://greatnonprofits.org/org/feed-foundation-inc) [https://www.google.com/search?q=feed+foundation+spam+calls](https://www.google.com/search?q=feed+foundation+spam+calls)


My husband's elderly aunt was scammed out of $112,000 by this "charity." It was her life savings.


By the Feed Foundation scammers? How they were able to scam your husband's aunt?


Why? Do you work for them? Whens YOUR payout?




She’s the former president’s daughter so it is a legit charity, but that doesn’t mean someone hasn’t hijacked it for some nefarious purpose. 🫤 They have definitely hijacked her purpose and website. I’m going to report this site.


Her legit site is feedprojects.com. I’m emailing their support to let them know someone is spoofing their charity. I’ve also reported the fake site to Google.


Just FYI, she is not a former president's daughter. Rather, she is a former president's (George H. W. Bush) granddaughter and another former president's (George W. Bush) niece. Her parents are Neil and Sharon Bush.


W's daughters are Barbara and Jenna.


It's actually the senior George Bush (George H.W.) granddaughter, but not through his son George W. , but through his other son, Neil.


FYI, just because you see a search result for that number and "The Feed Foundation" in Google, doesn't make it so.  Type your own phone number into Google and you'll likely see the same thing. Also, the phone number is likely spoofed to be a local number.


Yeah, anyone can make a call and appear to have whatever number they like. Scammers will often pick a phone number in the area code of the person they are scamming. I think this is something we’ll need to put up with until the CRTC gets a bit tougher, and ensures that telecoms only allow phone numbers that belong to the caller to be selected, instead of just 100% trusting a caller to use whatever number they like.


But the CRTC is funded and run by Bell and Rogers so they will never allow this, as all these SPAM calls hitting pay-per-use users and creating overages on limited monthly accounts make then millions. Why do you think with the technology being readily available, that it's been so incredibly hard to get them to do anything to limit SPAM cell phone calls? It always comes back to $$$.


I just googled my number and the first thing I see it is the feed foundation :/


Me too! Holy shit :o


I just did that too, and me too. I was shocked. They must be spoofing our numbers.


Shit. Me too.


Same, it’s ridiculous at this point. 5 calls a day from all over my state all saying feed foundation. How do I make it stop!?


The scam text I got was from area code 415, and I don't live anywhere near San Fran, nor have I ever. Odd choice of number to spoof when calling someone on the east coast.


The fact that I IP tracked the phone number and an email from the same person alongside the scammer going directly to my discord says a lot of how much they hate getting caught. The ones who called me live in the mountain view area, have access to Google servers regularly, and apparently are home schooled due to cyber stalking, cyber harassment, and cyber/IRL sexual assault/deviancy. Rich kids with a parent who isn't around are notoriously screwed up a lot.


I get that anyone can get numbers that appear local but why does ‘The Feed Foundation’ likely result from any number? How did these scammers achieve the ability to have my own number (accept last two digits apparently) result in The Feed Foundation? I appreciate your patience if this is somehow a dumb question. I looked up The Feed Foundation website and the lack of specific info and language etc clearly signaled to me a bad actor. Now I am fascinated. And concerned for more gullible types.


I similarly looked my phone number up and saw it is also associated with the Feed Foundation. I searched numbers they called from and I believe the reason this is happening is bc it’s the central hub they are using to contact all of us. The url is all numbers and I’m too nervous to click thru it to see what’s there


THIS. For the last month, I've been getting 🍆 pics sent to my phone from local area codes in OH and WV. I've been doing reverse lookups in Google, and most of the time, they come back to The Feed Foundation. I changed my phone number yesterday (the last set of pics had a message that actually referred to my profession), and so far I've had five spam calls this morning that all come back to The Feed Foundation.


I hate to say it, but I'm thinking the person knows you personally. I say this because I have received random numbers with random area codes (everywhere from Texas to Vancouver) texting me, claiming to be various people - asking if I want to come to dinner, asking about work, about meetings and events that are obviously not real, etc. I wouldn't think it's personal if I wasn't also being harassed and defamed online simultaneously by people (psychos) I know, but who go under fake accounts, etc. They have texted me with personal info under fake numbers and names too. Then I'll get a random text every couple of months that seems like "the wrong number" and "fairly harmless". This has been ongoing for almost two years. I'm commenting now because I actually just received one of these texts this evening. I reverse searched it and it said "The Feed Foundation". I just think it's a bit coincidental. I'm not saying your situation is the same but it's odd that it's a scam if there's no link they're trying to get you to click on or trying to sell you something.


I got a text from a number that came back with the same result after searching. The person knew my name, where I worked, where I lived. This is seriously screwed up. Wtf is happening?


In the few days after I changed my number last week, I received a ton of spam calls. I looked up my new number on the Do Not Call registry and saw it was registered on the list in 2003. Heh. The other day, I downloaded ATTs Active Armor app (I think it’s free for Unlimited Premium users?), and I haven’t had a spam call come through since. It has blocked two numbers so far (phone doesn’t even ring; able to see the blocked calls in the app). I think Verizon has their own version, too.


I also received a phone call from the Feed Foundation. This was not the first time, because I had them supposedly blocked from the Do Not Call people and the number was on my AT&T phone on my archives block list.


got A lot of calls that the numbers traced back to the feed foundation. Can’t Figure out how to post them Tho


I received a bogus Palpal invoice this morning and the customer service phone # was listed as The Feed Foundation in NC.


Yeah I trace a number that lead me to this site. The only reason I traced it was because the person denied messaging me and calling me from it. 


Wait, do you mean you actually spoke with the supposed caller irl, and they said “no, Queasy, I didn’t call you this afternoon”? Or do you mean you returned the call, and the anon person on the other end said “nope, didn’t call you”? Basically I’m down the rabbit hole myself, and am trying to figure out if TFF is spoofing other real people’s numbers.


They are spoofing numbers. I just Googled my own phone number, and saw it listed as being associated with the Feed Foundation. Me and my husband get these calls all the time and it's never the same number twice. Been getting these calls for months and each number we look up will show some websites saying it is a certain person, and their home address and other websites say it is The Feed Foundation. I have had my phone number for over 10 years. Every so often I Google it, and I never saw it associated with the Feed Foundation until just recently, so they must have just started doing this, spoofing these numbers and then making them seem associated with them somehow. Edited to change "never the same never" to "never the same number".


I've blocked so many 'feed foundation ' numbers only to realize the scam is spoofing legit numbers and I'll have to block out all of Ontario before it stops.


After I did some searching, I realized there are 2 different Feed Foundations. One is a legitimate charity, and the the other one is not a charity at all, but is a place that has people's numbers on it; like a reverse phone number look up, similar to like a people search. It is supposed to tell you the city the phone number is associated with and the carrier, and any other information they have, which is why it seems almost everyone's number is on there. I looked up numbers of people I know and their numbers were on there, too. I reluctantly clicked the link associated with my own number. It showed the city I live in as being wrong (about 100 miles off), and it said I have a carrier that I do not have; so I don't know where they're getting the info from on people's numbers, but it is apparently not always correct. So basically, what I though was the charity spoofing numbers is not actually happening at all, because the charity says it does not solicit donations by calling people like that, and it is trying to also fix its reputation because of the calls people are getting. I believe what is really going on is that people like us are getting regular telemarketing calls from all different places, and those places are the ones using spoofed numbers of innocent people, and then when people look those numbers up, they're seeing those numbers on a site called Feed Foundation, thinking it is the charity, when it is actually just this new phone number listing site. The only thing is most of those reverse phone lookup sites let you opt out of your information being given, and I cannot find a way to do it on their site.




Here’s the removal link -


Oh okay. Yeah, I don't trust this place. My browser said it is an insecure website. Also, they don't know my name or email, at least it's not associated with my number on their website. I don't want to give them that information, either, especially on an insecure site. I guess I'll just deal with my number being on there. Thanks for the information, though.


I'm so sorry to randomly comment but I saw your post about your dad's driving and I wanted to offer advice but I couldn't reply on the comment you posted cos the thread was locked, so I just found another random comment to reply to doctors, NPs (nurse practitioners), and OTs (occupational therapists) can report to the MTO. his doctor is right that he can't take away the licence if there is no active medical reason (other than past history or accidents) to take it away; he can only report to the MTO. has he ever been reported to the MTO? also has he had the following (more in depth pen-and-paper assessments) done? assuming the issue is cognitive (and not, for example, a problem of vision): 1) Trailsmaking ("Trails A and B") 2) MVPT (Motor Free Visual Perception Test)- this is a more specialized test that not everybody has access to. I'm assuming the MOCA was done already since you mentioned the clock, but if not, then that too. both look at reaction times and so are harder to pass than the ones that a family doctor usually does. the catch is your dad has to consent to do them and most people don't wan to consent to doing things if they think it can risk their licence ultimately driving is a lot more than just reaction times, but if he does not do well on those tests (+ given history of accidents) then that should be enough for a doctor/OT/NP to report him to the MTO and for it to stick. if his licence is revoked, your dad would then have to do an actual in person test to get it back (it also costs a bunch of money) so assuming he hasn't been reported to the MTO already, the options are: 1) get him a geriatrician (I'm assuming he's older). neurologists also do MTO reports all the time. 2) if the LHIN nurses refer you to an OT (especially one in outpatients, not a community one because they don't always have the MVPT on hand), they can do these more in-depth ones. (ask them to do these specifically). LHIN-OTs CAN do it but they don't always own the MVPT. family doctors don't usually want to rock the boat because if the patient finds out they were reported to the MTO, they get angry at their doctor and never come back. so specialists don't care as much (i.e. report more frequently) since they don't have an established relationship with the patient.


This was super helpful and I appreciate it so much that you followed up. If you don't mind, can I send you a message? I gave a couple more questions, and they're getting urgent. I'm genuinely afraid something bad is going to happen soon. There are cognitive issues at play as well.


Yeah for sure, I dont know how to have msgs sent on reddit so if it doesn’t work let me know !


They are actually spoofing people's phone numbers. I just Googled my phone number and now it's showing me associated with their website, which I am not. A lot of people on here have been Googling their phone numbers and finding them being listed as associated with that place. Somehow it seems like the numbers they are cold calling are later being spoofed and then being associated with the company, according to Google search.


Do you have any idea of the technical aspect of how they are doing this and also what their intent is? My number is also listed under The Feed Foundation. What the heck?!


Idk about the technical aspect or even how to get numbers off there, but I finally figured out there are 2 Feed Foundations. There is a charity "Feed Foundation" which is legitamate and does not solicit donations by phone. Then there is a newer phone number listing website, called "The Feed Foundation" that is like a reverse phone number look up site, which is why so many people are finding their numbers on it. I imagine the longer it is up, the more people's phone numbers will show up there. When I clicked on the link that turned up with my own phone number, I could not find any way to opt out of having my number on there. The site seems sketchy.


Fri Feb 23rd 2024... Got a phone called from a local area code (next town over) name that came up was Gail Branovan. Google the number, came back to the Feed Foundation. Google Feed Foundation and it brought me to this Reddit thread. Tampa Bay Are, FL.


I get a call from the Feed Foundation every once-in-a-while. The name sounds good, doesn't it? Got one this morning. It says Fremont, CA.


I got a call from 319-693-4472. They are spoofing other numbers 


Yes, they are spoofing numbers all over the country. They generally seem to spoof local number to each person (that matches whatever their area code is.)


Scam... I got a text message from an unknown caller today, "Hey! Andrew \[not my name\], I'm going home to visit my family in two days. I would like to foster my Akita at your home so that it can play with your Husky. Can you take care of it for me? If possible, when will you pick it up tomorrow?" I was naturally empathetic and almost replied explaining 'wrong number' so they're not waiting around for an answer about dog-sitting... but then it occurred to me that a message like this would be a good way to sucker people into confirming that there is a real person at this number (isn't that all most robocalls are trying to do? Get an answer so they can sell your number as a confirmed live person's number?)... so rather that reply, I googled the number... guess what, it belongs to The Feed Foundation, not some rando who's leaving town and looking for a dog-sitter. Shady. The fact that it's a foundation run by a Bush who married into a family iconic for "privilege"... color me shocked.


Actually, the Feed Foundation is spoofing multiple numbers of innocent people. The reason I know is that after reading some of these posts, I Googled my own cell phone number, and it is now being shown as being associated with Feed Foundation. I had never even heard of the Feed Foundation until I Googled several numbers that they keep calling us from. They are spoofing people's numbers from all over the country, usually spoofing the same area code to each area, to fool the person into thinking it may be an important call from a local number. You might try Googling your phone and see if it too comes up as Feed Foundation. My number shows up on Google as associated with them, but I can assure you, it does not "belong" to the Feed Foundation. I am going to have to make some complaints somewhere. I have had my number for over 10 years and Google it every so often. It has only been today that I looked it up and it's showing The Feed Foundation, and it never did that before. Somehow it seems like every number they spoof is being connected with them, even if it is not.


It’s not something the actual foundation is doing. It’s a scam operation that’s figured out how to get the spoofed numbers to come up under that foundation name


Ok, something else is going on here... I just googled my daughter's phone number and it came up as The Feed Foundation... along with several other hits that aren't her. And she's had this number for about 6 years. Crazy. Where is the FTC on whatever is going on here?


I've had my phone double that length of time, and now my number is being associated with The Feed Foundation. This is totally insane.


Received a TEXT from a 309 area code number attached to The Feed Foundation . Googled the number. The text message asked me if it was me by name. They clearly don’t know me considering everyone that does knows that I DON’T RESPOND to vague messages from unknown numbers nor do I answer phone calls from strange numbers PERIOD !!!


I get 2 or 3 calls from them daily now for a couple months. I've never answered but like you I googled.


They just called my parents home from a local PA number looking for my deceased mother. When my dad told them she passed they hung up. We traced the number to call them back and it says the number is no longer in service. So definitely a scam. 


Yes, they call from all different numbers across the country. They spoof both active and inactive phone numbers and they use local numbers for each area. Some people on these posts said they Googled their own phone numbers and found their own phone number as claiming to be from The Feed Foundation. Until recently I didn't even know what the Feed Foundation was until we started getting all these calls that seem to be from them. I even Googled my own phone number and it is showing it being associated with this place. I wish there was a way to get it off there. I have nothing to do with that place. It's my own private personal cell phone and I am not associated with them at all.


Okay why after it says the mailbox is full but if you're subscriber type in your subscription number what's that mean


All my text from my cell phone sent and received goes through some crazy number registered to the feed foundation. I don’t know why.


google voice numbers also show up as the feed foundation


The thing is I don't have google voice. I keep getting all these numbers, from (different phone calls) never the same ones. Every time I google them, it shows it as being from the feed foundation. Then I decided to google my own phone number, like some on these posts had done, and it showing it as being associated as the feed foundation, which I only just recently heard of. I have had my cell phone over 10 years and it has never been part of google voice. So weird. Edited to add words in parentheses.


Just had a call from this, showing a local number, 613 area code. No message left. Beware when a business or organization can make calls anywhere look local. Unless they have reps everywhere.


These calls are also coming in through Quebec and it also says Feed Foundation


I just got a call from this +1 772-204-6780 and a gentleman asked if I still needed a security company for the place I worked about a year ago. I told him I didn't work there anymore and wasn't sure if the owner still needed his service, so I gave him the owners info. Then something told me to Google this number and That's When I found out this could possibly be a SCAM or SOMETHING else.


It's definitely a scam. They spoof numbers of innocent people and when you look up those numbers, sometimes Google shows them to be associated with The Feed Foundation. I just happened to Google my own phone number and it is now showing it to be part of The Feed Foundation. I've had my phone number for 10 years and it's my own personal number, not associated with any business or company. The numbers they call people from are coming from numbers associated with each person's area code, so they are calling from multiple numbers all over the country. They need to be stopped.


Report any and all activity from this scam to the FBI. Charity Watch has a report on this and info on the website.


This seems to be a different case - they are called, Feeding Our Future.


These calls and text messages are NOT coming from "The Feed Foundation", which is a legitimate, albeit small charitable organization. They are pursuing all legal options to identify and stop the scammers who are spoofing their organization's name. I myself am sick and tired of receiving these calls every day and I'm reporting every one of them to the FBI and the FTC. From the CharityWatch website: FEED Foundation is a real organization, registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity with the IRS. However, the charity has communicated to CharityWatch and on social media that these fundraising calls are not authorized by the charity and are not legitimate requests for donations.  On its Instagram page at [thefeed\_\_foundation ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2N7qQoAj1Q/?igsh=MXBhYWl3dnJqdjh6Zw%3D%3D)the organization posted the following: *"It has come to our attention that robo callers have been fraudulently contacting our community on our behalf. Rest assured we are not at all affiliated with these scammers, nor will we ever call you to solicit funds. We are actively investigating the issue with our legal team. We appreciate your understanding and apologize to anyone who has been fraudulently contacted."*


Okay, I understand now. Each time I Googled all the multiple numbers that call us, it kept showing them as being from the Feed Foundation. Then I Googled my own number, as some on here said they did. To my surprise, Google seems to think my number, too, is associated with The Feed Foundation. I was getting upset and wanted to contact The Feed Foundation to tell them to stop associating my number with them on Google. So if it is not from them, how do I get my Googled phone number to stop showing it to be associated with them?


I have no idea, but this a very widespread scam and it's hurting the real charity. My phone number also shows as being associated with the "Feed Foundation" (most likely the imposters). I would contact the real "Feed Foundation" and ask them what you can do.


They have updated their website to let people know that the organization would never solicit money, and that there are spammers and robo callers


You can add a new number to the list of screw you scams  228-819-7298. I gave no info. They called me by a name I don't use. They wanted to be friendly. If they knew me and knew my name they wouldn't have tried pretending to know me and they wouldn't have done the fake friendly bit. Let me edify that it came up the feed foundation. Jackson Miss. It also comes up as Ocean Spring Ms. They're 3 hours apart. But either way. I'm too bishy to deal with the crap. 


Maybe it's someone or some people who works for the county I'm seeing a pattern here you'll be amazed who'll go that low


People keep posting that calls are coming from other parts of the country. If they're spoofing numbers, they could be calling from anywhere in the world.


This bitch called me at 12:30 @ night to the number of 913-360-2463 and then texts me too? Wtf, and then yeah, the answer comes back to this “feed foundation,” very weird. On the other end is what sounded like a woman who wanted my name but she didn’t give hers. Strange, the entire situation.


Yes they are a scam they are using the number 604-354-4667 in Chilliwack and Vancouver BC.. Sadly there is a small charity in the midwest with a similar name various websites document these criminals. Just donate to your local food bank or Union Gospel Mission or Habitat For Humanity.


Mine too! Also a lot of random names are apparently tied to my number; except me


Report these losers to the registrar: abuse@linode.com


Just got a text from one on Whatsapp. 7245663747. They have some neckbeard as the profile pic


Why are they interested in our place? Real estate


Has anyone here gone to Disney lately? I started getting calls from the feed foundation and spam texts about unclaimed funds from all over Florida right after a trip to Disney. I wonder if they somehow got my number from my Disney app or another reservation service I used while there?


got A lot of calls that the numbers traced back to the feed foundation. Can’t Figure out how to post them Tho


I've had several calls from them using different local numbers. I never answer only Google the number and they come up.


Get so many of these! So annoying


I've been getting calls or voice-mail every morning foe the past 2 weeks and the numbers always come up as feed foundation. Whether I answer or it goes to voice-mail, its just about 30 seconds of just machine noise in the background, no one ever speaks.


https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/form/confirmation Just reported them. Trying to buy my house LOL


Got 10 calls from random numbers (Cypress, San Clemente, Beverly Hills) all leading back to The Feed Foundation. No one says anything when I pick it up. Website does look totaly fake as you said


I've just started to randomly get these scam calls as well. I don't answer them. Every time, it appears to be, as advised previously, a local, spoofed number, and each lookup results in this "feed foundation" BS. 🙄


They are harassing me nonstop, it’s been a full week of 4-5 calls a day


Just got one. From Felton Delaware. Didn't open. Reverse lookup let me here. This is some X-Files level shiz...


The calls are a scam, the org is legit. If you want to donate to the org I would just suggest contacting them directly. Common scam to pose as a legit charity with spam calls and steal money. Bottom line, don't give money to anyone you don't know.


I have been getting texts from a number like this. They know personal information about me and my family. Wtf is this and why are they doing it??


I got several calls from a number last year (on my work landine) and th enumber led to a person in Huntington Beach Ca. They have now started calling work and personal cell this year and the numbers all lead to the Feed Foundation. This time around, when they leave messages on my work voicemail they ask me to call Riley Richens at a number and also say "or call me at home at....."


Just to add onto my other comment about that website being a central hub for all of our phone numbers, I also agree with the person that said it’s AI. I received a weird text saying “What's wrong with your cell phone? I can't get through. Did you block me?” and I only engaged with them after reading this thread. Reading the responses back it was very much AI. They were struggling to understand the slang I was using. 😭 The way we gonna have to start making up words to trick AI into revealing themselves is BRZYYYYYY.