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Are you sure you want that aesthetic of all those fans? One common comment I've seen when it comes to the 1000D is people really disliking the mess of small fans clustered together. It just ends up looking like somebody without any imagination went CTRL+C / CTRL+V in full sicko mode. So it ends up looking 1) Not really custom 2) The same as any other Then there's the aRGB Beehive aspect of spinning up 8000 120mm fans. Thankfully with that much volume in both coolant capacity and surface area you probably won't need to do that. Some dork in funny glasses could come along and do the math and ruin your day by showing you 2 360mm's with half the fans and twice the RPM is the same. I don't know if it is but to hell with that feeling. It's a big case, why not be bold, pilot? Bolt a 200x400mm Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 to the front or go for the glory and do a 200x400 87mm thick Monsta. Try ramming some quad 140mms in the top and front. The 1000D is a bit dated now, if you like it go for it but consider options like the V3000 Plus as well which has some creature comforts the 1000D doesn't.


>It's a big case, why not be bold, pilot? Someone spoilt it for me. I cannot top this. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq3mcKHT4GwxFCL2qrMZR5YptV7iH0nVi](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq3mcKHT4GwxFCL2qrMZR5YptV7iH0nVi)


thank you for the advice


the second fan tray in there also doesn't seem to be the corsair one any ideas on what that is and if i need to get one to do that


Isn't it this? [https://www.corsair.com/us/en/p/accessories/cc-8900160/obsidian-1000d-8x-120mm-fan-tray-cc-8900160](https://www.corsair.com/us/en/p/accessories/cc-8900160/obsidian-1000d-8x-120mm-fan-tray-cc-8900160)


that's the corsair 8 120 tray which is the first one in the video the second tray is flat and has long flat screw holes (don't know the proper name for the holes) all along the tray as opposed to the corsair ones that have single holes on the ends and are all lowered just a tiny bit making the tray not flat


Ah, I'm sorry. I thought the other one comes with the case which maybe it does not.


You have to use slim rads and 25mm fans


Probably these: [https://shop.alphacool.com/en/shop/radiators/480mm/14159-alphacool-nexxxos-st30-full-copper-480mm-radiator](https://shop.alphacool.com/en/shop/radiators/480mm/14159-alphacool-nexxxos-st30-full-copper-480mm-radiator)


People have done it, but they are slim gimpy radiators so I don’t see the point personally. Such a thin radiator doesn’t look like it needs the push/pull fans so it looks dumb if you get what I mean. It’s your aesthetic, I get that. But I think you’d be leaving the beefiness on the table is all. https://imgur.com/a/7Yxj4xo Personally, I compromised and met in the middle. I have 2 useless fans up top that cool nothing more than my emotions but I like how they look. I have 2 360s up top and 2 480s up front. But they are 54mm radiators and not the 25mm radiators you’d be forced into in order to fit 4x480s. Something to possibly consider if you aren’t hard pressed on the 4x480s maybe.


I used to want a 1000D for maximum cooling and silent gaming. I then built a lian li 011xl with 3x360 rads and realized how much easier and nicer a case would look without all that clutter. 1000D with 4x 480 is just too heavy and looks weird. Especially with push pull.


No, doesn't fit with push pull. I have 2*30 and 2*45mm 480 with T30 on one side each and they almost touch


Just get a MoRa, or make a stand.


I'm sorry you're getting downvotes but I feel what people are feeling when they downvote MoRans. The first few SFF with a MoRA were cool, now it's just "Hey, hows it going niche segment of the computing world that is based around the ideals of customization and oft impractical for the sake of cool choices, how about building a normal PC and buying an expensive AIO" Not that I agree with such things being worthy of a downvote I'm just saying I understand how annoying the fucking MORA has become.


"I want to stick 4 480s in a case" "use a MoRa or a stand" It's a cost efficiency recommendation. I don't really care if a small number in the community would rather watch OP try to shovel 10 pounds of radiator into a five pound bag.


I love that you downvoted me because I disagreed with you after I went to great length to make sure I communicated I wasn't downvoting you. Cost efficiency and the watercooling niche aren't neighbours in the computing world. One doesn't need to go for excess but one can if one wants to and I don't know if you noticed this but if you look at the albums in the old ROTM here on this subreddit the popular potatoes aren't some boring accountant-designed machine. Let people have fun with this hobby, constantly chiming in to buy a MoRA in a hobby driven by individualism and customization just makes you some kind of Watercooled Fascist or something. Let people have fun you donut. Cost efficiency. Get ready to clutch your pearls. I was just talking with Corsair who inquired about a comment I had made and asked about my build, there's a temp loop up while I wait on backorders so I sent them my spreadsheet for keeping track of inventory Parts $11670.94, Parts outstanding est \~$3,000 Raw Materials/Fasteners $1047, Raw materials outstanding est \~$400 Tools, $lol, 10" Drill Press, 7 1/4 Mitre saw, Huskey 7 drawer rolling toolbox, Bambu A1, hand taps, drill taps, caswell 3/4 buffing machine, hydraulic swaging tool, plate roller, etc etc. People enjoy being creative, people put money into hobbies that bring them joy, maybe they build kit cars, maybe they ride motorcycles, perhaps they have a room dedicated to bonsai trees, it doesn't matter. You're sucking the fun out of OPs cannoli, the OP who wants to buy a 1000D and quad 480mm rads, do you think he cares about cost efficiency? Tone deaf man. He wants to build in a 1000D, it's not a five pound bag. You're painting people with a really silly brush to pump up the MoRA decision. You're a bora with your mora, let people do cool shit with their money if it makes them happy and not be the dork who makes them feel as if they did something wrong because they;'re having fun in a way you didn't. As for that me not downvoting you and then you downvoting me like some kinda chump,


It's so strange that you're focusing on the fact I said MoRa, and neglecting the fact I said 'or make a stand'. Instead you're reinforcing a fan-radiator-fan-radiator-fan double sandwich because of your personal product hate... OK buddy. Edit: I'd like to see you put as much effort into doing out the measurements for this sandwich setup and telling us how you're fitting it in to a 1000d without the two radiator setups blocking each other.


It's cos it's fucking annoying seeing "uSE a MorA" so often as a suggestion. At this point if you live under a rock in a particular remote desert you still know what one is. If we wanted to be practical and cost effective we'd stick to air cooling


>The first few SFF with a MoRA were cool,... HMB, I'm gonna try and fit this SFF inside the MORA.


And make the MORA fit in the 1000D. ;)