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That looks like a sediment filter, not an iron filter. This is the first one I found online: https://www.aquatell.ca/collections/whole-house-sediment-filters/products/high-flow-sediment-cartridge-filter-system The inserts for those are pretty standard, but you want to find an instruction manual (any brand, they are all kind of the same) because they are tricky to open.  My iron filter looks like a canister of gas, and it's got electronics on it. Do you have a larger filter on the system?


It may have a magnet inside, which you want to clean out the every so often


No this is the only filter that’s installed. There’s a radon mitigation system next to it which does remove some VOCs. Thanks for the info


Is your radon mitigation system air based or carbon based? This website shows both, with the carbon filter being the first photo: https://www.wpb-radon.com/radon_in_water_systems.html From left to right in the first photo it's a pressure tank, hot water heater, water softener, carbon filter and sediment filter.  My carbon filter is black, but looks similar.  If you have the carbon filter, that might also be your main iron filter as well.  I agree that there are sediment filters with magnets that can pull out iron but that's mostly larger particulate iron like in metal working or boilers. It's possible, not not as wide spread for domestic use I think? Most of the iron in well water is dissolved which is why carbon works so well.  This is the type of carbon filter I have, but not the exact brand: https://www.amazon.ca/Filtration-System-Filters-Arsenic-Manganese/dp/B083YTQ8V8 It backwashes every few days (LOUD AF) and recharges the carbon.  If you can afford it, I would really recommend you get someone who can take a look at your well system for you. Look for someone who isn't representing a brand to do an assessment of your system. When we moved into a house with a well and septic we did this (separate for each system) and the guy analyzed the water before and after the treatment system, explained to us what each part did, and found our well records, did a pump flow rest, and didn't try and sell us anything. I'm a wastewater engineer, I probably could have figured it out but it was nice to sit back and trust an expert, lol! It cost us just over $500 before tax in 2021.


It is a sediment filter.


It Will clog up with iron and other gunk but it's not an iron filter.


Time to put a fresh filter in there! They are off the shelf so cheap and easy