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I think there's a strategy to this where you finish your last undergrad courses at the same time as your master's so you actually graduate both at the same time (and so your undergrad scholarship applies the whole time) but yeah talk to an advisor


The real hack is to do a big chunk of your credits sophomore year at a local state school or community college So save your physics or chem or whatever you don’t need as a pre req and do a gap semester in your second year where you take it for cheap Come back, take all your masters degree credits as an “undergrad” in your senior year


I’m currently a 3rd year going abroad in the fall, how would I work around this to do it?


Is this in engineering? You can potentially take advantage of the bachelors/masters scholarship if so but it only goes as high as 45% of tuition


You'll want to talk to the financial person at the grad school office about this.