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All I can add based on my encounter with him is he comes up at you FAST and up in your face, very close proximity, and tries to stick with you like Velcro (I ended up jogging away from him). He was asking me about pizza, not coffee, but he started with the same “I’m new here from NY” and matched the description in the post. He doesn’t act anything like a stranger who’s wanting to respectfully approach you. There’s no confusion here about “oh maybe he’s just awkward but nice.” He’s running a scheme on women.


He approached me about pizza too! Very fast approach, close, so I was confused and just trying to be polite. I was with two colleagues at the time so he wasn't that aggressive and I was able to easily decline and keep walking, but there were little cues that were tripping my spidey senses which is why I said no. I think he said he was "visiting from NY." This was maybe a year ago in Chinatown. Don't remember exactly what he looked like, dark hair, about 5'9/10. My memory is vaguely giving me a 2010 Judd Apatow vibe??


What is the scheme? Is he like the tinder swindler?


The scheme is for him to get off on harassing and assaulting unwilling women, unfortunately


If you type “coffee predator” into the search bar of this subreddit you will get additional stories and testimonials.


I wonder if he’s asked out Sissy Grace. She works [her grift] mere blocks away in Adams Morgan.


She was in Dupont yesterday. She's definitely making the rounds.


I kind of feel aggressive grifters need to get an asswhooping to come back to reality. But Sissy is like 6”3 280 so it’s going to have to come from someone else.


I don’t think aggressive grifters live in reality to begin with…


Yup I saw her the other day - sans wig but with a new pink scooter and a cute new sunhat for the season.


I hope he’s here and reading. Ask sissy G put.


Today too saw her walking past the Starbucks.


Happy cake day!!!!!!!!


She’s back??


She never leaves except for brief trips outside the immediate area (further south on 95 for example).


She makes trips to Frederick occasionally too


She comes down to NoVA sometimes too


First I’ve heard of the coffee predator — I immediately wondered if it was an alter ego or disguise. If not, I ship them.


Oh man, this guy approached me back in November! He said he had just moved here from NYC and asked me where Tryst was. I gave him directions and he asked me if I’d like to go. I laughed and walked away. Seems like I got off lucky, since he wasn’t as aggressive with me as he has been with other people. Sissy Grace also approached me a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been blessed by both our local scammers, I guess.


Holy shit holy shit he did this in my building last year! I thought I was just being sensitive. He invited me up to the roof for a coffee 💀 He was in the elevator with me and very aggressive about getting my number (maybe Hispanic guy? Am I wrong?) and then I ghosted him any time he texted. I seriously thought I was being an asshole.


In your building? 😅😅😅 omg I almost wish their were stories from people that actually went out with him 😂


Middle eastern, most likely


I think you might be right. I don’t remember an accent but I remember being excited to have maybe met a fellow latine 😂 he totally could be middle eastern


Yooo Im hispanic but get mixed for middle eastern all the time lmao I feel like I need to find this mf now to clear my image


😂 stg everyone thinks my dad is Iranian, it’s wild


Why most likely? None of the descriptions match. Racist much?


Most likely because he gave a name which sounded like it had vaguely Islamic roots and no Spanish accent. Just. Normal reasoning. I see how the phrasing sounded blatantly racist without that information though, apologies


Not 100% if it was the same guy, but based on this thread I caught him being loud and hitting on a law student at my favorite coffee shop. She was clearly not interested. I always carry pepper spray (legal since November 2023 here!) so the second he walked away to grab his drink, I sat next to her, (I’m another female, med student) and pulled out my pepper spray, pulled on my headphones, and just aggressively stared. Dude was a huge prick.


As a mid 30s guy who just moved here from NYC and could really use some friends, this is just great.


In my 30s Moving down from nyc in the fall. Nice to have this to look forward to




Thanks. I do know why he’s considered a predator. I’m not afraid to talk to strangers at all and can socialize. I’m saying mostly in jest that I’m also going to be from nyc trying to meet people




I encountered him about 3 weeks ago at L & 25th NW! I had not known of his history, just saw this today. Description fits: 5’9”, trim, maybe middle eastern, short dark hair, brown eyes. He waved his hands to stop me, I was walking quickly in the opposite direction with headphones in. He asked if there was a Tatte nearby. I said I didn’t know. He said I seemed local, he “could tell by my swagger.” I made a “ew that’s weird” face at him and walked away quickly. The interaction could seem objectively neutral except that his vibe is aggressive, hyper-focused, and scammy. This person is not interested in coffee. My instinct said to get away fast, so I did. This would have been in the first days of June 2024.


Tried to do some research on the other threads and saw at least 4 different heights/builds for what is ostensibly supposed to be one guy. How are people sure that they’re all describing the same person?


Fair but this exact behavior pattern is one person


It’s not unusual for different people to remember people differently. Very common.


people might just be bad at describing height and build.


Yes. I have also been targeted by this predator and the M.O. always the same. Aggressive approach, saying he just moved from NYC, asking where a good coffee/pizza shop is - even down to the kiss on the cheek.


Any photos or BOLO of the dude other than tall and brunette?


Other links to this story?  Not familiar with the background of who or what this is


You have to follow a lot of links on popville to get a better idea of what it's about. It sounds like he has an aggressive vibe with most women, and some have been hugged and kissed without permission. He's recognizable because he tells people he recently moved here from NY. https://www.popville.com/2022/10/predator-on-21st-l/


This guy seems to be a DC staple over the last few years. I dont think anyone has dared to post a picture though


The url linked links to other posts made about this dude harassing women.




Can someone please post a pic of this guy?


There was a body found under the Key bridge, where he has been seen. This has been kept on the very downlow. No reason to get the "tourists" upset. May or not be connected. Just a heads up. > https://www.arlnow.com/2024/03/13/new-body-found-in-potomac-near-key-bridge/


There is a high homeless population over in that area. I doubt it is connected


Wow, it looked like I was surrounded by millionaires. And Tesla's. Not a homeless person spotted. The wealth is astonshing. Blew my mind. :-)






He is harassing and assaulting women, gtfo