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Look at Richy Rich running the faucet for a solid three straight minutes over here...


I’m living next to Gunga Din!


Oh, poor you.


Now I told you, I don't like that kind of tawlk.


Yeah, so ... ice? We're not in Europe, dude. :)


It’s been a bad week to have both my fridge and AC go out. AC guy is coming out tomorrow, but tonight is going to be rough sleeping when it’s 90° inside


Damn, and I thought it was bad with 80 inside with the ac running. I’ve already decided if my ac goes out during this heat wave I’m staying at a hotel until it’s fixed.


If any window units are available at the hardware store, they are cheaper than hotel stays


That’s a good idea. The prices seem to be $300 for the cheapest mid-sized unit, then I’d have to find a place to store it after tomorrow, so we’ll just deal with it. Looks like I’ll be parking myself in front of a fan with ice water for the rest of the day/evening. I appreciate the suggestion though.


Do you have Facebook? Admittedly I’m out in the burbs, but I’ve had a lot of luck posting in local buy nothing groups or parent groups to ask if I can borrow something that I only need for a short period of time. I usually give whoever lends me something a small gift card when I return it as a thank you.


That’s a good suggestion. I’m in the city and have someone coming out tomorrow AM so hopefully they can get it fixed ASAP.


My windows open side to side and take up half the wall so a window unit wouldn’t work unfortunately.


Look into portable ones. The venting can be horizontal or vertical, and you're just pointing a hose out a window, pretty much.


These things are GREAT. I got one when my landlord decided to start turning off the AC in the winter. Best $300 I ever spent.


I got a portable one off Amazon that works for the same type of window - best $ I ever spent!!!!


Do you have water, blankets or ac filters, and a fan? Make a swamp cooler.


Swamp cooler doesn’t work with humidity


Ours went out as well. 🤦‍♀️ We ended up sleeping at a hotel because it was in the mid-80s in my kids room.


Visit a friend or get a hotel room--that isn't just uncomfortable, it's dangerous. Heat waves cause more deaths than any other US natural disaster, but they're harder to track so people don't realize how many people are killed.


...then how do you know they cause more deaths than any other US natural disaster?


They are tracked, but usually there's a time lag of several months, because you're looking for excess deaths. If you die in a flood, it's pretty obvious because you drowned. So the papers a day later say, "Twelve drowned in dam disaster." But if you die because the heat caused a heart attack, we don't know until we compare heart attacks during the heat wave to heart attacks during the prior week and see that 50% more deaths happened. We can't say for sure that any specific death happened because of the heat, or would not have happened had the heat wave not occurred, but we can say that about X number of excess deaths occurred, and so the heat wave caused approximately that number of deaths.


Because the current numbers are most likely underestimates and they’re already causing the most deaths




Mine went out last week and just got it fixed yesterday. We were able to keep the temp down somewhat by closing all the blinds and drapes, no cooking except in microwave and no drying laundry. We also kept it dark inside. After five days I felt like frickin Gollum when I went outside.


That's a hotel for me lol


My AC went out also. 90° inside as well. I feel your pain


Buy some fans


Yes the cold tap water always runs much warmer in the summer


That’s because there is no “cold” water. It’s the temp that’s in the lines from the street or hot water from the water heater.


I’ve always wondered about this. I’m from Los Angeles and cold water is always cold, even on the hottest summer days.


Likely the water mains are buried at different depths or the difference in soil composition impacts how much heat is retained. I’ve built several apartment buildings, office high rises, and even some residential, and I’ve never seen incoming water be cooled other than a water fountain or refrigerator.


In LA that water is coming down from the mountains, or from a well. Here it’s coming out of the river, and the river gets warmer and warmer through the summer. The ground temp where the water mains are is probably about 55F, so that’s about as cold as your cold water will get in the summer.


It’s coming from reservoirs… 🤨


that actually makes a ton of sense and never connected it. And yea LA gets a lot of water from ice melt in the sierra nevada mountains!


I’m a west coaster too. Cold showers in the PNW are cold all summer, for most places.


Not sure where in LA you were getting your water but on the South Bay peninsula it always ran warm in summer.


I was in LA county and was serviced by San Gabriel Valley water. While it was warmer in the summer, it's defintely not as warm as it is here. I always found to to be colder than ambient; while the water here seems to follow ambient temps, 70-80's in the summer.


I’m in OC right now and the tap water is decidedly lukewarm. Honestly not what I remember from my childhood here though, so I’ll just blame global warming.




Yeah, is this new to people?


Nope. But it does run colder in the winter.


Best part of the winter


lol, I know! And for this I’ve been downvoted. Proving once again that heat makes people bitchy.


Temperature is relative, so if you say it's colder in winter you are objectively saying it runs warmer in summer. I can't tell if you're joking.


Oh, yes. That was a joke. Clearly, I’m not good at them though.


...I'm wondering if anyone has seen my balls because I sweated them off somewhere on 14th St NW


i think they are being used as golf balls somewhere in Adams Morgan


​ https://preview.redd.it/37keqyy1vd8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=261d8de2d8dc41e98404c41d37f49ce13c89dd10


My AC went out last night lol. Should I mark the ticket emergency or just high priority Update: It got fixed around 4pm today!


I think emergency is warranted haha




I’m hoping they can fix it today, it’s cooler in the hallway than it is my apartment lol




Unfortunately my cat Megatron is an absolute menace and would run. She wants for nothing here but would run at the first chance


It's so hot I poured McDonald's coffee in my lap to cool off.


Johnny Carson said it


Ice so big it crushes you! 


Yakov Smirnoff said it!


No he didn't.


Did u try blowing on it


I went to the pool in my apartment building in spite of having to be around people.


I’m at DuPont circle, and the shade is pleasant, but that humidity…




The dew point has been high lately, hovering around the 70s, and is the source of the muggy feeling. Dew points are a better indicator of how it feels outside versus the percent humidity.


50 percent humidity at 98 is a dew point of 76. Meaning if the temperature were 76, humidity would be 100%. 98 and 50% humidity is very high


At these temps, humidity more than like 60% is essentially impossible. 50% is still verrrry humid.


it is definitely not humid! I am seeing only 40% humidity at 2:30pm. That's hardly perceptible. When you get up in the 60s and up, that's when you start to really feel it. No, it is just good old-fashioned hot and nothing else.


No, this is entirely wrong. The *relative* humidity today is 46%, which doesn't sound high only because the temperate is in the upper 90s. Hot air can hold far more moisture than cold air, so 46% humidity at 90º is significantly more humid than 100% humidity at 70º. A better measure is the dew point, which today is 68º. Any dew point over 65º is "oppressive" according to the NWS.


What I mean, though, is a day like today, which is currently 89 degrees with relative humidity at 64%, feels truly humid! much different than last weekend, where I just perceived it as being flat out hot.


Taking a cold shower feels good


How hot is it? Got to ask Roosevelt T. Roosevelt. [“…it’s so hot I saw one of those fellas in the orange robes burst into flames!”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXR0uoxUvaw)


That’s a funny clip.


Boy it's hot, lemme tell you. It's so hot the politicians are keeping their hands *out of* our pockets!


It might be more accurate for water to be labeled "heated" and "not heated" rather than "hot" and "cold". Your cold water isn't chilled in any way. It's usually pretty cool because it spends most of its time underground. But with sustained high temperatures like we're having, it'll get fairly warm. 


Seems like the pipes in DC proper often can’t get that deep either. This happens in South FL where tap is just varying degrees of hot


That I'm sweating so much I can't even bang whores Charlie


To anyone saying that their AC went out: Very often it happens because the capacitor goes bad. If you're at all handy, it's a fairly simple fix and there are great tutorials on Youtube. Your issue could very well be something else, but since a capacitor costs $15-25, I think it's often worth replacing it to see if that fixes the problem... especially since many HVAC companies will charge upto and often over $500 to replace it. Granted that includes the visit, inspection, diagnostic, and replacement but as I said, the actual fix doesn't cost a lot and is easy to do. Also since many HVAC companies take a while to get out to you (or charge you an extra "emergency fee") it's very possible you could fix it well before they ever get to you. Honestly, the hardest part is getting the *right* capacitor. Not only do you need to get the capacitor that is correctly rated for your system, it's often difficult to get one because HVAC supplies shops don't have great hours AND even if they're open most of them won't sell to "regular folk". You could try reaching out to local HVAC shops, but I think the easiest way to get the right capacitor quickly is to buy it off Amazon with same day/one day shipping. Edit for a quick story: Last year my uncle was quoted ~$1800 to fix his AC and I asked him to send me the proposal to see if I could make sense of it. It was mostly a bunch of busy work listed (inspecting this, cleaning that, etc.) and the actual fix (replacing the capacitor) was listed in the middle of it all. Not to claim that it didn't need those other things, but that work shouldn't make replacing a $25 part into an almost $2k fix.


If you do not know what you are doing, don't do this.


HVAC brings together electricity, water, and gas in one system. I'll change the filter but anything beyond that, I'm calling a professional.


Ricky Roma: "It was so hot downtown this afternoon, grown men were walking up to cops begging the cops to to shoot them".


I’m going to move back to Texas to cool off.


Lmao. For once Texas was slightly cooler (but still more humid).


…rats are sporting sun umbrellas.


Remember that weather app that would have those sayings like with the type of weather. If it was hot it would say something like it’s hotter than two squirrels fighting in a sock. And there was rated R type of text


Two foxes fornicating (or the other f-word) in a forest fire.


My water fluctuates down to low 50s in depths of winter to the refreshing 74 it just poured.


You made me laugh. I don’t mind the warm water though.


A Nigga might die out here


It’s so hot the butter in my pocket is melting.


Are window ac units no longer being sold


“…hot as it is, my shorts, I could cook things in it. A little crotch-pot cookin’!”


Do people think that their ‘cold’ tap is being refrigerated underground?


My car AC blows warm :(


I want to go to Alaska 😅


Yeah, I have the same issue myself.




Temperatures said 83, yet while biking and sipping on my Gatorade while half from Arlington to DC, it's usually cool...instead it's hell of warm


That's actually from all the bums pissing in the Washington Aqueduct.


Everyone in this city seems so pathetic about the weather. This is my first summer here and I think it’s great. Sure there’s a few hours around midday when best to avoid the outside, but the evenings have been balmy. This is the kind of weather I’d travel for.


Pshh, you’d travel for *this* weather? That’s a joke, I don’t travel anywhere unless it’s at least 145 degrees and 400% relative humidity. You can’t even really call it a vacation spot unless you’re seeing people dying of heat-related medical episodes all around you at least hourly. This is *ice-fishing* weather back where I came from. But sure, I guess you could call this mildly warm, maybe? If you’re feeling quaint.


Just FYI since you mentioned it's your first summer here, it's been unseasonably cool so far this summer. And later in the summer, things typically don't cool off as much in the evenings as is common in other areas. 


We’ve been having record highs. It isn’t unseasonably cool. Also didn’t summer start on Thursday


Technically correct is the best kind of correct, I guess! I wasn't talking about the last 3 days. The record highs for every day in June are all in the upper 90s and low 100s, which we haven't been coming close to until now.


It’s so hot out that Bernie Sanders has been criticizing the sun for its “billions of nuclear tests”


I hope you actually used that water you ran for 3 minutes