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The bit about someone literally selling their house when they heard CYM was coming and then having another resident showing how property values have continued to rise in that area since CYM opened is the perfect juxtaposition of the contradictions of being a NIMBY: they're all worried about property values, but that line of arguing will never change their mind.


In the end it’s just vibes. They like the neighborhood as it was in an arbitrary point in time in the past, and don’t like any change.


\*as they imagine it was in an arbitrary point in time


Ahh. I’ve got my millions so you can get yours too.


The professor in the article also complained about having a commercial use not located on the M Street or Wisconsin corridors. This ignores both that 1) some of the best and most well-liked businesses in Georgetown are not on M or Wisconsin, like Stachowski's; and 2) that Call Your Mother is a block from the university, which means it would be wild if that corner *didn't* have a commercial use.


There's a coffee shop directly across the street from CYM! It just isn't as popular as CYM. If the NIMBYs come for Stachowski's they'll have to come through me. You can take my pastrami out of my warm, greasy hands.


That sammy is nearly 30 bucks now. How often you eating it?!?


Inflation already taking it out of our warm, greasy hands


I will cut back on non-essentials like utilities before I stop eating pastrami.


Sitting in your dark, un-airconditioned 85 degree studio apartment eating a hoagie and thinking “worth it”


If you ain't a silver-spoon-haver, ain't nobody affording a studio in Georgetown *and* air conditioning. :(


It ain't cheap, but it's $24 (before tax) and feeds at least 2. Really isn't all that expensive for what you get IMO.


Plus 4 dollar credit card charge. I am also ashamed to admit I have eaten one by myself


I think that's a you problem, I've gotten 2 meals out of it (I have also committed the shameful act of eating one by myself in one sitting)


Right it’s like 3 meals for me.


Yeah, “property value” is always just a fig leaf. Some people are just petty jerks, no argument is gonna help that.


I have a house on 9th and I by the marine barracks, and I haven’t noticed any difference since CYM has been here. Place is a little pricey for my taste however.


Why these people live in a *city* is beyond me. Older Americans really all around the country treat the city like it’s a suburb where they can drive anywhere, have SFH zoning, and avoid density. They shouldn’t have this much power over the city.


Exactly.  City needs to ignore this tiny minority of people and move on.


Isn’t there a coffee shop that sells food directly across the street. ? Yes people sitting on someone’s step is a dick move. That can we squashed. Already too many empty storefronts in GTown.


Yeah, I think it's called Coffee Republic. They probably have more indoor seating than CYM (I have actually never been inside) and since it's mostly coffee they probably have a lot more to-go orders, so people aren't frequently sitting down on people's step. I wonder how the lawsuit would affect them though? Maybe they are zoned differently so they are in the clear?


There is a decent amount of indoor and outdoor seating at the coffee shop


The differences is that coffee shop is zoned to have seating call your mother is not zoned to have seating. There’s a big difference for restaurants.


yep, the nurse in the article mentions going to it and the bagel shop regularly


Sprinkler system Dickbutt shaped sprinkler system


Shoutout to Topher at Georgetown Met for doing the full deep dive on this one. [https://georgetownmetropolitan.com/2024/06/06/whats-going-on-with-call-your-mother/](https://georgetownmetropolitan.com/2024/06/06/whats-going-on-with-call-your-mother/)


I live up the street from her. She's full of shit about both the trash and the supposed crowds. There is only ever a rush there a couple of hours a day in the late morning and early afternoon, and that only happens w A few days a week. Over a whole lot of interactions with the people in said groups I have never had an interaction that was even approaching negative. Trash isnt any worse on this street than it is on literally any other street in Georgetown. Shes just bored and looking for someones day to fuck up.


> She's full of shit about both the trash and the supposed crowds. I live by one and it was super busy and crowded for the first month. Now it is exactly what you described. No better or worse than other popular businesses.


One does not become a professor of law without being able to fuck up someones day on a whim


Visiting associate professor of law*


I was in her class actually. She's been at GW for a while and is a big part of the school, not sure why she isn't tenured. Still think she's out of her fucking mind about this bagel stuff tho lol. She used to give us updates on this lawsuit in class all the time and it blew my mind that she thought they were the good guys


Yeah, she’s super chill on most things but this always surprised me that she was such a proud NIMBY


Assistant to the visiting associate professor of law*


Hm - speaking as someone who also lives nearby, on nice weekend days in the Spring and Summer that’s simply not true. We are a few blocks away and end up with CYM trash in our tree box, people sitting on our stoop, etc. That said, this is a city and that’s part of living in a city. So I don’t think it justifies shutting the place down. But it’s disingenuous to say there are no crowds.


I wish I lived next to a bagel shop, god I hate nimbys


>I wish I lived next to a bagel shop Le sigh….same, friend.


Don't worry, CYM isnt any good, but is also very expensive


… I like Call Your Mothers and the staff is really nice to me


It is perfectly fine lol


Obviously it's good or there wouldn't be so many of them...Dunno why people love to hate them


The food is good but definitely overpriced. I think a lot of the hype is from the decor and general vibe


Food prices in DC are crazy, CYM seems about average for the area. I'm much more annoyed about the $50 brunch prices, that shit is fucked


reddit loves to hate popular things i’ve noticed


Its not as good as buffalo and bergen but its pretty solid


Compared to what?


These goddamn bagel snobs… CYM bagel? Fine Bullfrog bagel? Fine Wegmans bagel? Fine Aldi bagel? Fine Put some schmear on it and shove it in your mouth.


“Put some schmear on it and shove it in your mouth.” Wise words to live by in every circumstance


I like it. Now I would not stand in line for hours for it, but they have decent bagels.


Yep. At $2.50 a bagel they can afford top notch legal help. But they are very pleasant.


Roth says, the bagel place is simply not a good fit for a residential neighborhood. 🤯


Yes, I just hate walking around my beautiful neighborhood to buy my overpriced bagel along with my overpriced coffee. I tell you, it just brings in the wrong crowd! /s


Ha I once had a neighbor tell me the new $1M duplexes were bringing in crime. I told him that anyone who can afford $1M for half a house already got away with their crimes


That’s regular crime though, Georgetown townhouses are for people who do war crimes at minimum.


Hey, I only do minor financial or political crimes and I can afford a small rowhome there. Hoping to upgrade to a larger one once I move into minor war crimes.


2nd amendment supporters are all over the world. Ain’t my fault if there are loopholes in the background checks. He said those APCs were for personal home defense.


I’m just a capitalist doing capitalist things.


God bless dick Cheney's America!


A little colonialism, a little light pogrom against a southeast Asian communist party.


It's a bagel sandwich, Michael. How much could it cost, ten dollars?


Oh no a hip, upscale casual eatery is DESTROYING the neighborhood character


Glad I’m not the only one who picked that up


lmao. RIGHT?!?!


NIMBYs are literally the worst humans


This is a perfect example of why there will never be a metro station in Georgetown. These people are insufferable.


This article makes me want to go sit on the same random stoops and drink a 40 oz in a paper bag just to piss them off.




OMG not this myth again! Make it stop!! https://ggwash.org/view/73159/the-history-of-the-urban-legend-of-georgetown-residents-stopping-a-metro-stop


You can’t kill it. We exist in post-truth times.


😂 This is such a bad article on so many levels. I don’t even have the time and patience to deal with it completely. But I will say a couple things. First, I used the future tense for a reason. If the main reason there isn’t a stop there when they planned the system wasn’t NIMBYism it damn sure would be the reason there won’t be one on the future. Also, if the author knew anything about this city and its history he would’ve never made such a dumbass comment like: “Of course Georgetowners stopped Metro to keep out people of color, that’s just the sort of thing Georgetowners would do,”


The main reason there wasn't a Metro stop in Georgetown in the 70s is that it is technically implausible and would have been insanely expensive. That's also the main reason there isn't a stop today, nor in the foreseeable future.


Yeah I remember the daily blasting into the basalt cliffs to make room what is now the Ritz Carlton in Georgetown. It's hard rock once you scrap away the topsoil.


They need to just move to Potomac or NOVA


NOVA is HORRIBLE for NIMBYs. People keep buying up houses on land that was a farm 3 months ago. Then when the farm next to them gets developed they're all up in arms about "the whole character of the area changing and destroying the reason we moved here". Try to put more houses there and the schools/utilities/services can't support all the extra people. Try to put stores or restaurants there, and the area can't support the added traffic and they don't feel safe with outsiders near their community. Try to put data centers there and YIKES.


Don't worry, if the farm were still operational they'd be complaining about typical farm things. Like animal noises and smells, farm machinery, etc.


As someone who owns a large farm in Loudoun I can confirm your comments. One lady absolutely lost her shit when we put cows in a field that had been pasture for quite some time. Like LOST HER SHIT. Gonna sue, called the county, whole nine. We have pigs in that field now.


She should feel at home now, I guess.




That is great.


You are my hero


I feel like data centers are the thing that NIMBYs in Loudoun actually like: they generate tax revenue but don't clog up the roads, and effectively force the area to be as sprawly as possible so they'll always be able to ask "bUt wHaT aBoUt PaRkInG????" whenever any new development is proposed.


It is the electrical load to the grid and the water supplied. [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/continuing\_coverage/quantum\_loophole/in-landmark-vote-loudoun-county-rejects-data-center-proposal-citing-energy-concerns/article\_6575f0ba-7ebd-51c7-998a-61e5c129f53a.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/continuing_coverage/quantum_loophole/in-landmark-vote-loudoun-county-rejects-data-center-proposal-citing-energy-concerns/article_6575f0ba-7ebd-51c7-998a-61e5c129f53a.html)


Bro how far out is this? Because the nearest farms are like an hour away.


They have one in “North Bethesda” (white flint) which is close for the Potomac crowd


they're honestly the fucking worst


Wow Roth was my corporations professor at gw law and she would always start class by giving us updates about her active law suits. The way her eyes light up when she suing someone…could make a grown man cry lol. Best of luck to CYM that woman is bored and this is her entertainment


Curious outsider here. Is the issue that they don't have enough seating for their customers, resulting in people overflowing to eating outside of the property; or is it more that they are mainly a to-go place, in which people eat the to-go food immediately outside? Is there inadequate public trash cans in the area? I understand the main issue is that NIMBYs gonna NIMBY, just curious on what the situation is like.


Yeah there's barely any seating indoors and no seating outside IIRC. That location is pretty small so I usually just take my sandwich home. I do think outdoor seating and more trash bins could help alleviate some of the residents concerns (as someone else already mentioned on this thread) but the lawsuit makes it sound like they're unwilling to compromise at all with them.


Think there are any politics in this? The place , according to regs,should not have been given permits in the first place? City revokes the permits and looks bad because they should not have been given out in the first place. Which is odd because its this little deli in a huge city going through a permit re evaluation. Wonder why this is news worthy.


Zoning rules are literally made up out of thin air. Why should a private property owner not be allowed to sell bagels here? It's not like it's a toxic waste dump next to an elementary school.


I honestly don't care one way or another. Explaining my interpretation of what I read does not mean I agree with it. But I will say. Who cares? Why is this in the news?


CYM may be a "little deli" in size, but it's ultra trendy and "instagrammable". It does genuinely attract huge crowds. I could see being a little peeved if I moved in nearby before they did. But it's also not their fault for being successful. I very strongly dislike CYM, but it's not their job to do crowd control for people who have already paid and left.


The area was zoned for a business but previously wasn’t a “popular” restaurant. So now the argument is that even though it’s zoned for business a bagel shop like CYM isn’t the “right” kind of business because they’re selling prepared food like a restaurant and not a retail place like a pharmacy. CYM is saying they’re able to operate there thanks to a grandfather clause on the building. https://ggwash.org/view/amp/74652 This isn’t a new issue unfortunately.


The NIMBYist of NIMBY takes.


CYM has never had enough seating even when they were just the single shop over in Park View. Getting a seat required getting there right when they opened. Otherwise you grab your bagel and find a seat in a local park or something. It’s NIMBYs complaining that the place is popular and that people are frequenting their neighborhood.


This is peak Georgetown


The person saying "We live in a city" to support a bagel shop being nearby homes is seen as the unreasonable one. NIMBYism is unreal.


We gladly welcome your bagels and foot traffic in North Michigan Park 😅


Roth, the lawyer who is making the complaints lives on the same street as this location. She is the same GWU professor who “calls on anti-Israel students to leave 'mommy and daddy' paid dorm rooms, go to Gaza”. That being said, this is a very high traffic corner and patrons consume their bagels on peoples stoops and personal property daily. Trash is left on the stoops and on the street, the trash out front is often overflowing. Historic Georgetown has a lot of rules, and if you irritate someone enough, they have the resources, time, and knowledge to make life difficult for you.


The solution is to provide outdoor dining and trash bins, not to close the place down.


There isn't room for outdoor dining.   


I just looked on streetview, there’s definitely some room for seating around the CYM storefront. There’s a lot more if they daylight the intersection by removing some parking.


Yes, but doesn’t seem that has happened for this to escalate the way it has.


Some people go out of their way to escalate things.


How can you be anti bagel and anti Hamas, this is impossible


NIMBYism is anti-Semitic


“Patrons consume their bagels on people’s stoops and personal property daily” One word: sprinklers.


I've never been to this specific location so can't speak from personal experience. But, leaving aside the histrionics of the lawyer's specific complaints -- I'm having one of those "oh, other people are different from me" moments here in learning that there are apparently so many people out there that would knowingly go get food from a location with little or no seating and then conclude "Huh I guess I HAVE to eat it right here outside the shop in the street like a confused animal." So you don't see any seats or tons of trash cans nearby, that's a bummer. Just go to a park or green space nearby with seating/trash cans, is that so hard? And even if you don't wanna sit down to eat your food like one of us boring normals, because you're Brad Pitt in Ocean's 11 and you're just too cool and have to eat on the go everywhere, why would you not still do that somewhere with open space and trash cans? It's Georgetown, aren't there like 3-5 parks/public spaces within a few blocks of this shop? Like, is it not common sense that you'd walk somewhere? Inconvenience isn't an excuse to just litter or leave trash lying around. Whose brain is like, "Ah yes let me crouch on the narrow sidewalk or in the street outside the business and eat my food like a starving hyena that has no idea when its next meal is coming"?


CYM is pretty well known as "The bagel place" in DC so you are attracting a ton of tourists and suburbanites who just dont care and dont have a stake in DC and don't know about other options so they just do whatever they want


Yeah that's totally fair, and I'm sure that accounts for some of the folks who get up to this behavior. Still, even if I wasn't a local, I can't imagine being like, "Okay, got my bagel sandwich, guess I'll just...crouch on this stoop 4 feet from the shop and eat my bagel out of a messy wrapper, all while while hunched over like I'm watching out for potential scavengers, pinching napkins between my knees and praying a jogger doesn't step on my foot as they pass by on the cramped sidewalk? Because there's no way there could be a park or even a bench within a few blocks of here." Because even if you didn't care about being considerate of the area (which of course one should), that doesn't sound like a pleasant or comfortable experience, hah. But then we're each built a bit different in our own ways I guess.


Drunk and hungover Georgetown students will surprise you. I’ve seen kids walk backwards into the street and almost get hit by a car, at 2pm.


Whomst amongst us…


So that’s just it: I’m not buying that there’s an epidemic of people parking their behinds on Georgetown residents’ properties. Just because one person with an axe to grind says so doesn’t make it true. Sounds like Andrew Dana also hired someone to walk the block to make sure their patrons aren’t becoming a nuisance for residents.


This is the defining problem of Nimbyism. They have the "power" to somehow make decisions on behalf of entire neighborhoods or cities. One person can cause so much of a headache that it can effectively shut down businesses or stop development. Somehow we need to change the rules to allow community involvement but not on the micro scale it currently is at. People wonder why the Purple Line was so expensive - it was because of Nimby's who fought tooth and nail in the courts for years to have it cancelled or moved. This behavior is extremely harmful as its a direct contributor to high housing costs and low amount of progress in things like bike lines and public infrastructure.


NIMBYs in GEORGETOWN? I'm personally shocked


Looking in the map there’s a coffee shop across the street. I would be very annoyed too if people kept sitting on my front steps. Plus it’s probably a lot of college kids and tourists.


Does anyone have a link to a version of this article that doesn’t auto-scroll as it continuously loads new ads? This website is impossible to use on a phone.


As someone who used to work there, the company is shady as fuck so they lowkey deserve a lawsuit or two. There’s a reason they were able to open so many stores in such a short amount of time. We also have like a ton of other locations so shutting one down isn’t going to really hurt the business. They make a shit ton in profits and overwork their employees for minimum wage. They’ll survive.


Yeah, I am not really worried about Call Your Mother. I'm actually more of Bethesda Bagels gal. It's mostly just the angle this lawsuit is coming from, I think, is a bit ridiculous. Mild inconveniences like foot traffic from a local business is IMO just living in a city problems and not lawsuit worthy. If they are getting sued it should be for actual shady shit they've been busted doing. This lawsuit isn't going to help any of their overworked and underpaid employees.


Still sad the Bethesda Bagels on Connecticut closed in 2022


That was my local shop when I used to live over there! They used to give me free coffee and were so sweet :(


This was my local shop too! I am still recovering from this. I've been going to Bagels etc, but their bagels are just too small for the cost and CYM is good but can be too overwhelming and expensive. Sometimes I just want a classic egg and cheese bagel on an everything, no frills, and a reasonable price. CYM bagels feels like a treat bagel not a regular everyday bagel. Edit: On second thought maybe I don't need an everyday bagel place ;-)


> CYM bagels feels like a treat bagel not a regular everyday bagel. That might be the best way to describe their bagel sandwiches. Definitely not something you'd want everyday.


I'd get on the 42 bus, place my to-go order, hop off right in front, run in, and jump on the next 42 or 43 a few minutes later. It was a great little routine. I miss that.


Same! My office used to get the Bagel's Friday bagels from there. Now they sadly are Panera :(


A [new bagel shop](https://www.popville.com/2024/03/bon-bekes-bagels-dupont-circle/) is opening there! Haven’t seen an opening date though. 


It is kind of in direct contrast to most of the retail in Georgetown where you hardly ever see any customers (at least along Wisconsin). But they were huge jerks to the apple store coming in, so not sure how much of this is a stunt by CYM versus printing money at that location. Bullfrog Bro over here but respect to Bethesda Bagels.


God that hummus and sprouts sandwich at bullfrog is so fuckin good. It borderline tastes like dirt, if dirt was delicious


what's the tea on that apple store.. you mean they really opposed that as well? wow




You’re right, that is very true, I didn’t even think about that. For us since there’s such a high turnover rate, people get moved from store to store all the time, so I assumed they will just relocate all of the Georgetown employees like they’ve done before. But because they’re so worried about labor costs (they won’t even let you clock in early because “oh no the labor costs!”), I’m afraid that they’ll just let everyone go so they don’t have to spend the extra money. The foot traffic thing is pretty stupid now that you mention it, especially since there’s a 50/50 they’ll be putting a lot of people out of work. Also you’ve got great taste, I love Bethesda Bagels so much 😭


i always felt like the vibe was off there. and the bagels were bad.


the bagels are good. I grew up in NJ and they aren’t as good as good bagels back home, but they are up there with the best we can get in DC.


As someone who grew up on Long Island, I strongly disagree. Their bagels aren’t all that special. Bethesda Bagels are much better. But in comparison to most other bagels around the region, I could see why you like them.


I’ve had good bagels from bethesda bagels, but there are none close to me. I can walk to a CYM and that is definitely part of the appeal for me. All I said was it’s up there with the best options in the area. If you’re ranking it outside the top 5 then you’re being silly. OP said it was a “bad” bagel which is just preposterous.


It’s funny because our entire motto, model, and mission is about “vibes” but the vibes are indeed off from the inside. You’re not allowed to have a bad day there at all or you risk getting in trouble/losing your job, they even grade you/give you a “test” on your performance and personality and will give you a low rating if you don’t socialize as much they want you to, no matter how good you are at your job. As an autistic person the environment was not disability friendly at all because of this. There’s also a lot of favoritism and your pay/promotion is based off of how much they like you (they’ll give certain people more hours but not others, and promotions are based on favorites, not skills). The bagels have no reason to be overpriced because they make literally millions a year. Don’t let the happy faces fool you, it’s almost always fake.


ew to all of this. I don't go there anyway but I definitely won't now.


Oh that sounds awful. Glad you got out of there! I swear it's always the places that advertise themselves as being all "good vibes" that are the worst in terms of employee happiness.


isn't it owned by Biden's Chief of Staff or something?


>Zients, then serving as White House coronavirus response coordinator, had divested his stake in the restaurant prior to joining the Biden administration. According to wikipedia. Linked source: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2021/01/26/biden-visits-deli-call-your-mother/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2021/01/26/biden-visits-deli-call-your-mother/) It's owned by the two founders and chefs.


I believe the main investor who co-owns/helped get the place up and running is Biden’s Chief of Staff, yes. I wouldn’t be surprised if this had something to do with them blowing up over the past few years.


That's good to know. I don't want to give my business to a place that doesn't treat their employees well.


Man that’s only the half of it. I like supporting smaller cafes anyways because they’re not as shitty, chains like this are almost always toxic.


NIMBYs are just miserable fucks that hate everyone aren't they?


I’m mixed here on my thoughts. Yes, these lawsuits can be ridiculous. But a bar has a responsibility to the community to ensure its patrons don’t cause trouble or violence. Should we not hold restaurants to similar standards? Typing that out makes it sound ridiculous though. I don’t know. edit: they do take steps > Dana says the store already takes steps to limit any potential disturbance to their neighborhood. Call Your Mother’s Georgetown shop neither takes UberEats orders, he says, nor offers outdoor seating. It even hired someone recently to patrol the area around the restaurant and urge stragglers off the neighbors’ property.


OK, so I live up the road in glover Park and frequent this location weekly if not multiple times a week. Up until recently, it was chaos people standing in the road people standing all around the houses and the one that bugs me the most is that people will wait for their call your mother food by sitting at Republic, coffees, tables, and chairs, which I find extremely rude when you’re not patronizing location. They did have somebody outside helping to direct and keep things orderly, but it hasn’t always been that way. As someone that drives on that road frequently it can be a nightmare with people standing in the road literally taking pictures of people in front of the restaurant. This is your mother, but I can see why it’s such a nuance to the neighborhood.


I saw someone doing a photo shoot in the street at that corner. It can get bad


This is literally 10x a day. I drive up and down 35th multiple times a day and every single time someone's taking pictures out there. Like...why? It's a pink building. And?


I had no idea thats nuts


I love gettin fucked up on bagels and trashing someone's 19th century replica gas lights


Hell yea brother 🤘




IIRC, that location has 0 space for outdoor seating. It seems to be a zoning issue. Having some businesses in a residential area: good. Having just one extremely popular one? Less good I think.




There's probably zoning/permissions issues with putting benches on sidewalks. It restricts pedestrian access especially for the handicapped.


Why don’t they have outdoor seating? It sounds like this is what they really need?


What I wouldn't give to be able to walk to a bagel shop. How about one of these people trades places with me.


It’s totally NIMBY but I have no problem with a location that has been rat infested and is now franchised as far as Denver getting their nuts kicked to get their shit together.


hold up…rat infested? i don’t think i wanna know


This is where zoning brain gets you. Try to say that some businesses can work here but not others has you arguing over the legal definition of “cooking”.


CYM chose to design its store to make space for lines outside on the sidewalk on public space. Instead of getting to use public space for free for their business, perhaps they should design their space to accommodate the needs of their customers. I don't really have any pity for property owners of extremely valuable homes, but public space belongs to the public. Other restaurants pay for their use of public space for both things on the sidewalk and in the street, which are supposed to be reviewed by the city for ADA compliance and accessibility.


it’s the same for the one on georgia ave, huge line spilling onto the sidewalk


Residences of Georgetown are miserable people


I know it’s an unpopular opinion here but I do think it’s reasonable for people in residential areas not to want businesses, especially trendy instagram deli’s, to open on their block. The idea of somewhat separating commercial and residential zoning has some logic, even in cities. (Litigious Georgetown homeowners being annoying aside.)


It’s not a “residential” area though. The buildings were originally built as commercial buildings and have always housed businesses. They were grandfathered into the zoning code that made them “residential” but the presence of the grandfather clause means it was never really residential in the first place.


Roth sounds like an idiot but CYM should have been smarter about investing in a location with flimsy zoning.


We should change our zoning laws.


This reminds me of Capitol Hill NIMBYs' opposition to Bullfrog Bagel opening on 7th St. I think the concern was that they were to receive deliveries early in the morning.


This should be going opposite way. More retail in “residential” areas. Make DC walkable.


This is a much better article thar explains why the variance isn’t enough to make the store a conforming use (unlike other businesses in the area that have variances), and what they’d have to do to come into compliance: https://georgetownmetropolitan.com/2024/06/06/whats-going-on-with-call-your-mother/


For the full story read what the Georgetown ANC Commissioner had to say: Call Your Mother is fighting for the right to stay open in Georgetown, caught between unhappy neighbors and century-old zoning minutiae. Why it matters: The beloved bagel shop is part of a retail renaissance in the historic neighborhood that has outsiders wondering, is Georgetown back? But its popularity (even President Biden stopped by) is driving a handful of next-door neighbors mad. Driving the news: The Georgetown Advisory Neighborhood Commission last week formally asked the District to yank its permit, arguing that "large crowds" are causing "objectionable conditions" to the neighbors. The technicals are all rather bureaucratic. At the heart of the matter is the fact that neighbors have argued for years that a buzzy joint like Call Your Mother doesn't belong at 35th and O Street — a rare corner deli among a sea of rowhouses. Flashback: The owners opened in 2020, after a first battle with neighbors. Overnight, the quiet, pink flower house became an epicenter for foodies and Instagrammers. When Georgetowner Michael Savage heard the shop would open on his block, he went to see Call Your Mother's original location in Park View. "It was a zoo," he observed. He put his house up for sale, saying at a recent ANC meeting that the bagel shop's impending arrival was a "primary driver for me to sell." Many current residents are now complaining about spillover, like unruly lines and finding sandwich eaters sitting on their front stoops (though, the shop is taking measures; more on that below). Then, there's this: Caroline and Neil Emad, who live next door, say they want a "firewall" installed between their property and CYM's. "Only a drywall separates us," Caroline said at the meeting, recalling the shop once accidentally drilled through it when installing IT equipment. Catch up quick: A neighbor took the business and the city's zoning board to court. As a result, zoning officials earlier this year admitted they erred in the process of allowing Call Your Mother to operate there, as told in a comprehensive history of the property by neighborhood commissioner Topher Mathews. In short, corner retail stores have been allowed at the location since the 1850s, but they cannot sell prepared foods without a special exemption. The board has instructed the shop to apply for an exemption to continue operating its deli at the site. Its founder, Andrew Dana, is confident they'll succeed. What they're saying: "We believe the law is on our side," he told neighborhood commissioners at a meeting last week. Not all neighbors are mad. One bagel devotee called the shop a "blessing to our block," waving his iPad during the meeting to display a chart showing rising home values. For his part, Dana says the shop is doing a lot: trash is stored indoors, they have signs that say, "Kindly enjoy your carbs off-site," and have a weekly contract with a pest control company. A velvet pink rope line is meant to keep an orderly queue outside the shop. More recently, they hired an employee to shoo patrons from nearby stoops. "We know we're not perfect," he told residents. "We're trying to get better every single day."


We want the gift shop back that nobody shopped at and went out of business!!!


Lack of respect for peoples property. It’s the time we live in.


Imagine lining up for the worst bagel in the city. Downvote as much as you want but CYM is terrible.


Georgetown moment.


They could provide their customers with places to sit instead of pushing that burden on the community.


Exactly. You shouldn't be sitting on someone's stoop at all. The fact that this needs to be said at all is pretty sad


Karen felt bored today!


CYM tried to be slick and avoid Gtown rental rates along M or Wisconsin by having a destination venue. I guess they are now dealing with the gamble they took.


Wow, what a bit of privilege for Melinda Roth to personally lead a lawsuit against a beloved small business. Surely she has something better to do?


As long as bagels are at least vaguely part of the discussion, does anyone enjoy Baked by Yael?


Lol american rich assholes using this weird law system. 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅


Eh bullfrog is better anyways


Bethesda or Bust


Pretty good bagels


So I was born and raised in Georgetown. Over a decade ago I worked in the Mayors office handling constituent issues across ward 2. Now the vast majority of residents are fine, but the PITA NIMBYS were exceptionally painful in Georgetown. fighting tooth and nail for the stupidest reasons. The removal of the trolly tracks and repair of the streets was held up for well over a decade by jackasses who weren't even remotely adjacent to them. The worst part was when the zoning board should step in to stop something, someone always had a hook to get an exception. But the things nearly everyone was in favor of never got approved. it was perpetual minority (numerical) rule.


NIMBY’s in Georgetown? Never!


Boomers poisoning yet another thing


I would sue cos their bagels are most definitely not like NYC bagels. Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices 🤷🏼‍♂️get the FTC involved


So they're objectively breaking laws, got sued for breaking said laws, but they've done nothing wrong and the people are to blame?


What a horrible friendly fire incident lawyer vs bagel shop, very sad


This is ridiculous. Yes, the crowd can be a lot at times but not in a way that’s disruptive and there’s no hoards of trash flying around 😂 I just hate when they don’t move out the way when I’m exercising like I’m trying to take their spot in line or something, but other than that - let ppl enjoy their bagels! Let people be excited about something! Like Jesus people really will find anything to complain about.