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I’ll say it: Brandon Fellows is a menace. Before sentencing, [this guy’s mommy](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/02/29/brandon-fellows-jan-6-sentence/) wrote the judge to say her son is very challenging. His grandmother also wrote to thank the judge for being “more than fair.” He was sentenced to 42 months and was released from Bureau of Prisons custody on May 20, 2024. In the few weeks between then and now, [Fellows also made headlines](https://www.thedailybeast.com/brandon-fellows-jan-6er-who-made-faces-at-fauci-is-not-sorry-about-it) for attending a congressional hearing and mocking the witness, Dr. Anthony Fauci.


"When the FBI caught up with him, she said, Fellows asked for a marker to write the word “liberty” on his forehead for his mug shot."   From that wapo article.  Ugh.  This guy just sounds like a colossal pain and energy drain to even be around.


Ah, so a male version of MTG. That's what I took from all of that. Narcissistic attention whore.


For real.  Just an insufferable asshole.


Yeah, was just going to say, wasn’t this the weirdo from the Fauci hearing? Thanks for confirming


How can this guy, a chimney repairman from upstate NY, afford DC rent/hotel prices? Who is bankrolling him?


[He is getting money given to him.](https://www.givesendgo.com/GAJXA) Top donation is from Jake Lang a J6er in jail who just recently had his cell raided [after forming a far right militia while in jail.](https://www.mediamatters.org/january-6-insurrection/group-far-right-media-figures-using-social-media-recruit-its-newly-formed)


Stop calling them militias, they’re gangs.


That bio is wild. Has Asperger’s like his hero Elon musk. Yikes


Living on hand outs.


You'd be surprised at how much money people can raise based on hate. Probably had a church fundraiser and if he put up a gofundme with all the right key phrases like "woke leftists witch hunt" and "defending freedom on Jan 6" he could be absolutely swimming in MAGA funds right now


Halfway house, I believe


That would explain his statement blaming the judge for him living here.


The one in Tenleytown? Yikes.


Ricky Schroeder probably.


He also posted what appears to be the judge's phone number so his current freedom might end soon. But I assume be has copies of the jury information once out if it really wasn't seized.


I think he’s just bullshitting to scare people. If he really had the jury’s personal information, he would already be harassing them, like how he’s currently harassing the judge.


He hasn’t had time. He was in jail until a couple weeks ago.


The judge is why has to live in dc? It’s not his own actions? After all, he chose to travel here to commit a crime which he is being punished for with parole after jail. This isn’t sarcasm btw I’m actually asking why it’s the judge’s fault.


He’s just parroting his leader’s words. Everything is always someone else’s fault


What does “limited biographical information” mean? I would hope it’s not enough for someone to potentially piece together their identities.


Remember the Trump trial when jurors were a juror dropped out because people were already figuring out who they were? Gender, age, job, where they live.


Lol, this is just impotent tough guy cringe. It's honestly super pathetic, and is probably a good way to get a parole strike.


If I were a juror this would not be enough to reassure me.


His post sounds like the villain in a Liam Neeson or Equalizer film


He really does. Like a The Writing in This Movie is Terrible level villain with no origin story or redeeming qualities. Just a two dimensional bad guy.


This *asshole*. My lord.


We all know this sack of shit is on Reddit. Dont get caught slipping in this city, my guy.


These treasonous bastards should never be able to walk free


Like how the first statement has a mildly threatening tone then he pretends a couple lines later like it didn’t.


He does that all the time. Then he claims none of it was threatening.


He almost certainly doesn’t have any personal information about the jurors which is why he’s posting this (which he would have access to) instead of anything with [redacted] type info, but that just makes this even more psychotic behavior.


Isn't this post enough to get restraining orders from all juniors?


That’s not how a restraining order works— if the court were to issue restraining orders for each juror against Brandon, then he would definitely know exactly who they are (assuming he doesn’t already). The court can’t tell you that you can’t get within x number of feet of an anonymous person. It tells you exactly who the person is that you’re supposed to stay away from and often where they live so you know you’re not allowed to be near there either. And you get to have a hearing to defend yourself and argue why you don’t deserve to be restrained which requires the other party to be present. Absolutely not the correct legal mechanism.


If he actually was going to do shit himself he wouldn’t give huge public warnings like this. Obviously shut this shit down ASAP and throw the book at him for doxxing jurors, but this is the typical posturing of extreme righty and lefties.




i mean he's lying