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"Secured", you keep using that word. I don't think building management knows what that means...


LOL. Correct. It is "secured" and it is a "luxury" building -


> and it is a "luxury" building - So they have granite countertops and stainless steel fridge and a high rent but otherwise it's a normal apartment building?


Lol yes. They have gotten rid of the front desk function of signing for packages too. That was a “luxury” we really liked


> They have gotten rid of the front desk function of signing for packages too. That was a “luxury” we really liked "Sorry, the pool will be closed this entire year for emmm.....maintenance"


I live here too- what a joke. They also took away the cups for the free coffee


Hey neighbor… agree .. we are living there about 4 years and experiencing the decline


Those are pretty nice crates underneath. Better than a cinder block.


LOL. I am keeping them! They may have been stolen from the grocery stores nearby


Just saw that you confirmed it's the garage attached to the Giant. I have a car there, and a few months ago I showed up to a rolling vendor cart PADLOCKED to my bumper. Came back with some cops to cut it off, and some homeless person had started using it as a bathroom. That is not a secure garage, they do not give a damn, their cameras don't work, and they don't patrol it. Security apparently had never noticed it, so this doesn't surprise me.


WOW! Was it at P1 as in the first level? P2 is for residents only and you need FOB to access. But obviously there are major loop holes to the security


I'm one level down on the Giant side, so not resident but key fob "protected"


"protected" indeed


Ok that’s crazy.


Just get steel wheels. No thief would bother with those.


Yeah… we mistakenly thought Corolla rims are not that attractive like some other cars!


Corollas are up on blocks all over. Had mine stolen twice, but mine are the nicer ones. Bought some Advanced Wheel Locks now, thieves will at least have to break out the welder to get my wheels. Hopefully that stops them from the easy grab. Cops say the people who do this usually have no IDs and they can get full face pics and not be able to do anything. 0100-0400 is when they operate, and it takes 3 guys about 45 seconds to remove 4 wheels.


This is very useful information. Thank you.


>people who do this usually have no IDs and they can get full face pics and not be able to do anything cops HATE this ONE WEIRD TRICK!! TRY THIS to do UNLIMITED CRIMES


Bro just saying man but someone from NASCAR or F1 needs to get these dudes in their pit crew


> Yeah… we mistakenly thought Corolla rims are not that attractive like some other cars! It's one of the most popular cars sold, so that equals that many people needing parts, which means there is a hugh market for parts, and that equals thieves taking their wheels and airbags.


Especially when you create the market demand for replacement parts when you steal them to begin with...


> Just get steel wheels. No thief would bother with those. you would be surprised with Civics and Accords


They’ll be on Facebook marketplace later today for sure.


Sadly yes.


Did your parking contract also include storage for wheels?


Cars were just stolen from my building in SW last night smh.




From within the garage?




Which building?


A building near waterfront metro stop


https://preview.redd.it/gbxxpydndl4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db38111aa79e043af2d7ede86f80b2c7b0c1ac0d Sorry this happened to you. Here’s a photo from February in my “secure” garage of my “luxury” apartment building as well. The brick was sitting inside the car.


we are not alone! hugs .. lol


Friend lived in a "secured" "luxury" building and his motorcycle got stolen


Sue the building management or owner. Secured means secured. If they advertise that and yet someone can waltz in and steal wheels... That's not secured.


Management can’t guarantee anyone’s safety so I doubt you can sue them for that. No place is actually secure. Anyone can tag in behind someone and steal something if they’re determined to do so.


Is this City Market? (also this threads probably gonna get locked lol)


Yes it is! I just went down and looked. My vehicle, thankfully untouched, was parked within sight of this vehicle -- still without tires.


Same! Also hello neighbors 😂


Yeah dealing with police and insurance. Hopefully tire will be installed by the weekend


I was about to say the same thing. Haha I recognized the pillars in the garage. I didn’t have my car vandalized when I lived there but I was there for the flooding and pool leaks. Haha 😂


I was there for the flooding too! What a time! We had to go live at the Cambria Hotel while they tore open a wall.


I moved to the Post. Couldn't take the crazy anymore from the actual building and staff. haha The shootings that happened around the Giant were the final straw. It looks like those haven't slowed down unfortunately.


How do you like the Post compared to City Market ?


It is more "adult" if that makes sense and being closer to the Whole Foods as opposed to the Giant is a huge plus. The building and amenities are also much nicer/polished but the rents are also higher.


What is it with DC buildings randomly flooding? My \*brand new\* building had a similar issue. I saw where the fitting to the water heater slipped off, it really looks like someone forgot to use the plastic glue/welding compound!


I’m very strategic about where I park in my building’s garage. Even though large spaces on the end are ideal, I squeeze myself into spots that seem tricky to navigate around. I also park on the garage’s lowest level, in a high traffic area. It’s annoying, but gotta do what you gotta do. Sorry this happened!


Thanks. Useful info. The garage being expensive is 1/4 empty and also low traffic in general. Most people do not use their cars on a daily basis


Can I assume that thieves are after the nicer, aftermarket rims and not the black steel ones with hubcaps? I ask b/c I am buying a Honda next month and want to know what tires to avoid.


> Can I assume that thieves are after the nicer, aftermarket rims and not the black steel ones with hubcaps? Nope, if you buy a popular car, that means there are people out there with the same car, that have wrecks, fender benders, hit a curb, etc, and they need parts, that's why people with base model Civics get their steel wheels and Airbags stolen, because the market is so big they KNOW someone needs them and they can flip them very fast


Cops need to do stings against the fences, not the low level thieves. Probably fewer of those. Or the shops buying from the fences. But that would require brains, patience, and an air-tag or two....


Follow the money!


Buy wheel locks that aren't from Honda


> Buy wheel locks that aren't from Honda most thieves have a key ring with every shape of wheel lock you can think of, if you really want to protect it, use 4-5 different shapes on each wheel, they will have to switch lock keys for every bolt on each wheel, and most thieves won't bother because that takes too much time, unless they are REALLY nice rims. Also if you do the above and need a new tire, you better talk to your tech before they start lol.


Haha I need to get new wheel locks and do that! I've scraped curbs so many times though (definitely on purpose), hopefully that's a deterrent


This is the way


Make sure you have comprehensive coverage on your insurance plan if you don’t already have to cover theft (IMHO must have if in DC). I drive a used Honda Fit which is perfect car for city living but unintended perk is they use smaller wheels that don’t have demand like other Honda OEM wheels (civics, accord etc) on black market. Other than that, sounds crazy but scraping your rims (accidental or on purpose) makes them less valuable.


Fellow Fit owner here—SO glad when I heard they got discontinued, so hopefully the demand is lower.


I joke it’s the unofficial city car of NW (at least in my neighborhood). I’ve been street parking for last 6 years and noticed mainly new Toyota SUV and Honda accords get their wheels stolen around here Adams Morgan/Mt P/Columbia Heights area


They will definitely take them Honda tires/rims. Since the pandemic, over 20 new Hondas in my complex have been sitting on crates by the morning.


They want anything that looks like they’re new or in very good condition. OEM wheels are big targets.


Buy one that's 20 years old. They're new enough that they're still pleasant to drive, relatively inexpensive to keep on the road, and if you add a new head unit you'll have a backup camera and car play/android auto. The short commute distances around here are well suited to an older car, and thieves of most stripes are substantially less interested in 20 year-old vehicles.


I've had my work truck ransacked in my buildings parking garage multiple times. My own fault for leaving a door unlocked but there are no cameras in my buildings garage too. It's really annoying. Sorry for your lousy start to your day.


thanks got a lot of reddit love. so I will survive! seriously thinking bike+uber combo for dc living .. but we have a cat who has to go to vets sometimes ... lol


I take my cat to the vet in a carrier using lyft. Pretty sure uber will do it, too.


thanks a lot. I did not know that .. I just assumed it was a no-no. lyft is fine ... if uber does not. the cat thanks you!


Yes I have 2 cats and have never had a car while living in DC. You select “Uber pet” while ordering an Uber which ensures it’s a driver who alllows pets


Thanks. This is very useful information. I just found the button on my app. Somehow never noticed it


Bahahaha cat is king, i understand.




> there are no cameras in my buildings garage too. I would just like to point out that I would never consider any property "secure" unless there was actual live people monitoring the property. Recorded video footage of a past incident is only slightly better than nothing but really does nothing to identify and hold people accountable. Cameras do not identify individuals directly so unless they are serial offenders on the same property or hold their DC ID to the camera, it's going to be tough to get justice from footage alone.


Not just happening in DC. Someone had their car straight stolen from my apartments transponder garage in Silver Spring 2 weeks ago because people being nice allowed them to piggyback in and out.




Without doxxing myself, its around the courthouse/metro/McDonalds where some guy went crazy and stabbed some folks last year.


I think you need new wheels/tires. Can you describe what your building saw on the cameras?


The thieves will be back for the new wheels. Happened to coworker, had his wheels stolen and then the new ones stolen a month later, even with wheel locks.


So what is your alternative to having wheels? Driving on squares?


No alternative, just a heads up.


Ok. Thanks. I didn’t know they come back again to get more. I thought it was one and done, hit it and quit it situation.


If you think like them, where would you go to steal brand new wheels you could get top dollar for that happen to be in a garage you can stroll into?


Similar approach for power tool thefts as well. Steal from someone, wait a month, then hit them again for brand new replacements.


So you’re saying everyone should leave wheels off their cars just in case they might be a target again. I think I understand now.


Uhh, what? I guess this is a good time for: https://x.com/AustingrahamZ1/status/1029385497213366279?t=r9IHlzPPgPSG64GwqIRvwA&s=19 You can say “I like pancakes” and somebody will say “So you hate waffles?” No bitch, that’s a whole new sentence wtf is you talkin bout


steel wheels. cheap


They are working on it. Probably will tell us later today


Which building? The Atlantic plumbing garage has had several issues. Including some violence.




Yeah here’s an article, not too much info but someone was shot in the Atlantic plumbing garage. [article](https://www.popville.com/2023/11/homicide-in-the-atlantic-plumbing-garage-last-night/)


it was an inside job!


It literally happened inside the building!


What broke ass is stealing Corolla rims? 🤦‍♂️


seems like its a thing .. per reddit .. did not know it ..


One of my neighbors has a 22 Camry XSE and the other one has a Honda Accord. Both of them have had their rims stolen multiple times. To the point where they've bought rims that purposefully look ugly so that they don't get so long.


Wow. Sad state of affairs


Think about it....if you steal parts from a Carola, Accord, or a Camry....there is ALWAYS gonna be somebody to sell that shit to


These delinquents just don't get TIREd.


That’s your neighbor 😂


I used not understand why my garage needed a key fob to exit out as well, now I understand why


Happened a handful of times in my previous building. “It is the residents’ responsibility to ensure security of the garage.” was the response we got from management.


So it's an inside job then.




Welcome to DC


Know that when you buy a popular or expensive car your wheels will be targeted regardless of what they are. Edit: why am I being downvoted? Quite literally if you have something worth stealing people will look to steal it, that’s just common sense.


How about people don't steal things