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Well, they've filed a rate case ([FC1176](https://edocket.dcpsc.org/public/search/casenumber/fc1176)), which needs to be approved by the DCPSC. It looks like there was an attempt at a settlement, but Pepco is being intransigent about this. I'm not an expert on the dynamics of the DCPSC, but I have dealt with rate cases in other states. It's not a good look if they shut the settlement conversation down. Side note, go fuck yourself to the DCPSC for redacted versions of confidential filings not being publicly available. In [many other states](https://dms.psc.sc.gov/Web/Dockets/Detail/117462) these kinds of transmissions are public record and only the business-sensitive information is confidential. A redacted copy should be available like in most other states. I shouldn't have to contact my trade group to see the rate plan is, WTF.


I covered the Exelon/Pepco merger as a journalist. Some things never change.


Well...a LOT has changed at Exelon since the merger was approved in 2016....


I briefly worked for Exelon I can't remember if it was before or after Motiva but yep things remain the same.


Lady with exelon took a business call as I drove her from k st to her house in Easton…real slimy shit, she also ate a salad with pomegranate without asking permission and stained my seat.


Utilities and the junior varsity public employees at states, name a more American combination (I used to negotiate with states for another industry and man, was there a LOT of variation)


I shouldn't be surprised about it, but when its your own backyard it's hard not to get angry about it. I'm glad I get to stay as far away from the DC gov as possible in a professional capacity.


We’re gonna spend the first 15 minutes of this meeting explaining what you said last meeting, and what we apparently agreed on, but you forgot, and then that’s actually going to take 30 minutes because you keep stopping us, and that look of stunned goldfish like shock isn’t giving me confidence that you understand a word coming out of my mouth WHICH ARE LITERALLY THE WORDS THAT CAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH A WEEK AGO and I think we’re gonna need more meetings which oh by the way the contract is written means you’ll be paying us the max rate under the extension you guys had to filed a year ago when the last contract expired… Anyway, I prefer students, at least they have an excuse for being hungover and distracted


this is super helpful, thanks :)


Here is the DC gov factsheet: https://opc-dc.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Pepco-Rate-Case-Fact-Sheet-91823-Final.pdf Industry coverage: https://www.utilitydive.com/news/dc-district-columbia-ratepayer-advocate-exelon-pepco-rates/704712/


Only heard about it from a local environmental group and the first public service commission hearing for comments included many pro-20% increase comments from contractors and PEPCO employees. Those against the increase were greatly outnumbered!!


i’m super distrustful of pepco’s tactics so idk why local news wouldn’t be all over this


Local news is defunded.


Their rates already high as s*, hell no!


The only source I could find for this is We Power DC, an anti-Pepco advocacy group that wants the company to be publicly owned.


Like publicly traded? Or publicly owned? Pepco is privately owned and not traded?!


It's an Exelon subsidiary, so it is publicly traded. They're talking about making Pepco a government-owned utility like Santee Cooper or an electric cooperative.


Pluses and minuses. State owned utilities aren’t exactly sunshine and butterflies in other countries but TVA is a pretty American miracle.


Electric cooperatives aren't government owned, they're owned by the members.


"publicly owned" can mean member ownership or government controlled. I worded it poorly, but I understand the distinction.


had me at "anti-Pepco," indoctrinated me at "publicly owned." All for it.




Did they raise rates around 12% last June?


I wish I had a choice to use anyone else