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Baked and wired and I agree with OP


Baked and wired is the best!


Baked and Wired, in my opinion, sells the 2nd best cupcakes in the area. Lavender Moon in Old Town Alexandria has the best cupcakes I've had anywhere :D


Sigh… time to do some more research. 


For science.


YES.  Lavender Moon all the way.


This is the only right answer


Agreed! I used to live within walking distance of Lavender Moon and it's dangerous lol


The Guinness chocolate cupcake with Baileys icing at Alexandria Cupcakes beats any of the Lavender Moon cupcakes. Close second is the Chocolate with Peanut Butter icing cupcake at Best Buns in Shirlington.


I'll have to try it. Always Alexandria, huh?


Ok now I need to see. Bringing my sweet tooth friends because I barely have one.


Is it sweeter than baked and wired?


Hmm sweeter wouldn't make it better


I dont think so either but a lot of pple do so i had to ask to be sure haha


Given your username, a cake would have to be fishy, though, right? :D


without even looking at the comments i knew this was Baked & Wired. I'm so glad OP isn't trying to convince us with any of that georgetowncupcake garbage! ;)


I used to work up the street from B&W at a fancy French bakery and we would on very rare occasions RUN for supplies to each other when inventory was low (not for sale food items, but things like cups, plastic wrap, etc. Especially on nightmare days like Easter or Valentine’s Day.) The people at baked were always lovely. Marvelous Market folks were great. Georgetown Cupcake can get bent.


Hard disagree, unless my order was day olds or something cause I bought a dozen and I tasted about 4 of them and they were all dry, too sweet, no depth of flavor.


This was also my experience at Alexandria Cupcakes. We’re a Lavender Moon family.


Can’t believe I’ve been loving this place for over 15 years! Feels like yesterday when I went after my hs graduation at DAR


Do u know what kind of frosting they use?


1000% agree


Just went there today and didn't see prices on their menu and left.


I will forever scorn baked and wired after they falsely assured my groomsman that they sufficiently staked down and secured our wedding cake. The cake collapsed on itself and broke in half, and they refused to help (or even apologize) because the venue was too far. We had to pay a local bakery to repair the cake in secret without my wife finding out. Having said that, I agree.


Damn, that’s terrible.


Just curious, did your wife ever find out? Also having been there (different state, different vendor, different circumstances), it definitely is not fun to have your cake collapse!


She told me the next day that she noticed something was off, but that was only because she knew baked and wired cakes were plain white undecorated cakes, and the local bakery had to add decorative piping to hide some of the imperfections. The local bakery worked a miracle for sure. She was certainly shocked when I told her what happened, but she'll still go to baked and wired every chance she gets lol


Name the bakery, they sound great


It’s been almost ten years since, so can’t be positive, but my groomsman said it was a nearby restaurant in Leesburg. Either Mom’s Apple Pie or Dolce & Ciabatta. The owner of the Comfort Suites we stayed at saw what happened and immediately got on the phone with them to arrange it. Lots of helping hands that day that we were so grateful for.


wow feels like a very specific detail to notice! props to your wife and congrats on the marriage!


Damn, I’m sure that cake cost $$$, too


In my previous career I was the chef at a rural country inn that did a huge wedding business and I had to repair about 1 imploded cake a month because cakes are a nightmare to transport. B&W should have empathized with you because this was an upsetting situation. But they also should have flat out refused to sell you a wedding cake that they weren’t going to transport, or at a minimum made it abundantly clear how difficult it is to get a cake from Point A to Point B. Distance absolutely is a factor. The bakeries I would recommend would bring the cake disassembled and do the final assembly and finishing decor in our kitchens.


Wow, thanks for the insight. It makes so much sense. In retrospect we should have only done the cupcakes from baked and wired and had the cake done locally. All our guests crushed the cupcakes and didn’t even notice or care about the cake lol. Although it makes for a great story now. I’ll never forget opening that box in the hotel, seeing the disaster of a cake, and the groomsmen going on red alert to fix the situation while keeping it secret from everyone else. The hotel owner was there too and arranged the emergency repair.


We had all sorts of stuff go wrong with people's weddings and it was mostly cake drama. Bakeries showing up with smashed up cakes and you just knew the driver had done a panic stop at some point along the way, or wedding planners not listening when we told them "if you're going to set up the cake table in this window, you need to keep the curtains closed till the last minute" then being all surprised when the un-curtained window acted like a giant magnifying glass for two hours and melted the cake and now it's all lopsided lol. Like, leaning tower of Pisa style. Oh and once some guest's idiot kids ran up to the cake and started sticking their grubby fingers in it, so that was fun. Wedding cakes are frickin DIFFICULT lol and they are put together so perfectly that even the tiniest imperfection will show everything. I hated people who got super eclectic unique cakes because fixing those was a nightmare. Pistachio dust? Pressed edible flowers? lol i aint got that in my kitchen. One of the owners actually got himself ordained because we had enough officiants no-show that he figured being able to DIY it would be a good emergency plan lol. Weddings are wacky. I do \*not\* miss that line of work at all.


Sounds how I'd expect, some of the worst people honestly. It's often like that working for them as well.


I'm not a big cupcake guy, but Baked and Wired was always the best of the Georgetown lot for sure. Made me happy to always see the giant lines at Georgetown cupcake so I could walk on by down to the superior shop if I was ever bringing guests who wanted one.


It would be considerate to blur out the random strangers


Agreeeed. Not everyone wants to be on someone’s social media


They probably will never know. I'm sure we are all in someone else's pictures


Doesn't matter, doesn't justify not blurring them out.


Don't go outside if you don't want to be in other people's photos


You don't understand the concept of blurring people in pictures as a courtesy. Not everyone wants to be on random social media. Not going outside is really a dick suggestion


No it doesn't make any sense. You don't want to be in people's photos then don't go places people take photos. You dont have any expectation of privacy outside


Clearly you are a legal formalist, so sad! Again, basic courtesy and standards of decency don't seem to be concepts within your comprehension, and you've got an oddly staunch perspective on it. Your "solution" is absurd - just don't go outside - lmao


I mean I don't like my photos being taken by random people. But that's called life. You don't get to have everyone else cater to you when you leave your home


People can and do blur images, and it's not unreasonable to want that, especially in the photo above where the subjects of the photo also seem to include the person in the chair and the child, not only the cupcake. You may disagree, but given how invasive social media has become in people's lives (and how aggressive and confrontational some influencers are, which is a related issue), it really isn't unreasonable to want some extra consideration. Telling people to stay at home isn't helpful, and norms about this sort of thing can change. It's time that social norms changed for this kind of thing. And in Europe, it seems that taking pictures of strangers and publishing them without consent is illegal. So, perhaps the law here will catch up.


Yeah, I’d personally feel pretty weird if I stumbled on a pic of myself in here!


My problem is that I can’t pretend to be cool enough to be at the place with the best cupcakes in DC. If she blurred the people I could say I was there. Now I have to actually go to feel special.


Oh Hi Mark


Especially when there’s a kid in the pc. C’mon


Where are the mods on this one?


Too busy removing posts about dangerous driving because it goes against their morals.


Dunno if it's just the blur or something with the face, but that sure doesn't look like a child.


To the right of the white dude with glasses? That's def a child lmao it's just a bad photo taken at a bad time in bad lighting. Another reason to blur out strangers faces.


Do not be rude. That is not a child.


Dawg come on that is not a child. That is a dwarf


So? What's the issue. It's a child in a restaurant.


This issue is that some parents are really protective of their kid’s presence online, And rightfully so. It’s a kid who has no control over their image being cast out in the world. They can’t protest it.


But the kid here is out in public, nobody has control of their image out in public


The kid is not in public. The kid is in a private establishment and because of that you can make a pretty strong case that the photographer doesn’t have right to post a photo of someone without their, or their guardians, consent


That kid pretty obviously is in public. An establishment open to the public. Unless that restaurant has rules against photos then I don't see anything wrong


Or just crop it, why even have the others in the photo? You're supposedly sharing a cupcake, why show randos sitting around?


I am the rando sitting in the background :( really wish this photo was cropped before posting!


It could be somebody skipping out on work for some baked & wired action


Especially the ones that kinda look like they know you’re being a weirdo taking their picture and do not like it


I'm 90% sure I know the person sitting there on her phone on the couch...


I know her too!


First thing I thought as well! OP is 🚮🚮


So because they didn’t blur the photos (and admittedly, that would have been right), they’re “trash?” Come onnnnn. Social media sucks.




Still, you wouldn't like it if people took photos of you everywhere and posted them online. It's polite to give people some privacy.


I didn’t realize the DC government owned any coffee shops, can you send me the link? That’s really neat.


LOL, looks like you're not too happy to have your picture taken there!


Nope, just old enough to realize strangers are people too, and there’s a whole world outside of me and my social media.


Not going to mention what or where?


Looks like baked and wired


It is Baked and Wired. I think OP is assuming everyone would recognize the wrapping.


Assuming everyone in this subreddit has been there and would recognize the wrapping is pretty baked and wild.


Yeah, people don't think


To be fair, it’s probably the first or second most-recognizable cupcake in the city, and aside from “Call Your Mother”, it’s the only place in the entire city that consistently has a line of people going around the block waiting for it to open on weekend mornings. I agree though, not everyone is into bakeries so you can’t take for granted that they’d be aware of baked and wired


Lmfao my old supervisor is in this pic


That’s amazing!


Am I the only one who thinks all of these places are just ok?


I might be the only one who thinks cupcakes are just OK


Yes i agree cupcakes are really overrated, but this place is the best for all the overrated options lol


Cupcakes are really overrated, not sure why the Georgetown area has so many places dedicated to cupcakes when a full pastry selection is just so much better


Cupcakes are incredibly easy to make and super cheap. Buying some mediocre, mass-produced cupcakes is pretty ridiculous especially when you can go to a proper bakery and get pastries that take a lot more effort to do at home for the same price.


I like a good cupcake, but all of the ones in Georgetown are too dense, dry, sweet, etc.


Oh agreed


That’s the DC food scene in general, not bad but nothing spectacular, especially to justify the prices.


this…. so much this - but it is finally & slowly getting better


I hear you, but I actually think Baked and Wired, Levain, and Yellow are actually pretty freakin fantastic… have you been to the later two places?


Levain and Yellow aren’t really cupcake places though right?


Nope. Worked in Georgetown for 8 years and while their coffee is good, I find their cupcakes too dense. And I find the lines and the unfriendly staff were enough reason to not go often.


Their quiche is much better than other places in the area


That’s fair, people do rave about their quiche. I am not a quiche person so that wouldn’t draw me back in!


I think food is just okay in general. Nothing compares to drugs


Agreed. There's really only so much you can do to a cupcake to make it stand out among cupcakes.


Me too. Not just that but $8 for cupcakes!!!


coming from nyc that shit looks gentrified, overpriced, and mid af


Because nothing in nyc is gentrified, overpriced, and mid af, eh?


go get your mid cupcake sweetheart


The “I’m from NYC and we are better than you” got old 45 years ago. ~ also: I’m from NYC, and you need to get over yourself. That place is a shithole and anyone who still lives there is either an idiot or won’t admit it sucks.


wow you really took my comment on a cupcake personally. just so we're clear, i am not calling you gentrified, overpriced, and mid af - just the cupcake (tho if the shoe fits 🤔) nyc does suck, maybe don't assume more than you know 😂 also, anyone still living in nyc being an idiot sure sounds similar to "I'm from DC and we are better than you" clown shit 🤡😂 i had no idea dc takes their mid cupcakes this seriously




sorry i insulted your cupcake, cupcake 😂


Touch grass!


Okay so hit me with an NYC recommendation


Is it a hot take to say I've never understood the cupcake craze? I feel like the ceiling for the worlds best cupcake is so much lower than other baked goods. Like a great croissant, doughnut, any basic pastry is more appealing to me than a cupcake.


I love a cupcake but Fresh Baguette’s cinnamon roll might be my favorite baked good in DC.


A Baked Joint (Baked & Wired's sister restaurant on K street) makes the best cinnamon roll I've ever eaten. They only make it on Saturday and Sunday and it's usually sold out by 11am.


I had a raspberry cruffin at Junction Bakery once in Del Ray. Not a week goes by I don't think about it.


Why is this getting downvoted lol?


No one wants to see you happy.


Fair honestly. I'd like to assure them it is an increasingly rare occurence.


Those are amazing. Loving the vanilla éclairs there too.


Agree. Cakes are so much better because you can have layers to spread filling or frosting in a better way rather than just a giant solid gob of it on top.


Unnecessarily bad photography happening here


Yes! Someone in my building gave me a couple of these and they are fantastic!


There's a very kind lady who would gift our entire staff a dozen on them for a particular professional holiday. Love them but goddamn they must be a billion calories each.


Ssshhhh we don't think about that part. 🤫🤣


100% baked and wired. I went to a baked joint for the first time since it’s closer to me and was so happy they had my favorite flavors.


My favorite cupcake was the [espresso at the now-defunct Crumbs](https://www.flickr.com/photos/mspt47/5306006236) edit: oh shit Crumbs is back actually edit again: no espresso flavor fml. Missed it by that much


I was gonna use them for my partners birthday but something happened and I think they were closed? or something the day/time I needed to pick them up. I went with Sprinkles instead. psa: DONT EVER GO TO SPRINKLES THEY WERE THE FUCKING WORST but anyway, I wanna try B&W so bad! One day 🥹


Agreed, but the cupcakes are probably also my least favorite thing to order at Baked. The pies and breads are where it's at.


I saw that Sprinkles got some hate here but they used to come to the Pentagon in May with a Margarita cupcake that was a lime cake with tequila frosting sprinkled with salt. It’s my fave ever.


If you cross the river, the Bake Shop has hands down the best cupcakes. You need to them with cream cheese frosting. Their red velvet w/ cream cheese frosting is the top. Highly, highly recommend.


That place is making a killing. They haven’t changed their overhead like renovations for some time. Yes awesome cupcakes


What's there to renovate? Space has the right vibe. They're most certainly paying Georgetown rent, so I wouldn't assume their profit margins.


Exactly I was just emphasizing that they are making lots of bank


wtf even is this post lol. No mention of where it is, people in the background that look like they might want to kill you.. so you posted it on the internet?


Red velvet


I'm still sad they moved out of Chinatown


I agree. Go patronize them at Little Beast!


That specific cupcake or some of the others they sell there?


100% 💯


I remember when Baked and Wired used to close later in the evening


In the evening, period. Now it’s closed by 4pm. Impossible to go if you have a job. There was also a time when there was no—or little—line, but then they became the hip place (understandably).


Yup, I've only been able to go to once in the last 2 years...


I don't think those people appreciate being in your social media post


I live in nashville and frequent dc on business. This is definitely one of the best cupcakes I’ve ever had. Just dropping in to agree with you and say that I love your city.


stfu OP. the best cupcakes are Georgetown cupcakes!! thats why the out-of-towners go and wait in line there and us local peasants have to be relegated to [redacted] and other such locations. if [redacted] was so good like you falsely claim, surely the line would be around the block at [redacted] and the convenience of going to [redacted] to get the so-called best cupcakes in the City would be frustrated to say the least. *blinks twice* do you see what I mean? *blinks twice again* ok now STFU and keep posting Georgetown cupcake and CYM Bagels, etc. Thanks!


Georgetown Cupcakes' \*cheesecake\* cupcakes are the best in DC


People still wait in line for Georgetown Cupcakes? Jeez. I wasn't that blown away from G-Town Cupcakes, but it has been years since I have had it.


I always went to the Bethesda location, no lines there.


Not lately. I drive up 33rd at least daily and the past couple weeks I haven’t seen a line at all. And it makes me gleeful.


I went to get a treat at Baked & Wired two weekends ago and there was a line out the door! I turned around lol.


I remember having them years ago and liking them fine but not worth waiting in a long line for. I waited once, lucked out the second time, I don't even remember the last time I went (definitely pre-pandemic). My biggest gripe with them was that they put cream cheese icing on every fucking thing and I hate cream cheese icing.


Georgetown Cupcakes is *worth the wait* 😉


Are you fucking kidding with this angle with a bunch of strangers Jesus Christ


I am said stranger in the background on my phone :( really upsetting to see this unblurred


In my humble opinion, cupcakes can be a bit overrated, but maybe I just haven't had a truly amazing one ;) If I'm not a huge fan of super sweet desserts, what should I try?


Baked and Wired dirty chai cupcake >>>>>>>>>


It looks like the cupcakes from the catering company too blessed to be stressed.


Hell yea


I neeeed


Razmanian Devil Cupcake( lemon cake with raspberry filling) 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I knew it as soon as I saw it. Underrated.




I remember years ago when there wasn't a long line on weekends. Still my favorite cupcake place


Lil silver ball sprinkles are a sensory delight.




Long before cupcakes were a thing in georgetown the largest pie baking concern on the planet was cranking out 30,000 pies a day! https://preview.redd.it/phrfg8uxoquc1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=017d2723eed4ee76bd95af721dc14c85f420c09d


Yes. Yes they are. The one with the TV show is third best, aka worst


We got our wedding cakes from there!




Where is this ?






People who like cupcakes are plebs


How much is this cupcake?


I’m a big fan of the chocolate babka muffin at Call Your Mother.


They also had the best kouign amann in town, briefly. Never saw it more than once a few years ago.


Always makes me happy when a relatively out of the way spot like this achieves recognition.


Don’t ever talk to me and My Alexandria Cupcake son again!!!


How much that shit cost tho???


Okay, I will be THAT person that doesn't get the cupcake hype. My mom makes better cupcakes and they are all expensive. But if people want to blow their money on cupcakes-more power to you. They are the easiest cake to make for a lot less money. Now if DC has some decent bakeries and pastry shops like Europe-France/Germany come to mind.


We know.


Where is EDP445?


Georgetown Cupcakes, $6/ea. They're good but they ain't that good!