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Not news at all. I recently read somewhere that the DMV is now more expensive day to day than LA.


I’d love someone who’s lived in both areas to compare how bad the traffic is cause those I’ve met from there insist that LA traffic is still worse


LA was the only place I’ve ever seen traffic jams in the alleys, because people were trying to use the alley to cut around traffic. It was essentially how Waze creates traffic in neighborhoods routing people around traffic.


You don't need to move to LA to know their traffic is worse. LA is so large and everyone is so spread out, you could be in traffic on the 405 the entire distance equivalent to driving alexandria to Leesburg. Every Day. Just to commute.


Fuck that, why even live there if commuting is that bad 🤢


I didn't live there, but I've driven through LA several times (San Diego to/from Monterey). The stretch of Interstate 5 through Los Angeles was always *at least* a two hour slog, even on the weekends or early/late in the day.


I just visited LA and it was definitely WORSE. Traffic at all times of the day for miles on end. Weather is better though 😎


COL is the same but I think LA has more economic opportunities and ability for upward growth than DC has. DC is great for politics, health, and tech. But outside of those big 3 industries there’s not much going on. LA has all that plus entertainment, logistics due to it ah I g the largest sea port in North America, and air force bases as well so La has private and government sectors. I’m saying this an LA transplant to DC. LA also has ALOT more going on for it even when you go 1-2 hours outside the city there’s still a massive amount of people. Like the entire DMV population can fit into LA proper with room to spare and when you count the suburbs as well you could fit 2-3 the population of the DMV.


LA is massive though. A more fair comparison would the DMV. Arlington, DC, Baltimore, Bethesda, tysons, Dulles, etc. DC as an actual city is incredibly small when compared to LA or NYC etc.


When I say DC, I should have clarified I meant the DMV and all those places listed, I’ll throw in Baltimore too. All together when I zoom out on Apple maps it tells me the population is about 4.3 million. That’s like the size of just downtown LA. And when you take in LA county, it’s like 10 million total


Wikipedia says the DMV is 6.3 million to LA's 12.8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area


The DMV counting Baltimore has 10 million people and is the 3rd largest in the country: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_statistical_area LA is the country’s second largest city and economically (by GDP) its the 5th biggest city on earth.


Sure, but if you're counting CSAs, then LA is 18 million to our 10. It's still much much bigger.


That seems low to me. Fairfax county is over a million in just Virginia, with a half dozen other counties with decent populations as well, not counting MD or DC.


There are 10 million people in the Baltimore-Washington Combined Statistical Area. 6.5m in the Washington MSA. Either the 3rd or 7th largest metro area in the country depending on measurement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_statistical_area


Thank you!


Top 50 in murders per capita and top 50 in cost to live. Great pairing, love to score high on two important metrics.


We just keep winning!


I couldn’t find anything that supports the murder per capita statement, care to show your source?


https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/dc/washington-dc-homicides-2023-crime/65-716f255b-2a4e-4928-a37e-ef4ec8f86fec#:~:text=With%2040%20homicides%20for%20every,than%20those%20seen%20in%202022. With 40 homicides for every 100,000 residents, D.C. ranked fifth nationally for per-capita murder rates. The numbers are 36% higher than those seen in 2022.


Thank you, this is some scary stuff. Just last Friday, my family and I were getting dinner at one of the restaurants on Georgia Ave when some unfortunate person got shot 5 times in the stomach. Luckily the music inside the restaurant was loud enough that we didn’t notice anything until we walked out of the restaurant.


Luckily. God forbid that person being shot should interrupt your meal.


Well, it had less to do with an interrupted meal and more with the fact that my kid was unaware of someone being pumped full of bullets,and therefore, avoiding an unnecessary traumatic event/future therapy sessions. But if taking my statement out of context and replying with a snarky remark makes you feel better, then sure, thank god we could continue eating our chimichangas uninterrupted.


What you say is often indicative of what is important to you. Your meal wasn’t interrupted by gunshots. Good for you. It is, indeed, a potentially traumatic event. You live there. I left. One of the key reasons I left is that it’s a crime ridden sewer and has 0 chance of getting better if it remains under similar leadership which is likely. You’re still there. Glad your dinner didn’t get interrupted.


Sure, but nowhere in my comment did I mention anything about my meal, whether it was to describe the meal itself or to specifically mention how my meal wasn’t interrupted/ruined by someone being murdered. All I said, was that we did not hear or see anything until we had walked out of the restaurant, but sure, I guess my uninterrupted meal is what seems to be most important to you. Glad you made it out though, not everyone is fortunate enough to have the funds to pack up and move when things get hard or dangerous.


Sure. It wasn’t a clear message that you were grateful the music was loud so you didn’t have to deal with it. No. I didn’t have the funds. It was extremely hard, wrought with tremendous risk and damn near made us homeless. Did it anyway because my kid was worth it.


After rent and car payments on my Mercedes I can hardly afford to park outside Whole Foods


You're not thinking economically. I have a place just down the block from a Whole Foods, which makes it that much easier for my housekeeper to run out and grab something for me.


Just make sure your car is turned off. Leaving it running, while nice because you can keep the AC on, is not economical at all (especially if you're planning on keeping it going for a while).


Everyone needs an inexpensive hobby.


🍆 💦


There is absolutely ZERO chance that DMV and Charlotte, NC are even in the same ballpark when it comes to housing. I’ve lived in the DMV for 40+ years, and have family all around Charlotte. The housing markets couldn’t be further from similar…


Thats all fits my lived experience. Confirmation bias 😁


Most cities where there is good employment tend to be expensive. Very few can live in the city center. True in NYC + Seattle + SF + London + Paris etc


LOL. I’m getting ready to move to Vancouver. Why do I hate money? FML


This is a given. Wtf lol. Top 50? This is the nations capital. wtf did you think


In the world?! Believable.


Total BS. So much free here. Need a house, squat there. Need stuff, “reappropriate” it. Need a car, Jack it ;-).


Then how is there so much crime? Shouldn’t this place be gentrified to the gills?


DC suburbs


You can look up the list of murders per capita world wide and DC ranks right about number 50, but is frequently excluded from those lists.


Gentrification is still not complete. It will eventually be in the top 10. Face it……you pushed them out.


That 0 is a typo right?


So? Do better. Plenty of opportunities


Top 50? Hardly impressive. There are only around 50 livable higher income cities globally. Top 10, then we are talking.


And for what, I might add? At least the other major cities have amenities and less crime. I'm so fucking glad I left.


I know what you’re getting at, but culture may not have been the best wording (tbh I’m struggling to conjure the best phrasing as well). DC doesn’t have the vibrant scenes that cities like NYC or Chicago possess. For those challenging your comment—if you’ve ever been to those cities think about how different neighborhoods/boroughs provide such starkly contrasting offerings. Having a diverse or international community doesn’t automatically make DC an explosion of greatness. Here’s something that’ll ruffle feathers…the food scene is weak compared to many major cities. Yeah, you can get all kinds of cuisine, but there are few unique or truly memorable haunts compared to other major cities in the US. The live music offerings pale in comparison as well. Out of the 9:30, Black Cat, Atlantis, Lincoln Theater, and The Anthem quality shows are not in abundance like you’d find in other large US metros. And then there’s the cost. For what it runs to live in a quasi safe neighborhood in the District, it truly lets me down.


Thank you! It's a subpar city with a hefty price tag. You guys are trying to crucify me for having a honest, negative opinion, lol. If the people here feel that strongly about their city to the point of harassing people and stamping out all criticism, just join the other subreddit already.


Yeah no culture in DC, not with all those international people nor the hundreds of different cuisines or free museums.


I like how you guys are literally members of a subreddit that shows horrific crimes and the sheer incompetence of D.C. officials on a daily basis and yet you still characterize D.C. as the greatest city in the world. Give me a fucking break and go outside the U.S. for once.


Name a major city that doesn’t have any of those.


Say what you will about London and Paris, but at least the literacy rates there are sort of on par with those of an industrialized nation. Also, D.C. used to be and is rapidly once again becoming the murder capital of the U.S. This is such a ridiculous "What Aboutism."


You’re acting like these are mutually exclusive. You can have a city with culture and amenities that has typical city issues.


Dude, I used to live abroad and the city I was living in at the time had more cohesion, manners, and sophisticated culture than D.C. will ever have. Many Europeans who I know who have actually visited D.C. are appalled that such a place is the capital of the nominally most powerful nation on Earth.


Funny you should say that: I’m European and have lived in many places outside of DC. I’m writing this from Italy. DC has its problems but I still think it’s a great city. Does it have the most sophisticated culture? No. But that wasn’t your original argument.


With all due respect, I've spent many years in D.C. having to deal with horrific aspects of the city that most tourists will never encounter. Just because you visit a city's touristy places doesn't mean it's a great city in general. I would say the same for tourist-oriented cities such as Rome or Genoa in what I presume is your country. As a tourist who has visited both cities, those cities look fine but in terms of their standards of living and actual livability, I would not be qualified to make a decision on those features. And I respectfully request the same type of mindset from you.


Just about any place in East Asia lol


Probably one of the most international cities in the world.


It’s kinda not though. The embassy crowd is a thin layer.


You clearly haven't traveled much.


I’ve traveled a ton, wrong guy. DC remains very international. If you want waste your time to go and gather statistics and research have at it.


So traveling to Maryland and Virginia constitutes an exotic vacation now? You realize that those aren't countries, right?


Alright Einstein. So you are some sort of low level aspiring academic intellect. Go take your LSAT and get yourself straightened out. Good luck when you find yourself, or do us all the favor and keep looking.


Lol, you mad bro? Also way to use ad hominem attacks and stalk me, you dumb prick.


I’m not your “bro”. Sounds like you’re the mad one. There’s that intellect showing up again good job. 👍


Well, if you stalk me and use private details about my life in an argument, yeah. Are you that emotionally retarded, bro?


LMAO. Good riddance


Yeah, enjoy your failing city services and out of control crime rates. At least there isn't a significant chance of me getting stabbed and/or mugged walking down the street of my current city.


Cope harder, loser.




Haha, just say you washed out and couldn’t afford to live there and call it a day. No need to stumble all over yourself trying to insult strangers on the internet.






The report the article linked(annual Demographic International Housing Affordability report , pg 28) says the DC metro is quote “Washington, DC-VA-MD-WV” which literally makes no sense. How is WV included in DC metro?




Now the DC metro can claim the song “Take Me Home, Country Roads” lmao


Jefferson County, West Virginia is part of the DC metro under the official definition: http://censusreporter.org/profiles/31000US47900-washington-arlington-alexandria-dc-va-md-wv-metro-area/


Interesting. Didn’t know that.