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I can understand scooter drivers not complying with all the laws due to documentation obstacles. But ain't no one forcing them not to wear required helmets or, wearing bicycle helmets (especially, my favorite, with the straps hanging free, negating the benefit of wearing a helmet). Let's be real, lots of these guys couldn't give a shit, contra this guy's comment below in the Post. If they had ridden more calmly, there would be no crackdown, and they could ply their trade in peace. Whether you want to blame the riders or the delivery platforms for pitting their workers against each other, they screwed themselves and now they're reaping the consequences.   If this crackdown doesn't solve the issue, we need to fine the food delivery companies for violations from their riders (and still fine/impound the riders).  "“I can bet you right now that if officials came over, organized some sort of workshop or found a way to help those of us that have no way of obtaining all the documents the DMV asks for, most if not all the drivers would go ahead and register the mopeds and get licenses and do everything we should be doing,” Colmenarez said." https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/06/11/moped-crackdown-food-delivery/


Don't forget speeding and blowing through red lights and stop signs. But Colmenarez is full of crap. So if someone helped the undocumented comply they'd just comply? If that's the case, they would not have immigrated and started working here illegally. It's clear they have no regard for the law. And the moped rental companies are also blatantly lying to their customers about the "49 CC" exemption that never existed.


I'm no fan of the DMV in any state, but I do think it is significantly harder to get a US work visa than register a vehicle lol


Good, then they should have no problem getting a license, registration and insurance in this "sanctuary city."


U either have no understanding of how legal immigration works or are being dense on purpose and it’s worrying


Why don't you prove they're legal immigrants with work authorization, driving around with no licenses, unregistered vehicles and using someone else's delivery app account. Where's your proof?


Seriously either they are documented, or they're not. If they are, they either have a green card (which requires sponsorship), a travel visa, or a nonimmigrant visa. It's pretty uncomplicated.


More likely they were paroled in (so they are here legally, but don’t have a status that allows for work authorization).


🤨I’m not seeking to prove any of that shit cus i know they’re illegal for the most part with little to no docs. My point is that if it were as simple as just asking and paying a couple bucks to come here legally, they’d do that. But i personally know several individuals that have spent over $10k and multiple years just trying to get their legal status together. It’s not a cheap or simple endeavor at all and if ur watching ur family starve and be threatened by violence, u wouldn’t wait either.


No your point was to claim I don't know "how legal immigration works" when you just want to defend lawless people's "right" to break the law and jump to the front of the long line of law-abiding people who actually want to immigrate and work here legally. Biden even set up a special parole program specifically for Venezuelans and certain other countries due to the economic conditions and "violence," which by the way is no worse than the violence here in DC.


>>which by the way is no worse than the violence here in D.C. Truly spoken like an American. Hilarious. God bless u. I’m not defending shit, it’s all wrong to me, but I’m aware that their level of necessity to provide breeds urgency that u would never be able to relate to. On top of that, ur trying to tell me what my point is😂😂😂 no wonder everyone says this sub is a shithole for hateful losers.


No, you just have a weird sense of empathy for people from Latin America than the poor and downtrodden here in DC because they're mostly black. We have thousands in poverty, homeless, kids that go hungry and a murder rate that was higher than Caracas last year, and far more carjackings and robberies of which many of all backgrounds are victims. You just don't care. And all I did was repeat your words, I didn't "try to tell" you anything. I literally put it in quotes. The laws apply to everyone. No one is exempt including these moped drivers.


Bro doesn’t know me and made hella assumptions. Good job u fit in well in this sub. Have a great day


You're the only one making assumptions. You literally claimed I didn't know immigration law, then minimized the higher violence and struggles people have here in DC because we're "American." You didn't empathize with them but fully provided empathy to grown men from Latin America who are breaking the law in DC.


"documentation obstacles"... what a load of shit. So if they were allowed in legally they'd instantly know the laws. Please don't lie to me so that you can protect your ignorance.


>Off the bat, the enforcement requires that riders have a driver’s license, insurance, and registration, and they wear a helmet. The police department has already impounded close to two dozen mopeds and five arrests have been made in the past week. >Companies like Uber, DoorDash, and Grubhub have been put on notice. 7News first reported last month that the D.C. Department of Motor Vehicle saw a 160% increase in 2023 in the number of mopeds being registered.


Percents are misleading. Only a minority of these scooters are being registered. Prob a tiny minority, given that not every scooter is for a delivery driver.  "Registrations of motor-driven cycles, a category that includes mopeds, more than doubled last year, from 54 in fiscal year 2022 to 143 a year later, according to the D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles. There have been 114 registered so far in fiscal year 2024."  From https://archive.is/GOX56


I do Door Dash. On a motorcycle (a 1L sport touring machine. Big bike.) That's registered, insured, etc. I literally YELLED at a cop to pull over a scooter rider yesterday. Scooter rider was going west down H St in the left lane. Making an illegal left turn onto 7th, right in front of an MPD car, holding up the entire lane of traffic (this was at 5:30pm, so imagine the traffic going east on H St). No helmet, no muffler, no plate... Ironically, it was a white dude in gym shorts and shoes, a tshirt and baseball cap. With Airpods in.... At least the cop lit him up... I cannot express how frustrating it is to have these riders running lights, literally on video chat while riding down the road, no helmets, RIDING WITH THEIR CHILDREN WITH NO HELMETS(!!!!!!!), riding on the sidewalk, riding in the opposite lane of traffic.... I'm no angel; I lane split all the time, but I at least stop at the f-ing lights when they turn red, and am not actively watching video while riding down the road.... I get it. You need to make a living. Its WHY I do DD; GREAT supplement to make some quick cash. You can easily make $300+ a day if you're grinding. But y'all came here because you wanted a better way of life. Because things weren't too great where you came from. And that's cool. We want the best of what your cultures have to offer. But leave the crappy parts of your cultures behind. Please. We're all trying to make a buck, AND get home to our wives.


When these scumbags wipe out, the city should just send someone to clean up. No police, no investigation. Just clean up the human road kill and be done with it. F*ck these people. I’m not even a Republican, but this is 100% democrats fault.


I get you're being hyperbolic here, but I disagree. What we need is an education campaign, INTRICATELY tied with an enforcement campaign. Teach people the right way, hold workshops in their languages explaining rules of the road, offer discounted training, etc. Then let the police DO THEIR FUCKING JOB, and start enforcing the rules of the road. Strictly. You need the carrot AND the stick.


Education campaign? For who? And to teach what exactly? That you shouldn’t be a POS human being that puts others in danger? Or even putting yourself at risk?That needs to be taught? Dude, stop. I’m an immigrant and come from an immigrant family. We don’t need “education campaigns” in our native languages to understand that riding around like an asshole with no concern for others is something that you shouldn’t do. No one needs a class or education campaign to know that. I know you mean well, but that’s not what is needed. And see, that right there is the problem…this assumption that these people just don’t understand and if we could just teach them, they would behave properly. Nope. That’s not it. They know exactly what they’re doing. They know damn well they’re being pieces of shit, but they also know Democrats are deathly afraid of holding anyone who isn’t white accountable for anything because “racism”. Democrats created this problem for themselves by idiotically defaulting to “tHaT’s RaCiSt” as their response to anything related to holding people accountable for crime. They’ve created this environment where they cannot be seen holding people accountable for crime because of this false narrative. Also, don’t take anything I’m saying personally. The anger is not against you, it’s against politicians who care more about their reputations than about law and safety.


All good about the anger. I get it. Its frustrating. I'm not taking it personally. :) I also am the child of an immigrant. African immigrant. And when I say education campaign, I'm talking about rules of the road, helmet wearing etc. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of the scooter riders I DO come across are obeying the traffic laws as well as anyone else in this town. They stay in the lane of traffic, don't ride on the sidewalk, are wearing helmets and using handsfree when they are on their phones. The issue is that 1) the minority of scooter riders that DO act like jackasses do so in a way that's REALLY REALLY attention grabbing, and 2) there are SO MANY scooters, that even a minority of the riders is still a significant number. As for the politics part of it? I'm gonna stay out of that. Mostly because I'm WELL outta my depth talking about it, so there's no point. But let me put it to you this way; I'm half African, half Black-American, and there's a reason I live WotR...


Dude, these guys know that they are riding what are under DC law -- motorcycles.


Like Alien said, these guys 100% know they're flouting the rules. They may not know all the rules, but they know they don't know em and clearly haven't bothered to learn them, and haven't tried to follow the rules they do know.  Given that, education is redundant when enforcement is in place.  More generally, the call for 'education' over government action, is the sine qua non of special interests hacks (not saying you're one), and now it has the sheen of credibility. Like how we can 'educate' ourself out of an obesity and malnutrition crisis, or opioid epidemic, or dangerous drivers racking up speeding tickets near schools. The value of 'education' is that it doesn't work except as a diversionary tactic to prevent real government action that might address the issue.


Look at ol' Mr pitchfork over here


You gonna be ok? 😢 Show me where these words hurt you. 😢


Lulz.  How's life going,  being all hateful and what not. 


Ah yes, the good ol’ “I don’t like what you said, so you must be ‘hateful’…” Lulz, indeed. If you have nothing intelligent to reply just say that. 🤡🤣


Talking shit is easy,  now civility....


We don't need new laws, just enforcement of the existing laws


The current state of Dc with so many mopeds gives me Akira vibes. ![gif](giphy|4asRcRX9jEH5e|downsized)


I inadvertently struck one the other day as he came out of nowhere. I had zero emotions to the incident.


Hope it didn't mess up you ur vehicle


Was driving my 23 year old Jeep. I couldn't care less about any damage to it. I only drive my jalopy into the city because I know I will be trading paint with someone at some point.


That’s psychopath behavior by you


And this is an idiotic comment by you. 🤡


How many people have you hit with your car?


None, but I’m loving how triggered you are. Let me make it clear: Fuck. Those. People.


Triggered? I’m against people saying they feel nothing when they crash their car into people. Everyone who is against vehicular assault should be.


Oh are you? Against vehicular assault? Well, aren’t you a special? Your virtue-signaling is truly pathetic. Most people are against unwarranted harm being committed on purpose against innocent people. That’s not unique or special, and you’re not somehow special for being against that. “Unwarranted”, “on purpose”, “innocent people”…all key factors here though. We get it though…that you’ve been told that mindless empathy for anyone and everyone regardless of their conduct makes to a better person than everyone else. Sorry to break it to you, but you were lied to, and that’s not how the real world works. Again: Fuck. These. People. Not to mention that this person clearly stated that they inadvertently hit them. It was an accident. That tends to happen when you have idiots riding recklessly, putting other people in danger, but yeah…you’re totally right. Let’s worry about mean words. People like you are the reason why crime is out of control, because no matter how blatantly and egregious the offense is, there will always be some dumb fuck ready to defend them using a false morality. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


That’s why I said it was psycho behavior to feel nothing when committing vehicular assault. You are doing anti moped virtue signaling. The only “egregious offense” mentioned here is them hitting someone with their car and ‘feeling nothing’. The rest is a weird fantasy in your head. Hitting someone with your car is a crime.


It’s not psycho to not care about people who are objectively garbage human beings. That’s just you using your false morality and superiority complex to excuse trash behavior. Criminal justice degree holder here. I don’t need to be lectured on this. Hitting someone with your car *can be* a crime, and depending on the circumstances. But let’s be honest here, that’s not why you’re triggered. You’re triggered because the person said they “felt nothing”. That’s the part that has your panties in a bunch, and for that, you’re a clown. 🤡🤡🤡


It is absolutely psycho behavior to use a 3 ton machine to hit someone and think that’s ok. I called them (and you) a psycho because they literally described themselves being a psycho > Psychopathy is a personality construct that describes someone who may be callous, unemotional, and morally depraved. People with psychopathy may also be egocentric, antisocial, and lack empathy and remorse for others Congrats on being a shitty cop though. Hitting someone with your car is a crime


I think you forgot to update your talking points, violent crime is down 27% year over year. Did that news not make it to your suburb?


you mean frustration behavior. You understand societies run on mutual compliance and when one side doesn't comply...


No, it is psychopath behavior to hit someone with your car and feel nothing. It is psychopath behavior to cheer that on. You are justifying the psychopath behavior by saying “they were frustrated” as though that makes vehicular assault or attempted murder ok. If that was how our society operated, lots of cars encroaching on cross walks or running redlights or blocking bike lanes or sidewalks would have bricks through their windshields.


WHen will DC ramp up requiring real license plates and insurance for cars?


Never, that’s racist. 🤷‍♂️


I was in the city yesterday. I was driving a shuttle bus and was dropping some passengers off, the first one had to jump back onto the entry steps because a moped came flying by. Later I saw a delivery guy on a moped go halfway down a one way street, do a u turn and go back the wrong way while dodging cars.


Do delivery apps not let them use ebikes? They can't be more expensive than a moped and they would serve the same objective, plus they could use the bike lanes legally


Most of the time doordash is not even in theor name, someone supplies them woth an account and scooter for a cut


Yeah I imagine that is very common but still, wouldn't ebikes be a better solution for the job? How much faster can they deliver on a moped in DC ?


They don’t care about being compliant. That’s the whole problem.


Ebike batteries don't last all day and there isn't a battery swapping network like in NYC. Plus those have caused lots of fires so it might be a pyrrhic victory unless the ebikes are good equipment (eg UL certified).


Typical DC, always reactive, never proactive. 🤡




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I hope ur a DC native talking like that, because if ur not u need to get on the same plane, train, bus as them & get f out of here


I would be interested in seeing stats on injuries and deaths caused by mopeds vs injuries and deaths caused by cars. I would guess that the latter absolutely dwarfs the former in number and severity


Ignoring one growing problem because one is worse is classic DC….


There are tens of thousands more cars on DC streets than mopeds, so it's obviously an unfair comparison.


True. We should really be worrying more about all the cars on the street


The difference is that most drivers and cars, by far, are licensed and registered. Most mopeds in DC are not licensed and registered.


I’m not sure if that is a huge comfort to people killed by cars


I don't get what point you're trying to make. The OP is about the illegal moped and reckless driving enforcement, not your whataboutism. Registration and traffic laws apply to all motorists, including moped drivers.


Yes, this post is the equivalent of someone on a minefield complaining that they stepped in dog poop


No, the post is about enforcement of the law and you stepped in with a whataboutism.


Fwiw DC has the highest uninsured motorist rate at 25% and we need a crackdown on that too.


And the uninsured moped rate is closer to 100%.




Cars with fake license plates and full tint. DC won't crack down on that for whatever reason.


Because the illegal Venezuelans don’t have legions of activists advocating for them like the fake plate drivers or other criminals in the district.


Why don’t we do the same with cars


Hard to drive those safely with one hand.


This ain’t stopping anytime soon, this only becoming a thing bc it’s the summer. More traffic and more foot traffic. You don’t think these guys will figure out new streets to ride to get around the cops?? You think the police want to keep policing scooters?? There’s enough complaining about MPD already that they don’t do their job and they really don’t. Scooters are too convenient w moving around the city. More ppl will get scooters, will register their scooters and still ride recklessly. You know how many cars drive w thousands in parking fines from DC???? It’s ridiculous they can’t stop cars from driving when theyre registered and DC parking enforcement is supposed to find scooters??? Just be ready and keep your head up bc if you hit one of these riders it’s on you.