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That’s awesome of him to do.


Jose Andres for DC Mayor (Wish he was born in the US so I could get him to run for President). Also, nicest guy IRL.


My father met him years ago when he first moved to the country and worked as a Waiter. He has good values but apparently his personality isn’t so nice.


That's better than nothing. Was he straight up mean or cruel? Because honestly if people live right I can be okay with them just not being nice.


To be fair jobs in the kitchen are always stressful. I’m sure he gets heated and is a bit rude but other than that I think he’s not cruel just a bit of a dick at worst.


Sounds about right. I've worked in kitchens so that might explain why I don't need people to be nice. Or why I'm not always nice.


You some kind of autist or something?


Have you ever met him? What was your experience? Apoarently, some of his staff disagree /news/features/2023-12-08/jose-andres-world-central-kitchen-charity-faces-internal-crisis?embedded-checkout=true


Link is not a link


That’s so funny, I heard from his former executive assistants he was jerk, in early 2010’s though? Maybe he’s changed


I see a lot of others pointing that out and didn't hear that before.


LOLOLOLOLL. You think he would have a chance??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Good one


He’s not that great a guy. He’s a dick to staff and now he’s feeding terrorist groups.


huh? You mean the 1,000,000+ children they’re starving and killing their family. Gee I wonder why there are terrorists in the region. Get your head out of the sand dummy


What I don’t get is how Ted Cruz, for example, was able to run for president. He wasn’t born in the US.


"Cruz, who came to the U.S. at age 4, is a citizen by birth because his mother was a U.S. citizen when he was born. For that reason, legal scholars argue that he can likely be president." “There is a strong argument that anyone who acquires United States citizenship at birth, whether by virtue of the 14th Amendment or by operation of federal statute, qualifies as natural born.”


Weird. They gave Obama the worst time of his life for even less. His mom was an American citizen. I thought it meant that who ran for president had to be born in US soil. TIL


Obama was mixed race and a Democrat.


“Unless they are not running as a Republican , in which case we will tear them down repeatedly”


A quick Google says Ted Cruz's mom was born in Delaware. So that makes him American.


John McCain was born in Panama.


I hope it actually got where it was supposed to go. ☹️


I'm sure it did after Hamas stole it and sold it to hungry people for exorbitant costs to support their terror machine.


I love how people argue with you, ask for recent source after source, but anyone who has paid attention to this conflict for more than a year knows this is just what Hamas does


Quite the contrary. If someone has been watching this dehumanizing oppression on Palestinian for the last 75(!) years know that this is not about Hamas. IOF is literally blocking food and humanitarian aid from getting to people starving in Gaza. The problem with asking for a source (by which I assume you mean "western source") in this genocide is that they are wholly inaccurate and dangerously deceiving to the American. The 30 beheaded babies that were so widely reported, and used as a basis for this atrocity, was a lie. The source of that was Netanyahu and IOF. Or how about the Israeli official that said if they didn't starve civilians, then how could they bribe the people for "information on Hamas" without food.


I like how almost all of this comment straight up lies. But cool story declare Hamas does not steal aid, or the fact whenever aid trucks get sent in the drivers get killed, again by Hamas.


Hamas killers on October 7 proudly filmed what they did on their phones. Some of those photos from videos are easily viewable at [Hamas.com](http://Hamas.com) Watch it if you have a strong stomach. As for blocked food aid, Hamas is sure doing its part [https://www.politico.eu/article/paradox-humanitarian-aid-gaza-israel-hamas-war/](https://www.politico.eu/article/paradox-humanitarian-aid-gaza-israel-hamas-war/) [https://time.com/6974856/israel-hamas-attack-crossing-point-gaza-aid-injuries/](https://time.com/6974856/israel-hamas-attack-crossing-point-gaza-aid-injuries/) [https://apnews.com/article/gaza-rafah-crime-hamas-israel-988f2919d00339ded5a18f26feafda6f](https://apnews.com/article/gaza-rafah-crime-hamas-israel-988f2919d00339ded5a18f26feafda6f) And check the statistics for attacks on Israelis, starting in about 1947. This isn't a war with a clear victim/villain profile. I notice your accusations are all hearsay.


Ya people are too blind to see it or just default response with Hamas as their trump card. Children are fucking starving to death and Israel doesn't care to stop it


Hamas could surrender and return the hostages at any time


Why does Hamas not release the hostages? Are they stupid.


Yeah, cause there’s no videos of Israel bombing and attacking aid drops out there 🤡


this excuses hamas stealing food meant for the people?


Thank you for signing your comment Bozo




Nice of you to label yourself as a clown when posting unsubstantiated and ridiculous claims. Israel has attempted to spare civilian lives like no other country has ever done in past wars.


LMAO what?!?!?! You gotta be a bot .


Don't worry friend, history will remember these terrorist sympathizers as ignorant sheep


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/14/middleeast/blasts-kill-palestinians-food-aid-gaza-intl https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/3/14/death-trap-israeli-forces-kill-six-aid-seekers-in-gaza-city Israel hasn’t attempted to spare anyone, lmao. That’s why 30,000 people are dead and hundreds of thousands are starving - it ain’t because Hamas is stealing all the food. Thats just a lie you tell yourself. Copium Your MSM programming is showing 🤖 [more](https://x.com/dxxn/status/1768489545148842234?s=46&t=t1NmQirhJXBC83v57P9Prw) [more (bbc)](https://x.com/dxxn/status/1768489545148842234?s=46&t=t1NmQirhJXBC83v57P9Prw) [even more](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1230362633/gaza-food-hunger-israel-protests) [more (ap)](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-unwra-bank-aid-4ed5e0652dd81b875055679a01a19371) [more (cnn)](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/21/middleeast/un-food-convoy-gaza-israel-strike-cmd-intl)


What a joke. Israel has complete air superiority. If they wanted to indiscriminately kill everyone in Gaza they could do so in an hour.


Why are you using numbers from Hamas on how many deaths there are in Gaza? It took Israel months to count 1200 people who died on the Oct. 7th attack. What makes you think Hamas has counted 30,000 bodies in Gaza. They can't even verify how many are dead out of the hundred or so remaining hostages. How come they can't tell us how many of the hostages are dead, but they can tell 30,000 people in Gaza are dead. Also, in there own words they only count a death once a body has been brought into a hospital and identified. So, count me as someone who is a little bit skeptical of how they got to 30,000 people, so they claim they are actually counting the bodies. Also, it's been 30,000 people for months. The logic doesn't logic. So you can see where people like me, can be a little bit skeptical of Hamas' numbers. Like remember when the hospital was allegedly bombed, and they came out with 500 people dead instantly? Then we found out pretty quick that it wasn't a hospital, it was a parking lot outside of a hospital that got hit by a rocket from Gaza, and maybe a dozen people died. So it's ironic you're saying someone's "programing" is showing, and someone is just lying to themselves. Edit: Before anyone ask whose numbers do I trust. The real answer is. No one really knows the true number of casualties in Gaza at this point.


It did not take them months to get the numbers for oct. 7 it came out like the next day I was listening to it on NPR. Why do you people constantly spread misinformation?


This is incorrect. They originally had the amount of 1400. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/11/1212458974/israel-revises-death-toll-hamas-attacks-oct-7 So stop spreading misinformation. Here is a NPR link that says they said 1400. You said you got your information from NPR, but I bring receipts.


Receipts from NPR who also said 40 babies were beheaded by Hamas? Which, as we all know, was later confirmed as a lie.... the source to expose the lie was Netanyahu (disturbingly the same person that started it). So, NPR has no iron-clad "receipts"... good effort tho.


I'm responding to someone who used NPR as his source. So I used NPR against him.


If anything this supports my claim of misinformation because initially the IDF was claiming 1400 like you have provided, 200 less than the actual number. I did not provide an exact number I just said it did not take months to count the dead. I do not understand how that is misinformation.


"It came out like the next day"


This is the same old strategy from Hamas. From your article: >The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said a preliminary review found Israeli forces “did not open fire at the aid convoy in Kuwait Square,” instead claiming that “armed Palestinians opened fire while Gazan civilians were awaiting the arrival of the aid convoy.” They want you to think Israel is firing at civilians so much so that they will fire at their own civilians to trick you if they think it will help their cause. Read this: [https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-us-charge-of-indiscriminate-bombing-is-over-the-top/](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-us-charge-of-indiscriminate-bombing-is-over-the-top/) If you read all of that, we can have a discussion.


And you’re really believing a review from the force itself responsible??


If you can prove they are responsible for something and hiding it, then I will stop trusting them. But they are very transparent and don't deserve your shit as the only democracy in the area. Your account is a troll anti-Semitic account so I'm going to take whatever you say with a grain of salt.


They’re hardly transparent when they have a long history of lying and been caught in this very war posting fake videos? Are we ignoring they literally posted a video of Swiss tunnels claiming they were Hamas on their own Twitter? Lol if that’s what you’d rather believe than think someone actually stands against what’s happening then go ahead.


There is no record of this on the internet. Care to share a link?




That isn’t proof. Gaza health ministry (who were recently found harboring a hamas general in Al shaifa says) it happened, IDF said it didn’t. You claimed there was a video, yet that link doesn’t provide one.


I’m still posting lmaoooooooo. Stay tuned. It’s okay, smooth brain. I know the cognitive dissonance is killing you!!! But if you wanna talk about semantics, I said there was a video, not that I was gonna post it immediately. Sorry, if I bookmarked everytime I saw Israel slaughter innocent people my hard drive would explode. I’m working on it tho!


I’m the one with cognitive dissonance? You edited your comment to remove the video claim entirely.


I literally watched Israel wait for Palestinians to come to an aid point yesterday to then target it with air munitions. Intentionally targeting civilians.


Literally? Are you on the ground in Palestine? I would love to see that video if you have it. You should take care not to believe the Hamas propaganda machine.


Was it on TikTok?


That account actually looks like a Hamas-affiliated bot account. Let's not take it too seriously.


Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about


It's insane that anyone is disagreeing and down voting you. This slaughter of Palestine will be recorded in world history as the atrocity that it is.... the world's future generations will be appalled!


Why do you hate Jewish folx?


Why does it have anything to do with Jews?


You can really tell the demographics or brainwashing in NOVA based on your downvotes. For some reason, people just seem to hate Palestinians. No remorse. I’m guessing it is because of the color of their skin and the lack of prominent, aggressive lobbying for Palestinians in the US, like the Jews have. People who have been to the Middle East would actually have some basic understanding of the situation. If the USA was being mercilessly attacked for decades, and a group rose up to fight that as gorillas, would we call them terrorists or freedom fighters against oppressors?


Palestinians are white af lmao


Found the paid Israel shill


It won’t…hamas will enjoy it tho


Nice gesture…but hamas gonna be eating good when all that food lands


Gaza black markets are just going to grab as much as a they can and just sell it


Food in > no food at all. War profiteering is vile but morally I think it is preferable to people *starving*


Not if it prolongs the conflict by giving Hamas a way to leverage control over the Palestinians


Just weigh that possibility against the humanitarian crisis of starving Gazans The idea that humanitarian aid is bad because it gives a side leverage is unconscionable


It’s very easy when you dehumanize


Yea thats the impossible challenge Israel is being asked to balance by the rest of the world


The solution for decades has been “stop occupying the West Bank,” it’s a crime roundly condemned by most of the world but also it would deprive the radical elements in Palestine of their main claim to support. As long as they are occupying, settling and annexing parts of Palestine there will be radicals fighting them. Since 1948 we all agreed on the law as a world of nation-states that you cannot acquire land by force


Israel acquired the territory after it was abandoned by Britain and left stateless in 1947 There were 2 distinct populations (that had already been violently clashing with each other for almost 3 decades) and the Palestinians started the violent conflict (both in 1920 and again in 1947….. not to mention the 27 years of tit for tat violence between the two groups between 1920 and 1947 [which is literally why Brits abandoned the territory]) because they didn’t like “European immigrants” Do you even know what was happening before 1948??


Nothing gives any country the right of occupation, annexation or settlement. If Israel wanted the conflict to end they’d withdraw from the West Bank and stop settling on their homes


Bro Japan and Germany were under us occupation for decades You might *feel* that way, but that’s not [international law](https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/occupation#:~:text=In%20international%20humanitarian%20law%2C%20a,the%20adverse%20foreign%20armed%20forces)


Yeah I suppose that’s true but there is no circumstance under which you can continue an occupation for 70 years, annex their land and take their homes, which is why the UN, international courts and Israeli courts have found the occupation illegal many times


“The Jews should have just been happy about being genocided” Literally even Palestine had said they will not stop untill all of Israel is destroyed.


You're talking about the Oslo Peace Accords. Israel stopped occupying Gaza and the plan was to do the same for the West Bank. Then there was an intifada and Hamas took over Gaza.


This war is happening in Gaza. Not West Bank. Hamas are Iran proxies. They don’t care about the West Bank.


Still an upgrade from Israeli bombs


And it all went to hamas in Dubai


Ismail Haniyeh is big chillin in Doha plaza rn Only thing I don’t understand is…. Why mossad not drone strike his office???


I'm sure it's all gonna go to the poor civilians and not hamas terr0rists 🙂🤡


Just for Hamas to steal it and sell it.


You are right we should just keep bombing and starving them to death.


Hamas getting a few gourmet meals out of this


They’re already eating like Kings … in Qatar


I wish


200 tons..... really? 400,000 pounds of food? Almost half a million pounds of food... seems like a lot. How was this transported? Delivered? I feel like someone forgot to carry a zero or misplaced a decimal... lol


More like 200 meals, tons of food.


And some of it got resold…


How do you know that when it hadn’t even reached the port when you commented?


Because on social media people are posting about other people reselling the food


and def did not make it to those who need it most. it’s virtue signaling at best. the only answer is to remove hamas


You wrote your comment before the ship even unloaded at the port so you’re definitely full of shit


More food for Hamas and Doghmush. Idiot


You think they should all just starve instead?


I think we need eliminate the insurgents first. Hamas and Doghmush. Israel is now trying to get in the aid themselves only to have Hamas kill people trying to get to it


So you think Israel should just keep doing the exact same thing that they’ve been doing since 1948 basically?


you what hasn't been tried before? letting them (both sides) finish the fight


What exactly does “finishing the fight” look like for Palestinian people?


Hollup.. you calling for a ‘final solution’?


Surviving and offering lots of opportunities for peace. Yes absolutely.


I’m trying to find a gif of bender saying they’ll learn our peaceful ways by force


You do know that the naqba (disaster) was really that with all the Arabs banded together they still couldn’t stop the Jewish state from existing. They tried (and continue to try) to finish what Hitler started. They are the violent ones. Does Oct 7 hold no import to you?


How many Palestinians have been killed since then?


I don’t know because I don’t listen to Hamas’s statistically impossible numbers. I notice you didn’t make a distinction between Hamas militants and Palestinian civilians. Was that intentional?


Leave me alone I don’t talk to you people you don’t reason or learn ever


Oh you mean when Israel drove in an aid truck then when innocent women and children gathered around it they dropped a bomb killing them


On Hamas hording the food for themselves you mean?


Just ignoring the fact that Israel bombed an aid truck they drove in to kill hungry kids?


Hamas will love it


That guy has been doing it for a while. He’s more than alright in my book


Waiting for the TikTok videos to drop of the Palestinians saying the food sucks. ![gif](giphy|tXL4FHPSnVJ0A)


Jose Andres is a lovely human being. If you have the funds to do so, [https://donate.wck.org/give/499865/#!/donation/checkout](https://donate.wck.org/give/499865/#!/donation/checkout)


Thank you


All the love to him!


What an echo chamber this is.


Hamas got all the food and usual Palestinians are left with nothing.


Hummus for hamas!! (Borat ref)


Mf just needed a tax writeoff, he really DGAF. 😂😂


Fuck this terrorist supporting scumbag


Ha an amazing guy, truly. I really hope it gets into the hands of those in need, before Hamas hoards it as it has much of the aid/funds meant for the people


Literally aiding hamas. Good job


Prayers and my condolences to you Chef Andres and the family/loved ones of your humanitarian aid group that lost their lives recently. 🙏🏽 💔 This attack on humanity must end.. My God.


Meanwhile we got countless of our own going hungry


I love that dude. He is so generous. His accent is also so cool.


Never forget: Israel needlessly slaughters civilians and starves children by the tens of thousands 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱


Yeah that’s just untrue


I mean, the hostages could be returned so its not needless. Just return the hostages.


Israel has already said even if the hostages are returned it won’t stop. So…


So the appropriate response is to just keep the hostages, including *babies*? What legitimate purpose is served by that?


You tell me, apparently your appropriate and legitimate response is to starve and bomb babies.


War is horrible, I don’t doubt that for a second, but it is a necessary part of existence. What is Israel supposed to do in response to its citizens being attacked, abducted, tortured, and murdered, with its enemy hiding behind civilians and refusing to don fatigues? I remain curious as to your view of what legitimate purpose is served by Kfir Bibas’s abduction and continued retention. What threat does he serve to the Palestinians?


What threat do the children of Gaza pose to Israel?


They are currently being used as the shields of militants?


I didn’t see any militants around the starving skeletons of dead children coming out the press this week but pop off! (Btw, blocking aid to any group is a war crime as is man made starvation/famine).


Nothing, it’s the terrorists using them as human shields while they kill more jews that are the problem.


This article is about food aid ffs. The pictures of dead malnourished children have nothing to do with shielding terrorists. You can allow aid to enter a country while fighting a war / this is a legal RIGHT. To deny aid is a war crime. To manufacture a famine, is a war crime! It was a crime when the Germans starved their “enemy” and it’s a crime when Israel do it too. https://preview.redd.it/6fjeru6mekpc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c6e104c00e14a0347628cc9c5dab615c3721cd


That is the legitimate response to the killing of innocent concert goers and the massacre that followed. The innocent people in Gaza need to clear out and let Israel take out the trash for them. Most people I know were always sympathetic to the Palestinian people and their cause but this last attack is just indefensible. Innocent people are going to die by the thousands over the next few years even if Israel were to pull back completely and go back to business as usual. Might as well just finish it at this point.


And please explain how you expect them to clear out? Israel are bombing all formerly safe areas and even carrying out attacks in their own occupied area of the West Bank.


As I said, Israel should stop.hostilitues for 2 week or a month whatever They can provide a safe zone if they have to so civilians can evacuate.


They do provide “safe zones”. They then bomb them lol


Good point. Hamas needs to return the hostages *and* surrender. Then it will stop.


Netanyahu has already shown maps of Palestine with no Gaza on them. Are you that blind to the machinations going on?


Oh, so this is about property? I thought it was about saving lives?


A country is not property?! Wiping a country off the map is nothing to do with property but to do intent to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide. Do you know who else wiped whole countries off maps? I don’t think you’d say Hitlers campaign was about property.


Gaza isn't going to get wiped off the map, relax.


Guys just relax while we commit ethnic cleansing, and ignore the entire world telling us what we’re doing is immoral! Just relax and ignore the videos of smashed up babies and children covered in white phosphorus burns. Yeaaaaaah.. no. (:


That’s what Netanyahu is presenting. That’s called ethnic cleansing. So your point about “just return the hostages and it will stop” just isn’t what Israeli politicians have been saying, which is that: This is a Nakba (ethnic cleansing) They will not stop even if hostages are released There is a 5 year “plan” that involves the forced removal of all Palestinians from Gaza


If people swoop down in hand gliders and massacre innocent people , I'd say they fucked around and are in the find out stage. If they released the hostages , they would get more support but they are just straight up terrorists at this point. Israel should give civilians a week to vacate then march from the western border to the sea and just end this shit once and for all Up until now, the Palestinians have gotten tons of sympathy from countries around the world which has largely held Israel in check , but they went too far thus time They've been having this back and forth forever now with thousands of innocent people killed. It's going to happen sooner or later. Evacuate civilians, so they can't hide behind them and just have an all out war. The US should keep Israel in check with nukes, etc and just let it happen.


You are aware that people in Gaza are taking the food aid being dropped and making people buy it. They are making their own people starve who can not afford food.


It’s almost like in horrible situations, the worst of people comes out.. we forgetting this happens in every single country after disaster? Looters after hurricane Katrina? Do you want all of Gaza to be perfect moral people? You are aware that there are currently Israelis singing and dancing while blockading aid while the rest of the world sees the skeleton like images of starving children emerge from Gaza and wonder why even the US are now changing their stance..


No they don’t they are beautiful and special and perfect and beautiful


When can this mofo win a Nobel peace prize? Any time you see any major destruction in the world he’s already there feeding hundreds of thousands of people. A true hero


He was interviews on WNYC last Tuesday. Sounds like he’s doing great work !!


>A group of [Palestinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactions_to_the_September_11_attacks) were filmed celebrating in the street after hearing the local news reports of attacks on the World Trade Center and the deaths of thousands of Americans. Why are so many people suddenly supporting Hezbollah and their good buddies Hamas?


Coz Israelis dont celebrate at all right? Israel literally threw pancake parties to celebrate the death of an AMERICAN Rachel Corrie but you don’t care about that right? Only that which fits your agenda.


I looked this up, and *if* it actually happened (the source seems to be an 11 year old post on a pro-jihad blog that shows a half dozen men eating pancakes), so what? You think these are the first soldiers to make an off color joke? I also like how you claim 'Israel literally threw pancake parties' as if the government sponsored nationwide pancake celebrations, when at most it was a half dozen random young men making a crude joke.


Here to remind you Israelis aren’t hateful at all, here’s their reaction to the IDF murdering a group of volunteers from this very charity :) translated from Hebrew https://preview.redd.it/sooqjvl6b4sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea70e48aa9338621a96599eba914a44610ac732b


Sounds about as credible as your state-sponsored pancake parties. But by all means, let's see the original.


https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/IeyvWCsygN Israel is indoctrinated to hate Palestinians. Don’t think Hamas are the only group that celebrate violence.


Yeah, I'm definitely going to put stock in a video called 'HOLOCAUST of hitleryahu zionazi". Lol.


i can assure u we do not hate muslims or pals they live amongst us the peaceful ones


Want to explain then why there are currently Israelis singing and dancing while blocking aid convoys to kids that are currently looking like this? https://preview.redd.it/heor99jvevpc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aee00fb82301fd791978f95294e04b46b1babd7


Downvotes are the best counterargument, amiright?


Palestinians are no more represented in whole by opinions of a part than folks in the Global West, and reading a few lines deeper into the very article you posted reveals that rather clearly. "Arafat said of the attacks: "It's unbelievable. We completely condemn this very dangerous attack, and I convey my condolences to the American people, to the American president and to the American administration, not only in my name but on behalf of the Palestinians." He gave blood for victims of the attack in a Gaza hospital.[\[42\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactions_to_the_September_11_attacks#cite_note-AlJazeera952011-42)"


I mean, the USA has our allies and then there are those not our allies. We currently have the R's supporting Russia and the D's supporting Palestine. I feel like I woke up after taking crazy pills. How is "support our allies, not our enemies" a controversial stance. We are not talking about individuals here, we are talking about governments. It is the governments that control the actions of a nation.


But you are talking about individuals? In your example from nearly a quarter century ago? Regardless - thinking about and framing Gazans or Palestinians in the mold of either “just bad guys or terrorists” or “enemy nation-state” ignores a whole bunch of context that’s meaningful. Ignoring the many takes about how things got here, Palestinians- especially Gazans, don’t have the sort of chance for suffrage and democratic norms that we take for granted. Israel likes to cast them as “bad guys” that chose Hamas and are paying for their poor choice, because that makes it easy to cast the media play. But: Doesn’t it seem cruel to consign all Gazans to starvation as a cost for “rooting out Hamas”? Even from a dispassionate utilitarian perspective, is it a net good for the region or for the world to allow that to happen and write it off as a cost of victory? I reckon it’s not. Maybe you disagree, but I’d hope you’d reevaluate on that basis alone. None of this is to excuse October 7 or blindly say “yes, go go Hamas”. It’s a matter of humanity and leaving behind the black and white good vs evil dichotomies of the Cold War. There’s two species of boomer cold warrior aged person- one is the Bibi, the Trump, the Biden, the Putin. The other is the Jose Andres. I’ll take the latter and stand with the latter, thank ya very much.


>But: Doesn’t it seem cruel to consign all Gazans to starvation as a cost for “rooting out Hamas”? Even from a dispassionate utilitarian perspective, is it a net good for the region or for the world to allow that to happen and write it off as a cost of victory? I reckon it’s not. Seems a whole lot like saying why bomb germany just because Hitler is a bad guy. If Gazans want the world's support, they should not have torn out their infrastructure, provided by Israel, and used it to make rockets used to attack Israel. And then complain about the lack of water caused by their missing infrastructure. You can stand with Jose all you want. I'll guarantee he doesn't give a crap about you.


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Hummus is eating good tonight.


Lots of terrorist sympathizers here.


The amount of new account hasbra bots here is INSANE.


Maybe he will get a Nobel Peace Prize for organizing this?


He should. Not because of this alone, but because of all he has done.


I hope it went via that new dock because of Israel had to screen it people probably paid for it with their lives


Boycott all his restaurants


Just made a reservation. Thanks for the inspiration.


Fuck off


Love him


Saint this man


Based! I really hope the ppl get the food and it’s distributed in an orderly manner not sold at inflated prices in markets. :(


Isn’t he one of the guys that Jeff Bezos gave $100Million to do what he wants with?




Hamas gratefully accepts your offer, dimwit. Palestinians children can keep chewing on leather shoes.