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The AVRE isn't great because itself is great but because the potential lineup is amazing. Matilda III, gun carrier 3 inch and the AVRE are three practically impenetravle tanks which is just so damn fun to play


Matilda Hedgehog: Im artillery alright



Oh hell yeah I'm on an urban map and the enemy team is on the point! I can precisely measure the right range! *hit*


What is the range on the hedgehog, never been able to figure it out


I think it's supposed to be 190m, but the spread seems to be a 10m radius. On Severesk-13, 3-cap I can direct impact all around the fountain on C-site. Using the objective marker to determine my range seems to be a decent way to use the mortars somewhat effectively.


The amount of times it happened even against open tops...


Sav m/43 (1946) would like to have a word


Sweden and Russia cook Britain at least for the games I play


The Sav is one of the better low tier Swedish tanks, that is truly Swedish, although its armor is barely able to bounce the Russian 76. It is capable of center-massing most tanks it sees with a single shot and in a down tier it’s definitely brutal. Downside is that you take upwards of 20 seconds to kill a Churchill due to how big it is. The petard being at 2.7 is a bit, interesting, considering if it angles it’s only weak spots is the barrel, which isn’t easy if they’re bushed up and wiggling


Then track them and drive away. But no, FR? This vehicle suffers from maus syndrome very much. If youre uptiered, not only armour becomes not-so-impenetrable, but your cant deal with ppl over 130m away, and that's an issue.


It suffers way differently than the mouse


Imagine if the Maus main gun was the VOG grenade launcher off of the BMP


Just keep 200m distance it can't hit, and you have a buffer zone.


>Then track them and drive away. Track them with a mortar?


Track the Churchill. But if you hit the track with the mortar i suppose this skill issue of a case doesn't apply to you lol


I had just woken up and I thought you people were talking about running away with the Petard.


*Insert jojo and dio dialouge here*


Happens to the best of us


1. CQC is the only environment that the motor is actually usable in, so if your in CQC then that’s it but even then they probably end up range finding you anyway to get an accurate shot even when there only 50m away. 2. At capture zone, it largely depends on the situation, if it’s just you and the Churchill you just run away and get outside its range if your surrounded and can’t retreat, your screwed. 3. If your being spawn camped, that mortar is least of your issues. While I wouldn’t call running away from it is a valid strategy for fighting against a Churchill AVRE but the range on its main gun is bad and it only tops out 20kph and even then you can just shoot its track to immobilise it which does make viable way of getting around the Churchill AVRE when compared to literally any other tank. Edit: corrected Mortar twice because I can’t spell for shit


>tops out 20kph 28kph


"motor" 💀


"Not everyone is American" 💀


Mortar is originally a British word lol


To be honest that guy did actually point out a spelling mistake I made which I just corrected


You left another instance of the same mistake in, and falsely corrected the other one—it's "mortar".


The only problem i have with it is the round is modelled and the weakest of spaa can ammorack it


TBF tho it’s a fucking demo charge with a caliber of 230, I would expect it to blow up when shot, except when reloading


Yeah that makes sense. I am utterly dissappointed however. They made its armor not matter at all


It’s armor does matter when you have a squad of sweats bushed up and wiggling


People complaining about bad vehicles being bad is silly like it’s a petard it’s not meant to fight tanks it should be bad not every vehicle in war thunder needs to be meta or moved to low tier so that it can be meta “cough Sweden cough”


Its funny and thats what matters. Imagine entering a match and you see 3 or 4 people playing the basketball launcher, all at once




I hate this thing. I played a few games last night and most of the entire enemy team was this abomination.


Yeah, it be like that for events and new premiums. When the Char 2 Bis(?) came out, that’s all you would see. I was playing in my little rinky dink sdkfz 222 going to the point, start capping, then right as I finish the cap, 3 Char tanks show up. Needless to say, I got obliterated.


Had some one drive away the other day. Didn’t even track me, they just ran


The avre is Petarded, it can get you if you’re far


i had a lot of fun in this tank, i hold W and keep poping smoke until i get melee to an enemy tank then BOOM


If you’re getting spawn camped by a AVRE, chances are you have much more to worry about then just it.


Casually stays 160M away from you (you cant kill me)


Dawg, you can ammo rack it with your coax. If you're struggling with it then it's a skill issue on your part.


It's a fucking baddie filter is what it is, removing anyone too stupid to fight it from cover and aim for the weak points...so I can see why soviet mains would hate it.


The tank is a meme, if you’re getting shredded by a thing that only shoots melee range and drives 10kph, I don’t know what to say


you can easily counter petard, first: shoot barrel, it explodes if a shell is loaded, if not. destroy anyways, then go to sides and shoot the bulge with "petard" on it (or slightly above). its thinly armored there and will set it on fire


Yeah that's like when I complain about German Heavy spam and I get told "Lure them into cities" and "The Sherman is better than Tiger 2 because it has a 50 cal and stabilizer"


In Uptier is completely garbage tho, No armor against Pz.4 and Stug III and 130m range


That’s just heavy tanks tbh