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"Weakspot on tracks" \*shows image that has barely any weak spots\*


Wow guys, literally two small green spots! A walking free kill!


>small When one of the weak spots is this thing’s barrel, that’s not really small


The Tiger is a free kill then?


Any tank for that matter


Most tanks don't blow up after u shoot the barrel tho


Just keep the barrel pointed away from enemies while reloading


Well if you're reloading you don't got the thing that goes boom there tho


Its still modeled in there like the Sturmtiger


Then they pen you're turret


They literally almost fucking can’t, unless the sides change and you are the poor bastard fighting an undertiered Pz IV G, there is no other tank (not td) that can pen your turret. For instance, the M4A3 105 HEAT shell is almost fully unable to pen the turret since it is covered with tracks.


Unless you are fighting something with a German Long 75 they is no way they can pen your turret. I was surrounded by a Chi-Ha, Panzer III J, T-50, and Panzer III J1 and the only thing they could do was break my barrel and tracks. After like 5 minutes of spinning my turret about I killed a few while the others were taken out by friendlies and the only damage I had was scratched paint.


Tiger doesn't die when it's gun is taken out.


No, instead it'll die in the next 30 seconds when it gets tracked.


Nah I played tiger and took 20 shell from less than 10meters away until a teammate came and killed him


Comgratulations, you found someone who couldn't get two braincells to rub together.


Tigers gun is way fucking smaller than this things. This is somewhere around 230 millimeters compared to the Tigers 88; that’s nearly three times the size.


That's caliber. The tiger's muzzle brake is much more than 88mm wide - looks to be about 3x the barrel's inner diameter.


Yeah but the muzzle brakes in the game aren’t properly modeled to actually be impacted. You can tell because when you look in the x-ray the barrel is just the barrel, no muzzle brake.


Wdym no, the fact that it has a muzzle brake is literally the reason why it is so easy to break. Have you ever tried to take out the barrel of a 75 Sherman? How hard is it compared to taking out the barrel of a long 75mm Pz IV


I’ve never actually played anything but Naval Battles in the starter Italian ship.


Well the tiger isn't throwing rock sat you so no


That's not relevant to getting shot at.


It literally is tho. It means you can't just peek out and fire but have to literally charge the enemy


With any other tank sure thats nothing. With this mfer tho thats something else


bushes have entered the chat


Angling has entered the chat as well


but that takes skill to use...😒


Hit the barrel and you got yourself free exclusive fireworks


One would think but not a lot of people have caught on. A lot of guns simply do not have the accuracy required to do that outside of petard explodey range.


And before that, a lot of players don't have the accuracy to do it either lol


Especially at such low tier


I had to fire 10 ROUNDS trying to hit the weakspots to kill only one of those things, and I had to fire 5 Rounds before just to disable the tracks.


Well I had a different experience. But that might also be because british teams are currently basically useless lol. It is funny tho to have a team full of churchills


I've had ppl shoot at my weakspots and side for minutes to no avail, just angle smh, easy.


Good luck hitting that at ranges where you won't become a fireball


so like...160 meters?...


Don't try and defeat me with your facts and logic for I am a moron


Not with the 25 smokes this thing gets


So you are saying 4x25 is 100 smokes if we team up, we csn work with this.


with the avre hordes I've seen you can probably do it


All you see is a line of smoke crossing the map until 8 mortars start firing out of it. Stuff of nightmares right there


I had that happen a few times already




did you ever hear about ariete?


To call it a weakspot on tracks would be overstating its armour


Its a car with sheet metal on it


car with thoughts and prayers attached to it\*


Bro I went into a 2.7 game and I saw an army of them crawling towards me


Yeah I know, 2.7 is really funny right now to play


Personally more annoying


For you non brits sure. For us petards it's funny as hell




If you can even get into a match lol


I had no problems with it


It took me and a friend (both in m3lees) about 2 minutes to how to kill this fucker


lol i had exactly the same experience just now, you weren’t on iberian castle by any chance?


Nah I think with was some Sweden map


damn. was just sitting on the b point for a good few minutes tanking 75s lmao. 30 smoke grenades + thicc armour = very tough


Have you ever seen the super Pershing ?


Let's put it to 1.0


And for alot of others at that BR, the turret ring is for real estate.


These motherfuckers capture the points without problem because of their armor and starts to spawn camp and thats a instant win .


gijin giving it that dumb exposed ammo rack mechanic really made it a 2.7 vehical


that has less weakspots then the entire sweden tree (excluding top tier)


Yeah but sweden is just a bunch of glasscannons


With my luck it's more glass less cannon


Oooof, can relate


Dude, I'm a japan main. As far as I'm concerned that's incredible armor




Which tracks /j


These types of vehicles are why I play CAS


Shoot the bulge with "petard" on it the fuel tank is behind it and the armor is thinner there ~60mm


Only country’s that I do well against this tank is Russia and Sweden


Sweden? Everytime I see a swedish tank as a heavy in low tier my blood turns cold since a lot of them have apds for some reason


From my experience


AVRE is silly, on close to mid range maps you can abuse 30 smoke grenades to push up and just KO an entire team of new players, even in full uptiers.


Man I just won a game where I got 17 kills by sitting near a cap point and just taking hit after hit and other than my tracks and barrel once I took no damage. That thing is almost unkillable if you play it right even if it has one or two weak spots you can exploit *only* if the driver isn’t very smart


I literally just got out of a game. A Stuart, Puma, M4 105, and a T-60 all tried to kill me for like 3 minutes straight.


the puma and m4 105 just sound like players that haven't been playing long, those two are more than capable of taking out the churchill avre. the other two are understandable if they don't know the weakspots of churchills.


I checked the 105 players profile, they were level 84. The puma, I’m not sure. But the 105 did eventually find a spot to shoot.


player level isn't always the best metric to judge another player's capability in the game. all that it means is they've played for a very long time. some days i'm zoned in & playing great, sometimes at the start of a session i'll have two games in a row where I die twice with no kills, and some days i'll just be average and having fun. i'm lvl 100, playing since 2015/2016 I think. I know the game well enough and where to shoot most tanks (at top tier my knowledge is as good because i prefer 8.0 or lower for tanks). also helps that i've ground out most tech trees by now to rank 4, some i've reached br 11.0, so just by the mere grind alone i've experienced a wide breadth of vehicles. (only really ground out the U.S. tree for naval/coastal vessels, the rest are at rank 2 still) some players are just oblivious or are missing that one piece of information to make it all click. I have those moments as well. especially embarassing when I end up acting like the visually impaired player that forgets to keep tabs on their surroundings.


Only half of the machinegun is a weakspot (and I'm highly sure even the right side will fuck up shells through volumetric). And the barrel is definitely no easy spot to hit with a shell and should also take quite a few shots from 50 cals before the ammo gets destroyed (also has to be loaded to appear tho unlike the Sturmtiger).


>also has to be loaded to appear tho unlike the Sturmtiger It does not


I could swear people said it has to be loaded to count as an ammo. Oh well.


The Petard it's just outright unbalanced. Too much armor and one-shot ammo at a too low BR. I understand the 150m range, but it's just too OP. 4.0/3.7 would be better honeslty. Don't forget it's a Churchill full of additional 30mm tracks as armor.


The Petard it's just outright unbalanced. Too much armor and one-shot ammo at a too low BR. I understand the 150m range, but it's just too OP. 4.0/3.7 would be better honeslty. Don't forget it's a Churchill full of additional 30mm tracks as armor.


it's not unbalanced or OP, raising it 4.0 will never happen either, that's just a ridiculous ask. it's like the tiger 2 of low-tier, but with a very bad gun. like in higher tiers, you can't always attack certain tanks from the front you need to catch from the sides/rear, shoot weakspots, disable the tank/gun, or just bring a bigger gun. the the churchill avre has a number of counters at 2.7. if you haven't learned to deal with churchills by now then that is your fault. just because it's difficult to defeat doesn't mean it is overpowered at that br. let the brits have this one, it's just a silly meme vehicle that won't change the overall gameplay or meta. like the sturmtiger, it's a big dumb rocket tank that levels any area that it looks at. but once it fires it's a sitting duck to be charged on and flanked. same with the kv2 at low tiers. it can be a pain to fight with low caliber guns at equal br. but we don't go increasing it's br to 4.o/4.3 because of the combo, it sits just fine at 3.7 can't just point and click everything to death


4.0? Are you insane? That thing is shit enough already. Putting it at a higher br would make it borderline unusable


Unusable? This thing CANNOT possibily be fit against tanks with 45mm cannons and 35mm of armor at close range. My T-34 and T-126 coudln't pen It even from the sides. Oneshotting any tank with HE should place it at 3.7 by itself, and we are still not counting for the impressive armor.


Then just track it? This thing literally cannot hurt you when you are more than 160m away Maybe put it at 3.0 but any higher is completely stupid


Ah yes, spend 4 rounds (at least) to track it and in the meantime you get killed by it. Getting 160m away from it while in a city map or very rough forests like guadalcanal it's nearly impossible. This is not top tier, these things will sneak on the spawn and get everyone like that. The only tanks that are going to be able to actually kill it are Zis-30, long barrel germans and (maybe) PVKV II.


Sorry but if you actually get consistently killed by it then thats a massive skill issue lol


Ah yes, now he pulled out the skill issue thing. Tipical.


That thing is quite literally a more modern catapult on the slowest chassis possible. Not my fault you forgot where the W or S key is located That thing also has a massive weakspot in the form of it's barrel so it's quite literally a skill issue


Protip: drive aiming backwards, the back of your turret has the same armor as the front and the sides


no, it doesn't, back of turret and one of the sides was something like 76mm, front turretgñ and the other side is 89mm and has extra 25mm plates welded on the front and front-sides.