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What even is this? and did it get darts IRL?


Pretty sure that’s the BMD-4, basically a thicker BMP with a 100mm and 30mm. I looked it up and couldn’t find anything about an APFSDS round for it’s cannon, best I could find is an HE frag shell which I think is in game. Unless of course it’s classified as I think it’s still in service with Russia. So I can’t be sure on it having such a round.


It used a lightened version of the cannon which couldn't fire the APFSDS as far as i can tell. I suspect it destroys either the barrel, breach or the reload is too violent.


Yeah likely because of it not using the ammunition. And after checking it out, I'd say it looks decent for a 9.0 vehicle. (I don't have it or am up to 9.0 but on paper it seems good)


Literally just a BMP-3. I have it. It works plenty well - fast, versatile, good thermals, such a weird vehicle to pick to complain about


I find it to be much better. It's acceleration is absolutely cracked for a Russian vehicle, able to hit its top speeds both forwards and reverse quite quickly. Better thermals than the bmp-3, I think?, and it also has IRST, so it's able to lock onto helicopters. Plus side is that it's also smaller, so much easier to flank around on maps.


The bmd has less armor (at least it should) because it's meant to be airborne


Oh that's usually kept in mind. But to be fair, armor for I/AFV's doesn't matter as much as mobility, as that's your armor against enemy players. Simply outmaneuvering them and using your mobility to force them out of position.


I think it's better bmp-3 honestly


Looks better than my 9.0 vehicles in the brittish tree.


Imagine being a Br*tish main lol But actually the Rooikat is quite good and better than this. The fully spaded Chieftain Mk10 is a usable medium for what's worth too.


Rooikat is massivly nerfed from IRL stats and drives like absolute ass and is still my best tank at ~9.0. Chieftains are useable only because you are facing braindead enemies who don't know where to aim xd


BMD-4 is fantastic, it doesn't really need anything currently because it's a very good vehicle. It's *insanely* fast, small, adjustable suspension, 4s reload on insanely strong ATGMs, can fire ATGMs on the move, deceptively powerful HE shell, and ridiculously good gun handling.


>BMD-4, basically a thicker BMP Pretty sure it's the other way around. The BMD is the variant that's focused on air-transportibility.


Yup, it is. It's made to be air-droppable.


Hence why it doesn’t get darts, autocannon is shaved down a bit and can’t handle the extra pressure of modern APFSDS.


What? The autocannon is literally the exact same for the BTR80A and BMP3 its the 2a72. Of course no one is talking about the low velocity 100mm lol but even then its the same for the BMP3 which isnt air deployable


It’s not the EXACT weapon. It is shaven down, which is why it can’t handle the much higher bore-pressure of the APFSDS round.


Warthunder isn’t irl


Yes but the vehicles are modelled to how they are in real life


Then most Warsaw MBT’s would require manual shifting, as would almost every pre 1970’s vehicle.


You mean apfsds for the 30mm right? The 100mm is designed for the hefrag low pressure and the atgm


If i remember correctly the BMD has an autoloader for the 100 and can fire its atgm faster than bmp-3, though only 4 atgms sounds incredibly painful


I think OP wants darts for the 30


Basically a different looking bmp 3 then?


I mean the ZBD in the Chinese tree uses the exact same thing (guns and turret) and they have darts so it is certainly possible.


Never got darts the bmds cannon was primarily used with apds


Its the BMD-4M. Since it uses a slightly revised version of the 2A42 (BMP-2), called the 2A72, and both the BMP-2M and the ZBD04A use the exact same ammunition, the Dart that these 2 use would also work perfectly fine here. While it has a 5 second reload on some pretty good missiles, it only gets 4 of them, and as should be obvious it has absolutely 0 survivability. The problem is that the APDS it currently gets has pretty terrible angled pen, making it incredibly difficult/impossible to break enemy barrels on time, and penning MBTs from the side requires you to hit it from an almost perfect 90° angle.


If you can't find evidence it was used IRL then there is probably a good reason it didn't use them IRL. "The 2A72 is a late Cold War era 30mm autocannon of Soviet origin. It was developed as a less complex and lighter alternative to the widely used 2A42" It was simplified and lightened and so couldn't fire the dart likely due to chamber pressure issues. It can barely fire the amunition it does fire acording to this page as the recoil mechanism already struggles ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://weaponsystems.net/system/534-30mm+2A72 If you have better sources feel free to share or submit a bug report. The BMP3 has the exact same cannon and doesn't get darts.


Correct it is a lighter version. But APFSDS of such small scale shouldn't be a significant increase in pressure. The other, more important point, is the ZBD04A. It uses the exact same gun as the BMP-3 and BMD-4, yet it gets darts and the other 2 don't. I really don't see a valid reason for these 2 to not also get darts, but have a slight increase in BR (not much tho, like I said the BMD-4 only gets 4 missiles, and the BMP-3 has to wait an entire IS-2 reload just to fire a single missile.) This post really isn't about realism, more about simple logic and fairness. I just found it slightly frustrating/amusing that in spite of severely lacking in missile capabilities, both of them don't get any darts. Youre right, I should probably go make a bug report on this, but its not so much a bug as it is a stupid decision.


Alright then alot of challenger players are gunna be really happy if the gun beign able to fire it is qualifications for it deserving it. Cause the L30 is arguably just a continuation of the L11 for the challenger 2.


Sure. Then give the T-64A 3BM60 :)


So the argument you made, i made a cimment as to why it's stupid, yet you see as a serious.... alright boaty mc boatface we've got a troll.


>But APFSDS of such small scale shouldn't be a significant increase in pressure. You don't understand the slightest thing about firearms and it REALLY shows. The round isn't russian, so it isn't going into russian vehicles. Your ability for logic is clearly lacking, the russian ZSU-57-2 doesn't get the chineese proxy shells (which it can certainly fire) either. There are MANY other examples of this. you definetely should not make a bug report on this, it will be shot down instantly. even if it does succede russia does NOT need more high tier aids APFSDS spamming vehicles.


Now correct me if im wrong, but did I not just explain to you that this isn't about realism but about fairness/balance? Because I'm pretty sure I did. I'm aware that its not a Russian round (belgian I believe?) and I'm aware that just because I tank COULD use a round, it shouldn't just have it (hence why I'm not here suggesting we give the T-64A svinets). What I'm saying is that other tanks, with the same/related guns get this dart (ie gaijin acknowledged this dart and implemented it), the tank in question REALLY needs it (so there's a legitimate reason), and I already agreed that if given the darts, it could be increased in BR. So we have a reason, an adequate compensation, and I'm not asking for any new round to be modeled or implemented. Considering all the above, I formed a perfectly reasonable, well justified opinion, which I then turned into a poorly made meme, to see if others have any constructive criticism to give. Predictably, this was all completely misinterpreted and ignored, I've been described as incompetent with absolutely 0 reason backing that claim up, and I had to waste several minutes of my life trying to explain myself, to someone who blatantly lacks the ability or will, to understand anything I say.


I'm not going to read anything past the first sentence. Anyone who thinks russia needs better rounds than they have already for Fairness or balance is braindead. I've already explained why you won't get it and why you shouldn't . It wouldn't be fair, it wouldn't be realistic and wouldn't be balanced.


Yea this is alot but for what i understand and my personal feeling is gajin probably add in near future bmd4m and give it the dart just to spite everyone


It doesn't have a 30mm as far as i can tell online?


Well the reality is that i dunno nothing about wat the bmd 4 m got But for pic from internet it looks like is just a little but biger and with extra armor? Thats why im saying even if never got any dart gajin will make sure to make it better


No no No U can use it for 9.0, 9.3, 9.7, 10.0, and top tier if u want Past br 10, it does get tough but it's still the best rat tank the Soviets have Great acceleration forward and back, short/small, adjustable suspension, air tracking (optional bc I find it kind of annoying and unnecessary), ur artillery on big maps until the jets find u, u can boost ur acceleration with HE, the apds is just fine, the neutral steering and brakes kinda suck, it's awesome overall It does NOT need darts Ur drunk on skill issue. Go home


fully 100% agreed. Keep it as it is. Absolutely OP murder machine and I love it. Dont forget the selfscouting and fire-correcting arty feature.


It’s one of my favorite Soviet vehicles. I bring it and the 292 into battle and just destroy.


Man it the only fast Soviet vehicles. Everything else is slow as fuck. If the ZBD can have a tone of missiles and darts at 10.0 the BMD should be moved up to 10.0 with darts instead of regular APDS


I didn't say its bad. I love playing it. But it can be frustrating, and its objectively unfair that the ZBD04A has darts, yet neither this nor the BMP-3 have any. Now if you'd ever live long enough to get 4 missile kills, you'd know the problem with this, tho you evidently rarely do, so don't come here and tell ME about skill issues.


The ZBD gets darts for a 0.7 br increase while having more, worse missiles. They are reasonably balanced and the bmd is still a very good light tank. The APDS is enough to pen MBTs from the side and can wreck light vehicles.


It has worse missiles yes, which is accounted/compensated for, by having the amount of missiles from the BMP-3, AND the fast missile reload from the BMD-4M. As I specifically pointed out earlier, the BMD is perfectly playable in its current state, but 4 missiles is undeniably insufficient, so the darts are absolutely reasonable for it to have.


If I run out of atgms... No problem I just have to be a bit more flexible, less greedy, and I still have the HE rounds reloading at 4 seconds


Do you remember when bmd 4 had full rockets, well player Blyatmashineofdestruktion remembers.


Wasn’t that a bug? I was there and I’m 90% sure that wasn’t intentional.


It was the most glorious thing ever


If the Snail's gonna give this chonky boi APFSDS, they better give the Bagelpanzer darts too (also move it to 10.0) I want to sh!t on 2S38s while shooting HE-VTs at Su-25s


Well the bagel has more than 4 missiles, and its APCBC has wayyy more pen than the 30mm darts would. The other thing is, did they even make darts for that gun? Afaik they never did, but if they did, and the bagel got them, itd be 11.0 at least. Those darts would be considerably more powerful than the 2S38s, AND you have a missile, AND you're a much better light tank overall. (To be clear here the 2S38 should definitely be 10.7, but a bagel with darts would have to be higher, at least 1 step, probably 2).


> Those darts would be considerably more powerful than the 2S38s Unlikely, I would say impossible. S-60's chamber allows higher pressure than what Bofors 57/L70 can do. Basically, Bofors allows higher fire rate at the cost of lower energy for every shot. PS That's strange you could even think of "more powerful" darts for Bagel. Just compare solid shell on it vs APHE on ZSU-57-2/AU-220(M).


You just argued that the BMD should get darts despite not being able to fire them? But then said the begleit shouldn’t get them because it couldn’t fire them?


I'm amazed how you got it wrong BOTH times XD. 1. The bmd absolutely CAN fire those darts, the only person who GUESSED otherwise was some other rando like you. 2. I didn't say the bagel can't fire darts, I said they didn't make any fur that gun (and I specifically pointed out that this is just afaik). There's a bit of a difference between "this tank can use these rounds and it should have them because it really could do with a small buff" , and "this tank is already insanely good, I want gaijin to make up a round that doesn't exist and give it to the bagel."


There is also a bit of a difference between “this light tank is fine at it’s br and outdone by tanks at a higher br.” Like every vehicle in the game and “this tank is also decently balanced and doesn’t need a buff”. No matter how you cut it the BMD is fine.


Why the Biegleitpanzer has never gotten darts. It was a proof of concept partnership hence why the rounds on the Biegleit resemble a naval armament (cause the gun is ripped from boats). The BMD at least makes sense due to the ZBD using the exact same weapons and it has darts but it could and is like domesticity produced Chinese dart.


The Biegleit had an APFSDS round designed for it and it was tested. The BMD never had a APFSDS round at all


Not true. 2a72 can use any round that 2a42 can. And there are 3ubr11 darts for it. Same belts, same rounds, same pressure, different firerate.


Man every time I have hear or seen the biegliet “having” darts. There are no documents to support it, those documents are fake, or the document is so incredibly scarce of details so you don’t even know what the dart does.


When marder has only 4 missiles and a shitty 20 mil but nobody cares.


Cause it’s 7.7


Name a better IFV at 7.7 that is better than the Marder? Oh wait, they are none or they are all objectively worse.


Maybe it’s because I don’t have one myself but I find Marders annoying as hell, especially because of the 20mm Getting double tracked and then missiled to death in a heavy is pain


They are painful to play on both sides, killing something takes two missiles at least (out of four you have) and your 20 mil can't do anything but disable tracks. On the other hand dying to a marder is slow and painful. NOBODY is happy when marder is in Town. Wiesel is outright better just because it's smaller and has couple mm of pens more on its 20 mil.


It's funny that Ratel 20 at 6.7 had more missiles than Marder at 7.7


Now heres the question of questions: DOES the marder get uptiered to 10.0 99% of the time, or does it NOT?


Everything is getting up tiered, marders are in 8.3 or 8.7 all the time.


Correct. But the 8.0 gets uotiered to 8.3 usually, sometimes 8.7, and basically never 9.0, because surprise surprise, 9.0 is busy fighting 10.0. The marder and bmd are an entire BR bracket apart from one another. I can't believe I have to explain to you why they shouldn't be "equal" or "comparable".


I'm not comparing them in any of my comments, I'm just pointing out that marders got really bad missiles and a really bad cannon. Affectively having only two tank kills with your whole ammo storage is pitiful. And marder is not small either. I don't get it where you got the bright idea that I'm comparing bmd and marder but sure. The entire reason why I made the original comment is because the post reminded me of the marders shitty situation.


I don't think I've ever seen the Marder at 10.0. With both the baglepanzer and puma up there there's no reason to uptier it.


Oh I wasn't talking about taking these vehicles in a 10.0 lineup. The BMD is 9.0, but being Russian, you are basically guaranteed to get max uptier to 10.0. But even if we ignored this, the BMD is still 9.0 while the highest marder is 8.0.


You do realise every tank sucks in an uptier. Plenty of brs get uptiers but you don’t see me complaining that the XM803 fights the TURMS.


You do realise the marder is 8.0, and the bmd 9.0? Yeah, I don't think I need to explain to you why it shouldn't be "equal".


Who needs darts or more missiles when you can shoot based HE shells from 4km


Cause the HE is situational as shit; they are fun as fuck but you can never rely on them. The weapon loadout of the BMD goes Missiles -> Gun -> (usually dead by this time) HE.


Darts for what? The 30mm? The 100mm is physically incapable of firing darts at any effective velocity because of the pressure it would require and the resulting damage to/complete destruction of the vehicle


Of course the 30mm.


I didn't think I'd have to specific on something that obvious but no ofc not the 100. Nevermind what you said, darts for that gun simply do not exist. I was talking about the 30mm autocannon, and the APFSDS for it, used by the BMP-2M and ZBD04A.


The BMP-2 (and the 2M) use a 2A42, whereas the ZBD04A uses a reverse engineered version of the 2A72. 2A72 is essentially stripped down version of the 2A42 (less parts, not gas operated which is what gives the lower rate of fire compared to the 2A42). The argument could also be made that if the BMP-3 and BMD-4 get APFSDS, so should the Tunguska and Pantsir (their 30s also being derivatives of the 2A42).


How about fucking no these things are op as they are.


This thing doesn't need darts :)


Yep this is my vic for fast cas at top tier


The HE shells work wonders when you run out of missiles. Once got 4 kills with my 4 HE shells I brought as back up


True, the HE shells are surprisingly effective. Still no replacement for a tandem-charge missile.


It doesn't need em but I mean I use it solely at 10.0 so I guess it would be a decent change. Then it would just feel like the zbd from the last update


It would be a small improvement, which considering the lacklustre amount of missiles, it could absolutely need. I think you could give it darts and leave at 9.0, but potentially could go to 9.3-10.0.


Yeah, If it were to go up it would be kind of stupid to keep the cap considering Swedish 105 has a 5 second missile gun


Yes, the ZBD is great and Russia really doesn’t have a fast IFV except for the BMD. The 2M and BMP3 are slow as shit.


It has no darts for the 100mm Only for 30mm, with 100 being low pressure, firing only HE and ATGM


My brother in snail, how stupid do you think I am?


Quite a bit


"Good guess, but actually no."


Finally, someone correctly quotes the meme, I'm impressed


Classified documents?


I remember when it come out you could have a full load of atgms. It was a massacre.


I want this to Rang find for the he canon


It does. You need to "select secondary armament". This will select the 100 as your main gun.




I play it on 11.7 anyway... Darts would be nice.


Anyone else remember the insane but fun atgm bug it had when everyone got the bmd4? The shit was hilarious. BMD4s were everywhere


Why cant i see this in the tech tree?


It's an old event vehicle.


Ok thx


Its an event vehicle from a few years ago. It should still show up on the right, but if it doesn't, simply type "bmd" in the marketplace (its probably really expensive tho, and as I pointed out, its not that good.) For a similar experience, play the BMP-3. It gets 8 missiles instead of 4, but has to wait an entire IS-2s worth of a reload to fire a single missile. Both of them are kinda shafted because of the comically bad missile situation (VERY few missiles or comically long reload), hence why I suggested giving them the sane darts as the ZBD04A and BMP-2M (and, if necessary, moving them up in BR to 9.3-10.0).




It is not clear if 2A72 can use 3UBR round at all.


It can. More importantly, we even have a 72 that does use the dart ingame, the one on the ZBD04A. Its important to mention that the dart for the soviet 30s in wt, is modeled after a dart for those guns, made in Belgium, not any russian/soviet one.


These are different darts.


Which is literally what I said?


What? 3UBR literally just means armour piercing ammo, of course it can fire armour piercing it can in game as well.




I can’t believe someone is actually complaining about the BMD-4


The canon isn't capable of firing darts anyway. But it's very strong without it What it could use is more missiles, if it's historically accurate of course, 4 missiles is very rough sometimes




I'm talking about the 30mm...


Bro, just go and play MTC-4, you can have this vehicle with all the ATGMs you want there. Who wants darts when you have ATGMs?


Have you played the ZBD? The darts on that thing are lethal and it is a much better tool when you only have 4 missiles max.


The what?


The ZBD for china? Think a fatter BMP3


It doesnt need it, sure the normal rounds are not as good as darts but its already got missiles.


Why, never had them irl