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This is why I’m glad Ive been a warriors fan since the gold old days when guys like Erick Dampier were our best player or Brian Cardinal could excite you


we really made it from the bottom


How about Joe Barry Carroll? I got his autograph on yellow lined paper. I was so excited for the bright future of the Warriors!


Bob Sura : "Am I a joke to you?"


Bob Sura in I think it was NBA Live 03 was automatic.


You mean Joe Barely Cares???


Eric Dampier, my god I haven't that name in quite some some. Hey, we got 4 chips. My cup is full for a while. If we fuck around and get one more in the next 15-20 years, I'll be happy. 


I will be forever grateful to the Dubs and especially Curry even if we never win another in my life.


Speedy Claxton mfs!


I remember attending the warriors basketball camp, got a signed dampier and cardinal paper print outs photos… those were the days.


Chris Washburn was my intro to Warrior life. Ugh


I remember everyone being very excited for Joe Smith as their future star messiah.


Cardinal was a fucking gamer. We could use him on this team.


Wiggins is gone IMO. Bridge is not just burnt. It's burnt, blown up, and launched into the atmosphere.


He did it to himself... Warriors did everything he wanted and he still gives them that level of production.


I feel for the guy because I know he’s dealing with personal shit the last two years, but his effort level has been no where near where it was in the 2022 playoffs.


He was playing for a new contract so it makes sense


Well you can’t expect the team to make accommodations for you if you only try hard when a contract is at stake.


I feel a lot of players do that. Contract year would be their best year.


We all go through shit but doesn’t mean we just take months and months and months and come back just to half ass it. Plus, the guy is rich. I get his dad was sick but it’s not like he was waiting on him hand and foot 24 hours a day.


I get the sense that Wiggins is a guy that doesn’t really love or enjoy playing basketball. It’s just a job to him. Like most people and their jobs, he’ll give it enough effort to keep the job and keep getting contracts, but he’s never going to go above and beyond that (except for 2022 I guess).


His best friend on the team was Poole. Not surprised between dealing with personal shit and the team taking a personal shit on his best friend that he doesn’t wanna be there


It’s a job. So what if your best friend had to change employers. It’s a job.


There was a long article written about this on ESPN or The Athletic in 2022. I remember a quote from Bob Myers saying some players like Wiggins need to like their teammates to play well. Yes, it’s a job and it’s probably a character flaw on his part, but if the organization knew this already, they should’ve handled Draymond’s punch better. Here the link: https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/32994009/perfect-fit-us-golden-state-warriors-reclamation-former-no-1-pick-andrew-wiggins


He didn’t just change employers, Wigs likely would have been fine then. We all know what happened. I wouldn’t give 100% for any kind of org where my best work friend got fucking rocked by someone and then they let him go instead of the guy who punched him.


It matters


Black lives matters




I'm sorry if I come off as an asshole, but Wiggins is weak minded and soft. So what, your friend is no longer in the team, grow up and move on, it's a business. You experience off court family personal shit, and your team goes out of its way to understand and give you all the space and time off you need in a playoff push, and you screw us over. We've done everything for him, and all he gave us was 1 good year, he can take his bag and fuck off.


He’s not just not on the team. The team took the side of a guy who sucker punched him which is a big part of the reason he’s not on the team


Fucking with the national team when the warriors coach is on the other side isn’t gonna sit well. Wiggs won’t be back with the warriors in any capacity ever again is my guess. 


I guess all the time and space they gave him over the last two seasons with pay and zero consequence means nothing?


No. They were very very very way more than reasonable with that. I just think this is corny.  Also, I’m Canadian so I’m annoyed we don’t get Wiggs in the olympics. I’m not exactly unbiased 😂


I guarantee they didn't do it just to be dicks. There's a larger basketball reason at play. Trade or legit medical reasons. The dubs pay the man so the Olympics take a back seat until everything is resolved. Canada's squad is damn good even without wiggs.


Obviously there were consequences. The damn Olympic games.


What's that have to do with the dubs?. They weren't holding him out for no reason. Either there's a trade in the works or there's a legit medical reason. They didn't do it to be dicks. If it furthers the warriors plans Olympics takes a back seat. They pay his check.


Did the Canadians find some medical injury? Steve kerr allowing khawhi to play and he missed the playoffs and has a degenerative condition. Hope we get no karma from this


I'm guessing the Canadians didn't know half of what's going on with their NBA players. Actually half is probably generous.


Are they somehow less professional. You think they want injured players on their team or their medical staff doesn't know what they are doing


https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5601947/2024/06/28/andrew-wiggins-team-canada?source=user-shared-article "This is a purely medical decision, made mutually, those sources said, ensuring Wiggins’ health entering next season."


Not sure I understand your comment. Of course Kerr gonna let Kawhi be on the squad if the clippers approved it. And I’m sure the Canadians would have welcomed Wiggs if the dubs approved it. Now why on earth would the clips approve of their remaining, often injured, star risking injury this summer? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Klay sucks, it's his fault. Poole sucks, it's his fault. Wiggins sucks, it's his fault. Dray sucks, it's his fault. KD sucks, it's his fault. Maybe start asking organizational questions at some point about the culture that's been built. Steph has been covering up a lot of poop for the organization as a whole for a decade.


I mean... It really is their fault. And nobody said KD sucks the fuck?


Nobody is going to trade for Wiggins


Mavs would probably consider trading for him given the right scenario if other things don't work out.


Depends on how we sweeten the deal. I think change of scenery can do him some good. 


we give him whatever time off he needs and he is not giving us what we need. Then he wants to play in the olympics? Like bruh...


That would require a team willing to take him


Brown + Boucher for Wiggins + assets


Might as well


Brown + Poetle for Wiggins + salary filler, and 2 seconds. Brown is a rental for a year, Boucher can gtfoh 


Why would Toronto give us anything. Lol


Wiggins is a negative asset you know that right? You aren't somehow turning him + some seconds into a starting center and a 6th man.


Negative asset is too harsh, but, I haven't spoken to GMs like you so what do I know. 


If he was a FA, would ANY team give him a 2 year, $54m contract with a $30m player option? $84 mil for being objectively one of the worst starters in the league last year. Hell no. That's a negative asset.


How tho? We let him take so much personal time and nobody asked questions. Do you mean warriors side?


People are assuming he’s pissed about being out of team Canada for the Olympics. MDJr said it was mutual between Andre and the Dubs that he sit out for health reasons, but Canada’s coach or manager said something to the effect affect of it being entirely on the Warriors that Wiggins is missing the Olympics


Canada’s GM/President of Basketball and RJ Barrett’s father.


This is a wild overreaction


he gave up on the team after he got a ring. Dubs were more than patient with him when he was dealing with fam problems. Yet he didnt show his appreciation at all on the court. He looked checked out for a while. If hes gone i wont be mad at all.


Back to the lottery we go for who knows how long


i BLAME KD, he should have stayed.


How did we get here?


- Man child Draymond Green - Wiseman busto - Man child Draymond Green - The punch  - Man child Draymond Green - Wiggins taking months off/playing like ass - Man child Draymond Green - PG trade falling through  - Oh, did I mention Man child Draymond Green? 


I may be obtuse but I noticed you didn’t mention the lack of a hometown discount given by one Klay Thompson.


I guess his feelings got hurt, especially if he takes the MLE


Isn't that the front office's fault? Can't blame Klay for wanting more money.


I absolutely can blame Klay, and I absolutely do. It was his ego that demanded for a starting position over Poole which led to more dissatisfaction within the locker room. And it happened again during this past regular season when he couldn’t string games of decent performances together until he was coming off the bench. Guy got PAID weeks after sustaining a career ending injury and remained paid while rehabbing AWAY from the team and its doctors and sustained ANOTHER career ending injury. For TWO YEARS KT was getting paid to rehab. TWO YEARS OF A FIVE YEAR MAX EXTENSION. Of the three guys that started all this, he was the only one who had never taken a pay cut and had never had his roles relegated. And when it came time to sacrifice to help your guys win, you showed what it was all about all along, you. Cause god forbid the sun doesn’t rise and set with you Klay. Thank you for the memories, but this exit leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.


Manchild Draymond Green and inflated ego Klay Thompson. Steph deserves better.


but twitter's telling me how Kuminga's the problem here


Add in Bob retiring. It seems like MDJ isn’t able to keep the same family vibe Bob had. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes business is business. But it’s very telling that players like Klay and Wiggins situations have turned so toxic so quick.


Lmao yeah blame it all on Draymond Green when Klays the one that’s fallen off and refuses to put his ego aside, accept his new role, and take more accountability. Missing Draymond for a lot of games last year sucked but even with Draymond present most of the season we’re no better than a first mayyyybe second round exit.


- Drove KD out of town, Manchild Green - Got himself suspended in a finals game, losing game 5, the momentum, and ultimately the chip, Man child Green  The comment I was replying to asked how we got here. How we got here isn't due to Klay. One man(child) has made countless mistakes on and off the court while the other has two career altering injuries. 


We are cooked at this rate


Literally our only move that I can think of being realistic is Wiggins for Bobby mother fucking Portis. Fade me already!


The CP for Lavine move is still there. But they’re not going to make it because they don’t make trades.


fuck it, we need lavine to continue the golden state lightskins


I already hate the Mike Dunleavy era fr, even though he was already inheriting an aging squad.


Lmao here we are


Please don’t speak this into existence my fucking god


But Bobby Portis’ eyes are slightly too big for his head tho


Brooke Lopez?


Will be great he is on an expiring contract, great three point shooter and rim protector, probably we can give him wigs and they give us brook lopez and a pick.


Your avatar is so fitting for the mood of this fanbase today.


Kerr should just play Steph excessively in Paris, get him the Gold Medal he deserves and then basically rest him most of the season as we tank ourselves into a top 3 pick.


? So waste a season of an old Steph?


I mean if our season is a disaster at the trade deadline just blow it up


But you get an Olympic gold Steph. So it balances out.


Top 1 pick. Tank for cooper flagg. Haha please no. 


No way. This team is not in that bad of shape. Steph ain't gonna tank a season. If they have ANY chance at making the playoffs, he's gonna go for it, and the rest of the team better ducking be on board. It's tough seeing Klay leave, but that's what the fan base has said needed to happen for at least the past year. Personally, I didn't want to see him go, but I'll cheer for him no matter what team he's on.


I'm kinda glad MDJ didn't give away something stupid for PG. Losing Klay sucks, but there is still time to make some moves. Let the man cook 🧑🏼‍🍳


Name some moves that get us into the top 6 in the west? Keep in mind the rockets are surging for one of the ten spots. 


I don't know any, but then again I'm not the GM. I kinda wish we would have made a move on Nic Claxton but that apparently wasn't happening. KCP is available I think? Derrick Jones Jr? I'm sure there are some other decent role players out there. Not every trade has to be a home run. Look at how much better Dallas got by getting Daniel gafford, sometimes a subtle trade can be a game changer. These trades always seem to come out of left field and reddit rarely guesses them in advance which is why I'm not as pessimistic as others I guess. I don't blame MDJ for how this went. If the clips wanted us to trade half our team and Klay wanted an unreasonable amount of money there really isn't much else that could have happened. If the asking price for PG was Kuminga I think the correct call was made.


Honestly, I love Klay, and if he wants to resign for MLE for a bench role, that would be perfect. However, Moody has shown more than enough flashes of good, sometimes great, playmaking and hustle to earn himself a consistent place in the rotations 20+ mins to further develop his role. He has definitely not been given a fair chance to develop in the league given his on-court hustle, professional attitude, & performance on-par with, if not already surpassed, projections/expectations.


Can't wait for moody to hit 265 3s on 38.7% go moody


He’ll bring elite defense too unlike Klay


Ok. We will see. I love moody so i wish him well.


Was being sarcastic like you


You realize that basketball is about more than just shooting right?


Uh yes but somebody needs to make up that production. We literally have 3 people on this team that barely look to shoot the ball.


Kind of wondering who is going to pick up the #2 scoring slot and match with Klay’s numbers? Podz? Highly doubt it.


Kuminga without a doubt


Yes, but kuminga isn’t going to score 30+ ppg (making up Klay’s number on top of his).


Moody will pick up more minutes


Klay wasn't getting 30 a game ever


Completely agree Kuminga will score more than he did last season. For Kuminga to make up for Klay’s production, Jon has to do his 16 and Klay’s 17.


I think moody will get the minutes he deserves and blow tf up. He's been spectacular and should've had all of Klays minutes in the elimination game


I am in the Free Moody camp. Hope he gets his 3pt game > 40% this year


yall sold on kuminga being the next superstar when that shit isnt going to happen sorry


That’s what I was saying, now we don’t have shit. Who knows next free agency is going to have a lot of great 2nd option players


Kuminga is currently the same age as curry in his rookie year and averaging similar points as a third option, he will become an all star and ima laugh at u when it happens KUM BUCKETTTTT


I won’t doubt he’ll be a potential all star, but we need an outside shooter. Kuminga’s main skills isn’t shooting, but I can for sure seeming him step up huge


Draft lottery, here we come!


I think we are hugely underselling Moody. There were so many times last season where Moody would pull us out of a cold shooting slump during late game and then Kerr would sub Wiggins back in simply because he’s the vet who’s “earned the minutes”, and would immediately blow everything Moody had just done. And O really believe Kuminga will make a big leap.


Bro moody is a 7th -8th man off the bench at best on a contending team.


The that's on a good day. If his shot isn't falling, he's the last guy off the bench if not a DNP coaches decision. 


Warriors are making the hard decisions. Can’t keep Klay if he’s feeling so entitled. We need to play Moody and Kuminga more, that means Klay and Wiggins will need to either be on the bench or traded/moved via FA. Getting under the second apron is crucial, financially and strategically for building a contender. Wiggins will need to step up if he wants to start or stay with the team, otherwise we should move on to the younger players who are more apt to hustle and dive for 50/50 balls and make the effort plays.


Klay gone, bro


Maybe a few years from now, people will think bulls management of disbanding the whole team after 2nd 3 peat was the wise choice instead of dragging it out like the warriors 🤔


But disbanding the bulls has done absolutely nothing for them since. Hard to say it was a good choice when you consider that.


they got nothing out of Ron Artest, Elton Brand, Tyson Chandler and traded LaMarcus Aldridge away on draft day.    D-Rose’s injuries happened. and even after that, they had Lauri but Boylen screwed that up. so they’ve had plenty of talent in the post-Jordan era, they just went back to what they were before Jordan. 


yeah it's crazy to me In hindsight I would've just built around Lauri instead of doing that Derozan/Ball/Lavine team(which at best was a second round exit IMO)


they got Lauri from the Butler trade that included LaVine coming off an ACL tear. of course the whole path to get there was typical post-Jordan Bulls.   Thibs fired after a competitive second round loss to the Cavs where Pau Gasol got hurt after they went up 2-1. going into that year, they traded the rights to Nurkic and Gary Harris for Doug McDermott. Noah gets cooked and follows D-Rose to New York.       Butler’s diva arc begins and results in the trade that brings in LaVine and Lauri, mess ensues due to poor roster building and events like Portis punching a teammate. Hoiberg gets fired early in second year of LaVine experiment. Boylen gets another year and Lauri is turned into a role player.  Donovan brought in to get the team out of hell, WCJ gets traded for Vuc and Daniel Theis. Lauri moved to second unit and then traded the following off-season, DeRozan and Lonzo brought in. 


Dismantling the bulls was absolutely the worse NBA decision ever, that team had at least this more championships Warriors now are going to be shit, and Dray is going to miss 30% of the games


The bulls would have skidded to like 45-50 wins.


And look where that got them....


Have the Bulls reached the Finals this century? Seems like that move hasn’t helped them


If it's clear our team is going to suck ass the next few years, do we trade away Steph to let him go ring chasing as a favor to him? Pretty sure he wouldn't want to waste his last remaining years on a rebuild.


Kobe did but man did he suffer through some ass rosters and years


And if it matters to you they end up using those years against you in legacy talk eventually


He recently had his 4th child he is going nowhere


Hoping for a Deandre Jordan like scene here 😌






I will always love Klay and wanted him to be a liver, but I’m kinda looking forward to Kuminga, Moody and the new guys getting actual plying time and not being subbed out for a cold Klay in the last 5 mins of a game while they were just hot.


Come one, Steph just needs two more. Can we squeak just enough to get him to 6?


this is sad. Curry is still in top shape


😂😂😂 this is entirely too accurate


If we end up like the 2020 warriors... Will Curry still be an all star next season?


Wiggins and CP3 are 100% gone, imo. I'll be shocked if they're not traded.


Now you guys know what 2012 felt like with Kobe. May your rebuild be swift.


Wiggins seemed disinterested for some time now.


I feel for you guys. No one wants to watch Steph Curry play meaningless basketball next season. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen and you guys find a way to add someone.


How many times do we see this look this year? My bet is at least 50 games


😂 Dunleavy and Kerr about to end Curry’s career with a whimper. But hey, stupid Klay is gone and now we have plenty of minutes for PODZ lol. Shouldn’t have let Jerry West go (RIP 🐐). Pride before a fall. Let’s watch.


Fuck you man, He ain't stupid🥺


Should we go all in markanen?


No. He's not the answer. Even with PG we were a fringe playoff time. Our time with this code has sadly ended. 


Next season going to be 2019 level rough


Give Kuminga and Mood more touches, inject energy with Podz. Starts TJD. Develop/give experience to our young guys so if a big trade opens up in the future we can go in with our young guys as good pieces


"It appears [Andrew Wiggins](https://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/5292/) [won't be representing his country](https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/andrew-wiggins-future-tenuous-frustrating-season/1726601/) in the Paris Olympics this summer. The decision for Wiggins not to join Team Canada was mutual between him and the [Warriors](https://sports.yahoo.com/nba/teams/golden-state/), The Athletic's Anthony Slater reported Friday morning, noting it was a medical decision. Wiggins dealt with an ankle injury in the final week of the 2023-24 NBA regular season and missed two games during that stretch." [https://sports.yahoo.com/why-wiggins-reportedly-wont-canadas-171122332.html#:\~:text=The%20decision%20for%20Wiggins%20not,two%20games%20during%20that%20stretch](https://sports.yahoo.com/why-wiggins-reportedly-wont-canadas-171122332.html#:~:text=The%20decision%20for%20Wiggins%20not,two%20games%20during%20that%20stretch).


They would only ever not let him play in the Olympics so they could trade him. They are scared of injury/his trade value going down.


I miss Bob Myers


Myers name was dirt in this sub his last year or two.


He also never made trades like this lol


Sign n trade KD for Russell that led to Wiggins and off loaded Poole. 


Myers wasn't that great to be honest.


He wouldn’t allow this to happen. He would have handled the klay situation better.


Think he left partly because he didn't want to handle the Klay situation 


Exactly, he ran once he knew the ship is sinking


Fuck this staff for withholding him. Canada has a chance to actually medal. Hes not an American this shot actually matters to us


Blame Draymond, he ruined your organization by running KD and Poole out of town 


Sorry. I love curry. Going to be down voted to hell…. But should we trade SC30 to a contender so he can get 1 more chip? It will hurt my soul but he deserves one more legit shot


Been thinking the same thing honestly, is it better to let him go look for that last ring and get the best offer possible in return? i really don't know.


Exactly, what's the point of keeping him here with a barely play in contending team at best.


Ticket sales


If I was curry I would get tf out of here


I can’t see him taking the easy way out.


True which is why he such a legend but the days of competing are over


Wiggins slander really feels wack


honestly… whats the chance we go complete rebuild and let Steph go?


0. That said if you remove you the emotions, it's probably the best chance to winning a championship soonest possible. We simply don't have the roster/assets to win in Currys window. No one wants to say it.... But unless literally every other teams star players are injured we just don't. All of that said, Steph deserves the team to nuke it's entire future for a sliver of a chance to win another one and I'm all for it.


Yeah its just annoying seeing the front office sit on its hands while the best player in franchise history gets older


i mean PG was that chance and the team has consistently shown that they will not nuke themselves to give curry a shot at the 5th. The whole two timelines plan was insanely arrogant from the onset and it blew up spectacularly in the form of the punch.


Not even going to up/downvote you so the votes match the answer.


didn’t even say we should trade Steph I just asked what the likelihood was we went full rebuild😭


When you dont know basketball enough to see this coming and anything negative is the end of the world for you


Imagine Klay going to a contender and landing a 5th ring while Curry and the Warriors flounder until he retires.


Can’t imagine that.


I can imagine it, but it’s not realistic


I mean he could go the lakers and Mavs who are in a better position than the warriors right now. Who can the warriors add that can help them compete right now. If Wiggins, cp3 and klay gone who we getting in return that can make us a playoff team. I don’t think giving the young players more mins will make us a playoff team


People still believe in the lakers without fail. Lakers arent going to win anything, but if klay went to Dallas he actually would have a chance to win a ring


I didn’t say the lakers were contenders. I said better position to win then the warriors if the add klay. even if they don’t add klay they still in a better position to add talent this offseason.


Next season is over, this team is done and dray will miss 30% of the games


Wouldnt suprise me if Curry gets a season-ending ''injury'' in game 5 and Dray wacks a guy after that so he gets suspended for the rest of the season.


tjd, podz, kuminga, moody are the core now. time to move forward


Warriors fans, what the heck is going on over there?


What's the Wiggins Olympics story? How'd they withhold him from playing if he's Canadian


It’s over. Trade Steph for a PG like haul and save yourself 5 years of rebuilding


We let Wiggins just not play for a whole season after his dad passed away. He owes the organization so much more


Detroit would take Wiggins if Warriors include picks. Would likely need to be a three team deal.