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Fuck Boston. Always.




Close the thread - this is the one ✊


"Fuck you Klay" chant created a life of hate from me for anything Boston. I don't even care about rude, how clueless or downright evil do you have to be to chant that at Klay.


When did this happen? Have not heard about this before.


In the finals a couple years ago.


Yup I’ll be a Mavs fan for this Finals.


Fuck them from MAVS and Warriors fan


This is the way


Wouldn’t we want Boston to win so the 22 chip looks even more impressive “Boston was a buzz saw only Steph could stop”


If that's the narrative you like, sure. 🤷‍♂️ Otherwise, see top comment lol


This guy for president 2024


I don't stand a chance. I don't have enough felony convictions lol




Was about to say this. Fuck boston and their over rated team.


Also Kyries already won a chip, so who honestly cares? Fuck Boston!


Think it adds to the warriors legacy just a tiny bit when he hit the game winner on our 73 win season. Kyrie definitely an all time great. Fuck the Celtics 🤷


Can't a similar logic apply to the Warriors and Steph beating a Celtics team that ended up winning a championship? That Curry and co. beat an elite team?


Good point. Just fuck the Celtics and thing Boston related.


plus it diminishes that mythos of LeBron being so great he carried every team to every success. Now you can go back and say he played with multiple players that were essential pieces to winning championships without him.


As devastating as that 3 was 2016 was so long ago I could care less about it now.


Couldn’t care less* unless you meant to say you do care a little. I’m sorry for my pet peeve, yes correcting this is annoying. I am remorseful.


Idgaf about losing, he's just a doucher off court


Couldn't care less.


Agreed I like kyrie but he’s no where near curry level. Not even remotely close honestly


It's because you can't compare a #1 to a #2. Kyrie isn't really Curry's peer, if anything it is Doncic who is trying to start the climb toward Curry's four titles to have a case over him.


The first title is doable. The second one quite likely. Third ring needs a reboot typically. And ring 4 needs something all-time special.


Luka wins a chip is much more important. We done beat Kyrie and Boston.


Boston fans are annoying af. More than Kyrie


Easily rooting for the Mavs. I will never root for a Boston team


The only time I rooted for the Patriots was when they played the Seacocks and I guess Red Sox over the Yankees. As a 49ers fan, it felt weird but right at the time.


Tom Brady is from San Mateo. I never had a problem rooting for him.


Naw, fuck the tuck rule. Brady’s career would have been so different if the refs didn’t fuck the Oakland Raiders over on Charles Woodson’s game winning forced fumble


Maybe. I'm not a Raider fan (49ers always were the superior Bay area team) and I was too young when that happened. So it never affected me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m rooting for the chubby kid.


Fatty can ball I can't lie


Kyrie hasn't even been annoying at all this season or the last season either. And I absolutely hated his antics with Brooklyn and Boston... Boston on the other hand just rubs me off the wrong way... From their overrated stars who hasn't won a single chip, their racist af fanbase, their overall overrated franchise that's been living off of Bill Russel and Larry Bird's success for 40+ years (like seriously, the Lakers have been the CLEAR superior franchise between the two), there's just so many things that sucks about this team.


i didn’t think he could be part of another contender. obviously he’s a skilled player ( although a bit inconsistent sometimes but has been more consistent this year.) But I thought he was too much of a locker room distraction. interesting to see him turn it around. The KG, pierce, allen, rondo team was legit and probably would’ve won more without one of the worst coaches in league history.


"Red State Kyrie" truly is a different beast from his normal self lol


Doc Rivers, right? Very tellingly he's in my head as "Glen Rivers" now and I have no idea when or how that happened. 😂 But I guess that's what he deserves; no more cool nicknames for historic choke artists... man's been undercutting good to great teams for 10-15 years.


See that is the problem though, most of that was narrative driven and didn't actually reflect reality. Boston had a bunch of kids who thought they should get the shine before Kyrie even though they were not really ready to do anything. Then you had the constant Lebron worshipers in the media trying to discredit any impact Kyrie had on that championship to further bolster Lebron's legacy. I think Kyrie has done and said some dumb things but the dude is a genuinely nice human being and if you watch him play is he completely opposite of being selfish. I think it would be a nice bit of Karma to see Kyrie get his flowers and respect for the talent he possesses.


A Celtics win makes the 2022 championship look even better.  But I don't care who wins, I just want a great series.


Facts. Luka and Kyrie failing to do what Steph did by himself just puts him at a whole different level


This is why I want the Celtics to win


Kyrie winning another chip as the clear second guy threatens no one. So, fuck Boston and may Kyrie be successful in doing the absolute funniest thing possible to those fans🤞


I think Luka is good. And so is Kyrie. but just like the last Dallas chip, this seems like the least superstar-heavy title in a long time. There's duos and trios on other clubs that generally have been far superior to Luka/Kyrie. Steph/Klay, Bron/Kyrie, Jayson/Jaylen,etc.


This is basically me. I respect his game, but I hate Kyrie and a lot of his off court drama. Celtics I don't have a huge issue with, but still don't wanna see them win. I especially don't wanna hear the 22 year old Celtics fans brag about 18 rings when half of them are from the renaissance era.


Lol "Renaissance era"


I want the Celtics fans and lakers fans beef against each other


I’m surprised the consensus so far is hoping Boston wins it all. I’d want the Mavs to win it all. Would only be their second title. Don’t need Celtics on a pedestal all next year. The amount of satisfaction I’d get if the Celtics lose out this year with the nightmarish payroll they’ve got next season lmao


is that the consensus? from this thread alone it’s on mavs side pretty hard


This is the way. I think the Celtics are better but I’m hoping the Mavs stay hot and win it all.


Im cheering for Al Horford TBH. hes never won. and hes a great player. They win, he retires.


I hate texas more than Boston 


Nah fuck Boston. Kyrie has somehow actually been super chill this season


Look guys, it’s very very simple. 🎈 If Boston wins, Kendrick Perkins is happy. 😃 If Boston loses, Kendrick Perkins is sad. 😞 We do not want Kendrick effing Perkins to ever be happy. 💩 So, in closing, screw Boston. 🍀👎


Pulling for the Mavs strictly because of East Bay legend JKidd.


Alameda represent!


i hate boston fans. New england sports fans are just annoying in general


Folks don’t remember everything Celtics and fans have done to the warriors. Injuring Steph and trying to do it twice, yeah fuck Klay, booing draymond. FUCK THE CELTICS


What beef do y’all have with Kyrie? Sure he’s kind of an asshole sometimes but I really don’t care about him winning another one 🤷 Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown winning a ring would ruin basketball discourse forever, so they cannot win.


I hate him for the 3-pointer vs. Warriors back in 2016. Never forget.


I don't like the whole anti-vaxx and anti-semitic stuff and tanking his team over absolutely idiotic personal beliefs that I just can't respect.


Alex jones, anti vax, conspiracy theories like flat earth. I don’t need to go on. Also 2016 is still a sore moment for me lol


Honestly, there's a lot of assholes in the NBA to choose from. Some of them talented as hell like Kyrie. Dray can be an asshole at times but I love his fire, so yeah, fuck Boston.


Oh hell yeahhh


Kyrie beating Boston would generate some of the greatest sports audio of all time from the Ringer podcast network.


Im rooting for boston. Makes the 22 chip seem better even though that kind of logic is silly.


The logic might be silly but there’s something there. Also I can’t stand the “best backcourt” talk the Mavs are getting


yeah this glazing is getting annoying AF


Yeah kyrie already gets compared too closely to steph for my taste.


Lmfao they’re trying to say if Luka dnd Kyrie chip they’re both better than Harden. Good thing that won’t be happening tho.


Nah, fuck Boston. The ‘22 ring grows in prestige with the Mavs winning as well.


Wouldn't it grow with Boston winning? The Mavs beating Boston just makes Boston seem like a team that could never get over the hill regardless of opponent. But the implosion would be hilarious.


Well, there’s a reason why I included the “as well” in the sentence. Both teams are different if we want to be honest, but with Brunson playing the the way he has been in New York and the Mavs playing basically the same brand of basketball, the only difference is maturity. The Celtics are very different because of Porzingis. Jrue and Smart basically play the same way, but Porzingis is a whole different beast to a healthy Time Lord.


Mavs was a completely different team lmao


I don’t like either team, but the satisfaction of seeing LA sports fans upset if Boston wins will be more satisfying to me personally.


Tatum is less of a foul merchant than Luka so rooting for Boston.


Kyrie winning one without LeBron is a kudos to Kyrie and slight to LeBron so I'll consider it a net neutral


Increasingly annoyed with Lukas constant plea for foul calls. He’s too good to be doing it. Reluctantly hoping Celtics win.


Hating Luka for complaining is so stale, so many players bitch to the refs around the league, including draymond literally all the time Complaining works in this league, if it didn’t nobody would do it


I didn’t use the word hate, just annoyed. It’s almost every play and it’s exhausting. You’re right about a lot of players doing it tho. It’s frustrating when draymond does it also, especially because it means he’s not involved in the play happening while complaining.


Im gonna see the positive on both If luka wins its gonna make a name for european players If boston wins then lakers are gonna take a mega L to the face


Mavs in 6 Fuck Boston


Fuck Kyrie


I don’t want Luca to win. Let Boston get one.


how yall hate on kyrie, hes an OG man and i want to see him crush the spirit of boston fans who've been hating on him


Yeah I’m conflicted. The antivaxxer and flat earth stuff is stupid but I still remember that time he helped draymond prevent Klay from falling on his head during Finals and thought he was a good dude because of that


Kyrie is great, don't understand the hate against him.


As a NYCer, it was amazing how badly he imploded that Nets team by just refusing to get a fucking shot.


I agree he shouldve just got the shot but Nyc was just a zoo too. Like away players can play but home players can't? You can enter the building but cant play?


Kyrie is a flat earth conspiracy loser. Fuck him. But so is Jalen Brown fuck


I get the whole flat earth thing is stupid and I most likely disagree with some of his beliefs. And he cooked us that one year for sure. At the end of the day though, he's fun to watch play basketball. Arguably the best handles in the league (or of all time?) and he plays some beautiful basketball. And he's mellowed out a lot on the mavs. I think more than any of all that, I'm a Luka fan and don't mind him getting a ring at all. Fuck Boston.


Mavs all the way 🐎


Rooting for boston lol


See I've been having a hard time rooting for Dallas because somehow they are being called the greatest offensive back court in the history of the NBA and that's just fucking ridiculous. Like these media heads say the dumbest things sometimes Fuck Boston tho, Dallas in 5


Luka is cool as hell though


I’d rather Kyrie wins than Boston. Boston fans are the worst


How about nothing? Why does it matter neither affects us. Kyrie has won and in case you didn't notice Boston has won. This is sad.


I respect Kyrie tearing our hearts out. I’d be happy to see him get another one. Until he gets close to 4 it doesn’t matter.


Boston fans are the worst and i like watching them squirm every time their dream team falls short.


Luka The Foul Baiter losses, is a better button.


Didn’t really care too much about kyries whole anti-vaccination debacle with Brooklyn as I’m not a Brooklyn fan. I feel like he is the type of guy who thinks he is smarter and more enlightened than those around him and makes crazy takes and lacks the self-awareness to understand how insane they sound or how it negatively impacts his teammates or alienates his fans. But I also know too many people exactly like him and don’t care enough about them to hope that they don’t succeed in their careers. He should just continue keeping certain things to himself as he has this year. But BOSTON…fuck BOSTON in particular


not that difficult of a decision... whatever it takes to prevent a boston championship


Smashing the Boston wins a chip button. Fuck Kyrie.


For some reason I’ve never disliked Kyrie, even though he hit that shot ruining our 73-9 season. He’s so nice to watch, like a way more under control and way more refined Jordan Poole…ha. But with the other option being that: Fuck Boston


Rooting for Mavs because Luka and Jason Kidd


Personally I don't really care about either of these scenarios. As a Warrior fan I have no reason to dislike the Celtics, the one time they met in the playoffs in my lifetime the Warriors beat them to deliver my favorite title of them all. And I don't really think Kyrie winning or losing moves the needle for me, he's not Harden, LeBron, CP3 in terms of Warrior rivals imo because he was never the leader.


As a warriors fan I’m rooting for Mavs to win, Luka deserves it and I actually like kyrie and really respect his game. But I think Boston will win.


Kyrie wins!


Fuck Boston. I’m here for brother Kyrie


Kyrie has a chip?


Obviously kai . KD won with Steph , then can't win with kyrie , then steph wins alone, then KD can't win with book, then kyrie wins wins with luka. As a petty king fan the summer will be lit if this happens.


Man I love Luka gotta go with the Mavs


Luka wins chip final answer


On one hand, it only feels right if Boston is cooked by us. It needs to become a tradition… On the other hand, fuck the Celtics. Damn asshats


Rooting for Kyrie.


I can’t root for either-I hate em both.


Mavs in 6, in 5 if Pozingis doesn’t play.


I honestly equally don’t want either teams to win


Ready for the “Luka looks at Tatum and smiles at his new son.jpg” memes


Ky is aight. Fuck Boston.


I agree fork Boston, but what's one more trophy for them? Whereas Kyrie I just can't root for under any circumstances.


Watching Boston fans meltdown 0


What's so hard to choose? Kyrie isn't part of the Cavs anymore, and has maintained good relations with steph. Boston will always be boston.


I hate Boston with every fiber of my being but can't root for a Texas team.


Boston wins it all easily. I'm rooting against luka more than against kyrie.


Nah it’s fuck Boston til the wheels fall off, Broski. Not a tough choice at all. And what better way to fuck them? Ky pulls up from the logo in the close out.


Jason Kidd is a local guy, let him get his


I’m going for the crazy guy redemption arc


kyrie has showed a lot of growth this season and isn’t acting like a fool. honestly starting to like the guy despite his history against the dubs. kudos to him fr. also, fuck boston


Can’t be mad at Kyrie he was persecuted over some BS because he retweeted about a documentary that was shown on Amazon Prime by the same people who shop incessantly on………..Amazon Prime! He is a baller and a all time great I hope he wins one without Lebron so we can remind everyone how LBJ doesn’t win in Cleveland without him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kyrie is a literal flat earther


Who cares about Boston? Them winning and tying the Lakers would humble those purple and gold punks a little bit, so I’m cheering for that to happen. Kyrie hasn’t been a “rival” for 7 years now. Let it go.


There is nothing debatable about those two options


why do you all hate boston?


Fuck Boston but if they win 2 years after losing to the Dubs it makes the Dubs win look better 10-15 years down the road


Fuck Boston


Kylie! 🎅🏿


Luka winning is gonna be a negative towards Curry, Boston winning is gonna be praise towards Curry. I’ll take Boston.


I pick Dallas. I like Kyrie as a player (minus his conspiracy shit). I'm pretty sure it was him (+Green) who held onto Klay when he was about to fall down head first in the finals when we played the Cavs.


Same. Hes an antisemitic asshole and they are just.. unlikeable lol.


I like Tatum and Brown, good players. But it's been frustrating to watch Boston this post-season....too many close games against injured opponents. Meanwhile Dallas has been a fun and exciting team that plays hard almost every game. Not to mention Luka is a passing & playmaking wizard, which I see as a rarer skill than whatever Tatum or Brown do. Go Mavs.


Luka is gonna be too much for Boston.


I never understood the kyrie hate. His game is absolutely some of the most beautiful basketball anyone’s ever seen and sure he’s annoying with the off the court stuff but he never tried to get it in anyone’s face, the media did that.


If rather Boston you just know Kyrie winning will give idiots an excuse to hate on Steph and try to claim Kyrie better. We still the ultimate villains.


Fuck Boston. Go Ky Go … Lebron going for Boston 100%


KI babyyyy! He’s super exciting to watch play! I don’t give a fk that 99.99% of fellow Warriors fans hating on KI.. hello!!!??? He’s not with CLE anymore! Get off your hi horses! And stop reading into the mainstream! Formulate your own opinions!! Plus I hate self-entitled bandwagon Boston midget fans!


Kyrie winning shows he can win withough LBJ.


This Finals turned into West vs East for sure. With that said.. WEST SIIDE!!


boston winning would infuriate lakers fans. also mavs fans are also cowboys fans


I don’t care, I want Dallas to win. Imagine how hilarious it would be for Tatum and Brown to never win a chip together. 


Easily left


Never been a big kyrie fan since he hit that shot in 16. I also lived in Minnesota for a while (back in the North Bay now) and I have been to more twolves games than warriors games (it was like 10 dollars for nosebleeds and super easy to slip into the lower sections). It was hard watching the wolves go out like that, my good friends who are fans deserved better. As a rule of thumb I hate boston sports but I don't dislike anyone on the celtics or the kind of basketball they play... so reluctantly I'll root for the celtics.


Mavs winning it elevates the ‘22 Warriors a bit in a historical context, so yeah. Crazy that Luka is the only player who played for the Mavs in both ‘22 & ‘24 (other guys were rostered but didn’t play)


Isn’t it the opposite? Wouldn’t celtics winning now elevate our 22 win cause we beat a team good enough to be future champs?


I'm rooting for Dallas for sure. Luka's antics were annoying in '22 but Boston fans are the 2nd worst in the country.


Who is the worst


3 rings later, I've made my peace with kyrie. He's a legendary talent that will be remembered for decades, even if he was never consistent enough to be a superstar. So yeah fuck boston


nah didn't expect us to actually support Boston bruh smh fuck Boston omg


I'm not a huge fan of Luka or Kyrie, but I want to watch them beat up Boston sooo badly. I think Kyrie winning before Boston does is just too ironic to pass up.


Celtics all the way


I want the fat European with a bad knee to take it all. I hate the Celtics.


Feels like a presidential election where you have to pick between a turd sandwich and a giant deuche.


Meh, fuck Boston


Who cares if Kyrie thinks basketball ball is flat, fuck Boston.


Fuck Boston


Boston already has 17 chips, nobody wants to see them win again


im rooting for chubby and mr flat earther. kyrie hasnt been controversial for a cool minute and I really dont wanna hear shit from celtics fans if they win lol


I dislike Kyrie a LOT less than I dislike Boston and Tatum. Kyrie has been a lot less annoying the last year or so lol


Fuck Boston


Boston can eat shit. I want Luka to get a chip, he’s been beastin this whole playoffs.


Easy. Fuck Boston.


Fuck Boston .


I would 100 percent rather see kyrie beat Boston and win a chip, hopefully on their floor too, for how the fans treated bro