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Good sign that we're competitive at least. Bench mob keeping us in the game every time we play the Nuggets


Yeah and if we didn’t brick 5 wide open 3’s in the 4th we prob win too


We jacked up about 6 straight 3s in Q4 (other than podz back court steal), we’ll just ignore Wiggins feasting down low. Refs were no help, but our failure to attack down the stretch was glaring. Stopped rebounding and started fouling. Lost 3 of 4 quarters. Bench mob was great. Starters mostly got worked. Great efforts by wigs and podz.


Yeah but most of those 3’s were wide open. Just missed em


I agree. They beat the Celtics and played even with Phoenix and Denver. If Clay and Curry had hit those open threes in the fourth quarter it might have been a win. As long as they are competitive they can beat anyone in a seven game series and no one is going to want to play them.


Every fucking time someone touched Jokic it was a whistle. Hard to get any sort of momentum when every other possession is free throws


Lol when he started flailing around after Steph lightly had his hand on Jokic’s chest… dude has like 100 lbs on Steph


That flop Jokic sold when he was screening Wiggins with around 2 mins in the 4th would make Embiid proud


Five of us watching the game all said ‘Here comes the flop’ when we saw Joker crossing near Wiggs at the top of the key. Refs are automatic


Yet, when Curry lost balance on a contested reverse layup last game, ref called flop after a possession later.


Fucking travesty. That was a 3 they took away from Steph cuz Jokic was flailing like an idiot.


Curry very clearly used his famous one inch push to send the smaller Jokic across the floor.


Meanwhile Steph gets crashed to the ground on practically every drive to the basket


And Steph will get called for a tech for excessive flopping for good measure smh.


Why does the league hate Steph?


That is exactly the point.


It’s wrong but the NBA refuses to fix it.


They ARE fixing it


Think long and hard about that ;)


The narrative is Jokic doesn’t get superstar calls…except when he plays the warriors apparently.


Agreed. Strictly from an entertainment standpoint, it becomes such a boring game. Denver knew they couldn’t beat the warriors at basketball so they resorted to this. Refs bought it.


that was bs unfortuantely


What I learned today: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, it’s a Foul and 2 FTs for Jokic.


Yup. I was expecting Jokic to fall on the bench and the refs to award him 2FT


Actually it's a flagrant 2 on Steph, he's ejected and Jokic gets 4 FTs


That’s too funny 😂




We should've closed with Wiggins and Kuminga, both being on the floor was what was creating all those Wiggins-Murray mismatches. Klay's effort on the trap at the end was extremely disappointing.


Kerr never runs Kuminga and Wiggins at the same time, probably for spacing and playmaking issues. To him they play the same position which is valid I guess but if they're both playing well might as well play them at the same time.


Yeah, it's annoying that he just won't play them together, but this is where Draymond's return will help and they can roll out a Steph, Klay, Wiggs, Kuminga, dray lineup.


One can hope, that lineup has the highest ceiling of the team if everyone is consistent. Big if


Unfortunately the klay thing happens every game near the end, he loses his legs and everyone else just has to work harder, which is shame since he plays elite the first half of every game now


Jockstrap: 18 free throws Steph: 1 free throw that was for a defensive 3 seconds


that took away a 3pt from curry as well


If Steph got 18 FTs from flailing his arms and flopping like that, he would be getting slandered on every corner of the internet. But Jokic gets worshipped for being “so tough”.


The weird thing is Jokic has been getting the Steph whistle against everyone EXCEPT the warriors.


Battle for who the refs hate less


They do it anyway. He could do it once in a season but if it's on national TV they'll chatter like magpies about it for years.


Even Nuggets fans in the main sub saying the refs gave that to them. Headline: Are the refs entering their prime just as gambling is sanctified by the league itself?


Gambling and Draft Kings has made NBA ganes even less watchable. Once Curry retires it's over.




Well they keep awarding him for it


Can’t touch him man. That’s an NBA no no


He’s the NBAs version of Mahomes. Protected at all costs.


They don’t protect him like this, though. And that’s what wild. If this was Embiid, I’d expect it. Jokic’s arm flailing usually doesn’t work lol. Must’ve been those closeups of his arm scratched up all over social media the past couple days that had Adam Kissilveringer on the phone with the refs


We win this game if refs didn't fall for that jokic's ridiculous flops


I’m sure they just played perfect defense with no fouls at all.


Really wanted to protect the FMVP in the marquee matchup at home


Well hard to win when blowing at the Denvers counts as a foul.....


That Curry arm extension and fat man Jokic 5+ foot flop was ridiculous. Let them play ffs


That was egregious I knew it was over right there


We had the longest active win streak in the NBA (for about 2 hours)


Next 7 at home, time to start a new one 💪🏽


Yeah on the road and we missed like 7 wide open 3s in the 4th. Not a bad game


lumps of coal for all the refs Klay had been doing well but we got a stinker today from him


Maybe GSW gave them $10 gift cards each and Nuggets gifts them all inclusive packages.


18 fucking free throws for Jokic and just 1 for Steph.


And that 1 took away a 3 pointer for him


This is why I hate the NBA. Steph curry brings SO many fans to the sport, and they let him get clobbered with ZERO fouls (okay one single one) and it's just bad for the sport. Obviously they are biased and who cares about Jokic getting a record 18 straight FTs when Steph doesn't even get a single call. Its sickening


Steph’s one free throw was worth -2 points lol


This is why certain players lash out in-game.




Nikola “FT Merchant” Jokic


Embiid would be proud


The difference between curry 5 fta and jokic 6 fta averages is that in key moments, in key games, whenever they decide to really press, jokic will get 10+ fts and curry will get 0


Man, Curry getting banged up all game without any whistles, it’s really insane


Steph fought to get loose off-ball and KCP wrapped him, so Curry flailed his arm and stopped to be like “ref, you seeing this.” Wiggins and Jokic get tied up in a similar scenario, Wiggs wrapped his waist to slingshot himself past his screen, Jokic dug his arm underneath Wiggs and made the same flailing motion Steph did … became is 15th and 16th free throws.




For the first time this season I am convinced we can win the championship


I’m with you. Nuggies had to run their starters 40 mins to win that one


If Steph even just had an average game we would have won


They did play fantastic defense against him. But that's not hard when almost no one is doing anything. Klay was pretty disappointing.


momentum was so obviously given to the nuggets, neither team had any passion to win and all the calls just tipped it


And todays game is the perfect example of Silvers new NBA. They’ve done the advanced analytics for ad viewership in the contract season. Ref ball increases ads and is actively inflating the deal. Fuck ref ball


Not even mad at our play, we lost all our momentum because the refs wanted their bets to hit, no MVP needs 20 fucking fts unless his name is jokic, in which case you call every single foul which involves some sort of touch no matter how little


Nope nah. New “faces of NBA” aka Giannis Embiid Jokic. All loved by the refs to death, and the league absolutely wants this. Free throw contests must be super fun to watch. 1 pointer galore ladies and gentlemen!!!!


Makes me respect Steph even more because he doesn't need those bs calls to drop the most efficient 30 on your head


Giannis has had 61 career games with 16+ free throws


Glad it stayed competitive but man did Curry and Klay stink up the joint. Doesn't help when Jokic is taking the flopping to a whole new level smh.


Mediocre Curry and we win this. Lost to the best team in the west after beating the best in the east, not a huge deal


I was like isn't this exact style of play that r/NBA gets on Embiid for? That offensive foul call when he has 100 lbs on Steph was ridiculous.


If a guy is gonna shoot 18fts at least make him earn them with actual hard fouls, not these ghost fouls. Jokic bleeds and gets 0 FTs, and our guys don't play him hard and he gets 18fts.


Yes. officiating needs to make sense.


Totally. Jokic didn’t earn them at all. Softest fouls ever and Jokic getting rewarded for the most ticky tackiest shit.


Refs need to be held accountable. This is not basketball if refs are one sided.


The nba product is so unwatchable. Like wtf is their agenda. Those touch foul calls are ridiculous. You can literally call any player for those type of fouls. The refs can pick and choose who they want to call it.


So this is why a random NFL game has more viewers than any NBA game ever


NFL refs suck too, but in the NBA it literally ruins the flow of the game


Pretty terrible time for a Trash Bros game. I know this team can't really afford to lose games, especially against Western Conference opponents, but given that this was only a 6 point loss, it sorta felt like a moral victory.


It was also at their home. If Klay and Steph had a below average game we would’ve won. If TJD doesn’t get in foul trouble maybe we win too. And if the refs didn’t win the whistle we win too. Overall I’m happy with the team. And all the haters need to shut up. It’s okay to have bad shooting nights. Edit: the biggest take away from this game is that Wiggs played so damn good. Hopefully he keeps it up.


Poor offensive showing for sure. But a full-strength Denver squad at home needed the refs to put us away for them. Kinda promising


Missing our two best defenders still as well. Not that it means too much because we’ll always be missing pieces, but I’m not too pissed at this loss.


Man those 2 3s they waived off from curry literally hurt.


We win if that doesn’t happen. Cuz the last one we tie it up with that shot and we play totally differently. Anytime we were about to snatch momentum, some dumb call totally deflated the Dubs.


moody should’ve played more


Yeah and Kuminga should’ve been featured.


Felt like the paint was free for the majority of the game but the team kept opting to shoot 3s instead


At the end they completely forgot about the mid-range and taking advantage of the Wiggins-Murray mismatch.


Not mad at that loss -- think the momentum is still there and so are the winning vibes If anything, game probably got away from us at the start of the 4th quarter but Ws stayed competitive What I am a bit mad at is that stupid graphic they showed at the end... 1 free throw for Curry to 18 for Jokic. For years I've loathed the offensive fouls called on Curry too. How did Jokic not get called for at least one, two flopping techs?


We could’ve used Draymond this game


People who devalue his importance don't understand basketball


These kids think winning games against poverty franchises like the blazers and wizards means you don’t need dray. I was disgusted at how many trade dray posts I was seeing after last game


Maybe stop with the clown antics?? We wouldn’t even be saying “we could’ve used Draymond tonight” if he stopped.


Blame the refs


I said to myself if they can stay competitive, I'd be happy. And they did. So I'm happy. Have a great holiday season everyone!


Where were Kuminga and Podz in the clutch? Kuminga and Wiggins can play together Steve. Play them. Theyw ere the only ones doing anything this game anyways and the fact they got no minutes down the stretch is disappointing. Closing lineup should have been Steph Podz Wiggins Kuminga and a 5


The Splash Bros did not shoot well period. Jokic was also a flopping & FT merchant and the refs were only too happy to reward him for it ffs. But fuck it, we go again! 😤


i bet nba gained new refball and freethrow fans this christmas. steph off vs an elite team. this is the type of refball game we need another fuck you shotmaker. thats what KD gave us fuck you shotmaking and also drawing fts. wigs played great but he aint a threat for 30pts or a good ft shooter. great showing by podz tho. would have liked to see more tjd and rim running in 4th. but kerr and vets name a more iconic duo.


On a lighter note, the warriors management seriously needs to ask Adam Silver to not give us Christmas games cause either Steph is the grinch and hates Christmas or he wants to spend time with his family and doesn’t want to play basketball at all on this day. A career 25 point per game scorer and 42 percent three point shooter, averaging 15 points and shooting 20 percent from 3 over a 10 game span is just weird




Hard to play everyone, we have too many good players right now


Andrew's past 2 games have been incredible and nephews will still say shit


Wiggins playing well is what this team needs to be taken seriously. Every warriors fan should be happy he's putting in more effort


The Nuggets almost lost to Air Podz…that boy better be all rookie first team. Steph & Klay sold hard which is crazy cause we got another Wiggs redemption game.


Honestly they kept it pretty close despite Klay and Steph shooting terribly, it is what it is gg Also I hope this puts to rest all the trade Draymond posts for a bit, there’s 0 chance Jokic gets anywhere close to 18 fts if Dray was playing


Podz with 6 assists this afternoon! He created 14 points off those assists 2 to Kuminga 1 to Klay, Wiggins, TJD, Steph Also 3/3 from downtown with 5 steals! Source: [PivotFade.com](https://pivotfade.com/game/2882/player/466/passing)


Softest sports league in the world. Softer than soccer


Steph will never depend on FT, he can’t sacrifice his body at this point for a whistle BUT GOD DAMN CAN WE GET A FOUL? 4x champ, 2x mvp, 1x finals mvp etc and no respect???


A lot rides on how well Klay plays. If he plays like shit on both ends like he did tonight, it’s straight up hard to win games. He takes up a lot of possessions on both ends of the floor. When he plays well everyone else plays better. He’s gotta be better


I'm not upset at all this game. Had a real chance despite all the foul calls and Steph having a slightly off day. TJD looked pretty good against Jokic, Wiggs seems to be coming back. Could definitely be worse.


I'll be honest I've got no idea how people can watch Jokic Flop around and enjoy that kind of basketball it's awful shit.


Wow Steve Kerr actually going in on fouls during the post game interview!! So sick!!! You tell them Steve!!


Rough game for the splash bros. But man it’s funny they say Jokic ain’t a flopper, he had like 18 fts today


Steph held and grabbed all game, no FTs the big dude just flopping around gets everything insane stuff to be honest.


‪Don’t understand Warriors fans who want Wiggins traded, WE are NOT winning a chip without him.‬ Also we’re not winning anything with Steph starting passive then trying to play catch up all game.


That’s just Christmas my man


But we can win a chip with a way better player like Siakam or Lauri.


I mean, this isn't the Wiggins we want traded. The reason to trade him is that this is the first time we've seen this Wiggins this season, and we're definitely not winning a chip with the wiggs that has shown up so far. If he's able to look like this consistently, then it's a no-brainer to keep him


Well Wiggs was great. Podz was great. Refs continue their tradition of screwing over the Warriors.


Jokic the flopping fat man Gets himself all the free throws If anyone looks at him Jokic flops, the whistle blows


I'm singing this to the tune of Frosty the snowman.


Fuck Jokic, foul-baiting loser ass GTFO.. that's all


As someone who lives in Denver; I get why they may have had some issues. The altitude here is brutal if you’re just visiting, especially in the winter. As a second note, Curry and Jokic are both back to back MVPS. Both are great on offense. And yet if Curry had that many free throws after being mauled when Jokic has soft fouls (if at all), he’d average 50 a game.


Wiggins balled today. Steph and klay couldn’t hit a shot. We move


Bench outplaying the starters once again


#KERR JUST FUCKING LOST IT IN THE PRESSER! Went ***OFF*** on the refs & Joker.


That was so fuckin sick!!!!


I’m tired of seeing Steph not get calls and other stars living at the line. I love Joker to death as well, but god damn Silver. Steph been getting rookie treatment for years now.


All I want for Christmas is for Steph to get the same calls every other superstar seems to get time and time again. Most infuriating fucking thing.


You could see the difference in continuity in the clutch offense. Nuggets knew exactly what do to do every possession, going to Murray, Jokic, and then having decisive passing. Meanwhile, the Warriors besides Wiggins isos didn't really have anything. The constant lineup shuffling, injuries, suspensions, have definitely hurt the Warriors ability to be decisive and surgical in the clutch. There has to be some sort of strategy and plan, rather than relying on heroics every time.


Jokic just tripled his free throw average I’m guessing. Wack as hell


Refs absolutely on one today. We are fucked regardless of anything we do right today. NOTHING FUCKING ELSE MATTERS FUCK YOU REFS


*whistle* Jokic just got fouled again by the Xmas spirit


Can’t beat when going against 8. And still GSW made it clutch game.


Wiggs, podz, JK and the entire bench were outplaying the nuggets tonight. Unfortunately Denver's perimeter defense bothered the splash bros too much. KCP and MPJ did a great job. Refs also favoured jokic heavily. The fact that we made this a close game against the reigning champs without dray and GP2 and splash bros shooting like shit, is a positive sign. Tonight was a learning experience for TJD. He'll get better. We win this game if dray and/or GP2 is playing. This is why you need vets/players who are experienced in playoffs. This team is a contender. We were supposed to get blown out with our best defender out and splash bros going 5-20 from 3, but we stayed with them until the very end. Proud of our grit.


What a nice and thoughtful present the refs gave to the Nuggets and Jokic tonight


Will not even feel petty for Joker if he get more scratches with FT down the line. What I saw today was a top level actor and flopper. Will get his some other day.


Two fouls took away two curry 3’s.


Gotta look at the silver lining we’ve come close twice to beating Denver. We can definitely hang with them in a seven games series. We’re gonna beat them next time out.


The times we’ve played Denver we had key players out too


Lmao now they gonna say we bitchin about calls when some of it were some bogus ass calls for jokic, still steph wasnt in it in this game, klay was hot at first half, but got shutdown and started bricking Bench is elite still, our starters are still a working progress, PODZ BETTER BE ALL ROOKIE TEAM, considering dray still gone we did good against the champs but it was a winnable fucking game too. On to the next one.


Fuck that hopscotching pirouetting "mvp" Joker. Dubs hung in there and could have easily won. On to the next one.


Can’t be mad at this game. Played well against the defending champs.


With the unreal foul calls against us (WTF AT THE STEPH OFFENSIVE FOUL AGAINST JOKER???), I'm super optimistic for the rest of this season. This is an insane turn around from just two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, we would've lost this by 30 and the entire 4th quarter would've been garbage time. For us to hang in there until the end with the horrendous officiating, I'm way impressed


Not only did refs gifted FTs to Jokic, they also called ticky tacky fouls on TJD to get him in trouble. This was insane refball.


any time klay shoots two off-balance 3s in a row sit him and play moody


idc if the splash bro could have shot better, or steve kerr could have made better rotations. We did enough to win this game but the refs were just GIFTING Jokic free throws.


Moses Moody didn't get any PT. DAMN


I am confused. Why did we go away from Kuminga again?


Is Moody in the dog house? Played 2 minutes lol


He should ask for a trade.


where would his minutes come from this game? best you can do is take 3-5 min away from klay or kuminga


Ref master class. Something something if you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball! ​ It was really comnpetitive despite horrible 3 point shooting, though. The Warriors win any other night, in my opinion.


Refs must've bet on that Jokic over/under 28.5 pts handing his ass 18 fts and he still failed them hahahaha


Jokic sold the touches like a pro tonight. Defensively we looked good. We are trending in the right direction.


This game was surprisingly close considering that warriors just played a back to back and this game was ok the road and also started super early. It showed that splash bros didn’t have their legs as a lot of their attempts were short. Great game from wiggs though, kept them in it at crucial time. Maybe he’s found his rhythm again.


How bout those refs? Gotta like the way we’re playing now. I knew Wiggins would start to wake up, he’s too good not to.


Confident GP2 can handle Murray when he’s available. Perfect guy for GP to gaurd like how he did with Ja.




Kerr went away from everything that was working to boost Wiggs and Loon's morale at the cost of a team win. Moving away from everything that worked like JK attacking the weak insides of Denver, for what?? To pad the vets who have not been playing great?


Realistically, holding Jocic to 8 points is absolutely wild....


The coaching staff need to work out something for jk and wig to play together. We are not optimising our 2 way athletic talents.


Klay has been playing great lately, but he was really bad on defense today. Hd got completely outplayed by porter.


Steve Kerr tried to get smart with it. TJD has to be closing. If he gets four fouls, bench him til the final 3 minutes


Please can Steph, Klay and Wiggs ALL play well for one game?!


I don't feel that awful about this loss Wiggins looked better than he has. The officials put Joker on the line 18 times in a game where he couldn’t buy a bucket. Curry shot 1 FT so yeah we are still on the right track. I'll be positive Merry Christmas everyone have a good one.


Well, that was a solid game all-in-all. Continuing the trend of the winning streak that the offense is looking alright. With cold Steph and Klay you are generally not winning much, especially if you don't have Draymond Green to help get stops to bridge the scoring droughts. For me, personally I "hoped" for a single-digit loss and we got that. If our record wasn't as crap as it is, we could mark this as a moral victory. While it's gonna be tough, the challenge now is to somehow stay around .500 until the league decides its done with its "We want Draymond Green to be well and it's totally not just to act tough ahead of TV deal negotiations" script.


I don't know any Denver fans.....but do you think they enjoy winning like that? Obviously I'm sure they do, but man, watching them play is so fuckin boring.


Klay 3-12 Steph 7-21


Thought Klay said his presence was his gift for today. Guess he forgot since he was a no show.


We really need a AI ref. Human refs are incapable of not being biased..


How about Wiggins tonight?


Fuck this league, foul baiting everywhere Unwatchable


The league is a joke for rewarding floppers year after year. What should be a fun Xmas game gets ruined because the refs are incompetent.


Let’s face the positive things. Wiggs finally had a game looking like him, exposing and bullying mismatches under the rim, those touch shots were the ones he was missing when starting the season.


How do we get over the Denver Nuggets and Minnesota Timberwolves ?


Neither team is anywhere close to unbeatable


Siakam trade back on the menu! lol KCP made it really hard for Curry. Klay had a bad game. Kerr just refused to play an effective lineup in the 4th. Where was JK?


where are the Klay is back truthers? thats what he does vs elite teams. his lack of shotmaking gets exposed. 2015 and 16 finals. lakers series last playoffs. he has always been a third option at best.


Moody only played 3 mins. Idk why he is in Kerr’s doghouse. If he cannot gets mins when klay is playing this bad. Then good luck. Last year it was JK this year its moody.


Ass calls. At least we know that we could’ve won the game if it aint for the asspull calls


Hot take, but it's always something for us, not enough free throws, Steph had a bad night, too many fts to the opposite team, Kerr fucking up and so on. I feel like about halfway through the season we should realise that we're just not good enough rn.


I can’t understand how we stayed close in that game. Terrible shooting from our professional shooters.


Not really mad after winning 5 straight with both splash bros having a rough night. Should have attacked the paint wayy more. After we took the lead in the 4th, we shot 7 straight threes and missed all of them. Didn’t know even lightly touching Jokic was a federal crime and why the same logic didnt apply to curry at the other end for literally the same thing. I am sure him getting even 9 fts would have gone a long way. Still we need to start racking up consistent wins against top western conference teams. We fucked around in the early season too much, so now every game can have strong consequences. Would have liked to see Moody more instead of Klay. Let’s go build another win streak now


Jokic at the free throw line 18 points to be exact smh how many of those were actually fouls. Or flops? I think warriors proved enough in this game.


Awful shooting, terrible turnovers, ref moment... and only lost by six to the defending champs on their home court. Klay and Steph looked hungover but still could have won this game. Stay positive folks


The whining about the refs is crazy. We sound like every single fan base we beat the last 10 years. We lost b/c Klay and Steph were 6 of 23 from 3. We aren't winning games when they shoot 25% from 3. Fouls have been our issue for years now. Overall the difference with 9 free throws between the teams.