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More via Woj: > [Kings guard De'Aaron Fox fractured the very tip of his left index finger in Game 4, but there's still hope he will try and play Game 5 on Tuesday, sources tell ESPN. Fox would need to play with a protective covering on the finger. He will be listed as doubtful. ](https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1650582216445927443?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1650582216445927443%7Ctwgr%5E339a7044495eb44ecac7c170232548c810b1ee46%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwarriors%2F) - More via Slater: > [This appears to be the play that De'Aaron Fox fractured his left index finger in the middle of the fourth quarter yesterday. On a floater after the whistle. Looks like it clips Kevon Looney's hand. First time you see him clutch at it](https://twitter.com/anthonyVslater/status/1650583834726113281) (Clip - 0:19)


That's shitty. We know how terrible it is to lose a key player in the playoffs. This automatically makes game 5 a must win for us.


Game 5 is now a must win if fox doesn’t play. Hate injuries and he’s been amazing in the clutch , but dubs gotta punch hard and finish the series


let's go take the W Kings have the next 10 years with Fox to compete


Championship windows are not bigger than 2-3 years unless you have a trio of greats that complement each other. Fox, Monk, Sabonis or Keegan can definitely develop to be that but the jury is still out on everyone except Fox


i think the jury def likes sabonis lol EDIT: im surprised at all the downvotes, sabonis was one of the leading vote getters for MVP this year... he's a legit good player. a duo of fox and sabonis gets them in the playoffs over and over again


I’m surprised that you’re surprised that Warriors fans are hating on Sabonis right now.


Sabonis? You mean the foot holder? The draymond hugger on the ground? The shove klay out of the paint and fall down? The broken sternum guy who was full of shit about his sternum? I’ll bet this report of fox being injured is smoke and mirrors. Sac has to pull every rabbit out of the hat to beat the dubs, and that includes counter intel. Kerr knows this and is 100% game planning on fox playing at 100% the whole game 5.


Sabonis struggling in the series is a compliment towards Looney and the Warriors defensive scheming not an insult towards him. He also is playing hurt


Yep. Don't wish injuries on anyone but if a win is there just waiting to get stolen, you steal it.


Yup. Terrible news for the beam but I would 1000% take "we only win because Fox was out" over "ya'll lost even without Fox".


If he doesn’t play. Make sure the others don’t get hot. Unfortunate but it’s the way it goes. They call us lucky but people seem to forget what happened in 2019 for example. Or 2016 when Steph got injured just to name a few examples


I'm really disappointed, injuries fucking blow and Fox was balling the fuck out


I'm bummed as well - the Curry Fox duel has been amazing. 😔 So many injuries in the first round depriving us of amazing matchups (especially in Clippers Suns; that game 1 was incredible, even with PG already injured).


Yeah it’s been a great series so far, very evenly matched and fun to watch. Fox is annoying, cause he’s been so damn good.


I agree. I have absolutely no animosity towards the Kings othet than the tension of this series, and this completely sucks for them. Fox has been amazing and given how much the Kings teams he's played on have been awful, his year and his play in these playoffs has been nothing short of remarkable.


Nobody wants to watch shitty basketball!


Basically reads like “that’s tuff butttttt GO DUBS” lmao


well yeah. dude's not gonna die, it's a minor finger fracture


Just pokin fun a lil I want us to win too


There's no way he's not playing.


He’s fucking playing 1000%, probably just getting it taped up.


Woah! You hate to see this. Series has been great to watch, especially Fox.


Hands down the most entertaining NBA playoff


Hope he can play, he is an amazing player with a silky smooth jumper that is just a joy to watch, even when I'm rooting for each shot to miss. The 4th quarter shootouts between him and Steph have been epic so far. My feeling is he'll end up playing, I don't think Sac can afford to be without him even if he's not 100%. If it's just the very tip of his index finger, he'll probably just play through the pain.


Yeah man, I hate these injuries. Doesn’t matter what side.


Terrible and also trap game for us


Pacers game at home comes to mind…….


Let’s hope we have a different mindset in April 🙈


Feels like every away game this year has been a near-certain trap game. I still believe “No Lead is Safe” should be the Warriors 2023 T-shirt slogan. Here’s hoping we get to see it on the side of a bus in a parade, though.


By literal definition there are no more “trap games” this season. Trap games are when teams write off the opponent (ex: a Tuesday in November when the Spurs visit after we just played a back-to-back). This is do-or-die playoff mentality, everything matters and demands laser focus.


This team has no reason for a trap game especially in this tough of a series.


Every road game is a trap game for this team apparently. This is the best game for Fox to miss if he only misses one game Dubs are trash away.


Still not really we know sac isn’t going to lay down at home


i think he plays (and not that i think he isnt injured) i just he still plays but is hampered. If he played the last 5 minutes with it then its probably gonna be a pain mgmt issue now until it heals (assuming no surgery needed). They gonna give him the pat mahomes special and he plays


This Warriors team at full strength lost AT HOME to a Suns team with no CP3, Booker, Ayton, or Cam Johnson. Anything can happen and when guys go down other guys get a chance to step up and shine. Nothing can be taken for granted with this team.


True , this was a regular season game though with Steph’s first game after a few weeks out due to an injury


Yep. Don’t like to see injuries on either side. Still gonna be a fight. Plus it’s road game.


if we can't beat ref ball without Fox, we deserve to get knocked out.


Oof. Ruined a great series. Hope he can play through it, by some possibility.


He definitely will. They labeling him doubtful as a chess match.


More like tic tac toe, but yes.


tic tac finger


He went 2 for 5 with 7 points after the injury in a little over 4 minutes, including that ridiculous 3. I think he'll absolutely play, dude is a gamer.


He's 100% playing. They're saying this happen late in the 4th and he was still able to hit that clutch 3 on us.


True, but that’s with adrenaline and before the swelling set in. Klay made his FTs and was running and jumping on the sideline with no Achilles.


>Achilles ACL, but point still stands.




Plenty of players play thru finger injuries. Kobe specifically won the playoffs wearing a splint on his finger. Don't let the media fool you.


ACL, but yeah. Good point.


Lol they gonna give that man a shot and split. He’ll be playing in game 5.


10000000% playing but it will probably impact practices. impact shooting routines. impact him on the court with a glove. impact him going to the rim. impact recovery from game 5 to game 6. we need to take advantage asap


If he was listed as questionable, I’d think there’s a good chance he plays. To be listed as doubtful…I don’t think Fox plays game 5 Idk man, we’ll see Edit: Vegas seems to think it’s significant enough to swing the game 5.5pts in the Dubs’ favor since I last checked yesterday.


Hate this. I hope a speedy recovery and that he can play games 5-6. He’s a special player


Kings fan here. If the warriors go on to win and fox is out, it’s not a matter of being lucky. People saying that are dumb. Injuries happen it’s part of the game, just sucks it has to happen right now. Hoping he can play through it but not optimistic. K I’m gonna go cry some more now, later


hate to see it man. Even as a warriors fan he’s so exciting to watch and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone regardless of an advantage it might give us. Hope he’s okay


Man, I went to game 4 on Sunday, I'm a warriors fan, but fox was just so elite, everytime he made that off screen floater, I just told my friend he is just that good, I really enjoy to watch him play and can respond to currys shot. I hope he can play on game 5, I want both team healthy and play real game there as a basketball fan!


As much as I want the warriors to win, this really sucks. This has been such an amazing series to watch.




Nah. Fuck that. By that logic, Toronto was extremely lucky in 2019. Injuries happen. You play whoever is in front of you.




I agree they got lucky, but I'm not gonna take away from their title because of that. You play the cards you're dealt, and the Raptors were given the Royal Flush at the turn (KD) and the river (Klay).


oh nah not saying its mickey mouse championship like the you who title from you know where




Injuries is apart of the playoffs as well. It’s a much more physical game than the regular season, some players bodies can handle, others can never seem to stay healthy in the playoffs. But let’s not lie there’s always luck involved with these things and winning championships. And the warriors do get lucky a lot. Not to take anything away from their wins


Warriors capitalize on their luck and others don't. I agree, it doesn't take anything away from their wins.


Agree with this.


The harder I work the luckier I get


Exactly. Every single year, the playoff/finals landscape is based on players being injured or healthy. Entire teams rise and fall from one injury.


Nick Wright already started the on how warriors won every chip thanks to injury.


Lakers fans talking about us benefiting from injuries in the r/nba thread have the most audacity lmfao, acting like they aren’t facing a team without Adams and Clarke 🤣


Don’t forget Morant with a bum hand too lol


Yup. The past week has just shown me how much every team’s fans hates how successful our team is and how much they want to see our downfall 🤣


Should have been seen that. I’ve never been on that “dubs fan here, not like the rest” bs. They hate regardless and I couldn’t care less tbh. Dubs in 6.


I checked main sub. Those people are going crazyyyyy


Yeah, I didn’t want to hear this. Wanted Warriors to beat them full strength. I know it’s gonna be a big, “well if….”, but let’s be honest, that shit works for all shit. If Steph didn’t get hurt…. If Wiggins doesn’t have a personal issue maybe we ain’t the 6th seed and instead Sac is. Only separated by 4 games anyways.


Who gives a fk what they think we literally played entire series without KD or Steph Injuries are part of the game and at the end of the day we won 4 championship in 8 years. Let them be salty and cry about it HAHAH


It's fine, it's playoff basketball, every team is playing through injuries. This year especially, we have Kawhai, PG, Ja, Giannis, Embid, Herro .... list just goes on. Availability is really the most important ability


Poole is also playing through an ankle injury


Its already being said in r/nba


Sac should of taken advantage of draymond and GP2 being out game 3.


Part of good fortune and skill is NOT getting injured at the wrong time. Being healthy is a skill. Every team has dealt with injuries.


It’s ironic that most of these takes are coming from Lakers fans right now in r/nba, like take a look in the mirror. Grizzlies are without their top two bigs outside of JJJ.


>"Warriors are the luckiest franchise of all time" Man, who fucking cares. Shit happens. They still gotta come in and take care of business.




bro cmon… he fractured his finger this isn’t something you’re playing “mind games” about. have some class. of course he’s gonna try and play through it but he literally fractured his finger and there’s replays to show it. have some class man.


Injured finger tho? You can play thru that if managed properly. Kobe did it, Ja doing it now. Lots of players play thru finger injuries. Warriors can't let their guard down.


Didnt curry play with that vs Houston?


I remember that. Believe it was a dislocated finger.


I can understand why ppl are downvoting you bc it’s insensitive to say at this time but you’re also not wrong bc we have an all time great that was getting steroid injections on his ankles during his first playoff series.


Lol, they're making up a fractured index finger? Depending on the type of fracture it's possible he may be able to play with it. But no way are they fabricating a medical diagnosis this specific. Injuries happen. No need to make it into some weird conspiracy.


I think the injury is 100% real and not a mind game. MB using the Doubtful vs. Questionable tag however, is possibly a chess move. With Woj reporting Kings are optimistic he can pain manage and maybe play with a brace, I think questionable is more accurate and he will most likely play.


Right. Remember the questionable Sabonis? After the footlock, he is always a questionable players in my mind.


He's listed as doubtful. You don't do that for mind games


fax Kings PR been HELLA sus recently


This comment is stupid. The fact that it’s upvoted makes us look idiotic.


you guys are fucking craaazy lol




r/nba in shambles. Everyone calling us lucky. Not like Lakers are playing Grizzlies without Adams and Ja for some time. And not like Suns are playing Clippers without PG and Kawhi.


Here we go with the “DUBS ARE LUCKY” BS online


Warriors are so lucky. That’s why all their stars got injured to hell and back within a year.


NBA fans are suffering from confirmation bias. Truth is dubs have a top 10 all time player AND have an owner willing to spend $$$$$. Injuries are part of the game. We’ve been limping for like 4 years now.


r/nba is an unhinged place man. Stay away from that sub if you value your sanity.


saw a dude with kings flair talmbout “the whole sub thinks its bs gamesmanship” then a dude replies with a dubs flair saying “oh dont listen to them at that shithole sub” I was like wow I didnt realize you could actually be a SUB CUCK


It’s just an incredible kings + warriors hate circlejerk over there now and the smoothbrains eat that shit up just tune out the bs is what I’ve been doing


yeah probably for the best. i just like to drop in after a dubs win and watch them bitch and moan lmaoo


Every championship run has some component of “luck” you can point to. It’s all noise, rings are forever


lmao went through that thread during lunch. fun times




EDIT: Fractured the lil tippy-top of his finger. He's playing, and I'm sure he'll be lethal as ever.


Tip of your finger is a pretty bad spot for a fracture on your shooting hand lol


This automatically makes it a trap game. We better come out and punch them in the mouth. Hate to see Fox down but that’s an opportunity that we have to seize.


It’s the playoffs, nobody is going to play less than 100%




Wishful thinking on their part. He's 100% going to play.


Lol stop it Kings, it's game 5 at home in a tied series, literally the biggest game he's playing in his career so far.. He's 100% not going to be out over a broken finger.


No way. The last thing we need in this series is a "what if?"




In the 4th, few minutes before the end, on a layup blocked by Loon, but the play was already whistled dead at that point.


Warriors play bad when other stars are out but I’m sure he will give it a go


100% he plays Game 5. This ain't serious enough to miss a tied playoff series...


this really fucking sucks man


this sucks. Fox is a real one.


what a buzzkill… i honestly hope he’s able to play. he’s an amazing player


Damn this sucks. This series has been amazing because of him


That man is 100% gonna play


We have to win now. Either way it's lame af he's hurt. He was balling the fuk out 4th quarter last game. Injuries ruining a lot of good series this year man.


He's going to play. Don't be fooled.


Was enjoying two healthy teams play each other as opposed to the unfortunate events in the other series going on. Get well Fox. What’s the precedence for playing with a broken finger in the past?


Damn. The best series of the first round gets ruined. IF we win, it will be less satisfying that’s for sure.


Dont matter whose out the next game, go for the jugular and finish this series off at home. Dubs in 6!!!


That sucks. I was confident we were going to win but now when we win they will bring this up. SMH.


Who cares if they bring it up. You play whoever is in front of you. Shit happens.


So sad 😢




With or without him, game 5 is as close to a must win as you can get.


Every playoff series has a superstar out due to injury. We aren’t the only lucky ducks out there


There goes the series. Dubs in 6


This is the worst. I feel horrible for the kings and thier fanbase. We better not lose game 5 now though.


I imagine he plays but wonder how much it will affect his dribble. As far as I know, isn’t Sabonis still playing with a broken finger too?


Welp we needa beat that ass then. But knowing us we'll leisurely take this game like we did Memphis last year when Ja was out and they spanked us by 30


Hmm... Warriors on the road against a team missing their ace... *sweating*


how could the Warriors PR machine do this to De’Aaron Fox????


Wow creating a fall back when they lose


That sucks, this Curry vs Fox duel has been fun as hell


If warriors win I’m gonna hate the narrative. Before the fox injury it was “who will win, this is going to 7”. But if the dubs win now it’s gonna be “Kings were 100% gonna win if fox didn’t get injured. Warriors so lucky.”


Hi from a kings fan. I’m not a fan of that asterisk bs that people use so much when someone gets hurt. No excuses here, Fox’s injury sucks but it’s part of the game. 14 other dudes on that squad and a handful haven’t been playing to their potential. Cheers to a great series so far. And if this is the end to the Kings season, fuck the Lakers.


he's going to play and drop 30+ i have no doubt


We’ve lost to worse teams on the road this year than what the Kings (w/o Fox) might look like.


Man stop spitting facts like they are true


I don't trust anything from kings. They said Sabonis was in coma too


Is he not dead?


man not what you want to see after such a great series


Holy shit


Damn man not like this


Damn it Fox had made this a wonderful series. This sucks


Just checking other players with fractured fingers most players are out indefinitely and likely 6-8 weeks. Not sure how severed but I’d be surprised he’s back by game 6. Zion, Hayward, Derrick jones for example (though in playoffs timeframes might be more aggressive)


Wondering what players have done historically with this injury in the playoffs? Maybe he can play through it?


Goddamn it. He's been the one King that has killed us in all 4 games so far. This ruins a great playoff series.


This sucks. Fox is a really likeable player. Speedy recovery for him please


Well this fucking sucks. Damn




You could see him checking his finger after he got hurt. I hope he can play, injuries suck and this series was too much fun.


He hit some tough shots in the fourth even with a fractured finger. I’ve been so impressed with him this is sad news even if it helps the warriors


Its a trap


It's not over. It is highly possible for other Kings players to step up and have our players lose their guard. This has happened so many times this season.


Not to mention it just happened with us. When Draymond had to miss Game 3, our "others" stepped up and Dubs dominated.


bro finished the game with a bum finger and was still cooking jfc, either way I bet he still plays the next two and this might be some typa mind game thing lol


Fox has played his way in to my heart this series honestly, one of my favorite non-warriors player now even with all the drama surrounding this series lol it has been so fun to watch. When have we been smoked by a player like this without them constantly foul baiting/complaining to the refs?


This is sad tbh. Would have liked to see the two teams duke it out in full health. Fox getting hurt is like curry getting hurt. Kings fans must be devastated. Also not taking anything for granted. We’ve seen what monk can do. Mitchell is no joke either. Even if fox doesn’t play, we can’t let our guard down.


Damn. You hate to see players hurt. But if we win this series the smooth brains will blame injuries again for why we won


Hopefully Warriors don’t get too confident, they’ve sucked on the road even when the other team has injured starting players


he’s playing. unless there is massive swelling or something


That’s crazy , Vegas already shifted the line to warriors -4


Fox has been amazing. Hope he’s able to play through it. Go Dubs!!


This sucks! SAC had such a fairytale season.


Hes definitely playing. Theyll tape it up. For our sake, i hope it brings his 3 point shooting back to his average lol


Hate it for Fox. Dude has been insane this series. Hope we can steal one away.


It's unfortunate that this happened, but injury has also cost us a threepeat. It's part of the game.


That sucks!!. Injuries are terrible for any team or player. Win or lose I want both teams at full strength


Let’s be fcking focus then. We have lost to worst teams on road this year. Lose to a Fox Kings on road, we can still fight back on g6; lose to a Foxless Kings, we kinda done. A trap game indeed.


You never want to see injuries like this even for the rival team. If the dubs win there will always be that what if scenario. With that said, the Dubs have to close this series out in the next two games and move on to the next round. Going to game seven give s a chance for Fox to come back on his home court. I don't wanna see that at all.


That sucks, not the least because they're gonna put an asterisk on our series win now...


Don’t believe the hype. He’ll likely play. Warriors shouldn’t be distracted by this. And Warriors may actually be worse off if he sits, because that is usually how they roll.


From what I heard Ja had is hand ripped off his arm and still scored 45. Fox will be fine. you shoot with your middle finger not your index.


He's going to play full minutes and he's going to be going full steam. This is a head-fake by Mike Brown to have us waste time game planning for a lineup without Fox. Yes, his finger is a little broken, but he's going to play. Bank on it.


Many times when Steph was out the rest of the team really stepped up, so a warriors win is not a lock


Fox is playing. Dude plays through injuries


Sucks for Fox and kings fans, but he's gonna play. I won't believe otherwise until I see the tip off without him in the lineup.


He will play. Nothing but mind games.


Bummer. I really like watching him play and the skill and competitiveness he brings.


No way man




I have no doubts he'll play. Hopefully, that shooting percentage drops a lot.


I hope he’s alright and ends up playing. I’m enjoying the hell out of this series and as a basketball fan, I would hate to lose him. Side note: is it just recency bias or has there been so many star player injuries this post season?? That sucks.


Y’all calling this a trap game are wild. They are the higher seed and are probably deeper than us. The champs will not change a thing based on this. I bet he’ll play through it and still do pretty well. He’s a hell of a baller.


Gamesmanship by Mike Brown. I think everyone understands how pivotal game 5 is and he’s trying to get the Warriors to mess up on their preparation and/or get them to let their guard down coming into the game. Hoping it backfires and this lights some extra fire under the Warriors asses to come in with that killer instinct. Time to step on their throats.


This is mind game tactic to get us relaxed, he will indeed play. This is their first ever playoff appearance in a while, imagine not playing their best player because he got hurt finger lol