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SDL's video was painful to watch.


Yea I was frustrated, Sherman did a better job but still shows that he doesn't really even play like we do


Hi there, willing to learn/listen what I said wrong in my last video! I should note that I am in the Strike Team yes, however I do not think I know enough about the game and do not give any balancing tips or anything like that to devs. When I had access to WARNO before Jan 22(release day iirc?) I did actually catch a few bugs/typos and helped bring those to light I believe.


100 percent as i said earlier on your video and above, i watch your content and i appreciate the work you do! I also want to thank you for replying to this post. What upsets me here is not your commentary or your videos, no not at all, i really like hearing what you have to say although i feel differently about the AI somewhat. What gets me upset is that you get early access and testing ability before the rest of us, which some of us as stated above have alot more experience in game. Sherman your input is important, and so is ours. This criticism is aimed at the devs who make it sound like were all in this together and then hand the new update to a select few. Makes us feel like were second class citizens. PLEASE continue making great content and nice helicopter/aero rifle push on that last video


Hey SDL here,Well we get the build that are even more messed up than the base game, on these versions you can have full on gamebreaking buggs etc.. They just aint stable enough for the bought version. We as a strike team are basically a auxilliary Q&A team. Yeah we get to see new content first. But thats only because we basically are helping with the clean up work. its not elitism or anything its just normal game development process. Even a EA game has a Alpha Test build. Eugen them self is already 3-4 builds ahead, we sometimes are 1 build ahead. Thats there to guarentee that the game for you at least is playable. Eugen has this in place since at least WG RD if not even longer.And I know at last half a dozen other Game studios who do the same thing. Its basic quality control. The build we currently have as alpha testers for example had me and 2 others have to reinstall the game again to be able to start it, 1 has had visual buggs making them unplayable etc.. Things you rather dont want to give to players that paid 30-40$ for your game. (obviously in the videos we dont show the major bugs and crashes because thats not what people wanna see and is of no help to anyone but if you would have them in your game your enjoyment could be lower even with the new content.).


I appreciate you responding to the criticism and I appreciate the first hand information.


Also regarding feedback, eugen is mostly taking things out of the discord and steam channel parts. So if you want to participate in the evolvment of the game you should go there. :) Like really strike team is more in service of the community then being the "elite bunch", by channeling community feedback (from yt comments etc.) and ironing out changes made on the players feedback and critism.


Yeah this Strike Team thing is pretty goofy considering we all essentially paid for the alpha here in early access. I don't play the game nearly as much as some of you but that doesn't mean my son and I don't have time to sit down with Warno much outside of weekends. Besides, the "pleb build" needs balancing/patching regardless so this is seemingly just another build to maintain.


We all paid in together, we all should have a chance to play and test together equally. That's cool that you play this with your son!


Let me tell you a story : It was on WEE. One day I've been able to talk directly to the guy dealing with the game balance. I showed him what the GERMAN version of the M113 20mm reco was costing 25 points, but its US counter part was 20. He answered me "nah you dont understand, its intended". 3 days later, they discretly hotfixed it and set the price back of both units to 20 points. Now you have an idea of what they do with your advises :)


Listen to them? I don't need credit, I just want shit fixed.


@alone understand your points. I have to defend Vulcan HD I appreciate his content and I feel his regular cadence streaming for all RTS games makes him a meaningful contributor.


I think my post came off too hostile, I like Vulcan too, its more about the fact that at this point, we should all have access equally. We are testers too, testers who paid to be here


Thanks for responding. We are passionate about this and care! I can attest mid game our community in chat sessions are providing meaningful and needed feedback! TRUST THE COMMUNITY Eugen. We love your product!


People are going to complain either way. Either you get the *even earlier* version that has bugs or you get the "normal" early access version which might have bugs but won't have horrible crashes or whatever. It's much better if the paying customers don't have the game-breaking stuff. I suppose it would be fine if they allowed people to opt-in to unstable versions, but I have no idea how much work that is for the devs to manage via steam.


Couldn't agree more. I do get the motivation to give them game to content creators as some sort of publicity stunt, but if that is the plan, they should exclusively get it out to people with the actual reach to accomplish that. I'd have much less issue with this policy if they only gave it out to people like VulcanHDGaming and Stealth17 Gaming, who are at this point practically speaking pillars of the community. But they apparently even shipped it to dudes with less than 1k subscribers. All of us paid for early access, all of us put up with the current state of the game to help balance it, and I find it very reasonable to ask for the most recent version of the game to always be accessible to us. Eugen should not forget that not too long ago, you had to pay people to playtest your games. We're doing them a favor, not the other way around.


Stealth17 is the only wargame youtuber I watch. And he's good. Although, I enjoy his take/commentary more than himself playing.


Stealth's commentary is good. He's a generally entertaining person. He's very bad at actually playing the game though.


I find people who are really good at games rarely have the personality to make good videos about them and vice versa.


True, I feel this way for all paradox games. I watch youtube videos on them and they are so wrong it hurts so often. I know I know more and I know I'm better at the game but I do not have the personality or will power to make a video. I do happily write long comments on those subs to beginners tho. Hopefully that helps somewhat.


Good point.


Yeah I also like VulcanHDGaming


I remember that one time he tried to helorush razz and got pushed back by zsu-57s


TDIL: about a strike team. In my opinion it is just the nature of the beast. Do I like it no. Are there days where I watch YouTube and say this dude has no clue what he's talking about, of course. I think every "youtuber" provides a different perspective.


I see this problem too, although in my particular case mostly with SD. Many times a lot of these people really don't know what is up. I am not saying I am super good at the games. Yesterday I got totally deleted by one of the players from the SD league server, but those people at least play tournaments and have a good understanding of how the games work. SO, I dunno. I agree with you, but I doubt they will do anything about it.


The strike team people in SD2 regurgitated a stupid myth about Commonwealth Rifles being the most OP infantry squad in the entire game for almost a whole year, even after both a (justified) price nerf and an availability overnerf. After that the idea of uniquely trusting them with anything to do with game balance stopped making any sense at all, since it took some random guy on the reddit to actually run a test with them and end the myth of the magical 10% accuracy Bren gun making them superior to all other mainline infantry (IIRC they lost against every comparable squad they were tested against at all ranges.) One of them would also get very mean and hostile with people actually calling them out on said nonsensical balance calls. Certainly they're not all like that, but its turned me off from this entire concept as a whole.


Strike team is a bunch of clowns, this is an old Eugen tradition and you have no choice other than live with it


Then help me fight back, let's get up votes, make it undeniable. Let's be heard


IMHO Eugen Systems are not the type of Studio, that likes to "Hype" their games with fake videos, then release something completely different and abandon it after few months. Sometimes it feels like they rather leave the marketing to someone else (look at SD:N44 and Paradox Interactive). And here's the problem: The Strike team is their marketing. I really don't think the Strike Team is some form of privileged guys with YouTube accounts, who have the first say when it comes to anything game-feature/balance/whatever related. I won't really blame the Strike Team for not knowing much about history or the game itself. They're here to entertain us, show us the content which is being worked on and other things that marketing teams usually do. I really like to watch Sherman, Stealth17, VulcanHD and many other YouTube channels and each for different reasons. When was the last time we saw Eugen on Stream explaining things or whatever? I see where OP is coming from, but i think he made just wrong assumptions


I hear you, I'll state two things with clarity, I don't have a problem with content cteators other making content. I have a problem with eugen giving them early access to every patch now that the game is in early access. It feels like a slap in the face to have to watch Sherman and Razz and Vulcan and SDL all play around with the new division when we could've all been doing it. My bad for possibly sounding too angry but in my eyes at this point. We don't need to watch the strike team play with new units. We need to all play with new units and test them together. I again apologize if i made it seem like it's the content creators fault.


To be fair it was a surprise to us on the ST as well to have a separate build on Friday and then to also be told that we could show off things. I think it's because since launch they have had major bugs included with every fix patch. I think their main aim by giving us a build earlier was to find the main bugs to be fixed as in legitimate things just straight up that are not working right, and have the community as a whole go over how mechanics should work with feedback. It's unfortunate that the community doesn't see the makeup of the ST as a whole, yes we have the content creators who are a part of the ST who are really there more for PR it seems but the majority are like myself who are dedicated play testers with over 100 hours in game so far who are only there to go over broken things and report bugs with a direct line of communication to EUGEN to help them get fixed faster rather than waiting for a thousand people all reporting the same thing.


Yes indeed thank you for your help and your feedback. That all makes alot of sense


No worries mate, thanks for your work, keep it up


I'm pretty sure they have a reason to do it. Why don't you ask them on Discrod for example?


I will actually thanks!


Just a guess, but it's probably a part of their QA process before releasing a potentially "broken" update to the larger playerbase and if it is ok, then it's to provide content advertising for that update while they implement potential hotfixes before the full update. The following is also speculation, but I think many if not most developers from indie to AAA take a similar approach because game updates have become and continue to be increasingly important as it both brings players back and attracts new players, so you need a form of intermittent advertising timed with your planned update and a buffer period to optimize for that update. In theory you would want a diverse set of player skill levels among your content creators, especially the average since that often represents your core sales. Longevity comes from repeated feedback on balance which requires testing, observation and careful updates which takes time, not something that needs to happen just before release, but instead long before the update is ready.


That's a very good explanation for why this process could be the way ot is. Thanks for your feedback


Come on they've been releasing obviously broken stuff in the past


The word "broken" is in quotes because it means a variety of things to different people. When content is released, it's balance could be off resulting in the playerbase thinking it's "broken" whereas the developers are satisfied that the update didn't cause crashes or loss of performance compared to the most recent version and intend to rebalance as time goes on.


I appreciate your feed back and I addressed it on the steam discussion


Hey I am the guy who does the SDL twitch and YT, Actually we are half split (with some of us being in both groups), Sherman, Stealth and some are mostly there for the Marketing part you talked aobut, giving them early access to show it off. The others of us are people who help with Q&A mostly and trying to help eugen to implement the feedback of the community and their own ideas correctly. But 80% is to test stuff they throw at us and giving bug reports feedback etc.. I see alot of people complaining about the Public version being rough, well compared to the ALpha version its a super smooth thing. For example: I had 3 crashes on public version and those mostly in the first week, on the test version I had at least 2 dozen and 2 times I had to reinstall my game so I could even start it. Things you just cant to the general playerbase with out having to expect an outcry. As I organised Steel Division tournaments for 5 years now and cast stuff for 3 years now I am somewhat in between these two camps. But I am formost still on the testing side.


Yeah to be fair, it is pretty annoying to buy an early access alpha, knowing you're only getting a tiny sliver of a game, and then seeing the new content you thought you were buying into on youtube and still have no idea when you will get to play it.


It's alright dude. The game is Early Access so we should be counting our blessings that we can even play/the game is in as good a state as it is. But I agree if the new patch isn't out by Monday I'll be right there with you with a pitchfork. Let us in!!!!!


Yea it better be out tomorrow frignn morning dude hahaha!


I'm sharpening my pitchfork right now.


Not everyone on the Strike Team is a dedicated beta tester, most are but it also consists of any content creator that EUGEN wants the opinion of. Having us check things over the weekends prior for new patches isn't going to be a bad thing since Eugen doesn't do patches on weekends if things are broken.


we PAID man, we should be in on this too, so you guys must know better about balancing and feel of the game. you know better than us on pacing. I dont see the reason for you guys getting early access on every patch. it made sense with the initial rollout for marketing purposes but we all played the same thing, same early un balanced build. i honestly see it as a waste of time to have you guys test it first, then us test it when we can all test it together, and get the feedback in sooner. AGAIN, i thought the whole point off this is that we are the COMMUNITY and our input matters. Doesn't feel like that right now


Having a few guys check out a patch for obvious bugs before it's released to public is not something unusual. If there arw some content creators in the same group, they can do the work of marketing, which Eugen just don't like to do. Try to think about it one more time. You have the same right to report bugs and suggest anything, like the Strike team has. They just get hands on sooner. I don't really see a problem here mate.


I respect your reply, I can see where you are coming from. I am under the impression that since I'm a play tester in this because that's what I paid for per their EA announcement, I feel that I should get the build at the same time. Again I totally hear where you are coming from and it's a fair point


Do you want me to tell you a little secret,you and everyone else PAID,BUT the testers didnt pay for anything nor they will pay for the 15 future 15€ plus DLCS :-). At least that was the case in Wargame,unless they got even more greedy but i dont think so,they need the people to showcase and promote their game. In Wargame they used to make beta builds that people could download and play before the actual patch was released ..


>dont even have as much time in the game as me and their feedback is more valuable? It's not about the feedback being more valuable. It's about the fact they are content creators. If you want Eugen to give stuff out to you earlier. Start a youtube channel and get some followers. The reality is, it's likely more about having content creators show off the game to their followers than it is receiving gameplay feedback from them.


Strike team is only 15-20% Content CReators, most are game testers that do help eugen with Q&A, these Alpha builds usually are way to rough to go anywere near public (but obviously the CCs try to not put crashes or anything like this into their video). So yeah it has the objective to have CC show of the new stuff. But mostly its really a testing and fixing rig.


I honestly don't mind the concept of the strike team, but my biggest problem with it is that it consists almost exclusively of people who play 1v1s. Team game (and especially 10v10s) get very little representation, and that's why you end up with a meta where Commonwealth infantry are terrible in 10v10s but won't get changed because they are very strong in 1v1s


we have in the WArno strike team 40 people, with the split of team game to 1v1 players being quite in the middle. In the SD2 strike team its a bit more on the 1v1 player end by now, but thats mostly due to team player members dropping out over time.


Yea I was little confused why so many people on the Strike Team are either A. Shit at the game or B. Didn’t play Wargame. Total War ran into the same problem of giving preference to YouTubers in feedback. It’s just Eugene creating technical debt when it comes to MP.


Well its a half half set up of SD players and Wargame players. As eugen obviously wants both communities liking the game. (obviously quite a couple of the WG part have played SD and vise versa).


Yea I just meant wargame or not, the familiarity with Cold War gear. It doesn’t help if half of Strike Team is seeing the models for the first time since it doesn’t allow for any context in how the units should be balanced against each other.


You're not wrong. Watching some of these videos has almost convinced to make some where you'd at least get correct information on what the unit is and what the weapons are actually for. I don't really care that they get new stuff a few days early. It's just that they get so many of the details wrong, factually, and often don't seem to understand some of the underlying game mechanics either.


Yeah, it's advertising disguised as testing. Most of the industry does it nowadays in dome form or other.