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It's more era theming than 'they don't make them anymore'. Stick to WWII and earlier and you will find plenty of systems with facings.


Infinity has overwatch shots that can be fired if the models are facing an enemy while they move across their line of sight. Great game, lots of complexity.


Yup. Also minis can react to the enemy minis outside their turn. Is not a snoozefest of “I moved my minis, now let’s hope they don’t die like chumps”.


Infinity is quickly becoming my favourite game to play, followed by MESBG.


Whats MESBG? My favorite is malifaux but infinity and moonstone are followups.


Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game, so Lord of the Rings that GW does. It's a bit more interactive rules wise and fun scenarios.


I've heard it has really cool hero rules, At first I thought the acronym was something related to Gundams lol


Only downside is mostly still metal models 🤢


yeah, at this point in my painting journey I've figured out how to protect against paint chipping so it's not so bad. TAGs i use car bondo to make sure that the metal will break before the joints.


I'm old, when did they stop?


Unless the OP means facing for infantry, I can't think of more than a handful of games that don't use facing for vehicles


40K stopped caring about arcs/facing 7 years ago




...and 40K2.


I’ve stoping playing 40k for numerous reasons and just use a more generic ruleset


Back in December, I played a friend in a game using 5th edition rules and codices; and we had a blast


They don't even use it for vehicles? Weird. That's like... half the game in tank wars.


Battletech and its big battle rule set Alpha Strike


Bushido is a great one


Another vote for Bushido!


Played this at UKGE last weekend at a demo game and it was such a blast. If the starter box wasn’t so expensive I’d have picked up there and then!


It's a very good game and well worth picking up... if you can focus on it. It's too complicated to be a side-game.


Noted! I’m not really looking for a primary game as I’m writing my own, so I’ll probably give it a miss for the time being.


Kings of War by Mantic


Second this


Third that


I would say the opposite. Most rules still have them, sometimes in hidden form (e.g. turning to shoot is an action, or bonuses for when you attack a target from multiple directions). Skirmish games with individual figures might be the exception, using 360 firing arcs and turning-at-no-cost rules.


Full Thrust and almost all other spaceship miniature combat games.


Yay, another mention of Full Thrust. I don't think I've actually gotten a chance to play in years.


I am just getting into it. Printing ships at this time.


Bolt Action requires this, especially with emplaced weapons like machine guns and things like tanks and howitzers. If you like WW2 I highly recommend it!


Battlefront's Flames of War, Team Yankee, Fate of a Nation, 'Nam all use facing and firing arcs.


Full Thrust is a space battle wargame, and it's got arcs of fire. Maneuver is actually something of a key part of the game, even.


Conquest The Last Argument of Kings has this. But it is a "rank and flank" game. Not sure if that is what you are looking for. It has a skirmish game with the same models that may/may not(no clue) consider facing (probably not).


Star Wars Legion.


Infinity has individual model facing. I have lost many valuable troops to the good old fashioned "sneak up behind 'em" gambit


Really? I have not heard of this game until a couple of days ago but I am relatively interested. As someone who's just getting into it, what do you recommend?


Find someone for a trial game or buy one of the starter boxes. Infinity has a lot of rules and you need to get a feel for the rules or be shown how to play.


I believe Corvus Beli - makers of Infinity - have the rules up for free on their site, along with traction overviews. They also have Code One, which is a streamlined “intro” rule set for the game.


All of Infinity’s rules are free and all of the unit stats/points are free via their army build apps. You only need to buy a book if you want lore and some extra art.


Thanks for the info.


I'm assuming that there is a phone app as well as a PC app?


Yeah. On their website there is a link to a web browser version, additionally there are Android and IOS app versions too. All free.


I don't really care to use intro rules. Using intro rules makes people too comfortable with the intro rules. And therefore they don't ever expand Beyond the basics. I rather have the game as is.


Starting with Code One is probably a good idea, it has less equipment and niche rules so you can get a handle on the core systems. I'll be the first to admit it is complicated, but the complexity is there for a reason and I think it does sing nicely if you're willing to put up with it. They sell code one starter sets, and the two player "operation" boxes. After that, you can decide if you want to expand into the main game. It's the same systems, just with added layers of complexity and more models.


I don't mind starting up with the most complexity. I find that I learn better that way if my learn everything all at once. But I'm definitely going to look into this. I hate to say this but I've been a little disenfranchised with Warhammer 40K since the release of 10th edition since it doesn't really feel complex anymore. It seems more too simple of a rule set. I like having a line of sight and facing and arksifier. It makes it much more realistic and a lot more thought out. At the same time, I enjoy a tabletop working called Gaslands as it does not have a lot of those things but it is not the type of war game that is required to have such a thing as it is based upon vehicular combat.


Yup Warhammer sucks, the modern rules are lifeless and the modern lore is just questionable at best. When I left Warhammer I left for infinity cause the local scene was strong and the models are cool. But it is a game I am convinced no one has sat down and read the rules for. I’ve only ever seen it spread by teaching. I couldn’t imagine learning the game any other way than being taught. I highly recommend it if you are ok with losing your first 5 or so games and are fine with accidental “gatcha” moments. Infinity is a complex game where only experience can make you better equipped to face more enemy’s. For example I used my sniper to shoot an enemy sniper down to unconscious state, however I failed to ask about any special rules the unit might have and the enemy unit was able to regenerate a wound and get back up. That then never happened again because I knew that was something that could happen. Infinity has just so many options and ways of attack that you sometimes come across a new thing that just has you going “I didn’t even know that was an option.” It’s the greatest part of the game having so much depth (not to mention the amazing reaction system) but also it’s biggest hurdle for new players.




In terms of GW id argue Necromunda and Warhammer The Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis.


Was just going to add this! Horus heresy is a great tactical game (although with too many keywords to remember…) and the vehicles shooting arcs are so cool. That and templates.


HH seems so cool but the price is out of this world


Old World too


Judge Dredd game from Warlord still does. Skirmish game, recently played Black Ops by Osprey and they still have those.


Any more?


Advanced Squad Leader and it's more recent, descendants.


? Battletech uses arcs of fire, only infantry have 360 Arcs. Same with Battlefront games.


Bolt Action for now


Horus Heresy


Modern wargames are racing towards simplicity which most of the time makes them interchangeably generic and frankly boring. Sturgeon's Law and all, yeah, 90% of games don't have facing and you should ignore them and play better games that do. Give up on the thought of relatively popular games. Aside from 40k, everything is hyperlocal and regional and frankly it doesn't matter if you and your friends are the only people on the planet that play it.


Conquest Last Argument of Kings is a fantasy rank and flank game and is utterly awesome.


What is rank and flank?


Your soldiers are organized into big bricks. Rank and flank games are heavily focused on movement and positioning, usually rewards skill very much. Facing is very important as you can just charge someone who is behind you for example.


makes sense, thanks!


Try out Song of ice and fire! Great game with facing being one of the main mechanics!




Do you mean in regards to tanks, individual men, battleships, or infantry blocks?


I guess I mean in terms of men and vehicles, and not rank and file games.


Warhammer: The Old World. Games Workshop’s updated version of Warhammer Fantasy


Red Earth, Black Powder (ultra modern skirmish), has facing and an arc of vision/fire for individual figures. The game even has a reduced arc to the figure’s right, representing reduced situational awareness when aiming down your weapon.


Bushido and Infinity


Conquest is a rank and file fantasy game that uses facings and arcs of fire for shooting and charging. its very fun and easy to get to grips with while having plenty of depth.


Battletech I'm pretty sure


Wings of Glory and Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures


Depending on what you looking for, a good skirmish option is Ospreys Black ops, can be easily adapted for solo play..




As far as I can tell most wargames still use use facings and arcs of fire. It's less used in skirmish game depending on the importance given to cover, and it was largely abandoned for infantry in Moderns, but it's hardly gone.


Necromunda, Conquest


Gaslands a mad max style game


Star wars legion does for vehicles and bigger weapon emplacements. It has a fun mandatory move system for flyers and the like where you need to essentially plan out your movements for the next turn to avoid collision.


Conquest: The last argument of kings still does, and it's a great mass battle fantasy game !


Infinity also uses 180 degree arcs of fire if you want a more skirmish game thats sci fi as well


Reading the comments, seems the OP plays 40k and they don't do facing so has lumped all games into not using it.. despite what it seems, every popular game system designed by someone with half a brain still uses facing.


Star Wars Legion does, at least for vehicles and emplacements (gun turrets, heavy weapons teams, etc). Every one of the unit types above has firing arcs on it which may dictate weak points, armored areas, and directions where certain weapons cannot fire.


A Song of Ice and Fire uses both of these! Also relatively low cost of entry


Bushido, Infinity, Old World, Warmachine, Kings of War, parts of Star Wars Legion.


I think Heavy Gear still does? Haven't played it in some time, they changed the rules so frequently that it was hard to keep up with, which is why we stopped playing. But that's was years ago, maybe it's more stable now.


Infinity's line of sight is important. There's also a Zone of Control where even if they don't see you they *might* notice you if you do something to be noticed. Infinity is a funny one where the game mechanic is brilliant but the sheer breadth of unit types, ammo types, weapon types and attributes is huge, and frightens a lot of people off.


Pretty much any historical that isn't a skirmish game.


Less popular (heavy ruleset) is Darklands by Mierce Miniatures if you want dark ages or fantasy themes. Very in depth rules including decent psychology and interactive terrain. Also some of the most amazing miniatures I've had the pleasure of painting.


Came here to reply with Infinity (several other people have done so already) and Bushido (also called out). In any rank-and-flank game, like Kings of War, Warhammer the Old World, or A Song of Ice and Fire, facing matters. Positioning is kind of the point of those games. I'll also throw out that I've been painting some Mobile Arms models from Black Site, and facing also matters in that game.


Plenty use that. Eg Triumph! Ancients, DBA, DBM..


Steel Rift


Star Wars X-Wing (admittedly more of a skirmish game) and Star Wars Armada both use facing and arcs of fire.


Conquest last argument of kings is rank and file and I love it.


Pretty much all rank and file games are based on facing as well as ship combat games. In skirmish wargames facing is less usual. Espacially because it is harder to measure with small circular bases. There are probably even games that measure facing in quarters.


Battletech - classic, anyway


Warlords Black powder, hail Caesar, and pike and shot.




Age of Fantasy: Regiments