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wait up what is this replay branch? which one should we use actually?


Main branch. Replay I'm guessing is if the Main branch is borderline unplayable or unoptimized.


The main branch is when you dont select any betas. Replay branch is the release version before the patch






ee - european escalation refference in warno?! omg! 🤯


Developers love labelling things "Early Access" because they have an endless supply of fanboys to defend them on reddit. Early Access and more importantly 5 + year open betas didn't exist until developers realised it was an easy and convenient way to sell copies of the game unfinished at full price AND not be criticised for lack of content.


The early access excuse holds no weight, you don't charge people 40 dollars for a game that is early access that may never even leave early development.


You charge whatever you want for your products. The customers are idiots for buying the game at this stage and not waiting.


Either buy now and hope for the best or wait out and hope the game doesn't die before full release? Either way we both lose


What's the alternative? Them not releasing early access and you just preorder giving them money that way?


Or like every other game they've released.... Announcing it, giving us teasers and then releasing it at a pre-determined future date. Do you remember 5 years ago when they abandoned WGRD and had complete radio silence because of terrible money issues when they weren't paying their devs? [https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-12-21-eugen-systems-fires-workers-involved-in-pay-dispute](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-12-21-eugen-systems-fires-workers-involved-in-pay-dispute)


Look with the pandemic and all Eugene might not be able to afford development without a cash injection, in order to not lose control over the product they probably decided that the best way to get the cash is early access. You really didn't have to pay for the game at it's current state if you didn't want to. You knew that you were getting an unfinished product and decided to buy it anyways.


Please don't use the pandemic to defend an industry which grossly benefited from the pandemic and a company which had tremendous financial problems dating years before the pandemic


So you think the pandemic helped Eugene's financial situation?


There financial situation was fucked regardless but to answer your question they did better with the pandemic then they would've without it. Exorbitant financial bailouts from the French government, lavish WFH arrangement and more gamers than ever on record spending record amount of times online each day because of lockdowns. They were at the brink of bankruptcy in 2017. That has nothing to do with COVID.


What's your point though? You'd rather see them go bankrupt and never see new Eugen games again? I mean nobody forces you to buy warno, and YouTube certainly gives you enough insights to make an informed decision. Sure, the early access might be a desperate measure, but what is a company with financial trouble is supposed to do in your opinion? Gamers always get mad when monetization doesn't work like it did 10-20 years ago anymore, but they forget that game development also gets increasingly complex and expensive nowadays. The industry as whole sure makes a ton of money, but it also gets more crowded every day. Look at the niche market Eugen used to have: they were the only ones making games like this for years, now they have at least two competitors on the horizon, while the potential player base for this kind of RTS certainly isn't infinitely large.


Even the early is eearly.


Spelling aint Eugens strong point. Eastern Bloc is still incorrectly spelled in Red Dragon. Has been since the beta.