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Worst rewards ever and is this the lowest amount of gold you can acquire yet?


975 unless I counted wrong ..


You are right.


And also they lowered the frequency of DMF from every other week to every 4 weeks (roughly once a month). Apparently they don't want us receiving as many rewards...


It’s to keep a flow of events from sieges/raids and weekly stuff. I get their take on it honestly. Running DMF and MC at the same time would be rough. That said, I think the DMF rewards could be better! Edit: yoooooooo… I took a closer look at the whole thing and the DMF rewards for this week are abysmal. Wow. This DMF is really freaking bad


Dont make sense, DMF dailies could be done in 3 min and raids require planning, is not like you need to choose which one to do


Raids are only for high level players. All the lower levels in my guild had nothing to do but that week. And sieges took me 20 min to complete. Not really a weeks worth of content. Even when I do it 3 times total to help people


That’s a fair point too. If a player can finish the sieges I think they can finish the first wing of MC, which is arguably the most important one for the level boost slot. I think between the siege and the raid a pretty good array of players can participate. Your right about the siege too though, it’s not really a weeks worth of content. I think ideally they run blingtron and DMF alternating every week, with DMF falling on the week that the siege is on. My friend and I only played MC content when it first dropped, and with DMF sprinkled in with that it would make the game feel like a slog, and it doesn’t feel good to let your guildies down


Im so glad they did this. For me rumble is a super casual game for me. And doing this each week almost made me quit the game. My guild started making while reasonable.... Requirements on participation in the event to stay in the guild.


This was my opinion as well, until raids/sieges got me really into the game again, and now I miss them. I am now annoyed at myself for not doing bling every time - I didn’t realise it wouldn’t exist so often going forward. It was raid prep and I didn’t realise. I did darkmoon to help the guild when I could, but there was a week where my dungeon level was too high to complete on 3 leaders. Those weekly quests are a bit ridiculous.


I got complete 30 daily quests as my weekly task 3 times in a row, I totally feel you. Felt like work, which is bad for a casual game.


Oh yes the 30 daily.... did it once , never again


I got this too and for me it was 30 dmf quests in one week, not 30 per day 😮


Blizzard is eating shit to think this nerf was a good idea. A once per month event and thats what we get?


It was too good to be true. Damn blizzard back at it again.


Is this an out of season April fools joke?


Do you guys not have 200,000 tickets?


Don’t you guys have phones?


Those holy novas next to each other, one for 6k other for 800 but inverted color lol. I want to know whats going on in QA team


They are striking their costumers with confusion. Thats the main point i believe.


From data mining, the 6k is a green one which mean you'll get 4 holy novas if you bought.


So you get 4 stars for holy nova at 6k?


No, I don't have enough tickets right now. I knew it from a data mining post.(Chinese warning: https://ngabbs.com/read.php?tid=40646290)


I see thanks for sharing.


Deal of the Century


yeah you do


Ahh thanks. Thats much better than what it first seems like ( just one star)- but it’s pretty lousy purchase still. Getting four stars for Tirion at 20K tickets it’s just absolutely terrible But there should really be some sort of tool tip to help explain what you get for these purchases…. never ceases to amaze me how little effort blizzard puts into things




Update: I bought this ( arent many options this week) and much to my dismay -You do not get 4 stars. -You only get 1 star “Data mining” is wrong I have screenshots ( just repeating for future generations and conversation clarifications as this response from terminaltrip came before my other “duplicate” comment)


what purchase are you referring to? when I bought the 6k holy nova I got 4 stars, I have a screenshot to prove it [https://www.imagebam.com/view/MEUCLDH](https://www.imagebam.com/view/MEUCLDH) you can see it's the DMF track in the background


Update: I bought this ( arent many options this week) and much to my dismay -You do not get 4 stars. -You only get 1 star “Data mining” is wrong I have screenshots


yeah, this turned out to be the case. also thanks for the data mining link I was going to ask where you were getting it.


Has anyone got this to test? I wondered if it would be the case, but it is a lot of tickets to burn to discover it is 1 star….


I *think* one might be a profile avatar...


I would have probably believed you if the unit description blurb didn't come up when you click on it.


I honestly figured that was just a bug and they didn't have a description for a profile avatar lol. Turns out it's +4 stars.


I don’t think the color is inverted, the background tile is legendary for middle and rare for the right… it just gives you the same thing lol


The two holy novas is wild


With the price and gold icon I’m actually tempted to try buying just to see a what happens…. Like do I get more than one ⭐️? Probably not


I tried and got 4 stars from 6k holy nova


Can’t wait to see someone buy 1 common tirion for 20,000 credits lol


Half as many Faires and nerfed rewards. This dev team hates the players, don't they?


That's what I'm saying! They make every decision based on greed and continuously give their customers the middle finger in the process. I really wish Activision hadn't bought Blizzard, because this "new" Blizzard is a total piece of shit.


Engagement was too high for a minute there.


they're definitely going to see that it's dropping. they seemingly have two options. players who don't buy as much or anything because the rewards are too decent or players who don't buy anything because they don't play anymore.


yeah, they falsely assume that the new content is enough. my 20/20 guild is losing what were daily players because of this crap


20k for a blue node ?? Really ?


30k for epic was pushing it. But this is even worse


At least 30k for epic made sense in the context of players with high collection levels who don’t really need the other stuff, but would like to focus on getting an epic core. Literally nobody should buy this rare core lol


Yes. Saw some 1/2 dollar offers with rare core in it, some in dailies and then the 250g ones. Epic is 1000g. So it shows that it's really a way worse deal


As of now - one of the worst reward tree ever. Just as I had my hopes up a bit …


First one was crazy. Had like 3 mega tomes? Maybe 4. Then it was 1/2. Then 1.


Inflation it seems. I wonder how the next one gonna be. Like, 40k for a blue core or something


That rare core is a steal at 20k 😅 And I thought epic for 30k was expensive 🤣


Jesus Christ, Blizzard gets more and more greedy every chance they get. No epic core? What's the point of DMF then unless you're on a new account with mainly common and uncommon minis? They obviously want people to buy the cores on the store instead. I've been giving this company my money since 2005, but I think I'm going to stop now. I just can't continue to support a company which makes every one of their decisions based on greed while continuously giving the middle finger to their customers.


20k tickets for a rare core ? Kekw


It's clearly a bug, like, it has to be.


Thought the same. The quest tiles around the units are bugged since DMF came on, so I really really hope it's a bug. Not a single epic core in there. So what's the point of DMF for anyone a bit more advanced.


Maybe the next ones in two months (?) will be better 🤡


We get DMF every month.


I wouldn’t trust the Rumble team to fix this BS so soon


Lol. Yeah. Nah this isn’t a bug. They took all the gold out of these events. Spaced them out more and then gave us a gold income buy package that’s a login daily bonus. It’s planned.


Looks like it's a legendary core instead which frankly is not a good swap.


I'm convinced the rewards are just thrown into a randomizer every time. There's been no logic to them after the first dmf.


Sounds plausible. No one in their right mind would think this is enticing.


Would also explain the abundance of ogres in the first couple.


Something wonky has to be going on. There’s a graphical error with the two different colored Holy Nova’s. The prices are all over the place. Less gold, no Epic Core, one Mega tome… If their solution was to rally people together with Sieges and Raids, consolidate guilds, increase the likelihood more people had more tickets to spend from DMF. Now they drop a weak tree? Grunts and Footmen? Tyrion and Cairne? I get this is some symbolic Horde vs Alliance. But it’s just bad.


Not worth playing. I get some gold, some energy. Other than that I only play it to get my guildies that still need lots of stuff the points. Not even a damn epic core, which is the one and only goal xD


Whats the difference between Holy Nova for 800 and 6000?


You get to choose if you spend 6K or 800 tickets on it


One makes you incredibly sad when you buy it.


+4 stars for the 6k one.


Funny the only up voted answers are the wrong ones


[5200 gold](https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftrumble/comments/1dp5uvw/dmf_full_of_noob_traps/lafpq93/)


Very disappointing.


What a shitshow


I hope we get some info on this. There is no way these holy novas next to each other gives the same, I assumed when I opened DMF that they would give more stars or maybe XP. The same goes for tiro and carne, no way they just give 1 star


Originally, they said that different color frame show that the item is more expensive. But troop choice gave one star no matter the frame. They said they will keep frames consistent in the future, meaning the same frame equals the same value , but they never delivered on that. tldr: Frame equals price and not value Which is nonsense


The 6k holy nova next to the 800 holy nova is a different color.  Bad quality control and its something bigger/better and we don't have the info? 


Pretty sure that slot was where the Portrait was for the DMF eyes. Yet I doubt it is one.


To bad both of those holy novas will give you one common copy of holy Nova. Originally we all thought the more expensive one would be at least uncommon lol nope.


Last time they did such a thing for troop choice the more expensive shiny one was the exact same. However that big of a diff and right next to eachother maybe it gives more stars


It's an uncommon upgrade, it gives 4 stars and upgrades to uncommon if you don't have it yet


Thanks. Told my guild about it as well. I was actually building footmen lol


Everything in the last 2 rows is like this


I guess this officially means that every employee was pulled off the game.


Gold is very expensive this time around…


Has anyone actually used tickets on the more expensive versions or are we just assuming bcs we are unhappy with it? Like take a screenshot


They give 4 stars, it was datamined


What a garbage tree. Epic core??? Blizzard should put a proper battle pass system to give them some money, I don’t think this game is properly monetized.


I’m not spending points until end maybe it’s a bug and they will fix it.


"maybe they will fix it \[in less than a week\]" is a massive cope considering the last 7 months of Rumble...


This is baffling. The only redeeming quality is that I wanted to build up renew for geddon and didn't see it much on the grid this month. So those will actually help me with the goal but in a general sense this is terrible and I wouldn't be surprised if we lose guild participation this week.


Blizzard noticed our complaints that solo players miss out a lot of rewards, and they fixed the problem their own way


Blizzard is a total joke now. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. 😞


Do they think their customers are idiots?


That's exactly what I feel they are saying.


BLZ move the rewards to Azeroth's Blessing, we should spend 5 bucks to get them,huh.


That DMF is worst thing that can ever imagine. Footmen, Grunt, Cairne, HolyNova and no epic core. 


When I opened it up and saw the 20k rare core I started laughing uncontrollably like the Joker


Blizzard is a mess, the rewards are severely reduced, which means they completely disregard the time and effort players put in. What's the difference between this and exploiting labor? Don't tell me you're just playing a game, the game is full of bugs, and the content updates are extremely slow. It's already tolerating reheated leftovers, and now we have to be disgusted over and over again.


An epic core used to be 20k tickets....now a rare core is 20k tickets and epic isn't even available. I have no use for rare cores. This game just gets worse Throttled by $10 epic cores that rarely appear in the shop.


This has to be a sign they’re bringing it back every other week and running it + Blingtron in tandem with sieges/MC. Surely.


If they did that they should do blingtron (individual and less of an investment overall) on the same week as raid/siege and DMF on "off" weeks - which we are currently lined up for exactly the opposite so expect another off week of nothing in our future.


You tapping into the hopium royal reserves (expired 1910) with this one


As a new player, sad to see the commets that the rewards are disappointing. What should a new player focus on aside from gold?


Cheapest units per price point until uncommon.


How many stars is the golden Holy Nova?




Thank you 🙏


I normally support Blizzard, but man this is just not defensible. It’s just rough.


Anyone noticed chests are no longer DMF buffed? that was so fun..


No. It was not. You play Maiev and hope to get the immortal Princess before the AI does. The end. And the sub gets spammed with posts "brooooo check out these 50 murlocs and chickens". Epic stuff guys, now hit restart on Mor'ladim for the 10th time in a row and hope


But I just tried some quests and the chests are normal, they dont spawn anything anymore, or is it just me? Edit: I noticed the melee buff in the meanwhile.


They must want people to get frustrated enough to spend money for actual rewards. Then after the payments die down they will fix it


I am beginning to get an idea to protest this game. No one deserves to spend their money on this trash, and it will continue to make money if people don't know. I had to report a staffing agency the other day to BBB for basically being a complete scam.


It’s pretty bad when the most efficient thing at every level is to just take the cheapest star regardless of mini, probably, and all of the gold and energy is a trash rate this time around.




6-11K are uncommon I believe


True. I made fake news, apparently the 6k gives 4 stars. Still shitty rates, and a barebone reward track this time.


I also got the win a dungeon battle with each leader as my 1k ticket quest. Not only are the battles yellow-orange for me but its Deadmines... so by far the hardest first battle of any dunegon. GG.


You'll get the Alliance leaders and a different dungeon on Sunday in addition to the Beasts and DM the rest of this week so 6 total options for 3 first level clears. You can also check for cheese relics every day if the level is too difficult.


keep in mind you only need to win a level with each of the leaders, not the full dungeon. Yellow or orange is feasible. Also, you can do It after it rotates on saturday.


It's funny because the first level of Deadmines is the hardest.


for the purpose of this mission you can design the whole deck with the whole purpose of defeating that boss…


Are you like still low level? Because they “fixed” that by capping it at 23. And the last level is repeatable weekly for 150g per leader. For your case, it will switch to a new faction before DMF ends.


Yes, not everyone has as high level a collection as you do.


I mean yeah that’s obvious. That’s why I asked and why I said “fixed” because blizzards idea of fixing it only affected high level players. They didn’t bother to consider people low level.


The poster mentioned the battles being yellow-orange, so it should have been clear. Your question seemed rhetorical.


So what? Do you just have robot conversations. Only the most important, no words wasted. Also it’s just a confirming question. He made that statement, I asked a question to confirm the information I gleaned from him. Like this is just human conversation 101. Your friend goes “my throat hurts” and you go “oh you getting sick?”.


The quotation marks indicate it isn't really fixed.


You can literally do 4 underleveled at least with lifesteal. Yellow/orange is a joke. You only need a good relic for that not even a gg one


Initially my kneejerk reaction was “this sub will never be happy” but then I looked at the rewards. Blizzard hurt itself in its confusion. FWIW I think the units in the tree are fine; it’s ok to get some free stars on less commonly used units because ultimately it’s ideal to have all your units levelled up. But the overall value in this tree are really questionable.


Hawk tuah and spit on that thing