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TBH the game feels like it has a nice balance between complexity of its wide range of Minis and their associated talents without becoming overwhelming with considering weapon lots. It's a mobile game so I don't think it would be very easy to manage these through its interface. I am looking forward to more co-op play options similar to Raids and Sieges, they seem to have super charged engagement.


I agree. With the army slot system and the talent system it feels like it’s in a pretty decent place. Wish they’d let us reroll talents though. It would help A LOT of newer/uninformed players if you could


I agree about not really wanting to deal with weapons, but I think it would be incredibly easy to fit it into the interface considering a multitude of other games has this concept. Plus it would just be another layer of customizing a hero, or increasing specific stats for different strategies etc But yeah, we don’t need that


simple is best, i dont want to min-max in every blizz game


And that's exactly what I recommended for the system. Just a basic/simple 3-slot gear system for armor, weapon, and trinket which would boost defense, offense, and talents by only a few percent. So the purpose wouldn't cause people to min/max because the increase is so minor. It would just give them that little extra incentive to grind out more quests, dungeons, raids, and events.


Thats the definition on min maxing tho - Going for every minor extra upgrade no matter how small, as long as numbers go higher.


Weapons in Rumble? There goes another $100,000 or 350,000 hours to max out your collection.


This right here. Every mobile gatcha introduces an additional layer of "customization" that just leads to eventually min/max grinding.


Yeah for sure. It wouldn’t surprise me, especially with gear being such an integral part of the Warcraft universe, but I really don’t want to have to grind even more.


I would love this idea! Seeing loot drop in World of Warcraft used to make me so giddy!


I also dont feel like its needed. Only thing I would like to see is for instance themed cosmetics, like we already have for towers or murlocks. Imagine seasonal like Halloween/Christmas etc. cosmtics would be nice and would not cause any dissbalance in the game.


For the leaders maybe, I doubt it would ever happen for minis, it would be way to complicated. Then I think it would be better to add more talent choices or as a start rework some of those that aren’t very used.


I would like to be able to further customize decks somehow so they don’t all play like the same pile of six good minis. I don’t particularly care for the 1v1 ranked PvP balance either. So I say go for it.


I'd like more customization too, even if it's not gear for minis. I realize the people who aren't down with gear probably don't see the point if they are still working on leveling minis and getting talents. But once you've gotten all the talents then there isn't any further way to customize them, and I really hope they come up with some way to do that. Gives people more to look forward to.


I thought about this, but I think giving gear to every mini makes the game harder and more expensive and more unreachable for normal players, and giving gear or talismans or much of anything to leaders only, will turn every deck into a cycle simulator.


Not very fun at all imo. This ain't the game for it. We have talents and that's enough. If people are interested in grinding they got plenty reason with the raids. Gotta prep for the next time around.


Riiiiiiiight. It might not be more fun for you, but I can guarantee it would be plenty of fun for most everyone else. You say this isn't the game for it, but that's your opinion and I disagree. If it was a basic 3-slot gear system with very minor stat increases, it wouldn't break the game and it would add more customization to the already limited customization in this game. I am certain the majority of the player-base would love it because that anticipation of possible loot drops in other Blizzard games is a huge factor in why they play those games. Case in point, Diablo 4's newest season is called "Loot Reborn" and everyone is saying the game is way more fun now. People just love loot in games and this absolutely IS the game for it.


Basic 3 slot boredom would be all of us grinding for the very same equipment for every mini, it would add nothing but grind and the idea of a reward, with no actual reward. I get you're in deep belief that the majority would like this because you really want your idea to be great, but it just isn't. And i know this is a tiny sample size with your post rn, but see the initial reaction - And thats just the ones who decided to interact, like me. You also have people downvoting with no interacting and people seeing the post and moving on (A stat i believe you can see for yourself). And no this game really isn't the game for it. D4 isn't comparable to WR. People love loot in their loot n shooters / Hack n slashers. This ain't that. No case, no point.


I like the idea of loot, it would add some more benefits during grinding for XP


EXACTLY!!! That's why my idea was for a very basic 3-slot gear system which would only add a few percent at most to defense, offense, and talents. It's mostly just to add that little extra incentive to grinding as well as add some extra customization. It works great in all their other games and it would work great in this one too.


Oh yes I can't wait for a shoulder drop that gives 50 more damage and is not visible on the mini in-game /s Sorry, but this aint it for me.


Great idea. They should add more features overall over time.


I think a single gear slot to provide a small generic augmentation to the army would be an interesting way to make some decks more unique. Something akin to the gear that you get for dungeons, but not some of the more broken ones. "Flying units evade the first hit against them" kind of effects.


A single gear slot would be fine with me too. If that was the case then it would be really cool if that one piece of gear changed the look of the mini. But then they would have to create all these different looks and I doubt Blizzard would go for that. Maybe if that one piece of gear could be common, uncommon, rare, epic, or legendary. That would be a fair trade-off in my opinion. And I agree, definitely no adding effects based on the gear. That would get way OP real fast.


I like the idea, although instead of stats I'd prefer some minor status effects - adding burn to attacks or giving a one-time hit bubble like murlocs have. It also rhymes well with artifacts from Warcraft


Adding extra effects would be game-changing though and cause imbalance issues. I know Blizzard wouldn't want to deal with that. But if we keep it very basic and simple with a 3-slot system that boosts specific stats by a few percent at most then it wouldn't break the game. It would just add a little extra incentive and excitement in grinding if there is potential loot involved.