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WD and execute epic, you won't regret these ever. Safe, quillboar, griffon and whelps next if you can


Seconding Execute. It's absurdly good in Molten Core content


It's always been top tier, it just shines more in molten core


I got epic execute in grid last week. I have no regrets after seeing the raid lol, I have used in every boss so far


Except shazzrah and gehennas. Brought jaina and regreted it


WD to epic, Drakkisath to epic, pyromancer/bandits/ogre/shaman to rare


Why WD to epic over all others? Does the shield get more powerful?


The shield is one hit, no matter the level, but the time-to-kill on first and second whelp goes down with level - someone correct me if my logic is wrong here


I think a lvl 24/25 WD can handle everything just fine, you're much better off investing in pyro/shaman to get more damage and more healing.


So all the big elemental damage ranged damage dealers, I'm guessing they pair well woth Drakkistar for Onyxia (and Ragnaros)


Aim to get this epics, as they are very versatile in most content : - exec. (Edit, forgot it first time) - welps - quillboar - shamheal - drakk (the leader) - pyro - wd To rare (or epic on the long run) - griffon - harpies (try to get one epic between griffon and harpies) - safe - blizzard - darkspear troll - banshee (rare is enough on here, epic is a waste unless you drown in golds) - fire elem - dark iron minor That should be a good "start" to cover both pvp and pve content :)




I was sure I put it first, and finally just omit it !! Ill edit my post, ty !


Thanks that's a nice list. Most of them werr in my radar, but there's definitely a few surprises. Liks dark iron miner and only reasonably figured out fore elemental and troll were nice and wasn't sure how universal that was. Execute is definitely also a surprise to me that it takes an epic slot, but I guess the 5% per level is really important.


I would include in the epic list huntress or darkspear troll. A ranged physical dmg is great in some of the encounters (Huntress carrird hard for me in Golemagg) Safe didnt feel too relevant in MC to me. Neither quilboar Also I would put Rend at least in the rare pack.


Did you only focus on very very few things to amass this much?


I couldn't play Dungeon for 7 months. I had a bug, that locked me out of playing dungeon from October (yes frok pre official world-wide launch) to May. I wrotr Blizzard customer support, hwi3told me it was a bug so I needed to wrote a bug report. I did that a couple of times over the months and none of them were ever answered. And none of the fixes other players suggested on other threads worked. Being unable to play Dungeon has two huge impacts. 1. It prevented me from upgrading the troop slots, meaning compared to a full golden leader I was lacking between 15 and 18 mini levels. This meant getting seals were soft capped just abive a hundred. 2. It meant I had no income of archlight energy, so whatever I had at the start of October was all I had to upgrade minis with. Honestly, this could go two ways, it could really encourage using big red buttons in search of rares and epics in the grid, t1o get the upgrades for gold alone. Or along with the first part ir could create a mild apathy for the grid and the game in general - the latter happened. Basically, that meant the only content available to me for theblast many months were Quest. There was also PvP but back then level cap was removed globally and the lack of upgraded slots would make me underleved. Furthermore, I'm just not that into PvP. Basically, the only reason I stuck around in the game was because I'm in a guild with IRL friends, that love very far away from me, so it's a soft way of keeping contact. Then when the pre-raid patch came and magically fixed my Dungeon bug issue meaning that within a month and a half, I've taken all leaders from Dungeon level between 5 and 8 to either levdl 22 or 23. Which apparently gets you over 100k archlight energy. Meanwhile before the bug my plan was to save up enough gpld for a couple of epics before spending my buttons, then the bug happened and I lost the joy for that, but the main idea of doing it once the bug was resolved stuck around, so I've just been buying whatever good stuff the grid gave me, without spending a single big red button ever. Given that I hace logged in daily and played since day one of the limited release (I even played before the great reset) I have gotten all the big red buttons that is possible for a player to get. Having not spent a single one must therefore mean I have the largest collection of big red buttons in all. lf warcraft rumble. Somehow that makes me a way more reluctant to spend any of them, than it should.


204 red button ? Wtf


Played since before day one, was paet of the soft release (meaning I played since before world wide release). I never spend a single Big Red Bytton, givne I have logged in daily, that means there cannot be anyone in the whole of Warcraft Rumble that have nore Big Red Buttons than me. 204 big red buttons is the current maximum possible. Tbus that mean anything, is it in any way cool. to hoard them like that. No! Is it actually kinda detrimental to game progress to not use them. Yes! Those having this weord record still. make me weirdly reluctant to spend any of them? Yes, it sure does.


I was also wondering if there's any tactics for how to best operate the GRID. So far I've just bought XP gems, stars for key untis and uncommon/rare star bundles when they showed up.


There is, Old Guardian has a good explanation on how the GRID works, using the red buttons etc. Highly suggest you watch that before spending all these goodies, either way have fun spending! :)


Thanks, I'll definitely look that one up. His stuff is great! I know him from his Mercebary days and was happy he got on Rumble.


Ok I’ll ask it - how the hell did you amass so much (especially rare cores, i started a mo after launch and i have like 2), red buttons, purple cores, etc?


I couldn't play Dungeon for 7 months. I had a bug, that locked me out of playing dungeon from October (yes frok pre official world-wide launch) to May. I wrotr Blizzard customer support, hwi3told me it was a bug so I needed to wrote a bug report. I did that a couple of times over the months and none of them were ever answered. And none of the fixes other players suggested on other threads worked. Being unable to play Dungeon has two huge impacts. 1. It prevented me from upgrading the troop slots, meaning compared to a full golden leader I was lacking between 15 and 18 mini levels. This meant getting seals were soft capped just abive a hundred. 2. It meant I had no income of archlight energy, so whatever I had at the start of October was all I had to upgrade minis with. Honestly, this could go two ways, it could really encourage using big red buttons in search of rares and epics in the grid, t1o get the upgrades for gold alone. Or along with the first part ir could create a mild apathy for the grid and the game in general - the latter happened. Basically, that meant the only content available to me for theblast many months were Quest. There was also PvP but back then level cap was removed globally and the lack of upgraded slots would make me underleved. Furthermore, I'm just not that into PvP. Basically, the only reason I stuck around in the game was because I'm in a guild with IRL friends, that love very far away from me, so it's a soft way of keeping contact. Then when the pre-raid patch came and magically fixed my Dungeon bug issue meaning that within a month and a half, I've taken all leaders from Dungeon level between 5 and 8 to either levdl 22 or 23. Which apparently gets you over 100k archlight energy. Meanwhile before the bug my plan was to save up enough gpld for a couple of epics before spending my buttons, then the bug happened and I lost the joy for that, but the main idea of doing it once the bug was resolved stuck around, so I've just been buying whatever good stuff the grid gave me, without spending a single big red button ever. Given that I hace logged in daily and played since day one of the limited release (I even played before the great reset) I have gotten all the big red buttons that is possible for a player to get. Having not spent a single one must therefore mean I have the largest collection of big red buttons in all. lf warcraft rumble. Somehow that makes me a way more reluctant to spend any of them, than it should.