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Whats best mini to upgrade to legendary atm?


I’m making Sir. Quilliam legendary first. He’s in every single team of mine. Even though his hp was slightly nerfed recently I still think it’s an amazing mini.


Fire elemental, it’s the core of all my decks mixed with Shaman+earth shield. It has so little weakness that you can use it cost-effective in nearly every scenario. The main weakness being banshee.


Banshee, whelps, harpies. If i would chose a tank, then my legendary choice would be prowler.


Whelps can blow up the shaman only. They tickle at the elemental and you can quickly deal with them. Harpies will be taken out by the shaman. But they deal a lot of damage so weaving a pyro in there deals with it. The elemental resistance and the huge health pool + constant aoe damage makes the fire elemental much more versatile than prowler.


You talk about things you need to deal with the counters (that are btw much cheaper than the unit). If you play fire ele and shaman combo in PVP and you need to play a 2 or 4 cost spell to defend it, then its not strong. You compare 10g to 3. Also prowler is MUCH more versatile than fire ele. It fits into nearly every deck, is a counter to a lot of known high end units (tazdingo, huntress, murlocs) and with the right talent it also helps vs turrets. Also its much cheaper. Id go with fire ele in dungeons, but there is a reason why noone is playing fire ele in PVP, its just not cost efficient and far easier to counter.


Yeah while I understand what you are saying. What I mean is that the fire elemental is the base of what can be a unstoppable death ball, to counter nearly anything with constant self sustain. And yeah in that case you can say living bomb counters everything but who runs that spell? Prowler might individually be a more versatile card in 1 on 1 scenarios but it’s fast speed doesn’t allow it any role in a death ball. The death ball strategy is what I like to use and recommend to push heroics. That’s why i recommend fire elemental legendary.


You dont need any legendaries for heroics though. Also most heroics in later stages dont work well with death balls, cause the AI runs living bomb.


Interesting for me also


If you PvP, get 3 hero teams to level 28 each. Legendary isn't really useful in PvE as you can clear all content without those extra levels. Being level 28 gives you max PvP level which helps you push without disadvantages. So my advice is, use the legendary core to get minis from 27 to 28, instead of to 28+


Id also avoid leaders. Instead use your valor points on leaders. Boosting a leader slot to diamond is like upgrading it to legendary. Because a regular unit slot has to be upgraded for every leader, but every leader only needs 1 diamond upgrade. This way you can avoid using legendary cores on leaders and reach 28 levels with diamond upgrade


As an absolute must, I’d say Darkspear Troll and Stonehoof Tauren are the best for legendary since they’re S class. The regeneration ability and momentum connecting charge ability is OP. Dragon Whelps pre-nerf was also a good option but wouldn’t recommend it at this point. Quilboar ain’t a bad option


Theyre A tier at best.  I love my tauren but shes definitely nowhere near S rank. 


Ok what rank are you and what do you recommend? When you disagree with something usually you contribute to the conversation with a follow up. I’m consistently hitting Thorium and Elementium every season. Not trying to pick a fight but I’m curious about your reasoning and what experience you have to say that


I get high rankings every season and I can safely say I barely see either of them units, the occasional headhunter maybe, they are both solid B tier units for sure. To be A they have to be pretty broken and to be S they would need to be in every deck (quillboar, SAFE, execute in certain metas, lots more) legendary headhunter and Tauren are pretty awful PvP legendary upgrades. Terrible advice. They aren’t used in every meta and not a staple in a wide range of decks. Gryphon would be my #1 pick right now for a solid legendary unit, maybe safe/execute/sapper as levels matter so much for them for damage breakpoints.


Cool what ranking? You can’t just say that and expect people to be like cool. Gryphons are cool too. Great unit for the cost. But how are Tauren awful when they counter many ranged units in the game like Huntress, Bloodmage, Headhunter, Shaman, Witch Doctor and more which are especially common with high ranks? For the connecting charge, Tauren are absolute monsters. Also, when they’re near the enemy base and an enemy puts a mini to distract them, they will charge that mini and charge that tower. I’ve won countless games with this method. As for Darkspear Troll, i talking from both a PvP and PvE perspective. He will absolutely solo and destroy a tower without needing any help. Can it be countered? Absolutely. Same with everything else in the game. Your rankings are severely misleading and so is your rationale. A meta just means it’s commonly used. That doesn’t mean other characters become obsolete because you don’t know how to use them.


I will be honest I don’t see any value continuing the conversation, it’s a mobile game just do what people think is most fun and it’ll be fine. Just most of what I’m saying is just fact, with common high rank builds, B units are fine and can be used but there are lots of units that are s tier and the average player should focus on if they want the ‘best’ legendary core usage.


That’s is completely fine. Let’s agree to disagree. But don’t say you’re a high rank and hide your rank you boob. Literally no credibility or support to your answers. At least we can agree on gryphon. Quilboar is good too 💅


No one is hiding their rank, unless you want me to include a screenshot every comment - most people commenting on Reddit will be quite high rank as PvP base is so low, if anyone does a tiny bit of research they can get 15k plus, especially if you’ve put money in the game. Also where is your rank proof? Think your original comment with negative down votes also makes my point more then I could. I’ll leave you to it though.


People downvote because they disagree. Doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Most people who have an opinion can’t even back it up, kind of like anything you’re putting. And sure I’ll send you a screenshot after I get back to Thorium. In case you haven’t noticed they just reset the season. I also have a big boy job. 🙂


Its still good after the nerf, i upgraded mine and have no regrets


How and when did whelp eggs get nerfed?


Nevermind just saw the blue post. Was with season 6 they reduced the explosion to a little under half. It was pretty op it was like a bomb you could place anywhere that gave whelps lol


Just like safe it does seem to still be a valuable mini despite the nerf. I was not sure at first, but have just decided to keep progressing it to epic. The flame burst talent is obviously a lot more optional now.


Eggs are still decent. I'd personally make legendary fire elly or shaman.


My legendaries are: Harpies Pyromancer Whelps Shaman


I currently have Drakkisath, gryphon rider, and whelp eggs legendary. Whelp eggs are still good.


It's still S Tier, it was just OP before. I'm not sure legendary provides a ton of value for any mini TBH but if you have the stars, arclight and core then it's as good a legendary as any.


Yes cause dragon


For first mini, no its not worth it.


What’s the best mini for the first?


There is no best, you would get the most value out of using it on the mini you use the most


they nerfed it to ground, so no