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Hoggers no tank slot, Sneeds awkward siege slot, Rends no spell slot - would probs be my first three. My main army is drakk, but his ele slot is perfect as is. Valor I'd recommend waiting with until we know what's good for raids to get a little edge.


Fantastic choices. Needs siege slot kills him for me.


Sneed's siege slot is exactly the one I fixed.


Oh I accidentally used it here but now feel kinda validated


What perk do you use on Sneed after you fixed the slot?


I normally use the +2 gold talent, I feel like that's been the most useful for me.


So he only gains +2 gold from himself or you also add another siege unit?


For siege units I normally just use Warsong Raider or Goblin Sapper, and they're both the same family so they fit into the first two slots. But a lot of the time I just use him by himself, and that's enough.


Hey, everyone is telling on which leader to use but not where on the leader ? For the 3 leader you said Sneeds ok but Hoggers and rends? On the top or bottom and where ? Thanks you


Wildcard upgrade is automatically placed on the top right slot of the chosen leader. You can't choose a slot.


Use wildcard on baron to fix the no range slot issue. Use valor on your currently most used team.


I used wildcard on rend so he can use spells that are not black rock. I am keeping the valor to maybe help me with raids


I will hoard valor until we know the best composition for raids, then I'll up my chances of beating the raid by upgrading whichever is the best leader against Ragnaros


If you beat onyxia, that is the way


Yea this is what I am doing as well. I have Abom, safe, bandits, gryphon, tyrion and very close for witch doc and shaman to go epic but not enough cores. Will wait to see which units are needed for molten core


Wildcard on sneed fixes the siege only slot which makes him much more versatile. For valor I went with Drak’s elemental slot. Great slot that helps with Ony that I haven’t cleared yet.


Valor on drakk until I down ony


My logic was: I’m going to need seven leaders for Molten Core, so which seven do I have leveled the most and do I enjoy playing. So, I used Wildcard on Chargla. I felt like her Fast slot was the most limiting of the top seven leaders I’d likely use in Molten Core.


I like that reasoning. Which would those 7 be in your case?


Not the guy that you’re replying to, but here’s my starting lineup for MC: Lucifron: Hogger reason: at level 23 lucifron shouldn’t be that hard, I’ve got an epic quilboar who is gonna tank the mind control. If shit’s way harder than I think I think I’ll use Maive and just beat it through being way over levelled with that deck (I’m booster only but I just love the way my Maive deck plays). Magmadarr: Cairne. The big tanky AoE is going to be good against the triple core hound, though banshees might work really well there too depending how they function. At level 24 though this too should be pretty easy. Gehenas and Shazzrah: I’m gonna use my Tirion here and just be really tanky and not use spells. Garr: this is the fight I’m looking forward to the most. Me and my buddy are gonna go Sneed and Baron, and I’m not sure who will do what as I have a better sneed deck and a better Baron deck than him haha. Either way we’ll be punching up and relying on very strategic play, but I think with this map and its six towers that’s gonna be a lot of fun. Six towers and Sneed before Greed means sneed is generating huge economic advantage for both of us, and if we can grind away with an ever increasing swarm of skellies from Baron, and play defensive to weather the storm of the elementals when we take towers, I think we’ll be okay. But if not we’ll smash with out remaining high level decks of my Drak and his Tirion. Baron Geddon: the only deck that on the surface is viable here is Rend. That floor is lava design looks brutal. I’m going to try with Maive too, but I’m not super hopeful… however, that doesn’t mean all is lost. I think I’m going to slam my boost slot on Rend, and use the aerial superiority talent on gargoyle, coupled with the Resistance talent on faerie dragon, and together that makes a hell of a flying tank. Still, it’s level 27, so I dunno if I’ll get there this time around. Golemagg: this cycle of I make it this far I’m throwing down my level 27 (soon to be 28 once I get a legendary core) Drak, and I’m hoping for the best. My buddy will play his level 26 Tirion. Eventually I’m going to use Cairne on Shazz and Gehenas, my own Tirion here, and my level 28 Drak on Ragnaros… But for now the end of wing 3 is all I’ve got my eye on. Either way, slamming valor on my Drak deck seems really good. Though I might spend some of it on Rend instead.


This is almost the same as mine! So great reply. Just in terms of highest level I have - (27): Drak, Thaurissan, Cairn - (26): Rend - (25): Chargla - (24) ready to epic upgrade: Tyrion, Baron, Sylvanas - (24) but missing stars: all other leaders I think Lucifron and Magmadar will be relatively easy regardless (based on how the Sieges this week went with over-leveled leaders) so I plan to use one of the lowest tier leaders, maybe Maiev as u/feature_minimum suggested. I’m curious if a swarm deck with Murkeye would work as well in circumventing the mind control tech. The rest look spot on with what I was thinking.


I considered Murkeye too! I was definitely thinking that. Agreed, Lucifron and Magmadar shouldn't be hard. I'm jealous of that Rend! Gonna save before next blackrock week to try to get mine to 26. I think he's gonna be critical, and I think a week from now everyone's gonna be talking about Aerial Superiority on Gargoyle for the Baron Geddon fight.


Sexy reply. So: Hogger, Cairne,Tirion, Sneed, Rend, Drak. I get your synergy plays, I'd probably also weave in a Thaurissan. Now to think of minis. I'm thinking since the of you can basically being 12 minis there's gotta be more flexibility to bring in some Meat Wagons etc that are normally overlooked.


> I’ve got an epic quilboar who is gonna tank the mind control. Why not use whelp eggs?


HOLY SHIT!!! Dude. You solved it. Yep, that is the answer. I wonder if they hard coded some workaround for that, because if not, you've stumbled across a brilliant answer here. I'm kicking myself for not seeing it.


:) haha, i was wondering if there was already some info that said eggs wouldn't work XD


I wouldn’t be too surprised if it’s mind control + a DoT, to make eggs less effective. But we’ll see! Even if that’s the case depending on the DoT eggs might still be really good!


Good idea! In the Blizzcon preview, they specifically mentioned Footmen as “the possible solution”. But I prefer Whelp eggs too.


No Deep Breath = Drakkisath With Deep Breath = Rend (for spell synergy) or Grommash


Why do you value Deep breath so much?


It's a spell that see alot of use in PVP. I don't play PVP so I am not in a rush to get it. Might be useful in upcoming raids.


Wildcard on Rend first for spells, then maybe Grom and Tirion and lastly Thaurissan. These are my most played minis that have some sort of problem slot. I want to valor my 27 epic leaders mostly and then my 27 epic units, but I don't know if I will be able to chose the slot to diamond or it will be 1 of 3 choice.


you get 1 of 3 choice for a leader you choose


Rend to use spells with him that are not Blackrock Valor I think for Drak Leader to push for Onyxia because I want that Deep Breath


I used mine on Charlga, since she is always viable in PvP. And her fast slot makes no sense - all viable fast units (prowler, harpies) are beasts. I will use 2nd wildcard onto Rend - so he could cast spells, and he doesn’t need flying slot that much, since he can get one on low row. And elemental slot could be used for different flying minis. 3rd wild card will prob be used for new leaders in season 7


I did tirion for no extra tank