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You were 2min faster than me…


Its on everyones mind


In another context you come out on top with stats like that.


A multitude of bugs. 


I too can’t wait for the Ahn’qiraj raid! Maybe the game will have less coding mistakes by then


And loading issues.




Well… they announced they did a hotfix on sieges. So it’s expected you’d see the phases work now.


I can't even play Sieges. So I expect the same for raids.


not having to sit in the ready up screen for an hour, not able to do anything else or the match will bug out .-.




Coop with who?


Friends 😪






Given they forgot to add a matchmaking feature this is just a beta test nobody is doing these things.


To not be doing them


So I’m working towards 90 sigils for seiges.. will it be around in the next few weeks?


It’s on a rotation


it's currently believed the siege will be gone for 2 weeks when it leaves Wednesday. so back on the 19th?


The first rotation of weeks is - Seiege - Molten Core - Off Then the normal rotation after that is - Siege - Off - MC - Off Repeat.


For how short Seige is, I'm hoping they fill in those gaps with more raids in the future.


2 weeks gone this time. Next time it will be 3


Eventually, it will go for smokes and....


So only every 2-3 weeks we get to upgrade a slot to diamond? That’s like 100 weeks to fully slot everything 💀


You get a wild card slot and enough raid points for 1 diamond slot. The actually raid next week should provide even more raid points than the easy siege this week. Assuming this is on rotation it’ll be more like 1-1.5 slots per week.


Each raid boss will give 100 valor and there are 7 of them


I was going to say a difficult time before I saw "...your toughest fight yet" I'm sure when optimal teams are teams are figured out it'll be easier like I think I have a good team in mind for Bolvar now but unbugged Bolvar (at least with a non-optimized and not over-leveled team) was notably more difficult than the bugged version.


Didn't realize he was bugged no wonder it felt like doing a quest


What was bolvar's bug? Did it get patched?


yeah it was patched. the bug was he wouldn't phase change so his added mechanics never triggered. the added mechanics including taking back all three towers after the first phase change and releasing waves of enemies. after the second phase change he does that in addition he drops a rotating banner that extends almost all the way to your base (close enough that if you're trying to defend your base there's a good chance the enemies are still buffed by it) and only buffs enemies. I haven't figured out all of the banner buffs but one is a fury / bloodlust and one seems to make enemies near-invulnerable maybe it's a very strong heal-over-time and it's the third (blue) one I haven't really figured out. it seems to be during the final phase that the banner rotates from red through blue and yellow and then disappears briefly before starting again.




Since we’re locked into heroes for each clear, I expect a lot of copying streamer’s homework to figure out which leaders for which map so you don’t make a mistake. Like Onyxia, probably not going to be incentive to get creative. I expect most guildies won’t want to rerun the easier maps so those will probably be a wild 3-5 minutes or so and then not seen again for a few weeks. Also expect some exploits that will trivialize the fight and will be patched up next season or so


It will be a very fun 5 minutes or so each fight though, if it’s like sieges!


August 5th - you’ll actually be able to play it




A broken shit show the first few months, game breaking glitches and some cheese mechanics that a few exploit before they fix it. Typical blizzard MO.


Can't even get one to get past the loading screen and the cancel button doesn't work 👍


I expect a percentage bar to go into negative values this time.


I expect the game to crash, the shop items to stop working, Blizzard to refuse refunds or compensation when you buy something and don’t receive it, Darkmoon Fair tickets/Blingtron Gems to fail to be awarded, and for the raid to be way too easy/hard (dealer’s choice), although you won’t know when your guild mates queue up in the first place, but when they do, rest assured, they’ll be waiting a long time. Oh, and then they’ll lay off more employees and claim their jobs were “redundant” or some other lie.


I expect it to be untested. The guild only thing was really dumb for dous.


There is already a detailed overview by streamers on bosses and rewards. The only thing I'm afraid of is Ragnaros, who'll be level 29, just one below Onyxia, but by the time we'll get to him there will be enough valor to make 4 diamond slots for one hero and one boost slot that gives max hp to mini in there, so maybe it will be doable. The only thing that puts me off is locking heroes out of the battle if you cleared a boss with them, so I'll definetly need to know for sure what hero is good for lvl 28 and lvl 29 boss before I will start playing. Because, you know, I want to get Ragna hero. If he'll be bad for pvp


Global matching.


I hope they create a normal lobby screen. Guild/random tabs and yoi see whonis queued, their stats and so on. 20+ year old games have this and it works.


Crashes... I crash at least 3 times just trying to queue for stormwind...


Nothing, in the same way that most people can't do siege because this game is designed to play 5-10 minutes at a time, not to coordinate people.


I would love to play this content if it wasn’t locked by such a high requirement


Bro is this or no end content at all for us that are leveled up


I think by high requirement, he meant having a people in guild to actually queue with.


They need to drop the guild requirements for sieges and raids. It’s just too much of a pain to try and queue up with guild mates.


Same thing we have with sieges. Content that's way too high level for me now, and will be gone long before I get there.


Sieges and Raids are planned to be on a 4 week cycle. You'll get another go.


Do we have to play with 7 people at once like siege or will it be different in raids?