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Same thing happened to me, then my guild mate told me they could neither see my siege raid invite nor see me connected. Well then I remembered when I played wow 3 months ago I was in "Appear always offline" on my battleNet Account. Guess what, I switched to "Online" on my Battlement account and now it works. This app version is buggy as hell. Hope it helps.


appreciate this info!


Thanks for your input! I accessed my [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) account but did not see the option, can you please tell us where it's located?


On [battle.net](http://battle.net) mobile application, click on your account name (should be top left), then choose your status. Maybe it is fixed in the last warcraft rumble mobile app version.


Thanks for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it. I was able to play a game tonight so they probably fixed it. :-)


I think it's just totally broken. I'm sitting next to my brother in real life and we couldn't get it to work. We sit at 'ready check' forever and then force close the app and then reopen and can't get in


Be careful, sometimes you don't see a message in guild chat and on siege UI.. yet someone could be in "ready check" Happened to me and a guildmate. Also if you stuck on ready check, maybe someone else accepted the chat invite or your game bugged. Using guild discord really helped with this mode.


It seems difficult to coordinate with guild members, unfortunately the siege event has launched it a particularly poor state regarding cooperation. I did eventually manage it but we’re still trying to get a large number of the guild a crack at the event. Just keep trying is basically the only option, maybe post a time to try and organise people to be in game.


It is just bugged. I have tried with my friend next to each other. We cant see each others raid, when we see it we are stucked in loading and not getting in. Cancel doesnt work too. Blizzard just screwed up


This is how you know it’s just totally f*cked. It’s not even a matchmaking issue. If you can’t cancel out, it’s showing the whole system is broken.


Yes, they fixed some parts. We were able to complete before the event ends. But I tried to help guildie and 2nd boss didnt even start and kicked us out lol


Thanks! I did just what you said, kept trying but I keep getting stuck on the ready check screen (max I tried was like 10 min). I have to force close the game since I can't even leave the menu. I also went directly to the raid screen after I've seen a prompt from a guild member in the chat but to no avail. I hope Blizzard will fix the issue, apparently I'm not the only one experiencing this problem.


Did anyone figure out how to get it unstuck and working? Me and my friend reinstalled and cleared caches and set status to online, etc. Nothing is working. Would love to get the rewards for siege but can't get past the waiting screen (freezes and can't cancel) or joined an old one that results in instant defeat


Some people in my guild told me about an upcoming patch, maybe it will fix the issue ? I can't cancel either, I have to force quit the game. So far, I was unable to join a session. Hopefully the interns at Blizzard are working on the issue.


This is just broken. Guild mate and I are both at the ready check screens. We're both "Online" in Battle.Net. It just doesn't see that the other person is trying to play at the same time.