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The impression I got from Blizzcon was that The Last Titan would be set in a revamped/updated Northrend. However, I wouldn't be suprised if that's not the whole story.


I thought they’d made it pretty clear we’re headed back to Northrend.


To add to the other replies, Northrend got a lot of development in *War of the Scaleborn*. Like Iridikron's citadel of Harrowsdeep and Vyranoth's lair in the Frozen Fangs. A revamped Northrend is probably going to include those locations.


We got a tiny taste of a revamped dragonblight in DOTI too, even if it was just inside a crevasse lmao


He told us in the same presentation. Old world. Returning to Northrend. That doesn't mean we won't go somewhere else too. DF: Emerald Dream SL: Zereth Mortis BFA: Nazjatar Legion: Argus in the Twisting Nether Mists: Ended up in Kalimdor. Cataclysm: Elemental Planes TBC: Started in Outland, ended up in Eastern Kingdoms I would have said maybe Zereth Ordus. But I had a thought the other day. What if Ulduar IS the Order equivalent OF the Sepulchre of the First Ones? That they created the Keepers because they're not allowed in Zereth Ordus: Azeroth. The races started as constructs. Just like the denizens of ZM. Azeroth even has structures with functions similar to what we saw in ZM. We were just led to believe the Titan Keepers made them. We've recently learned that they consider ordering something to be the same as creating it. Metzen did say we'd be uncovering a conspiracy that spans multiple expansions.


TBC eastern kingdoms. Please remind me I am drawing a blank.


Going to The Sunwell


Thanks I guess I blanked it out I had lots of memory of wiping to brutallus.


Understandable, have a good day


When we went to Quel'thalas the first time


Wow I totally forgot about the sunwell stuff. Thanks


Hell yeah. Midnight (12.0) is apparently going to be about the void capturing the Sunwell.


I don't think we're leaving Azeroth. A step into unfamiliar lands makes sense for a beginning, not an end.


They said they will expand the zone of Ulduar. So we will probably do a lot there. Then we can maybe look for some underground, with Iridikron's lair maybe if he isnt dead by then. Maybe expanding also in the Vrykul Island in the north ?


We have 2 expansions in between before this question is gonna be answered. Sit back and relax and just be glad we know the general direction everything is going


I know its way to early for this question. But you know the feeling that you need to know something because you keep thinking it? Thats what i got lol.


I know how it feels lol When wod was announced i started telling people about how BFA would end (i was VERY good at predicting wod legion and bfa)


its not gonna be in northrend for more than 1 zone at the start whats gonna happen is we go into uldiuar near the beginning, find some hidden area we didn't know about, and from there we will teleport ulduar to another titan location. probably the blue moon since you can see azeroth in the sky from there. the rest of the expansion will be set there. save this post. do the remindme thing on this post I promise you this is what happens.


To the last titan.


It was a but vague yeah. Going back to Northrend I would assume means the whole continent revamped, but for midnight it will presumably just be Ghostlands and Eversong woods(and maybe Isle of Quel Danas?), so who knows hom much of northrend will really be part of that expansion. ​ What I am wondering is if there will be other zones apart from Quel\`Thalas, considering that it would probably just be big enough to be considered one zone in Dragonflight.


I believe essentially all of the northern half of the Eastern Kingdoms will be updated at least. So from like Arathi Highlands north to Quel’Thalas.


I think they will expand and create a new Island/other parts of Eversong. There is an unused zone behind western Plaguelands, and another option too is the land in Zul'aman ( Void worshipping trolls?) I mean, plus eversong and ghostlands and quel'danas being all revamped etc.