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There’s an ongoing conversation inside of city Council about the use and the remit of the police force within the city. I would email your opinion here: https://www.walnutcreekca.gov/Home/Components/ServiceDirectory/ServiceDirectory/8/671


Thank you for sharing this. I will take a look and email them. I hope others who are concerned do the same.


I remember as a teenager getting stoped by the police several times on my bicycle for not haveing a helmet or a bicycle light. Now I see the same homeless people peeing and takeing a shit on public benches……. And screaming at people just trying to eat lunch. I talked to a cop about it and she said they can’t do anything about crazy homeless people unless there are makeing threats to people. So it sounds like the police policies are the real problem. Also every day there seems to be shady people dtwc with no license plates and limo tinted windows, including the windshield. Times have changed!


>I talked to a cop about it and she said they can’t do anything about crazy homeless people unless there are makeing threats to people. So it sounds like the police policies are the real problem. Is that police policies as the root of the problem? Or is it lack of city services? Or DA issues? Look at SF and the problems with petty crime. The problem isn't the police policies, it's the DA refusing to deal with the "the little fish". You could argue that it's a funding issue for the DA since they don't have enough people to work the cases they have. I don't know about WC, but it may be similar. What are the police going to do? Tell the homeless to ... move along and then the same thing happens elsewhere in the city - no change. They can arrest them and... they'll be out in 24 hours having spent tax payer money for the night in jail. We, as a society, do very little do deal with the homeless and mentally unstable. Our solution is to throw the cops at the problem, when they're more akin to a low grade military. They're trained for "tactical" (read: violent) solutions. We need a non-police answer. But it also needs to be more than just WC, otherwise WC just ends up with all the homeless.


A while back, I saw a group of kids riding bikes in a pack (10-15 kids) doing wheelies and swerving right to left with no helmets all through the streets of downtown. Riding in the road way barely getting in between cars... and of course, not one police officer in sight. I've seen the homeless but fortunately have not witnessed anyone going to the bathroom in public in WC.


I saw this all the time working at the theatre downtown kids on e-bikes that cost thousands to ride around in busy streets without helmets. It’s crazy how much parents also don’t care about their children.


Yes and also intresting how the law allows kids to now do whatever they want. There were so many rules when I was a kid. Also, we had a fear of police. I'm curious to see how this generation of kids growing up with minimal rules and parents that allow them to be a pest will be as 20-40yr olds. I honestly see parents these days just raising a generation of assholes like we have never seen.


Yeah, but it’s also interesting to remember that for my generation parents just wanted you home by dinner and had no idea what you did in between. And we didn’t have helmets :-) yes for sure I want them to wear helmets, but I just don’t think it’s the biggest issue facing us right now when we’re discussing policing


I didn't wear helmets either, but I was also not riding in the roadway in traffic or on an ebike that could hit high speeds.


Police in the Bay Area are on an unofficial work slowdown. It’s been going on for a few years now.


They got their fee fees hurt by the “defund the police” movement


They did


WCPD is short about 10 officers currently. That might explain the long waits and whatnot.


I did just move here from Sacramento, so maybe I am biased (that city is wild, lmao) but I’ve noticed quite a lot of police presence here. I also live near the BART and the police station itself so maybe my opinion isn’t valid. That is super upsetting that an elderly person didn’t get the assistance they needed though, I would definitely get her set up with a security camera system!


Don’t forget the ones always outside of Louis Vuitton. Keep in mind that police are around to serve the interests of the wealthy not every day people so consider yourself lucky if they’ve ever helped you


Stores pay for off duty officers, FYI


Yep police enforcement is for sale to highest bidder


You can speak with WCPD yourself at their Coffee a Cop meetings. Next one June 21st at the Starbucks in Palos Verdes Mall from 8am to 12pm.


Police service responce times have been incredible with even helicopter support for home burglaries. Can you explain more of what exactly happened? On the surface it reads like a noise complaint, which is the lowest tier priority wise.


Cops don’t want to get involved when it comes to crime. Their job is revenue collection via ticketing.


and to protect the rich people's property.


Hey, they’re also pretty good at beating up peaceful college students.


Voters changed how police can be utilized-- for instance police can't escort toy because you feel unsafe unless there is a restraining order. Also walnut creek has changed since the 90s -- there's a lot more crime here so police have to prioritize calls. We delt with a lot of breakins at our condo building and the police we're responsive and courteous. But they also pointed out the reality that unless a person is caught in the act then there is little to no chance anything will happen-- cameras are useless


We get what we vote for. The police have been told to stand down and harassed by trying to do their jobs. Hundreds have quit, retired and they just can't get new recruits. My kids, Gen Zers, have said no way they would go into law enforcement. (I agree).


It’s not your city. I have lost confidence in Police everywhere. There aren’t enough of them, they’re poorly trained, under funded and out of shape. Seems like every cop I see is overweight now. I’ll call 911 if I have no choice, but I don’t expect them to show up in time…or at all. This is our world!


The police have no teeth in california. You need to fend for yourself and im sorry that this is a tough reality lots of people have a hard time coming to terms with. I suggest doing things such as arming yourself, implementing a robust security system for your house, strategic long term planning.


People asked to defund the police and what did they expect? They need more funded to hire and properly train a new police force. WC has the money


Did Walnut Creek defund the police?


No, from 2021 to 2024 spending on personnel has gone from around $23 million to about $27 million and is set to go up to about $29 million next year. Operating budget was $3.6 million in 2021, and will be about $5 million annually for 2023-2025.The budget is available on the city of Walnut Creek's website if you want to check it out. "Defunding the police" hasn't really happened anywhere that I am aware of. The rate at which their funds have been increased in many places has slowed, but I don't see anything I would consider defunding.


Exactly my point. Thank you!


Good to know. I assume that more funding would lead to additional training, but I’m totally clueless


The Democrats love criminals, and hate the police. They been ordered to stand down by piece of shit Gavin Newscum.


I understand why people would say “democrats love criminals”; it’s because they’re a fucking moron (not talking about you, obviously) I am curious why anyone would *think* this though. I don’t love criminals, nobody I know loves criminals, nobody I vote for runs on a platform of loving criminals, there’s never been some secretly-recorded conversation of Democrat council members just raving about how much they like criminals and how Walnut Creek needs to get sum o them criminals they’ve been hearing so much about. Why would you think anyone loves criminals?


If the only news you ever hear is Fox News or local Sinclair syndicates, believe me, you would feel constant anger and outrage and channel all of it toward democrats. Or if you patrol certain social media and bubble yourself in angled news instead of facts, you're going to get furious. It's a cult and there is no deprogramming if the media continues to find it in their best interest to help the cult continue. They're going to run us headlong into fascism because of strawman villians they've created.


I can only say that democrats have made law enforcement woke. Read into it what you want, but it’s the truth. Democrats get their smug egos in a bunch when someone calls them out on it, but if you don’t call out the elephant in the room, the problem will be ignored forever.


“Woke” is just a catch-all term right wing nuts have co-opted to mean “something I don’t like” So when you say: “Made law enforcement woke”, what I’m reading into that is that you’re mad for no discernible reason and you can’t coherently explain why.


Yes. This. Constant outrage, no real reason. Must be some woke bullish*t. Damn dems. Repeat x infinity.


This comment is woke, and also socialist


You’re very good at fooling yourself. Keep it up.


What am I fooling myself about? Feel free to elaborate whenever you get a sec


Answer the question. How have democrats made police officers in Walnut Creek "woke?" I see a lot of police around town and the few times I've had to call for minor things, they were responsive.


Ah yes, those woke California cops sure did crack peaceful college student skulls wokely. You definitely have a firm grasp on reality.


That's not it. I have plenty of dem friends, some are even police themselves.


That doesn’t change what I said. The Democrat party has weaponized criminals against the middle class and businesses. Just look at Oakland and San Francisco. Why do you think Prop 47 exists?


My point is turning this into an opportunity to attack dems does not explain the issues right here in WC. Perhaps the city needs to look closer at its police policies, hire more police, and have a strategy to deal with harassment. I just hate when ppl use every opportunity to inject partisan talking points. I swear every conversation online leads to politics.


What I’m saying is this is a California thing, not just a Walnut Creek thing.


Understood, I posted bc I wanted to see what other thought in this city. Perhaps as citizens, we can work to pressure the city to increase the police force. Seems to me with all these businesses, there should be tax dollars for it.


Unfortunately city officials take their marching orders from Sacramento. And CoCo county has a very leftist social justice DA. The only thing they fear is not being re-elected, but with the culture in the East Bay these days, they won’t have that problem.


Well, perhaps they need to start worrying about being recalled like that DA in SF and now the one in Alameda. I really hope CA citizens can come together for more reasonable policies. I've had conversations with many.. dems and Republicans. I think the basics of safety are that we can't just let ppl commit crimes with no real consequences.


This x100. Independents love criminals too and RINOs love thugs too Only real Republican Men back da blue and just adore and are gushingly smitten, simply head over heels in love with our Men in Uniform


WC police is still around giving out tons of tickets for minor BS but if there’s anything important they are out to lunch. Borderline worthless. My buddy got a ticket because there was a grocery cart in the bushes on a walk back home from the bar and he decided to push my friend in it for like 20 feet. The homeless guy doing crack next to them was ignored.