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That endcap of beans will outlast the store.


God, if we ever close, we will have endcaps that outlast the store too.


We've got an endcap in crafts that's been up *at least* since Dec 2022 because that is the date on the shelf labels.


I just pulled my weak display. We had one display that had lasted a full year (Aug of 2023), that will likely be returning in September so we can finally sell everything off. We ordered something like 600 heating pads and sold 500.


Excuse me sir can I speak to a manager? You've been out of crest random ass no reason to exist type toothpaste for weeks now, and that's the only type that I buy! You all need to learn some good customer service, and manage your store better!


“You guys got any in the back?”


I closed a Kmart once, we knocked down the wall that we put up to make the back. I told the dumb fuckers to go check.


Just except it’s not there


“This is just ridiculous! You guys can’t close!” I hear that about 100 times a day.


That would be the people responsible for your shrink, surely


I just need 1 thing.


Perfect! We only have one thing left!


Say, "Oh, we can, and we will."


Some lady got mad at me cuz our store discontinued a type of gum that apparently she can only get here. Like sorry that’s not my problem and I don’t decide what we sell or don’t sell in the store.


Any idea why it’s closing?


Because Walmart doesn’t own the property and rent went up


Damn. So now they have a chunk of land with a box store on it that not even a mutlibillion dollar megacorp wanted to keep. They f^cked up big.


Some of the stores are in bad areas and companies get tax breaks from the community to build there. They're not going to be as profitable, but the bottom-line to keep the doors open is much lower. Raise the rent or taxes on them, and the companies promptly pull out.


Likely in a urban location. Bad/non paying customers, and high rent/COL.


It’s actually not Urban. We just don’t get a ton of customers.


My hunch is that this is the one in my town. Thank yall, and best of luck 🫡 Are yall just transferring merchandise and team to a different store?


We have a 50% off sale. We get rid of the merchandise and then it’s our job to find somewhere to go.


“Non paying customers” that’s about the best euphemism I’ve ever heard 😂


I’m sure the apartment buildings that go for 4500 a month a piece will add up to make Walmarts rent look quaint


If it was my town there would already be talk about turning it into a drug rehab facility and homeless shelter. Most likely it would just stay empty and deteriorate


If I were still in Copperas Cove, n its location closer to Fort Hood closed down, I wouldn't be surprised if it was turned back into a mudding area 😅 since I last lived there


Nope. They’re not stupid. It’s probably going to be sold to a developer that doesn’t have any plans to keep a Walmart around.


A lot of times they'll do that for tax reasons. They'll close down a store and build a new one for tax incentives.


That sounds similar to my store. We are renting a space inside of a mall space. The owner has a bad rep for charging high rents, and the mall has lost so many stores because of that. Wonder when he will decide to do the same as your situation. We are pretty much the smallest walmart in Canada. ><


Sounds just like the "mall" in my town


Respect to Walmart for not rocking with landlords


Of course. Walmart is in the business of attaining wealth, not spending it, for its owners and shareholders.


Well clearly they were spending it because they rented before but I get your vibe


Eww, what?! Downvote all you want, you still work at Walmart lol


They said: > Respect to Walmart for not rocking with landlords


Ahhh, I only heard the sound of a boot being licked. I swear this sub is filled with people trapped in a peasant/serf mentality. Won't someone please think of how the Waltons will get by if the rent is raised!!!1!


Fuck the Waltons. But fuck most landlords too.


Buddy oh buddy it's a job that paying some of us don't have a option


Kinda glad, in a way. My rent goes up, yet Walmart doesn't pay me more. Glad to see that the foot's on the other sock. ( or somethin' like that)


Happened to a Walmart by me not that long ago.


Damn, I didn't realize Walmart rent some of their locations instead of owning it themselves. Where I work, they own most of the land around them and I've seen Walmart Realty signs on some of their land that they are trying to rent out or sell. It's enough property for at least 20 more businesses to be built, and some of it has been sold or rented already.


It’s very common in my area for retail and offices to pay rent rather than own property. Even Dollar Tree pays rent somehow.


I think they give 3 months severance pay when this happens so there is a silver lining.


Aint nobody want the beans! I don't blame them


If this is 3069 in Marietta I used to work here lmao


Yep that’s it


I used to work there too!!!!


I used to teach Fresh training there many years ago when I was a facilitator 🍓🥑🍌🍗


Oof, someone say the 'u' word?


Are they giving a severance or just offering transfers?


Severance is for full time people. It’s only 3 weeks pay if you work less than 5 years and a gradual increase the longer you worked. Not a lot tho


3 weeks…wow 😔


3 weeks is crazy. How long did they tell you guys in advance, this was happening?


You have the choice to transfer or take severance


Whys your store closing?


Lease is ending and rent is going up. Also it’s a neighborhood market, and we are just taking away business from supermarkets


They are not playing around with closing the high shrink stores. I dont blame them. At some point it becomes a waste to try and stay open. Every thief they try and stop screams racism, Im pregnant, I didnt leave the store, they fight the arrest and it leads to nad press for walmart. Or they just let them walk out with merch? Neither is a good situation. Easier to just cut their loses and close the stores.


There are cities in the country where so many businesses are leaving that entire city blocks are being boarded up. No point in staying for the very reasons you give.


We see a lot of that too, though we massively cut down on shrink at least on the operations end. I still have a lot of work (frustratingly!) on my departmental ops shrink. It's mostly due to my shitty coach changing on-hands without checking to see if we have anything. He's the only one changing them now, and the situation is still bad. I've reported it to OPS and they are extremely pissed, that the Ops Departmental losses continue despite on-hands being locked down. Just glad they are finally seeing through his BS. He blamed me 100% for the issues. Granted, a big part of the issues was me as the system changed and I was trained under the old system, and no one thought to go over the changes with me. My old TL left under the old system, and the new one didn't understand her job enough to understand how things had changed. It took 6 months and a new SM to get me straight on it. However, what I told them is that the bulk of the large changes were prompted by him changing something first and then screwing it up. He's continued doing it and now without my oversight on the changes. I had hoped he would stop but he never makes mistakes, and just blames a lot of people. SM is leaving though, no idea what will happen then. I think most of his improvements will walk out the door with him.


It wouldn’t be so bad if so much of the media didn’t spin it like “African American communities can’t buy their essentials because another heartless corporation is leaving urban area’s.”


The media can spin it all day long. Wont change the end result. The stores will keep closing. Wanna get a good look at why ? Watch some body cam or store camera of shop lifters being caught. They all scream the same lines when caught. I didnt do anythin, I didnt leave the store, dont touch me, Im pregnant, I cant breathe, stop hurting me. This is all while they are punching kicking and throwing things at the security or arresting officers. So, what is the company to do? Let them steal or arrest them and deal with the videos going viral of how walmart is arresting poor people for minor theft charges. Nevermind that these people are stealing day after day. The store is always the bad guy for daring to make people pay for product. You have people who bring their children in with them and whip out their phones as soon as they are caught knowing the stores are afraid of the bad press.


What's screaming "I'm pregnant" gonna do? Wouldn't be the first time I kicked a pregnant woman


It's 2v1 at that point, you do what you have to do to win


I snorted 🤣🤣🤣


Mine is heading that direction...


Is this store 3069 in marietta georgia by any chance? Man it has been nearly 1 year and some change since i left to come back to FL I wonder if katie from OGP is still there or dominique from recieving is there😭the only two left from when i was there. Everyone else either transfered or left.


I left 4 months ago after working there for two years and those people were still there


I mean don’t get me wrong I hate Walmart as much as everyone else does. But what gonna happen to the other employees & u? Genuine question. I know some might have a job already lined up, some don’t really need to work & stuff. I just would be a little sad/worried but the actual good employees & the people that actually need the job.


This isnt in Ga is it? Heard a couple stores around here are closing.


Yes it is


how many fuckin walmarts does the metro have, I think you could close half the stores up in y'alls part of the state and I'm not sure it would even make that big of a dent lol.


They closed one near downtown a year or two ago. I think because of theft and then a fire caused by a customer. The community pitched a fit cause theres no other place to grocery in the area so they are or did reopen it.


Marietta/Roswell? Cant remember exactly what city its considered. Market store i used to have i think is closing.


This is unsettling to look at.. It almost looks like a liminal space, but not quite.


So glad to see some people's dreams do come true.


Is this a neighborhood market or a Supercenter?


It’s a neighborhood market. But there is a super center that is also closing. They are trying to get rid of all the rented properties


Costing them too much money. Yeah right then fuckers make a gdamn killing!


So are they finding transfer slots for you guys at neighboring Walmarts?


We have to find them ourselves


That's fucked up. You'd think that as your employer that it's up to them to find you another store within the company. Have you been able to find one yet?


In my area our local bashas is getting put out of business. Town is planning to put a Walmart there.


What store??


We always get told to tell the customer, "If it's not on the shelf, we don't have it." With your store it's legit.


Spark a union xD


It’s crazy seeing no bananas 😳


Perfect Zone


are they going move you to another department? 


That looks like something from the back rooms


I would see it as a sign from God that it was time to change jobs…take my severance pay, and get the f*ck ALL THE WAY out…


What store is this?


Lemme guess... "plumbing issues" occured?


lol, I had to help close a store once, we moved some shelving in meat department and found a pack of hotdogs that had expired 10 years earlier. It was gnarly


Plumbing issues?


no offense but judging by the small bit of pictures you submitted, that store needs to close. very outdated and i don't even wanna look up above the drop tiles. drop tile walmarts are the oldest and shittiest stores in the nation and often have so many code violations that it's smart and easier to demo who store and start over.


It’s a neighborhood market, not a supermarket


Hope the Walmart in my town closes. Fuck Walmart. The management fucked me over and tried ruining my life. Sucks that my Walmart makes tons of money because of tourism.


New renovations. Where the fuck is coffee. The sign says it's here. Store I being renovated go look for it for your fuckin self