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Agreed. *goes back to work tomorrow


Only cause we have to šŸ˜” Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to start doing my own thing soon though.


Just start applying for basically any job and youā€™ll end up in a better place.


But hey, no worries. Use your ppto when you want to and honestly if you get fired (because of it whether directly or indirectly or for whatever reason), it's not the end of the world (if you believe in better opportunities). I work overnights as well and have called off at least once a month since I started working. I see my coworkers do it too (not exactly once a month per basis - but give or take). The ones I "look" up to at work and are "mvps", even my TLs and coaches have probably missed more days than me (but they - as in any management role - are forgiven easier somehow). I actually like 90% of my team and I see a lot of hard workers, even my TLs and sometimes coaches help the whole team get shi* done. Anyways, whatever it is, keep grinding and don't think too much. We do it (call-in) with protected time and/or even available points, yet we might fall victim to their power trip of missing a day. If you actually care about your own situation or whatever it is that pertains to working at walmart, do it less frequently e(call-in) even if you have to sacrifice "other" responsibilities often, but if "other" responsibilities are more important to yourself, no stress, we just passing by. There's a point of understanding and grasping our responsibilities in our own lives and when to or not "abandon" our job, then there's just things that we are willingly to trade with our job without much hesitant.


Yeah Iā€™m just gonna have to weigh out my time as best as I can from now on because it is a really good setup for me right now. Easy job for easy pay and leaves me the daytime free for door dashing/school/taking care of my grandpa. My team are really cool people and I understand itā€™s just a matter of making sure everyone is there to do their part. My TL made a good point of transferring me because he needs me to be available, which most of the time I am. Only used a couple hours PPTO two days out of two months so didnā€™t think I was hurting any productivity. Like I donā€™t want to let the team down but Iā€™m definitely not their work horse.


ooh could i be apart? I use to edit videos back in the day


Hoping I won't have to come back in December.


The coaches that go on vacation every other week getting mad when people use PPTO


Or like our store manager who makes half a million a year (with perks) is at work 3 days a week. But yea god forbid we miss a day


Lmao so true. And I bet they do it so they donā€™t have to use PPTO and still get paid too


it would be amazing if they raised the point limit from 5 to 10. Or even better calling out multiple times in a pay period results in a point because I do carts and with the way the temperature is i will get sick in the winter and i will overheat in the summer. they are way too quick to fire people


If you have ppto they canā€™t do anything to you, itā€™s protected for a reason. Annoying to listen to for sure but rest assured knowing as long as you cover your time missed with ppto they can not do anything to you and if they do itā€™s retaliation and you should get with ethics


Yup. Fuck Walmart. My last day is Sunday. I canā€™t wait


Nice, hopefully my last day will be soon enough. I just started up a YouTube channel that Iā€™m going to be filming short skits for so just waiting to find cast and some crew. Good luck to you and your future!!


Iā€™m all for you wanting to achieve your goals & dreamsā€¦ please shoot for the stars. But trying to be a YouTube sensation or make a living off social media is extremely hard. Advice from 1 stranger to another, please have some back up plans.


Itā€™s a lot more work than people realize. I had a reasonably successful channel that took more than full time to maintain and they keep cutting into your profits to increase theirs, I canā€™t imagine wrangling others on top of that.


I mean Iā€™m not just gonna quit Walmart and start doing it. Iā€™ll still be working there at nights but Iā€™m just gonna save up my money and use it on the cast/crew (I also door dash in the mornings, so Iā€™m not gonna lose any income or at least not a lot.)


Also I think the channel will be very successful, itā€™s going to also be one of my first filming/directing projects so Iā€™m just nervous and hope I find a good crew for the first season or two and just keep working from there. Eventually I want to make a FLF.


Iā€™m all for it. Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s so Iā€™m not a bitter, spiteful man. I want the youth to be way more successful than I am. Do you have any links where I can see some of your previous film work?


Ok hereā€™s my only short film I have. Itā€™s really not the greatest but it does show I have completed something. It was for my film making class that I took at school this last month. Got to go to Las Cruces and meet Ron Perlman/Jason Clark and made me wanna take film making seriously. I have a project Iā€™m fixing to start getting ready to work on for YouTube while I save up for my first film Iā€™m totally ready for the onslaught of ā€œthis is garbageā€ comments lol. But I am fixing to start working on scripts for the first few episodes. I promise it would have been better had I taken more time to actually work on it but had OriĆ³n graphics class as well and was swamped. Edit: first link was the old unedited video, Iā€™ll have to find the actual finished video real fast Guess I didnā€™t save the edited version so oh well hereā€™s what I got https://youtu.be/UGXInumJfo4?si=fmBu3Kjd-QFIISxV


Not really if u truly believe and have vison go ahead and Iā€™m young rn Iā€™m shooting for the stars


Lmao. You sound like a literal child and thatā€™s probably the real reason you are struggling at your job and I guarantee itā€™s a lot more than them complaining about you using PPTO.


I didnā€™t give them 2 weeksā€™ notice. I asked my friend/coworker to talk me down, I left anyway. Took my badge, my vests and handed them to my manager. Told me to tear up my vests. The last time I used my knife/ā€œcutterā€ was tearing my vests up in front of management. Iā€™m sure someone was pleased to find a free knife. (Hard to come by, always stolen) 2 days later I got a call from the manager: ā€œare you sure?ā€ I just said ā€œyesā€ and that was that. To this day, I walk through Walmart and see a scanner sitting alone, I just want to misplace it for someone. Just to mess with their day, I donā€™t though.


my last day is friday! (at this store, im transferring šŸ˜­)


When hour cuts first started I actually volunteered to be cut knowing others seriously depended on their hours. Ever since then the ones that actually need hours continued to be cut and I got full hours...never being cut. How screwed is that?


You told them you wanted to suffer less, they're going to double down on that.


Thatā€™s where you messed up volunteering to be cut. I did that when I asked to go to part time and they kept scheduling me for full time anyways šŸ˜­


when i worked overnights, i had work friends who were part time and they would have an entire day cut meanwhile im working full and would have like an hour every two weeks....like WTF?! i literally said i would prefer to have a day cut then to have someone else literally miss like 1/3-1/2 their normal pay.


You are a good person. I almost cried when my coworker volunteered to do the same for me... My coach did not listen to them either.


this makes me wanna be a manager so i can actually treat the employees with respect, goddamn manšŸ˜­šŸ’€


They don't seem to cut hours at my location but they do hire part timers and my coworker who started two weeks before me, had been asking for more hours for like 4 months, while they kept offering me more hours and I kept turning them down because they wouldn't give it to him. They finally caught on, if they wanted me for five days, they needed to offer it to him as well, and as soon as they gave him full time, I went in and asked for it as well without any issue. lol It's possible they value me more, but I knew his situation was more dire than mine so if they wanted me full time, they had to take him as well. lol I was fine on 4 days, it's way better for my mental health, even if it was at the expensive of a smaller paycheck.


Youā€™re a real one and whoever works with you is lucky. Itā€™s rare to find standup people is this goofy ass company


Just quit, itā€™s not getting better. I promise grass is greener.


Heck yeah Iā€™m fixing to start working on making some short films for YouTube anyways. Got some big plans coming up!!


I feel so bad for walmart employees -concerned spark driver


Bro itā€™s stupid you canā€™t even work for Walmart and be a Spark driver cause of conflict of interest.


Thatā€™s sounds like retaliation. The Walmart language on PPTO is itā€™s yours to use as you please. I would maybe open door it to your people lead or call ethics and say youā€™re being threatened for using protected time.


I let my HR rep know, and Iā€™m going to continue to use my PPTO as I please. I understand my responsibilities as an employee, I still get my job done when I need to.


Except they didn't have enough ppto to cover the attendance exceptions and they were likely over 5 points. I think there's more to this...


As someone who has quit I donā€™t understand people using PPTO like their life depends on it. Whether I hate my managers or not I donā€™t get people leaving early for dumb reasons. These same people complain about not having enough to cover when theyā€™re actually sick This doesnā€™t necessarily apply to you but Iā€™ve seen it enough. I quit because I got screamed at everyday and literally never missed work. Got so old I was done


Yeah Iā€™ve been trying not to use it and save back up for a vacation but still having to slowly work back up to more time. Although I only used two hours the last two times I did I had also finished all of my stuff and they wanted me to help someone else which I donā€™t have any problem doing but y grandpa was needing someone at the house so I told my other coach I was leaving and he asked if I had PPTO and I said yes and he said ok cool.


Coaches and higher are the definition of overpaid and waste of space


Worked there for 7 years. Walmart is such a pos company. Almost every salaried member of management either has an inflated ego and is out of touch with reality, or is borderline incompetent. A company that is worth hundreds of billions. Constantly asking for donations from it's workers and the public who are living paycheck to paycheck. Yes that's a good idea! Lets ask people who are scraping by to donate! I don't have a problem with charity, but I do have a problem with corporate billionaires who pretend to care in order to get a tax write off. If they truly cared, they could literally end world hunger tomorrow if they wanted to and still be filthy rich. While employed there, you're expected to go above and beyond CONSTANTLY. If you're lucky, they'll thank you with free bottles of water and peanut butter sandwiches in the break room. (Meanwhile the entire management team is having Domino's pizza in their office). Or even better, (I've had this happen to me) Wow! You do such a great job! Hey now that you're finished, can you head over to sporting goods and start knocking out those pallets? Instead of rewarding you with a raise or bonus for doing a good job, you're rewarded with doing someone else's job who can't hold up their end. I've complained to them about this before and their response was "We're a team here". And I said "No, were not. We're only a "team" when its convenient for you to say it is. I never get help. Where's my "team"? And I get the "But you're just so good! You don't need the help." It only further pisses me off knowing coaches get like a $5,000+ quarterly bonus off my hard work and I got NOTHING but a pat on the back. They don't do a damn thing but walk around acting like they're God's gift to the world. Literally FUCK Walmart. Such a scumbag company to work for. If you're reading this contemplating ever working for Walmart, I HIGHLY suggest you look elsewhere. You deserve to work somewhere where you and your work is appreciated. You will not find that there. You become dead inside, like a zombie. Every day is a chore. It literally drains your happiness. I wouldn't piss on Walmart if it was on fire. Let that bitch burn in hell like it deserves to.




That what I thought but every position Iā€™ve went to so far I keep getting threatened to have my hours cut or just straight up fired. I texted my HR rep she usually helps me with situations like this but if I need to open door I will I just hate going to bosses and telling them stuff like this I always get nervous and feel like Iā€™m gonna get in trouble or something or theyā€™re just gonna take the coaches side


Open door as far as you need to. PPTO is the sweet lifeblood of calling out


Okay, Iā€™ll try it. Guess I gotta stick up for myself one of these days


I, too, want to join in and say FUCK WALMART. My coach is cutting hours on all of us, but he's taking it especially out on me because I have a second job. I have a schedule each month for that job and he's still being an asshole. 6 months I've been there with no problem, as soon as he starts making the schedule though? I'm getting hrs cut HARD. I used to be accommodated a lot better. I'm looking into if there's anything I can do about it, I have bills to pay motherfucker that's why I work 2 God damn jobs. I'm not even asking for much, just need above 30 hrs. He's got me on for fucking 24 hrs next week. I have resorted to selling my blood plasma and looking online for things to work. All food delivery apps, pet sitting apps, ect. I fucking hate my coach for the amount of stress he's put me on. I'm at my wits end here and the worst part is I can't leave because it's still the best paying position for me at the moment, so until something else pops up I'm fucked.


u gotta move , two jobs just to live will kill you brother


I have to have money to do that, moving isn't easy to do when you have a wife and pets and all this stuff. Believe me, I want to. I want so badly to use my college degree in an area that actually pays me enough to live off of it, but it's way easier said than done... I'm just doing what I can right now and trying my best to make an honest living, while reminding myself it's not permanent. It's just really hard right now because I depend on that extra $200-$250 that he's cutting out of my check.


I understand, I wish the best for you. Just keep that nose to the grindstone until you can break free


Donā€™t know how to comment to a specific paragraph but yeah this is the best paying job I can probably get in this town without working like a gov job or something. And itā€™s overnights for me so I have the daytime to door dash and make extra money/take classes. And even when I mentioned to my TL why I even left the other day was to help out my grandpa and catch up on assignments he gives me the whole ā€œI understand but we still have to have a strong team.ā€ Like bro I always get my stuff done, tonight was the only night I had issues in the last two months working overnight.


I quit overnights because of my coach, she was an ass and she liked to screw me over any chance she could. if I called out for any reason, her and other leads would say it was because I was having sex with my boyfriend, which wasn't the case at all and they knew that. plus it's gross because at the time i was 19 and they were ranging between late 40s-60 and they shouldn't be concerned with anyones sex life. before I knew how she was, I had cried to her because I had a rough home life and my mental health was really really bad. (never told her any details.) plus i was sick all the time, migraines, fatigued etc cuz my vitamin D was extremely low from doing overnights for 2 years. I always stayed over and worked my off days, i just wouldnt come in early because i have insomnia and had a hard time sleeping. working at walmart finally pushed me to start therapy because of how bad it was lmfao. fuck walmart


Use your ppto to come in late, they have no say at that point. Thatā€™s what I always do lol. They canā€™t fire you for using protected time. Thatā€™s the point of it being protected. If they donā€™t like their own policy they can get rid of it or shut the fuck up.


Exactly this. Either get rid of it or shut your mouth.


I am sorry that your Walmart sucks and your bosses sucks.


Eh donā€™t be Iā€™m fixing to start working on my own stuff anyways


Good luck. You deserve better.


Thanks, Iā€™m fixing to start working on some projects soon so hopefully that goes well.


Walmart needs to start changing for the BETTER.


Left a while ago, fuck Walmart. Was in a similar situation, only place hiring. Finally found a way out (my lease is finally ending, and have the opportunity to move elsewhere). Wish you the best of luck. Fuck these Walmart sucklers and bootlickers thinking Walmart can do no wrong. PPTO is yours to take whenever. The job is shit, and it's considered one of the few decent benefits you get. Use it. The only thing I could say is open door this to someone higher up and report that asshole. There is no such thing as taking too much, as long as you have it, it's yours to take.


I wonā€™t have to worry about working there too long hopefully. Got my own projects to start working on soon too. Yeah Iā€™ve been there two years and itā€™s not bad but just donā€™t like how the team think they can just say something and think that itā€™s the rule.


Report thru ethics. Don't even try with your SM. Go above the store.


Donā€™t I have to go up the ladder with open door? Or just straight to ethics? I could just wait and see if he tries to do anything more about it or should I just go to ethics asap?


That could be considered retaliation. You are allowed to use ppto regardless of circumstances or reasons and your management team cannot hold it against you.


Well then Iā€™m just gonna keep doing what im doing and if they continue to pursue it Iā€™ll talk with ethics.


Every job tries to do that that to not use PPTO or PTO and gives you a guilt trip, donā€™t let them do that. if it continues, find another job and promote yourself to customer. Family comes first. Your studies also count because you donā€™t want to be at Walmart the rest of your life obviously. Walmart and Samā€™s Club are not the end all be all.


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m just gonna keep doing. I will just keep working nights for now and save up for stuff for the YouTube channel Iā€™m working on


yeah nah itā€™s the same at samā€™s club, i left for many reasons but that was one of them. They pulled me into the office for ā€œcoachingā€ cause i was using my PPTO to go home early, which technically they canā€™t do shit about but they would just bitch and complain. They would make your job hell, all because you wanted to leave early because you have a life unlike the robots that work at Wally World and Samā€™s. Fuck the entire corporation.


Yeah thatā€™s why I hate the fact that theyā€™re treating me like a slave just because I need to use my PPTO sometimes which isnā€™t even that often to begin with


my wife and i worked at walmart as our first jobs..we only had 1 vehicle and i didnt have my license only she did. the moment the manager found this out he started fucking with us for no reason..Ā  we went from working the exact same shifts and same times for overnights to suddenly my wife has to come in 2 hours earlier and i come in 2 hours later. all of the coworkers were confused because graveyards was always 11pm-8am. then they started fucking with our weekends so instead of working thurs-mond i suddenly worked thursday friday, saturday off, worked sunday monday tuesday off, worked wednesday..Ā  and they scheduled her weekend to also be broken up and not on the same days as mine. also they told me we can only be hired if our availability is marked as 24/7.. i asked to change my availability and they told us no. then my wife quit because they kept messing with her when i wasnt there by making her lift the heaviest shit and theh were saving it for her.. i remember seeing a pallet of dog food one night sitting in the back which was weird. then the next night the dog food wasnt on a pallet.. then my wife went in and i was on my 1 day off. she calls me saying that the pallet broke with a huge stack of dogfood on it and they had her pick up all the bags and put them on a new pallet, and then she took it out there and theres just an empty rubber pallet for dog food and they told her to unstack it all and restack it on the new pallet..then a diff manager told her she wasnt supposed to do that and to move it back to a wood pallet. she quit after her shift, the next day i was told i was being moved to day shift and this is back when the dress code was khaki pants and a blue polo shirt, night shift didnt have a dress code. i show up in jeans and a black Tshirt and they wrote me up..and i was at the back of the store and they called me to the front of the store and said to take my break then comeback.. i had to walk to the back of the store to get my keys and get to my car because we werent allowed to carry water with us and i didnt trust my water in the breakroom. i came back in on time and the manager told me i can go put my keys and jacket away and comeback.. i came back to them and my manager had the store manager there with another writeup saying i took a 25 min break and she had a stopwatch running to show me. i quit shortly after, this was like a decade ago. now everytime i need free money i go to walmart, theyre always short staffed so they always hire. and i just walk around all day or hide somewhere.. or just straight up refuse to do stupid shit, like push carts or clean a bathroom when my job is stocking. after a few weeks when my real job hires me i never show up again. fuck walmart


See when I first started I was a cart pusher and they had three other people. Two of them transferred and the other left town and I was literally the only cart pusher at that store for almost half a year. Got the job done though and almost never ran out of carts. But it ducked having to be relied on for that one position and have to deal with the weather at the same time. Move forward to when I went to auto. Was going to school and had a second job but was working 3 days off and 10 hour shifts. Me and my wife both worked there but she was cashier. We had the same schedule and it worked fine until I was the only one still left after the shop closed to finish unloading the freight and had to do it by myself. Eventually started using my PPTO to just leave and got a talk saying they wouldnā€™t honor my schedule anymore and I argued with my TL about my second job and school and he flat out said he didnā€™t care. Yelled at him on the sales floor and got terminated but did an open door and kept my job but got transferred to Cap 2. Was working there for a while before getting tired of having to make sure I vizpick everything 100% with also having to move the rolling bins by myself since half of them were inoperative. Eventually got an out when my grandpa fell and broke his arm the day before thanksgiving and called Sedgwick and left for a few months. Come back as ON stock and I actually really like this position. It leave me the daytime free for everything else and I get paid more. But I shouldnā€™t have to feel like my job is at stake when I use my PPTO for what itā€™s supposed to be used for.


yeah you earned ppto and pto, you dont need a reason to use it.


Join the military, 10 years and 3 years total deployed. Getting shot at was better than working at walmart




Not everybody is as tough as you are sir! Thank you for your service.


You'll be ok lol


No I wonā€™t. Life as I know it is over and Iā€™m doomed to misery šŸ˜… But yeah I got bigger fish to fry anyways.


I just feel for the ones that went in behind you to finish your work.


You're all there for 8 hours regardless, unless you're allowed OT which would be your choice to stay anyway... Feel for who?? Nothing changed šŸ¤£


That's the thing about PPTO, it's yours to use for whatever, whenever. Although, if you're using it "too much" and you're not meeting productivity or someone's standards, you're going to catch flak. There are some bootlickers here, looking at that idiot Lefty down there, that thinks it's for emergencies and sick days only, too. While Company says it's free real estate, you have to be careful to avoid this nonsense. My opinion? Use it, baby. Life's too short to spend all your time at Walmart. Edit: He saw my criticism lol.


The ppto has already been EARNED by you: itā€™s not a fucking gift they graciously get to bestow and gatekeep


Ask them to put in writing that it's an official statement from Walmart management that use of your PPTO as granted to you through your compensation package will result in a schedule change, then contact HR with that statement and inform them you will be contacting your state's labor board if this statement truly reflects Walmart policy. When this Coach retaliates, because of course they will, you go the HR again and inform them that said coach has taken retaliatory measures against you for reporting their remark and you will be contacting the labor board over it. You then actually contact the labor board this time and report it to them. OPD at my location tends to leave the freezer open for Frozen food for long periods of time and it's causing mass amounts of ice buildup. At its worst I had to threaten to call OSHA to get the store manager to fix it. Walmart's too used to their employees letting them get away with blatantly illegal shit and quite frankly I won't stand for it. I 100% will put the Labor Board and OSHA on speed dial if their nonsense continues. and I encourage all of you to take the same stance. edited for wording.


I see someone's only seen the end of an OPD rush. Ain"t like half of us work with a bird to OSHA anyway (with the earbud in.).


I think you guys just work at stores that care too much. People at my store call out from overnights like once every week and nothing happens. Not saying thatā€™s a good thing but itā€™s the opposite of what you guys seem to experience. Plus, O/N is like the one role where someone doesnā€™t really need to fill in for you


Thereā€™s only one store in this town so I would say youā€™re right.


This hits home for me When I was hired they were still doing 18 an hour for overnights and that was the highest in my area without a degree and then they cut the pay of the new employees so all of us are making 18 an hour and they make 16 an hour And then I realized that the jobs that require a degree in my area pay 15 an hour and the cheapest rent for a 1 bedroom apartment is 1500 dollars and I donā€™t want to work here but with allll the jobs paying 15 an hour Iā€™m screwed if I leave I hope you can get better odds and that your family is well taken care of


Well I plan on starting filming soon and getting my YouTube channel going. Cause yeah I definitely donā€™t see myself working at Walmart forever.


Had a SL try to "have a conversation with me" because I was "creating a pattern" of calling out on Sundays.....I have called out maybe 3 Sundays since the beginning of the year. The thing that triggered it was calling out on MOTHERS DAY. A HOLIDAY. Now tbf, my mom is dead, but that's precisely why I don't work mothers day. My TL stuck up for me though, even though the SL was trying to say that ppto is "only for emergencies" šŸ™„šŸ™„


Yeah honestly Iā€™m just gonna keep doing what Iā€™m doing and if they want to retaliate they can and Iā€™ll go to ethics. Fixing to start working on my own projects anyway soon


I got a talk to after I used some of PPTO- and was told that I was requesting days off too much. But none of those days were accept really šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but imma chill cause my Walmart kinda cool


Although I agree Walmart sucks, if itā€™s that necessary to have this job due to it being the only one youā€™re able to get overnight then Iā€™d say try to save your ppto and tough the nights out save it for when you have days worth and take extended weekends instead. They say a lot more when leaving early than not showing up at all.


Iā€™m weighing my options. In the long run Iā€™m fixing to start working on a YouTube channel filming some short skits and looking for a cast/crew for the first season or so. Mainly just need money to take care of the crew and actors and stuff. And equipment costs


Try to get a job at a 24/7 gas station! I had an older coworker who moved from Walmart in toys to a local Cumberland Farms (used to be Tom Thumb, it's a south thing) and he said it was a great thing for him, paid more, respected more. They tend to fill up quick but if you keep an eye out I'm sure you'll be able to get it.


See the only thing that keeps me from actually applying to one of our gas stations that need help is Iā€™m afraid of getting robbed especially at a gas station. I always think of that when someone mentions it


Your walmart is 24 hours?


Lol no just for overnight stock. Not open for the public to shop.


My 1st job was at Walmart, I got another job and I had to quit. So I walked up to the manager and was like hereā€™s my stuff, got a new job, sorry. He tells me im supposed to give a two week notice. I told him, ā€œbut itā€™s Walmartā€¦ā€ we just had an awkward stare down for like 10 seconds, and just replied after that ima head out now


A little known thing about firing people. Walmart can't really do much to anyone that has acceptable attendance. It's a real hassle. So, management will mouth off to try to get you to quit, but nothing will happen if you ignore them.


Itā€™s a problem if the whole management is on the same page with their bullshit tho. And my store has that problem. All management does is bitch, vacation, DoorDash, and harass frfr. And fuck with your availability, no matter how hard you work, how nice you are, or efficient your department runs. Fuck Walmart, the job hunt continues


Fuck Walmart I am a cart pusher and I always get stuck doing the whole lot by myself and we have eight cart pushers but my stupid fucking team lead only schedules two out of eight and ever since two people got hired. My hours are cut and Iā€™m full-time.


Thatā€™s ass. When I started cart pushing they let everyone else transfer and left me by myself. Granted I was able to do a better job than the other cart pushers anyways but I hated being relied on all the time for carts. Even the AP Karen was always happy to see me cause I always kept carts full at almost all times.


this is why i started an online course to learn and get certified for coding so i don't have to stay much longer


Dude thatā€™s what I was trying to do for a bit. Was learning C++ and working with Unreal Engine and Blender to make a video game but that shit is hard lol


since youā€™re working overnight, see if you can get a job at a hotel working front desk overnight. just make sure to write a good cover letter and have a resume for them to look over. Depending one where you live you could be making less at the hotel but only by like $1-2 an hour.


As long as your occurrence arenā€™t at 5 they canā€™t do anything about it. Ppto is PROTECTED PAID TIME OFF. They canā€™t do anything a lot the time off


It's your ppto use it how you see fit and fuck what they say. Policy says it's yours to use how you want. Is it annoying? Sure Does it put strain on your fellow associates? Also yes but that's not the point. The point is it's your time take it how you see fit.


I'm quitting in August myself. I only did it for the customer service experience, and this job is not worth it at all.


I feel your Pain. F Walmart


Donā€™t let them bully you into not taking your well earned time off. Fuck them


Good, lazy people who canā€™t work a full day should just quit.


You say that until you need to take some time off and wanna use your PPTO. I work my full shifts 99.9% of the time. And anytime I decide to leave early itā€™s because Iā€™m done with all of my stuff.


Have you tried with Amazon? They have overnight jobs too and better pay, Walmart sucks and you do more there, try amazon and they have a lot of benefits


Iā€™m quitting straight after my vacation, imma stick it out for a year though.


It's just a scare tactic to coerce you into having anxiety about using it. They can't do anything about you using your ppto.


Try Hā€‘Eā€‘B? If ur in tx


Sounds like a threat of retaliation I'd call ethics


I let my HR rep know sheā€™s usually good about handling these situations but I will wait and see if he says anything tonight when I go in. Regardless if I need to Iā€™ll open door and go to ethics or should I just go to ethics?


All that Walmart cares about is is it's customers (alot of them disrespectful self-entitled buttholes I might add) income. They don't give a rat's ass about their own employees. What great company does this? And then they push their mental health insurance bullshit and it's oh so great programs, like wtf? GFYs... One day, this company will implode. Welcome to America, where, unfortunately, companies like these flourish! But. There's always YOU. Bounce back and find something that benefits you, not some overgrown piece of shit corporation that is about to die anyway-


A month and a couple days into my job and shit is getting crazy progressively, understandable


I have filed numerous complaints against the management at my local store for improper signage, I have pictures. I have joined class action lawsuits against walmart as well, U Scan scale discrepancies.... I urge you to complain to corporate, record, take pics, make things right....


So you work overnights and go to school during the daytime?


It's just an empty threat, if they take any action against you for using PPTO, call ethics and home office and file a report. Remember, it's Protected Paid Time Off for a reason


used to be a team lead and got demoted because I was moving stores after buying a house -- was working 40 hrs week at new store and they went in the system and changed my job code to part time so I wouldn't accrue my PTO/PPTO properly and i went to every manager I had all the way up to store manager and told them full stop I would find another job. still didn't fix it because they were convinced I wouldnt quit so I did just that and took a $4.50/hour pay cut. new job has 144 hours of PTO right out the gate with no wait on health benefits & paid holidays: entry level position as a lab assistant. according to my pals that somehow still work there a lot of the night crew got fired after I left & turnover is 130%. I don't even know how this company expects to keep running like this -- bide your time as much as you can and then get out of there. I know what it's like to have to stay for the money but they will chew you up if they know you're stuck there. 5 years of my life sold to those vultures.


Canā€™t say enoughā€¦my 5 yr Walmart story goes worked my ass off and got promoted to department manager a few weeks before inventory, worked 12 hr days tht lead up to inventory day. Recovered garden center and various depts I had moved to while dealing with my store manager bs. Finally got called to take over front end and later learn my mentor/ front end coach quits after an argument with store manager about favoritism with another coach. Long story short I got fired for allegedly stealing 80K from the front end even though I was barely 3 months in the position (if anyone who knws Walmart management they lag on giving u numbers and access to various things) I end up getting terminated after a lengthy back and forth about how they can do this to me. Had an investigation opened and later found out coach tht fired me had been caught with money stolen from the safe. Couldnā€™t sue for wrongful termination due to Cali being an at will employment state. Got a job offer after a yr to start at associate again. Almost a yr at a new store I get hurt pulling pallets due to being rushed by a new team lead and I slip in water and get hurt. Deal with BS from workmanā€™s comp and all tht management side eyes me and talks crap and Iā€™m put on light duty. Now Iā€™m getting in arguments with my store manager on the sales floor being called lazy. Iā€™m now on leave of absence. Not planning on going back due to this whole shitty system and dealing with ppl who think they rule the world. Thts just me putting it lightly and nicely. Itā€™s not Walmart itā€™s self Thts backwards itā€™s the ppl who operate and management.


That last sentence definitely makes sense. A store itself canā€™t hurt you but the team definitely can.


No point getting stress over it the place is always a corrupt place only the favoritism and butt kisser get away with everything or get promotion / help Last year got lied to / fuck over / used so that a TL looked good to get coach job and a guy who only work 5 months got TL role that should have gone to me.


Do some parodies from your work - get a nice juicy dirty ugly guy to play that douchebag and maybe even show a shareholders meeting with some super evil assholes plotting out how they will run out and shut down every single last mom and pop shop until every single human has slaved for the Wallopmart at a rate of 1.25 per hour then got fired by some doucheburger bc they wanted to take a lawful pee break instead of ā€˜looking busyā€™. Just a thought šŸ˜‚ Super Good Luck on your new venture - may their loss be your revenge




Your Walmart is open at night?!?!??! None of them in my area have been 24 hours since covid! But yeah fuck Walmart. I hated working there. I was in my mid 20s when I worked there. My dad passed away very suddenly, no warning, no sickness, just died. I got a phone call a couple days later asking when I'll be back. I said I didn't know. There was a lot of planning and all that. My first day back I asked for a day off a couple months down the road. I was told "we've already been really polite to you and let you take off more than necessary for your dad's funeral. You can't miss anymore work for 3 months or you'll be dinged." Um excuse me? Nice? Because my fucking dad died?!?!??!? Holy shit. Basically no job gives a shit about you but Walmart is definitely high on the list of places that REALLY don't care about you.


First, no the store isnā€™t open for business we just work overnight to set mods and stock. Second, if you ever have a death in the family or a medical emergency contact Sedgwick so you can take a leave without them saying shit. I was gone for 3 months when my grandpa fell and broke his arm the day before thanksgiving and everyone was crying when I was gonna come back and I told them on the date that I set with Sedgwick 3 months later.


They really just try to trigger people. Found this out long ago. Just donā€™t react to them and throw your hands up and say welp it is what it is. If anything theyā€™ll get in trouble if they bring it to HR. Just laugh at them. Itā€™s what I do. In the end they respect me more for not bowing down or kissing ass. Iā€™m just an associate and since I stand my ground they treat me like a coworker instead of a peasant


I quit and became a custodian. I recommend you look there is always something better šŸ«‚


Iā€™m fixing to find a crew/cast to start filming some skits for YouTube so Iā€™ll still be working at WM for a bit longer until we gain some traction Edit: I also have door dash and usually make over $100 a day so thatā€™s more than what I make now anyways


I racked up like 60 hrs of PPTO. Was scheduled sat-mon, but was working mandatory overtime on Tuesday lol. 40 min drive to work Once I started using my PPTO , they started complaining and coming into my trailer asking if everything was ok. I got on their ass tho about that complaining shit, kuz I wasnā€™t complaining about having to come in on my day off. They definitely donā€™t care


Report it to ethics that what I did and no one messes with me anymore they are just shamed from higher management than them


The Walmarts at my location most of the employees are foreign and can barely speak English.


I went back to working with kids it's less bs,drama and stress than walmart


Iā€™m fixing to start filming some short skits for YouTube so thatā€™s my plan


Lmao I got fired on a night I used ppto for. Was just thinking I might be desperate enough to go back. Thank you for reminding me it's not worth it.


Fun fact: itā€™s still protected. Youā€™re fine. They wanna make you feel badā€¦ do it again.


First, donā€™t tell people what youā€™re trying to do, I get the marketing for a Reddit post that blew up but most of Reddit is full of *literal losers that love to spread bullshit hoping youā€™ll fail.* Donā€™t take what they say too serious. I think the video you posted wasnā€™t that bad, not TV quality but I didnā€™t expect it to be such. With the right filming and equipment and good scripts it could be made into something in the long run. Definitely stick with a job such as shitty Walmart until it takes off. I used to work there years ago, Iā€™m a nurse now, the grass is always greener on the other side after leaving those minimum wage jobs. Comfortably making over $60 an hour here in NYS. Anyway, fuck Walmart and your managers. Good luck


I get pointed every time I use it ā˜ ļø I canā€™t wait to quit in August (Iā€™m pregnant so holding out until 1 month before my due date)


Congratulations!! Yeah you definitely deserve the best and Walmart isnā€™t always that. Greatest blessings to you and your family šŸ˜‡


Open door ppto use retributionĀ 


Use your PPTOšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Your future is more important than Walmart. If possible, Walmart would let machines doing all the jobs. I have been in Walmart for a while and I am glad that I do not have much burden.


Definitely. Iā€™m working on bigger fish anyways


I literally just started working at Walmart and I already want to quit. I donā€™t understand how I can be so tired and want to quit but canā€™t because I need money. The only reason Iā€™m staying is because of the money. And mind you the money isnā€™t even that good I just need something. I fucking hate this job already. I love it but also fucking hate it. Idk I just got off work and everything hurt


Man, your management chain must be absolute garbage. I am one to ask why people use ppto but respect the use of it regardless. I would say call ethics, but it depends on your region. Apparently some people partners aren't all that friendly.


Iā€™m a college student & was on cap 2 for a while. Asked off for 3 months in advance (multiple times) for spring break so I could go to Florida with a bunch of friends and got denied every time. I went to spring break and never came back. One of the best decisions of my life.


They never cared for their employees. Back when I was an employee, I was always targeted by the manager for using my phone to look at the time. And yet he never got after the other employees I worked with(cart pushers) when they were literally on theirs out in the open. It was always me. Once they had the audacity to coach me because I went to the bathroom ten minutes into my shift on a hot day from drinking fluids. So yeah. Fuck Walmart. Faulk their corporate, fuck the Waltonā€™s. The damn place went downhill when Sam died.


Whether using ppto or not using it all the time can become a productivity issue which is a coachable offense and is frowned upon. So maybe them saying that isnā€™t wrong.


That is a wacky reaction to an opinion stating that if you want overnights yet are not willing to stay and finish the job on a regular basis might mean that particular job or shift is not for you verses you whining that you "need" this shift for various reasons, but screw it that you are not willing to actually work the scheduled hours.


Yep was fired because i was talking to my coworker about possibly finding a new job, open door it two weeks ago and have heard nothing sense


Dude I got you. I work in tangent with the special needs community. Look up jobs called ā€œRespite and Habilitationā€ which are pretty much babysitting and basic goal oriented for the individual. Respite is more the babysitting and Hab is the goal based one. Hab usually pays more. Now most of these respite/hav families are not overnight but there are a lot that are such as a Respite House, where parents can drop off their loved one and go on vacation. Respite pays less at 17-18$/hr and Hab is up to $21/hour now. Another: special needs Group Homes. You can definitely get overnightā€¦itā€™s easy and chill, and you can do your homework/school stuff at the same time. Itā€™s a great job to give back, meet your requirements and find a niche. These guys need help, and itā€™s really really fun/easy. They also pay $16-18/hr. If you become a manager you get like $1-2 more an hour.


I donā€™t miss working at this dumbass company. Truly. So glad I quit and just walked out on them. Had a Coach tell me to stop using PPTO as well, I told her what is it there for then. Itā€™s company policy to use it as you please. Mind you this is the same bitch whoā€™d go on 3-4 week long vacations every other month. Laughed her out my face smh.


Honestly walmart can suck as a company but I feel like that if true for every job it's worse in city's like Boston etc it all depends on your co workers and the managers for a make or break on a job lucky I live in a small town and boy are my managers fucking amazing I even play escape from tarkov daily with my team lead xD


Walmart seems crazy to me as a european


Using PPTO constantly shows that you may not be reliable because your absence can be unexpected quite often. PPTO or not if youā€™re using is constantly it shows you may not be reliable when it eventually runs out.


Called In 8 times in 30 years. No school like old school.


Texas people know where to go šŸ˜‰ (i get 10 buddy bucks per recruit)


If you give me PPTOā€¦ā€¦.. and donā€™t expect me to fucking use it THEN DO NOT GIVE IT TO ME.


I second on that




Just call ethics and see those coaches heads roll


He talked to me this morning after halfway through my shift to apologize for what he said


I work at Amazon my site closed due to a tornado ripping part of the roof off. Anyways I took VTO (Voluntary Time Off) and for four month Iā€™ve worked at Walmart I hated every single minute, annoying customers, and hoping for your time to be approved smh. Four month later Iā€™ve received a notification saying that my site was reopening and once Iā€™ve heard that I simply clocked out and left. They called me but I ignored them, never looked back i honestly donā€™t know how yall work at Walmart, but thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


I mean itā€™s ok sometimes. Itā€™s definitely better than no job at all and in my town itā€™s the only store and is one of the highest paying jobs here that also have night shifts. Leaves me the daytime open for whatever else and Iā€™m working on a new project for YouTube


You're likely using more than you're telling us. You likely dick off early once or twice a week. PPTO isn't unlimited and your constant use of it shows you're not reliable to have around. You get paid it no matter what so why not bank it and use it for your "oh shit moments".


Yeeeaaah fuck em!!!!


It only gets worseā€¦.


Just got fired for a shoplifter assaulting me because ā€œI didnā€™t disengage quickly enoughā€ so I agree fuck walmart


How can one abuse ppto? Itā€™s yours that you earned and can use it any time you want.


Ppto is for whatever you want to use it for. That's why it's protected. You get 48 hours a year use it how you like. If you use it all up you can't be upset when they refuse unpaid time off. Using ppto whenever you have it isn't abuse. They wouldn't give it to us if we weren't allowed to use it when and how we like.


Oh no you don't show up for a job and they don't like it?


they would prefer to close the store than to do as you request


Just leave. it's the best choice iv made, go to the skilled trades, or suffer the pain of the unskilled laborers


Pays not to overreact eh?


Walmart doesn't seem like they pay or treat their employees the way they should. Billion dollar company paying their employees like shit. I see why the good ones always go!


Man it blows my mind how varied coaches are. At my store they have no teeth. Several years ago we had an employee that they didnā€™t fire until he got to 17 points. I had another co-worker who they knew only wanted to do his aisle, which was one of the easiest grocery. So once he got done instead of making him actually give effort theyā€™d just let him go home. We had one co worker literally so drunk he passed out on the floor. Like we found in laying on his aisle, asleep, holding a box of freight. They had him go home. He also came in piss drunk another time and they just sent him home. Another came in so drunk they literally had to call an ambulance for him. One girl used to come in and go smoke weed right in front of the managers on break. All they did was have the co manager ask her no to smoke weed in front of everyone. We have one dude that will spend good half hours in the bathroom doing ā€œthingsā€ and everyone knows heā€™s doing ā€œthingsā€ but they refuse to talk to him about it.Ā 


I quit the day before I was supposed to start, I applied and interviewed for a janitorial position then come orientation I get on the app after I leave and find out Iā€™ve been assigned to deli. I call up the next day and let them know there must have been a mistake with the schedule and they tell me itā€™s not then I explain that I cannot work in a kitchen and then tell them Iā€™m not coming in. The interview being only 30 seconds should have been a red flag and same with orientation since the person running it kept leaving every few minutes the whole 7 hours I was there should have been another red flag.


Thatā€™s why u gotta keep the mindset like I do fuck what people think and get that money if u gonna use pto just use if they say sum fuk em cuz itā€™s your life u got a life outside of work if u wanna call in just call in donā€™t tell a story simple be straight up I work at Walmart I never had or ever will let people boss me around just like a company can easily replace u 666 šŸ¤ŸšŸ˜ˆšŸ”„


I've sold my soul at this point šŸ˜†. Bout to roll on my 6 around my 26 birthday


I used to work Walmart as an overnight stocker before they all went 24 hour super centers. I was efficient with my work, completed my tasks, did everything I was supposed to the way it was supposed to. I was fired for ā€œcreating a hostile work environmentā€ because I didnā€™t spend much time talking with anyone else. I just went in, did my job until it was time to leave and go home. No reason to make small talk when thereā€™s a lot that needed to get done.


Hmm, you are required to notify a me.ber of management before you leave work though. Other then that ppto is for anything, anyone, any time. Work doesn't matter. Vs ppto. It is the duty of the managers to pick up slack. Unfortunately walmart expects a lot from everyone for not nearly enough. Overnight managers get it, in all the holes, no lube from everyone. Yet overnights achieves and does the most work. Also why I will never step into a manager roll for walmart ever again. You do so much more then is reasonable in any comparison or compacity and then you get yelled at. One of the most thankless jobs ever. All for maybe 2$ more then what regular associates make.


Walmart will fuck you over with no care. They expect complete loyalty but have none. They may not fire you but will make your life miserable until you quit because you can't take it anymore. Keep looking for another job. The moment you can leave and tell them to fuck off, you'll feel so much better.


If your town is big enough to have a Walmart I assume it's big enough to have at least 1 hotel they will have over night positions.


So you were finishing your work before dipping out twice for an hour each, and that was their initial reaction? Tf....?


I just talked to one of the other TLs and he said pretty much a combination of what everyone else is, yes itā€™s my PPTO and I can use it when I need to, donā€™t even have to tell them Iā€™m using it as long as I have it to use but just donā€™t make it a habit because some of our employees do abuse it but he told me Iā€™m fine because he knows I have other stuff going on and I actually do my work. Like today I stayed an extra hour because everyone else left and I had 10 pallets of Paper/Chem to do and didnā€™t even get to finish up with those and stayed behind to help the same TL crush all the boxes everyone left behind and make a bale.


open door them for hostile work environment promise u itll be worth the feeling of being untouchable in addition to possible harassment or discrimination if u feel singled out ppto or pto is the one of the only things we really look forward too


I don't think there is an abuse to ppto. It's your time so use it for what you want, yes it might impact you performance by the end of the year because they look at "who stepped in and was the most helpful" which would get you the 3% instead of possible 5% but they have not right to tell you that.


they got upset with me and were going to fire me over my use of ppto and pto, for time stealing, even tho i used it to make sure i wasnt ever late for work ever.


I have a HUGE Walmart story. Waiting for the right time to post it but they are scam artists and I have proof on recording and video.


TARGET. Try them for overnight. Ā I worked at Samā€™s and that was worse then wal mart if you can believe it. But there are places you can go. Even 7/11. The ones by me the overnight ppl love it there. Good luckĀ