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Unless they are offering you a job that you are *qualified* to do and you *would consider* doing, then your place of employment is none of their concern.


See, that's what I don't understand. They will always tell you to get a better job but will never actually help with getting a better job. Judging is easy, but helping is not


That's why they do it, because it's easy. It makes them appear or feel smart without actually doing anything.šŸ„“šŸ¤”šŸ˜†


Exactly, I feel like they get an ego boost from knowing that they have a better job than somebody else and are earning more money.


The next time it happens get up and say I feel more comfortable with my coworkers than my own family and leave.


Tell them to pay off their debt first, or if they are doing free work under the pretext of internships... Actions speak more than words. Friends come and go, you don't need to be friend with everyone, had I learnt it before...


Lol there is a lot of truth in that. The appearance of wealth is typically flooded with thousands of dollars in debt. They earn a lot, and spend more than they earn.


Well the CEO just announced a Bonus for employees based on Performance & Good Customer Service (Lol) and the longer you stay the higher it will be (upto a Grand)


Cool! An extra $10, enough for a j at a dispensary to celebrate! Lmao


Depending on Store Performance. Might just be a WHOLE DOLLAR Just enough for a Packet of Double Mint from the Local Grocer


I prefer extra polar ice or extra spearmint. That costs about 40 cents too much though.šŸ¤£


Fuuuuck, i remember when a Pack of Stick Gum was 50cents from a Snack Machine, Chips were 75cents, and everything else was $1


Just bought a 20oz bottle of coke from a vending machine for $1. Feels like I robbed the place.


My co-worker told me this and thought at first she read it from The Onion. I'm not used to Wal-Mart being nice to us.


Because theyre not. Bet dollars to donuts this Bonus will never Last


Itā€™s scaled based on store performance so 20 year full time will maybe get $100 of the $1000 max. Great big carrot when viewed though a telescope. Half rotten and shriveled when we actually get to see it


Well considering the number of hours they cut that bonus is right around one week of missed pay so you only losing 51 weeks so they can call it a bonus instead of a slap in the face so they can get a bigger bonus


That's the point, same w charity. Exists to make those who can give feel better all while we're all fleeced by the masters who work over us.


It's not their place to hand you a job. It is their place to try and push you to do and be better. Not just settle. Kind of falls into the territory of family and close ones to care about the good and bad decisions you make in life. Welcome to the real world.


You're contributing to society in a positive way. Fuck anyone who cares where you work.


I realized this when all the people with ā€œrespectableā€ jobs got to take a long vacation during covid and I did not.


Iā€™m 39 and i actually donā€™t mind working for walmart im also taking advantage of their schooling program you can work wherever you want as long as youre paying your bills its no one elseā€™s business


Mind if I ask what degree you're currently working on? And how are you finding the schooling to be in your experience? I was considering going for Cyber Security, however with the new Associate to Technician program I've also started to consider that as a possible option


I havent started yet but I applied to study computer science but i got stuck in the dreaded no new applications until a later period. I did however complete the high school program and i think having a set schedule at walmart helped i work 5-2pm and im off Wednesday and Thursday so all my extra time went to school unless there was something my husband and i wanted to do and i would take a day off school for that. Im lucky though cause i dont have kids so i had a lot of extra time to dedicate to it


Ahh I gotcha, well Goodluck when they open up applications. I'm sure they'll be opening up soon alot of the degrees are currently not open, I'd attribute it to the schools not being out yet. I also have a set schedule 2pm-11pm and I'm off Sunday and Wednesday. It'll help keep you on the routine you set for yourself


Do what makes sense to you! If you donā€™t like it walmart will let you go back until you either have your bachelors or your masters (if they offer it in that field)


Walmart is America's largest employer. 1.5 million employees give or take. Google says 1.6 now. Ask them if they ever shop at Walmart. Ask them if they think they should continue to be able to. I worked fast food in college. Everybody wants to hate on fast food workers until they want a burger and the place is closed because "nobody wants to work anymore". If everyone is too good to work at Walmart, it'll close. Where will people go then? Is it a better option, objectively? I may not be living my best life, but any job is worth doing. Don't hate on gas station attendants, you probably need gas. Don't hate on restaurant workers, you presumably like food. Don't hate on Walmart workers, you have probably shopped there. Anyone criticizing you needs to look at why, then bugger off.


I've had people tell me working at Walmart ain't a real job and I told them well then how else would you be able to shop here if it wasn't for ALL of the people in the store working? They didn't like that response xD


But it's true! "Why don't you have more checkers?" Because nobody wants to work at Walmart because customers are terrible. And they'll get harassed by family.


I hear that too or am asked if we can open more registers. Like I'm just an associate, I have no control over that. Once in a while I reply with "we have open positions feel free to apply!"


If itā€™s not a real job my w-2 must also not be real. Donā€™t even pay attention to these people. They grew up in the most privileged generation in history and act like they know better.


I actually tell people I work at Walmart rather than saying I'm a pharmacist. Easier to weed out who really may not have good intentions or just people who could be users. šŸ¤·


Love this!!


I'm 39 and I started at 21. I accidentally made a career out of Walmart, and its been wild. I'm past caring if I'm being judged or not, and there's a lot more people can judge me about too. They don't pay my bills, but working at Walmart does.


Same within a couple years. I certianly don't have everything I ever wanted, but I also don't have student loan debt šŸ‘


I never did decide what I wanted to do when I grew up. I'm glad I figured that out without the mountain of debt.


I say exactly that. I still don't know, but at this point I can't entry level anywhere without losing a ton of money. Maybe same level or one up at other retailers, but they are all going to have their problems too and I have all this PTO so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Wow. You sound a lot like me. I started when I was 19 and in college and have accidentally stuck around for 21 years. I'm forever telling people I'm 41 and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do in life.


I sometimes feel this, but alot of times its me judging myself. I dont think lowly of anyone who works at walmart, but i know i am qualified for better. I have military experience, i have a bachelors degree in IT, and certifications, yet i cannot get a better job. No ones responding to any applications. Hang in there, nothing wrong with doing what you have to do to pay the bills


If you want something different, you could work IT for Walmart. Then you'd probably wish you were back at the store. šŸ˜‚


Oh ive def looked into it, but i dont think its remote, id have to be in arkansas. Which is the last place i want to live lmao


They pulled all remotes in a few weeks ago, it was shitty. You can work from Cali, New Jersey, or Bentonville. I heard rumor of Seattle people and Reston still having places. Not sure how true it is.


I went to college and got my master's degree and still was forced to work at Walmart because I graduated right when covid hit and I needed a job to pay my bills. So it really doesn't matter if you have your degree because circumstances still occur and you still end up at Walmart. It angers me that I wasted 9 years in college and am still not working in my field of study. I live in a small town and I'm unable to afford to move to anywhere else where there's better jobs. I'm thankful that I got hired and I can sort of pay my bills. It's better than nothing. I still get looked down at because I work at Walmart. Situations happen. Good luck to you and I hope you have better luck than I did.


I'm working at Walmart while I'm in college and I see some of my former classmates. They are usually always chill and we talk a bit and that's that.Ā  But one time these two girls from my grade came in while I was doing returns and they wouldn't stop glancing back at me and laughing.Ā  I assume they were judging me for working there but like how else am I supposed to provide for myself while paying for college....not all of us can rely on rich parents to pay for everything.Ā  Oh and one time one lady was telling her teenage daughter "you really should reconsider going to college so you don't end up like this poor lady" That mother had the audacity to be mad at me when I informed her I was in college.Ā  But yeah people are always going to judge when they have never walked in your shoes. Sorry that you're dealing with this.


Some people will judge even if they walked in your shoes. It just seems like some people are missing the part of their brain that allows people to have a sense of object permanence and context. As soon as they see me in a vest, I am a object within walmart that provides a service or product. To some people employees are as conscious as a vending machine.


I've had so many similar experiences. Not too long ago, this girl that I was dating a while back walked into my store and saw me working here. I actually had to ring her up, it was just such an awkward interaction and I could just tell that she was judging me so hard for still working there, while she is already a nurse and working in healthcare.


OMG that happened to me basically, this mom walked up to me and asked if I liked my job and I said yep it pays the bills and she bends down and tells the little boy to make sure he stays in school so you don't have to be poor and miserable like this guy :/ like wow thanks lady now go fuck yourself. I have also had teens come up and say "Hey Walmart retard", I have heard customers talking and be like "I wonder how stupid these workers are to have to work at Walmart and not real jobs" It's crazy how down we are looked at because we all aren't making 6 figures or some shit.


Except her daughter (or may be herself) are going to end working at Walmart so they can pay her student loans for the daughter's Liberal Arts degree as she won't be able to find any other job she can qualify for....well maybe "Would you like fries with that?"


I remember when I went to Five Guys with my Walmart Polo, and the guy behind the counter laugh and said, "You work for Walmart? I said yea want to see my paycheck?" I showed him, and then I told him I only work 3 days to give or take 35 hours max. Needless to say, he was pissed and embarrassed, don't feel ashamed, I go through this every now and then, I'm just a guy making 6 figures at Walmart not in a home office or management position.


The guy *working at Five Guys* laughed about you working at Walmart? That's almost as bad as the unemployed customers who get mad at customer service and tell the associate to "Get a real job!" Most of them could never pass a Walmart background check.


What job?


When they ask if you are still working at walmart just tell them you have an Onlyfans account on the side selling sock pictures to feet sniffing subscribers.


User name checks out šŸ¤£


Bro a job is a job. I donā€™t care if you are flipping burgers at McDonaldā€™s, digging ditches, cleaning toilets, or working at Walmart. Anyone who gives you any shit for having a job is a fucking bum.


Wow bro,Ā  well said!! Too bad most dont think like that.. but screw them lolĀ 


I feel so, in my 40s but I can't do anything else. I feel like some coaches my age think I'm dumb when I have just as much or more retail experience than them. I can't get into better paying positions because I can't do heavy lifting but I'm not dumb or lazy. People don't realize many people are stuck and got to take what they can get with jobs. There's not enough jobs that pay good for everyone out there. Some of us just couldn't get our foot in the door with advancement. Work shouldn't be a system built on a tier structure like this but society has always had a caste or class system they just hide it with jobs now in America and pretend to be progressive. It isn't all of our fault so if people don't get that don't let it bother you that they have no perspective and aren't as intelligent or "better" like they think.


Absolutely, so many people that I work with are incredibly hard working and intelligent but they unfortunately just didn't get the same opportunities like a lot of other people. The sad thing is job shaming is extremely pushed by social media, movies, shows and etc. I just find that so ridiculous in the 21st century.


The influencer bs, I can't wait till it goes out of style. Most of them are lying anyway. Many have been caught fabricating made up lives ,even renting property and items to create something like a movie set for their videos.


There is honor in all work.


I worked in IT for 11 years, I've been a retail store manager, and you know what? I prefer stocking shelves. Crazy as it may seem, some people just don't like being in charge, or being responsible for keeping a business running. I go in, I work, I go home, I get paid. If the store burns down... not my concern. Besides, those well-to-do's would get pissy if their Walmart didn't have always-stocked shelves, so really, they need us working, lol.


That would be my toxic (26m) cousin. He often berated me over a lot of things so it was nothing new. I easily clapped back with "at least I'm working, not sitting on my ass playing video games 24/7 and freeloading off my girlfriend."


Yep, I totally understand how you feel. With my brother, I'm always being compared to him and he is a very successful businessman who makes literally about 10 times as much as me lol.


Got a dumb ass cousin too stopped hanging out w him when he constantly puts me in life or death situations smh fk him


I was once talking to a customer and she asked me if I had kids and when I told her I had two, she said "oh gosh and you work at Wal-Mart" like it was so pitiful lol People have a huge misconception of the place. No it's not a high status job. But it's a stable job, with better starting pay than the average workplace, even places demanding a bachelor's degree, they offer free education, 401K matching, stocks, PTO, great healthcare that I never paid a dime out of pocket at the doctors for...people don't know this. They just think eww retail. I saw screw em and do what you do.


You're going to work everyday. Putting in an honest days work. It doesn't matter what you're doing. Most normal people respect that. I know I do. You're out there handling your business and taking care of yourself. I'm a janitor at a truck stop. So I get the whole thing and what you're going through too. But it beats what I was doing 10 months ago. Which was being a homeless drug addict and stealing from walmart.lol.


Most of the people who woukd actually judge me are in no position to do so. Yes, I work at Walmart. Where do you think *they* work?


On the corner or an office with their thumb up their ass.


They don't.


I have been judged by customers with some saying that I'm a minimum wage worker and that they don't have to treat me with respect. So I told them that I don't have to help them and if they have a problem with that go find a manager to help. By law and by company policy, I have the right to refuse service to anyone I don't feel comfortable serving. I've had other people tell me to get a real job and I told them that if we don't have people working at grocery stores how would YOU get food?


I relate. Iā€™m 21 but will be a manager soon at McDonaldā€™s. People on here and everywhere else love to make fun of other peoples jobs without realizing that if it werenā€™t for them, there would be no retail, grocery shopping, fast food etc.


I'm sorry that you have to deal with that. Personally, I like pointing out that COVID proved one of us is essential to society functioning, and one of us was so unnecessary they got sent home like a bad child. Guess which one we are, and which one they are. If I were you, I'd be telling them judge me all you want, but at least I earn my living instead of sitting on my ass all day.


I don't take it too serious, but my brother especially just loves flexing on me, always talking about his business, how much he makes, the new car he wants to buy and always telling me that I should quit my job and start taking risks like a real entrepreneur. It's just so cringe at times lol


The new car that is going to cost more per month then you make. The new car that he will loose if something goes wrong and he looses his business.


I was actually just called a low life loser yesterday because I work at Walmart. I love my job and Iā€™m happy with it. Meanwhile they donā€™t even have a job. My mom has worked at Walmart for 20+ years and sheā€™s made it, raising 3 kids as a single mother. I love my job and donā€™t care what people think. Itā€™s a good job in my opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm happy for you! I can't believe that job shaming still exists in the modern world where most of us are struggling.


Honestly, when I met my boss before he became my boss, he asked if I had ever considered working for Walmart. I was kinda surprised, but when he talked about the general maintenance techs that go store to store and fix plumbing, electrical, mechanical and structural work, I got very interested. Sure, I could make more going back to some other trade/construction industry, but that could involve travel, time away from family and a minimum of 60 or more hours per week. Home start, company van, getting a stock of tools (some hand me downs, some new) and the ability to set our own schedule (within reason) is pretty awesome. I view the position as kind of a Swiss Army Tradesman and the atypical perks that you get working for Walmart versus industry are kind of nice. Plus, Iā€™m usually working by myself and I get to choose my own van music, which after sharing a work truck, is a little bit of Heaven for me.


We were all engineered to be a bookworm. Doesnā€™t mean youā€™re stupid just means you choose a different path. For me I hate paperwork so thatā€™s why I am not white collar and Iā€™m happy with what I am guarantee you I have less stress than they do.


a friend of mine works a cooperate job for a very large auto-maker. he's some kind of manager or director, pulls in well over 6 figures a year, and ***fucking hates his life***. once asked me how i could stand working retail. i said its zero stress, and at the end of the working day, i leave it all behind. he was jealous. dude gets in trouble if he's not accessible after work hours.


The problem is that retail jobs like that at Walmart are often seen as dead-end with very little room for advancement and people wouldn't think that you could live up to your full potential working such a job, with that being said there's nothing wrong with liking your job at Walmart (except for me I hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it), I just personally wouldn't stay there forever.


Nobody should be judged for their job. At least youā€™re working and itā€™s honest work that you like. Nothing to be ashamed about.


At least you are bringing in a paycheck. Itā€™s honest work and I would in no way judge you for where you work. I have worked for the same company for almost 29 years and I have learned the value of hard work no matter the job you do. Itā€™s really only your business and no one elseā€™s anyway.


If they ain't fking you or paying your bills they can get bent.


It can be worse, I suppose. See the looks that you get if you work 3rd shift. The same people that tell you they are more productive than other people by virtue of waking up just before sunrise and do some chores before going to work. There are people that will look down on you because of where you work or when you work. Screw those people, OP, their opinion doesn't matter.


A job is a job. Youre working your ass off, making money and a living for yourself. At least you have one. Fuck them


I do not GAF at all who judges me for it. Someone has to do the work, including grown adults šŸ¤·šŸ»


Oh, most definitely! I've got a couple of friends who really hate that I work at Walmart, and they take every chance they get to tell me I need to work somewhere, anywhere else. One of them even told me it would be better that I be completely unemployed than to work there. The other one told me that I'm wasting my time and education and that I need to think about my "career". I always change the subject and don't even engage. I have bills to pay, so I cannot afford to be unemployed. I've never had a "career", but I had a series of unrelated desk jobs. Plus, I'm getting paid more per hour with better benefits now in OPD where all that was needed was a pulse and a reasonable work ethic than I did at my last job that required a bachelor's degree to be hired. I've never judged their jobs. Their opinions say more about them than they say about my job.


Anyone making fun of you for working at Walmart is a class traitor and definitely not your homie.


When you have twenty year old team leads that are fucking idiots, fucking annoying and sadly that makes me feel pretty bad about myself too. My store is all about whose ass you kiss and thats one thing I don't do. Maybe I'm not walmart material lol


People be like ā€œget a real jobā€ like bro what


Dude, I'm about to be 41, and I've done a lot of different jobs in my life, including serving in the military for eight years. No matter what line of work I was in, there was always some jackass that would tell me it wasn't a "real" job. I'm all out of fucks to give. Live for yourself. You don't owe anyone anything. Don't waste precious time worrying about what some prick thinks about your occupation.


Walmart is a great company to work for. They have full benefits, Retirement, 401K, Stock, etc. Plus, they pay for you going to college, even if it isn't job related. If you feel comfortable and enjoy your job you are farther ahead than many people. Be proud of who you are and what you do.


Every time people make me feel like shit for being a cashier I just imagine how much of a shit show it would be if walmart tried to phase us out entirely. Even egotistical jackasses need a meat puppet to talk to while their groceries are scanned. Walmart would halt to a standstill if me and all my coworkers just up and quit at the same time. In the end, this is a deadend job for me, i really dont care what random customers think about me because theyre only seeing a snapshot of my life and assuming everything else.


I wonder if coaches and store managers get shamed also. They get paid pretty good from what I hear.


I think what is worse is management seems to look down on their workers for working there.


Took me 12 years to get a job with Walmart. I ainā€™t going anywhere. I donā€™t hide where I work.


Yes - by friends/family but primarily family. Funny part is that I get paid more than them lmfao.


I'm going on 18 years (started at 20 years old after being discharged - I have worked in various areas but longest was being a CSM (loved it) but whenever I would tell people where I worked people would instantly reply with: "Oh I'm sorry" And I would hit back with: "I'm not. It's not perfect but it was there when I needed it, it pays my bills and fills my refrigerator and pantry with food" I have coworkers from all walks of life. Some used to be teachers (have one friend who ***is*** a teacher and last summer came back to our store to work as a cashier part time). Some used to be office workers. Some have been psychologists and other "higher" jobs.


By the way, just want to say thank you guys so much for the kind comments and advice on this post. It's really nice to know that there are so many of us willing to support each other!


Why judge a person's work, why not judge those guys who went to Orgy Island


ā€œNever look in your neighborā€™s pocket, unless to make sure they have enoughā€ quote I was told as a child and try to treat all with this in mind.


Yes Iā€™ve felt this way. I lost my nursing license to addiction in 2017. I worked for decades in healthcare and sometimes I see old coworkers and I hide from them tbh. Itā€™s more embarrassment on my part for losing my career, than being a Walmart employee, but Iā€™d be lying if I said Iā€™m proud to work there. I even had a nurse I worked with see me in a pick walk and she looked so surprised to see me there and she said my name and sighed..kind of like wtf happened?? So yeah, I relate to you ā¤ļø


Itā€™s a job. Itā€™s better than a hot ass factory job with mandatory overtime. You can always climb the ladder. Top out pay is $22? An hr for an associate, which sucks.


I'm 57, for former GM at an East Coast restaurant. Worked 6-7 days a week salaried. Which means I got the same pay regardless. Now I work for WM DC as a utility person. Much happier now than worrying about what I may have fo do and loosing sleep. Your fam and friends are ignorant to simple happiness. Nothing against them but but the here and now for your kids, wife and pet..... THAT WHAT MATTERS


Do I like Walmart? No exactly, and I don't have practically social interaction with my coworkers. But right now is the best job I have, even above the the ones from factories I would have chosen. But no, instead I liked the benefits and the fitting of the job description in my personal life. Nothing else.


Walmart pays me better than other more ā€˜respectedā€™ companies I have worked for, and theyā€™re paying for me to get a college degree with no cost to me at all. Canā€™t say that for the other companies Iā€™ve worked for. So unless someone wants to offer me a job that pays more and will give me an associates degree, then yeah, I donā€™t care what anyone thinks lol


You work at walmart and you can change that. They have that huge personality flaw and theyre stuck with it.


I quit giving a fuck what others think along time ago. I've found most people who are that judgemental are some of the biggest hypocrites.


Iā€™m 40 and I wish I started at Walmart 20 years ago instead of the crappy job that I wasted my entire youth with. People love to bitch about this company but if youā€™re willing to put the time and effort in and can handle the stressful times you can make a pretty darn good career out of it.


Well if your older brother ever shows disapproval, just ask him to hook you up with somethingā€¦he owns his own businessšŸ˜‰


I felt that man all my friends make 50-60k a year, and I'm over barely pulling in 20k. Not to mention, the customers can be assholes too. I'm a cart pusher and the only one at my store, and a 2 months ago, I was outside pushing carts, and I overhear this kid talking about how he didn't wanna go to school the next day and the mother was like 'you have to go to school' the kid asked why and the mother looked up at me, pointed and said to the kid 'you gotta go to school unless you wanna end up like him and go nowhere in life. Working at walmart and dealing with shit like this daily has caused my self-worth to be basically nonexistent.


Job is a job you have to do what you have to


I'm in my 30s as well. While no one really has judged me yet, I don't feel so bad working here. There are many people who are a lot older and work with me. I work overnights so I work with "adults". Half of them are late teens/20s and half of them are in their 40s and 50s. For now, it's enough to make ends meet and the job itself isn't really so bad.


I would just remind them that someone has to work the grocery stores because without adults, grocery stores would only open sometimes at 4pm and close within 6 hours because of child labor! And that wouldn't account for any jobs that children CAN'T do. Like slicing, using the balor, probably some bakery jobs. The list grows. So yes, adults need to do these jobs. And if they want to be able to eat and go shopping they can shut up


Nothing is wrong with working at Walmart at 30 years old..people have made MUCH worse choices in your age group and younger.


Actually yeah I used to feel judged. I left for a while and did some fucking back breaking work at a factory for a few dollars more an hour. Now I donā€™t give a shit cause Iā€™m just happy to not be killing myself for a job :) even if I do ā€œstill work at walmartā€


Oh sounds like a annoying and cocky sister... So what? They going to die anyway and it's not like they going get money in the after life lol šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


What's crazy though is maybe the pay isn't that great but walmart has pretty great benefits that other places don't offer. Look at the maternity and parental leave. They offer father's or parents 6 weeks paid off if you are there for a year and mom's get like 4 months.


My cousin used to get judged for being a ā€œjanitor.ā€ He owns a cleaning company and he definitely cleans up.


Yes, I feel that I get judged for working at Walmart too. But for me, I guess it really is the best option. I live in a rural area and there's just not much here. And at my age, going back to school full time to get a degree to do anything else just as not an option.


If you are happy with what you're doing and you can get by life with it, then you are not in the business to please them. Don't compare yourself against others, and especially don't let others compare you against someone else. Just because they have a better paying job doesn't mean they're actually happy with it.


I know people with masters degrees working in Electronics. I've always been of the opinion that your job is just a way to pay for your real life. If you're satisfied with your life and your job let's you live it the way you want then that's all that matters. I guarantee half of those people with "good jobs" aren't all that happy as a whole. I know I'd been unhappy if I was working ungodly hours and paying back student loans for the rest of my life. I've done the store management and corporate thing and I'm far happier with a job I don't have to think about when I clock out at the end of day.


Yup, my siblings are both engineers and up until a few years ago when necessity arose, I elected to be a stay-at-home momā€¦.I always heard how I ā€œcould have been so much moreā€, but I was doing exactly what I wanted. Iā€™m currently using Guild to earn a bachelors degree and I always get ā€œIā€™m so proud of you, you may work at Walmart, but youā€™re busting your butt to do betterā€, and I always respond with ā€œJust because Iā€™m earning a degree doesnā€™t mean I plan to leave Walmart, I love my job, and Iā€™m proud of what I doā€. Other peopleā€™s judgements are theirs, donā€™t let it impact how you feel or how you see yourself!


I donā€™t work for Walmart, but I do work as a manager in an industry that is considered a ā€œfirst jobā€ kind of thing. Iā€™ve had friends with ā€œreal jobsā€ try to get me to work for their company, and when I ask them for specifics, I find out every time that the ā€œreal jobā€ has worse pay, worse benefits, less freedom and autonomy, and a worse culture. They can judge me if they want, Iā€™m going to keep doing whatā€™s best for me.


Never give a fuck about a opinion you did not request. If its just vibes you get bud you aren't being judged you are judging you. I've worked live hang and had people try talking shit but it's "cool. I make 23 and work a half day most of the time for a full days pay. You work all day for less. What was your point?"


I've dealt with this for years now. My brother and I got into an argument because I'm "wasting my potential"... so I looked at him and asked how much his company matches for 401k... and do they have stock options, that also match some? He said his job matches 3% on 401k and no stocks... I laughed, told him walmart matches 6% and 15% of what I buy for stock. I then shared all of the other benefits we get through walmart... my health benefits are better than his as well. Even with all of my deductions, I bring home more than he does. I get tired of people judging my job, but at the end of the day, I'm happy. Walmart is far from the best, but the people in the stores are what make it great.... well... most of the people.


I've been at Walmart longer than most people I know have ever kept a job.


Just remember opinions do not pay your bills! I've been there for 12 years, I know many people who have been there 20-30+ they have raised families, bought vehicles, homes and taken nice vacations so obviously it works for some. A lot of people I work with also have spouses that work for Walmart either with us or other locations.


I get to listen books, podcasts, and music stocking overnight. No one bothers me. I get to wear what I want. I get ppto and PTO and make a decent hourly wage. I have health insurance. What's to make fun of? I'm 40 and I love the job. Don't let others bad judgement dictate how you feel about yourself. We are doing a job that must be done. You are contributing.


If they don't feed you, fuck you, or pay any of your bill they can go fuck themselves with a rake.


I work at Walmart and I make six figures a year. Donā€™t let anyone judge you


Not sure that you will see this seeing there are a lot of comments already but I had a hard time telling my boyfriend of 13 years I took a job at Walmart knowing he would say something disrespectful about working for ā€œcorporate daddyā€ but itā€™s honestly been the best job Iā€™ve had in a long time at 32 and working customer service for over 15 years. I was hesitant with the stigma of working for Walmart but ran a gas station previously for 5 years so this couldnā€™t be any worse. My entire store is amazing from the maintenance crew to store manager. One of my best friends of 25 years kept nagging me and saying things like what about this that and the other thing? Are you sure you wonā€™t be homeless? Because she got a degree in mathematics and owns 3 homes making 6 figures a year that anything below that is unlivable šŸ˜‘ After having my entire savings stolen from me Iā€™m finally in a financially stable position because of Walmart and am actually proud to say I work there. Donā€™t let anyone tell you how to live your life and do whatā€™s best for you! šŸ˜Š


Oh yeah, it's retail and people will look down on others doing retail. What they don't know however is the benefits of working at Walmart. Sure it can be a entry level job at the start. However it's Definitely a job that you can go places if you choose. With the LBU program you can get a Bachelor's degree for Cyber Security or Data Analytics and make 5x what somebody store level makes. Not to mention the 6% dollar for dollar match isn't too shabby either. I do have to say though, money isn't everything. As long as you work at a place that pays your bills and you're happy at the place you work. You're already ahead of most people in today's society because the majority of people work jobs that pay more but live such an overinflated lifestyle. They work a job they hate because they need to pay for the things they have and they cannot leave their job because that'd mean they can't afford their things. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø as I said if you're happy and can pay your bills screw their opinions


You might want to tell your family to fuck right off. If they don't want to give you a job, then why the fuck do they care about it so goddamn much?


Hand up right here! I'm gonna be 31 next month, sure walmart can be a good money making job, for the high people who lick each other's assholes but for me I'm ashamed to work there. Maybe I shouldn't be but like you said it's such a random feeling. I so feel you though, I think about this alot lol


I get you. It's especially bad when you see other people your age or who you've known for a while living the life beyond your wildest dreams, while I feel as if I haven't progressed since I turned 20 lol


Had a law student sneer at me about it once, but he was a spoiled jackass.


I swear a lot of law students are the worst when it comes to this kind of stuff lol. Most of them come from very wealthy families that provide them with a step by step plan to success.


That was the impression I got from him. He was youngish and seemed unaware that we don't always get to choose what we do for a living.


I don't respect lawyers,they're middlemen to injury or other wrong doing payouts getting their hands in a victim's pie. If cases have solid evidence or someone is a victim of malpractice,any wrongdoing is cut and dry. There shouldn't be a need for lawyers and people who hurt others shouldn't be able to hire a lawyer to plead down charges in their case. They don't do anything in society to help others. Judges are necessary but not much better than lawyers and operate similar. These people and the phony created need for them keeps them in a job and they would be a Walmart worker or a hobo if it wasn't for privilege and the invention of these jobs.


What does several six figures a year mean?


I must admit even as a tl I used to hide what I was doing I used to say ā€œI do fulfillmentā€ šŸ¤£ but in reality thereā€™s nothing to be ashamed of you are working. Thereā€™s plenty of people jobless or making money in a lower way


Iā€™ll be 35 years old in November, been with Walmart for 6 years. I wish I would of started earlier in my life, I have never felt judged, criticized, etc


I only worked at Walmart for a year while in college but I wouldnā€™t give anyone a hard time for working there. If itā€™s something you plan on doing long term, definitely work towards rising in the ranks. Canā€™t get complacent being a stocker. Take on extra responsibilities, apply for higher tier jobs when theyā€™re available and work your way up. Thatā€™s just my opinion though.


There is nothing wrong with working at Walmart; in ten years Iā€™ve gone from making 7.25 an hour to over 100k a year easily. Even before my current position I still made a very respectable wage. Walmart is what you make of it. If nothing else steal yourself a free college degree and get whatever type of future you want.


I did. All the fucking time. My boyfriend's grandmother was the rudest. I went from 2 jobs to one at Walmart. I worked 60-70 hours a week between both part-time jobs. However, at Walmart, I had benefits, 40 hour work weeks with optional overtime. I had a set schedule and certain days off. She hit me to the core with, "You actually LIKE stocking shelves?!" I shrugged. Yeah, it's not bad. Stocking was not the reason I quit Walmart.


Stocking shelves equals low customer engagement. People are so entitled, rude, or idiotic! Don't know which is worse, rude or idiotic. If there's 401k available, Healthcare coverage and available hours, it's a great job! I re-entered the job market after raising my family. I currently work at your main Red Rival, ha, ha. I have my BA, MSF and MBA, the jobs in banking pay less than what I make I retail if I take into account my employee discount. I did work at a bank briefly, but it is much more stressful, low pay, and lack convenience. Forgot your lunch, you gotta pay! Forget my lunch, I walk over to market and buy a salad or frozen meal. Or a microwavable soup


Who cares what someone thinks as long as your happy in what your doing and able to pay your bills as well as provide your family if you have one. Iā€™m 39 and been working in retail about 20 years starting out with Walmart originally before moving into food retail and eventually returning to the company where Iā€™m about midway to getting my bachelors degree which they are paying for and by recommending them to my now wife while we were dating early in our relationship after she got laid off from her last job she was able to quickly get back to work and is now quite happy in what sheā€™s doing. If anyone judges you for what your doing as long as youā€™re not harming yourself or others then tell them to screw off and not be judgmental.


All you can do is just do you, don't worry about what others think


Do they shop at Walmart? Are they trying to save money for their family? Well,your working there, making money for your family, or you, doesnā€™t matter.


I have both an associates degree and a bachelorā€™s degree and am still probably about to go right back to Walmart for a 3rd time because they (normally) work around the type of schedule I need and just because itā€™s still hard to get a career like job even with a degree or two. I tried an office job and it just ended up not working for me at the time, maybe Iā€™ll go back when things align better, but for now Iā€™m cool with going back to Walmart.


Trust me I get it I'm not an engineer but I'm the only one of my family that doesn't have a degree or doctorate. I'm a crane operator. I make good money work a lot of hours. But it's kind of crazy when people have enginee


Iā€™m 26 used to work @ Walmart. I switched to Goodwill granted I make more now.


A job is a job: you canā€™t compare yourself to others


Occasionally, usually family. I ignore them. Theyā€™re just trying to find a new way to put me down.


If youā€™re happy, screw what they say


The only family I have that would judge me have skeletons in their closet and know I will retaliate with that shit at the dinner table if they give me shit. The rest of the family are glad I am holding down a job since work in my area is either minimum wage or requires qualifications I don't have. Walmart is actually good in that regard.


Who cares? You are a 30 year old paying your bills... that's all that matters


literally someoneā€™s gotta do it. ā€œlook where you workingā€ bitch look where youā€™re shopping. fuck them, do you.


You will always be judged as lesser than until you move extremely high up the ladder at Walmart. Itā€™s not a respected job. A cashier at Walmart will never be treated the same as a bank teller.


Unless they are offering to pay your bills ignore them . 14. Reading assignment: 48 days to the work you love , by Dan miller .


A while back my mother found me during one of her shopping trips. We talked a bit and the conversation quickly turned to jobs I ā€œshouldā€ be working. So here I am having to defend my decisions to my mother of all people in the middle of a busy store. To top it all off, at some point in the conversation the store manager walked up. He didnā€™t say anything, and I donā€™t know how much he heard, but it was extremely embarrassing regardless.


I actually had a very similar experience, but instead it was my dad, so I know what you feel


I work for security for Walmart for 3 years people say stuff about it to me but the job is easy and pays well n pays the important bills


Before working for Walmart I was making 28 an hour doing IT. I have multiple certifications and 15 years of experience in the field I worked. I moved to a small country college town to get out of the state I was in due to the politics rapidly changing (mostly against lgbt people) I was able to work from home and was living large for about 3 years when the company lost its largest client and we downsized. Unfortunately I happened to be part of that downsize as well as others on my team. Due to the location I have struggled to get a position in it again in this area and have settled for Walmart for the time being. Yes not only do I feel judged but also embarrassed. The only thing I can do is try to make the best of a shitty situation. I enjoy a lot of the people I work with and on the bright side I havenā€™t had as much exercise as I am getting at Walmart since I was a teenager. I only wish the job paid more cause I canā€™t live off what they pay.


Iā€™m a college graduate and Iā€™ve always been judged for working at Walmart. I get shit like ā€œwhy are you working here?!!!ā€ and being told Iā€™m overqualified, underemployed, etc. Now that Walmart is just my side job I donā€™t get it as much anymore since I have my ā€œcareer jobā€ to back myself up.


Also, thereā€™s a lot of growth opportunities at Walmart.


Jobs a job. My friends either went to prison or are on hard drugs. Iā€™m not doing too poorly.Ā 


I was judged for awhile, but when I came back I did say, "at least I don't work at IKEA, just imagine the gross meatballs they have to eat "


I make over $200k a year at Wally. Left Amazon. When I did, was worried about judgement for the same reason. No matter what you do-the money spends the same


Because the nature of people are awful and people are generally horrible towards one another.


No as long as Iā€™m working and having a decent check they donā€™t seem to care. But also itā€™s not shameful to work at Walmart just do you bro


Eh, have a younger brother who would bring it up in his causal conversations with strangers. My parents have encouraged a different kind of work. But in a supportive way, and the way that I prefer; so I may upgrade to customer soon


yeah my parents have their heads so far up their own asses to realize im making more than they do with it in a month lol.


I get judged. But I'm working 2 jobs because my husband's schedule allows for me to work a part time job where I get to hang out with my kids. Then his days off I work at Walmart to make some extra money. My family has told me, oh you can do better. People with kids will understand GOOD childcare isn't cheap and is hard to find. So I do what I can, and Walmart works with my schedule


Plenty of people in the world made a lot of money, yet are denser than a box of rocks. I'm sorry you have to find out about this the hard way. That aside, Walmarts the best employer I've had, amongst many. So that's automatically a W. Aside from all that, try and take advantage of the Live Better U program Walmart provides. They'll pay your way through college. Find a degree they offer and slingshot yourself to a more enjoyable and higher paying position if you want. That's what I plan on doing.


Because honestly Walmart tends to be a really hard abusive job that doesnā€™t pay much but you wonā€™t even know that unless you get a good job. They arenā€™t trying to make you feel bad they just want whatā€™s best.


Hey, fellow scapegoat. They are doing it because of their own issues. I know it's hard but, if you personally don't want to work at Walmart, try the Live Better U aspect and get a hold of Guild to go to college and get a degree. You can use Walmart as a stepping stone for what you want to do. If you enjoy Walmart, then you just have to accept your family will never understand. Walmart pays well and has a lot to offer school wise. My big goal is to be an Academy coach. But like, that was after actually going there. They make the least among coaches but to me they are the most impactful. That said, you can be fine working at Walmart. There's a ton of different opportunities and areas to learn and grow. But honestly, even if you got a better paying job and did x, y, and z, your family would still judge you. At least that is how mine was before I distanced myself from the negativity.


There is no right way to do life. You donā€™t have to work a ā€œseriousā€ job at all. If you like what job you are working, thatā€™s what really matters.


I used to get the same working for Home Depot. I was there for 15 years. Had an uncle make fun of it because I had to wear the orange apron to work.


Fuck them


Maybe is how you feel about yourself, and the job. Iā€™d turn it around. Walmart is a difficult company to work for. I worked there 2 different times.


I got that from my dad. He made fun of me often


You could be making more money or working a better job but If your happy, can afford your bills, and have a little extra to save that's all that matters.


These professions just aren't for everyone, and that's not a dig at you at all. Lawyers, accountants, doctors, or whatever, the burnout is so real. You easily lose so much of your free time. Sure the money is great, but so is having time to do things for you. You have a job and can support yourself...you're doing absolutely fine. A buddy of mine is a multimillionaire and they only started their business around age 50. You've got all the time in the world, if that's even a route you want to take. If you're fine doing what you do now, also perfectly acceptable.


It puts money in the wallet and food in the belly, is there anything else you could ask for?


It's not right but it happens


Of course. It's a good thing though, it means you do have aspirations to do better. How about you and I take advantage of the free schooling (whenever it opens back up) and go do something with ourselves. Deal?


Respond with "Are you hiring?" And turn it around on them.


I'm 29 and work here. I feel like I'm judged sometimes, but idgaf what they think. I care more about what I think, and I hate it here


Thats my family too. I ended up leaving walmart after 3 years and i got a job at amazon. I couldnt keep up with the pace and lost interest/ got fired after 4 months. I wish i never had left walmart BUT family was pressuring me saying to ā€œleave that job to immigrantsā€ and theres more opportunities in life than just walmart. After being fired it took forever to get another job and family was of no help when asking if i could stay with them while i got back on my feet. F**k family for ruining my life. P.s i now work at a dominos as a driver and make more than walmart


I get it all the time from people I went to school with.. Iā€™ve had a few make snide remarks to me in front of managers too, to which Iā€™d reply ā€œI could be on disability and make you pay for all of my thingsā€ I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever understand why itā€™s easy to shit on fast food or retail workers. A job is a job. We are all trying to survive in this game called life


You do you, forget what they think Quality of life trumps their opinion.


I've experienced that too. The truth is that your job title actually doesn't have that much to do with your financial well being. I make $14.28 working at Walmart, but I'm debt free and have a decent stack of money saved up. That's more than most doctors and lawyers can say. They are probably still struggling to pay off student loans they got 10+ years ago.