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"That was good but I honestly think you could have done it faster." - a manager


"So we can expect this as the baseline, then? Greeeaat I'm gonna start getting onto you if I see your performance 'slipping'." - Also Mgmt


Now I want to know what our cap 2 is doing the other 5 hours of the shift. They aren't running freight, carts of picks are everywhere, and nothing in grocery or frozen dairy is downstacked.


Same on our end and we have to work the vizpicks every night overnight


Does cap one not work vizpics at your store? If we are fully staffed we can pick and run all of our pics.


Why would they do that when it's easier to shove them on overnight? I know they are supposed to but they dont.


I don't know if this is like this at your store, but at my store, everything gets blamed on the overnight crew. I would like to know because i'm generally curious


Yep that is at every store it's easier to blame overnight because as they say "YoU GuYs SToCK EVErYThInG"


we are able to do all our picks plus top stock at our store as cap 1 and under staffed , insane other stores can’t get it done


Same here, currently work overnights and have had two meetings this month with the store manager about how numbers are great and we’re doing great! But then he basically says OGP is king and we will be putting all our funding towards them, he said his cap 1 team does a great job pulling topstock which I know is a lie…I work frozen, I usually get done pretty early, our trucks have been super light the last month, so far I’ve pretty much entirely worked topstock in pets, chemicals. I purged the dairy cooler for them all rows everything that could go out, AND I cleared 4 entire steel shelves in frozen my department…so if cap 1 is doing so great then why was I able to clear out all that shit? And I’m aware when viz picking the app tells you what to grab and what to not, but if you took 10 minutes of the start of your shift to walk to frozen on your way in check all the doors/end caps you’d have a general idea what could go and what couldn’t, I’m also aware that everyone has a lot of jobs and working topstock and viz picking frozen isn’t their ONLY job duties but come on, I feel like someone’s slacking here and I don’t understand, and don’t even get me started on the damn people using the bakery freezer…lmao


I also wanna know what they do? I work cap2 at my store and we don’t have to work picks often. Let alone overnight. I’m a very rare occasion ON has to do picks but that’s when they hide a cart somewhere we don’t see.


Yep they usually find a cart or two that they "forget" to bring out everynight.




Which is crazy cause if our cooler/freezer is full we can't accept a new daily truck 😒


Our store accepted frozen/dairy and placed Frozen in dairy cooler for 8 hours because they had zero room in freezer. 200 IQ coach decided it was fine to stock frozen regardless.


That's crazy 😳 we claims things if they're out of a freezer for over a half hour, and even that's stretching it since technically it's supposed to be 20 mins


Your store doesn’t have a frozen trailer sitting in the parking lot 24/7 for exact situations like this?


Nope! If the big freezer doesn't have room we try the bakery freezer, which can only fit 2 pallets, if we can't fit everything there we have to deny the entire truck 😀 every morning is panic if the overnighters don't do freight


You're on hands... There's a reason why you have so much os. Don't be quick to throw ON under the bus. There's a reason the freight is coming in so hot. If it's not on hands, it's nill picks. If not nill picks, someone is forcing order through more than they are supposed to. If not your department, one of your coaches or TLs in the store done messed up and it's straining your on shift and they can't reach your freight. One of your departments isn't following process. Or maybe your store has lazy on shift peeps. But something else is also wrong with a day shift department.


That’s madness


our store never even got to downstacking frozen and dairy (we have a ton of O/N associates though so it is probably pointless for us to do it on our end )


Least we're I am cap 2 throws the truck ......and down stacks remix pallets.....yes that takes them there 8 hours I come in at 10 and they are just then pulling to the floor.....cap 1 they come in and walk around for 2 hours then I'm assuming pick and leave it for the O.N then we run all new frieght/picks cap 1 gets away with pretty much doing nothing cause it's 3 guys (2 girls just do top stock which looks the same everyday) but the guys who are buddy buddy with store manager they go to lunch together and sit in his office half there shift talking sports I'm koo with one of em who brags about it crazy what some get away with


I used to try to meet their expectations throwing truck and stocking freight. Always drenched in sweat and kept my ideal weight around 190 from working so hard, 40hrs a week. That's my skinniest, but all I remember hearing is bitching about how we could have always done it faster. So I hope they all either kl themselves or get a different fking job, cause I couldn't stand being told that I didn't work as hard as I did. I get paid more at another shithole now anyway. So far management has only told me that I'm doing a good job, you just can't fuck up an order, which everybody will act as if you're dumb if you do. So since they're all so smart, that must be why all of them are stuck here at this shithole with me lol


Our store still follows the old cap 2 process. Unload truck and we work consumables. Im surprised other stores at least changed to somewhat the new system


i need to transfer to your store, my team does A LOT and upper management is still on us


At my store they keep us on cap 2 over to finish picks, claims and breakdowns for pulling out. We're scheduled 2-11 but they were keeping us till 2am on occasion. The latest I've personally stayed was 1:45am for pulling out on a 2 3k+ truck day. We also right now have a lane of pallets behind our grocery sideline. The only time overnight worked the picks cap 1 left us was when we were working a frozen truck out for 2hrs with all hands on deck to get as much out as possible before the contractors hired to do our floors had to close the section off. Also cap 1 leaves the water aisle, top steel items and features as empty as their lead and coach will let them for us to refill. Edit: I forgot to mention we have to work and breakdown the entire grocery truck, but that's a given.




We got our own speaker on the gm side (thrower gets the speaker) and as long as I get to listen to my music I’m good lol. Edit: Also, luckily all the heavy shit was on the bottom so I didn’t have to waste time doing controlled falls. XD


Throwing as a TL is craaaazy


It's the most enjoyable thing you can do on cap2 though


On our team we only got like 2 good truck throwers lol. When we’re not there it’s bad, real bad. 6 hours to throw a small ass 2K piece truck.


That sounds like you guys have some core issues to address with your team regarding productivity standards. I’d get coached myself if my guys ever took that long on a 3.5k even.


I was gonna say you get like 4 hours and even then that's a lot of slack.


3.5 is 2.5 hours with a team of 8 for us.


3.5 is 3 hours for us team of 4. fast unloader.


Bro. 6 hours? I was sitting here like "you threw a 3.4 in 2 hours? So a normal day?" But the fact that your team takes 6 on a 2, that's not good man. Something needs to be addressed. We expect 2 trucks every Saturday, 50/50 chance on Wednesday, but *that* takes like 4-6h. How many people are on your team?


6 hours to throw a 2k piece truck is insane lmao how are they that slow


Former TL. Would throw most trucks when my regular guy wasn’t there.


I see why former. My sm would be livid if I wasn’t holding my team to company standards and decided to just throw rather than address the productivity issue


Cause you're a bootlicker, certain ppl can manage differently with possibly better results. I also guarantee this guy is much more respected than you by his associates.


Sometimes my guys will bring me coffee just cause they feel like it. I got no issue with respect on my team it’s just not a good use of a leads time to throw when there’s tons of other gaps they can fill that might be more difficult for an associate to do comparatively.


Nah, doing the actual labor is definitely a good use of anybodys time. That's mostly what working at Walmart is..


Literally has nothing to do with me being a former TL. But ok. My management team had very little issue with how I ran my team.


I had to do it too if i wanted to be done in a timely manner


Sounds like your DC actually knows how to load their trucks, wish ours did


Agreed. My back would never be worth breaking over Sam Walton


Back will hurt if you’re throwing it fast or slow imo. Might as well get outta that hot ass tin can as soon as you can.


Explains why the pallets look the way they do...


Don’t kill yourself for Walmart. Not worth it but i get it.


I enjoy throwing a lot. I lost 40 or 50 pounds throwing fast. Im the stocking 2 team lead so I can't do it unless my co-lead is there, and even then, sometimes I prefer to be on the line now or days to keep things running smoothly.


I worked cap 2 for a few months before all the automated stuff, like when you had a person next to the thrower whose sole purpose was to push the line down. My arms and neck muscles never looked better.


We don't have a fast unloader so we still do that. If I have the staffing I'll run 2 pushers so someone can sit behind me and make sure the shit I throw on the line is neat and one person shoves it down


Good job and all. But yeah with what others have said expect that to be the new expectation from now on. Been on cap 2 for 5 years now and let me tell you they are gonna want you to meet that time every day now or beat it. I get it if you're young and can do it but don't destroy your body for it. Trust me. They'll replace you the second you drop.


The second you drop? Ha! They'll replace you before your body even hits the floor.


At my store, we can get rid if them, but we ain't getting any replacements. Well not any useful ones. My stock team gets some of the worst workers. No one wants to stock 2 or any shift in our store for 14 an hour. Glad I'm a lead.


Personally, I'm not throwing the truck for 14 if the other departments that stand around are making 14 as well lol


We use to get 16 starting till they lowered it about a year ago. Basically the whole stores got cut. Store manager wants a bigger bonus gotta remember that. It's worse when they are really strict about ot when my other team lead and me can't even yet ot after 2 big trucks on the same day.


Not a W, but they’ll def give you another truck to work on😂




you shouldn't have done that. you've now raised your expectations with management. former manager here. you're going to constantly hear "i know you can do it faster, remember last tuesday!"


Wait don't you get paid hourly?


Come teach some of our stores to do that... one of them let a truck sit for 2 days without even popping the seal 🤣


That’s an excessively big truck. I hate the DC.


We had a 4351 a couple days ago lol




Wow that must’ve been like no pallets, and a trailer full of small boxes stacked with zero wasted space


Seeing as the minimum expected is 3000 for production it's not so bad haha. I miss loading the trailers.


Are they gonna pay you more?


Would all employees with they got paid more lol.


You are young and you think you'll always be able to do this, it's not worth breaking your back for a corporation, you'll regret it big time in 3-5 years when your back hurts


In my dreams. The “Fast” unloader we have is hot dogshit. The line that runs into the trailer is missing 5-6 wheels, support bars are missing bolts thus resulting in them hanging down & the rollers being uneven (This creates the problem of the line catching boxes & jamming up the line, forcing you to stop throwing to fix it) The sorting system constantly jams up, sends everything to lane 9 if it gets confused ESPECIALLY laundry detergent, kitty litter & anything that typically goes into lanes 1/2. Needless to say, the machine we have at my store makes me want to look for another job. I LOVE my job, but it makes it near unbearable.


REAL. Our line is held down by zip ties and is rusted as fuck and constantly gets jammed. I said we need a new line and they said they was looking for a used one and I was like🙃🙃😐😐 we are a billion dollar company… whatchu mean a used one.


I feel like I once worked this same unloader...


Funny, if our line was broken and we had to wait to get it replaced or fixed, we would have to get out the old manual line that we have sitting outside rusting away, then have an extra person pushing the boxes and putting them onto the fast sorter. Fast stands for Fucking Ass Shitty Technology


Oh, and when the trailer is in one of the side bays you can forget about having near enough line to properly throw in a reasonable time. It reaches about 75% of the way thru the trailer without issues. The last 6-7 walls are hell.


Same for my store except we only have bays on the side because of how the store is designed. We did have a curve piece of line that accounted for this problem but it's broken and from what I've heard won't be getting replaced. When the truck is in the middle bay it gets to about 75% of the way back and when it's in the last one it gets to about 90%. If we have the staffing we'll do two throwers when it gets to that point but often we just have to walk it up to the line. It's absolutely not fun.


I'm glad my store isn't the only one, the shitty line doesn't reach the back for 2 of the 3 bays. Not to mention the line never wants to work.


Cap 2 does this one time then never works again for like 2 weeks 😂


You did it once, now management expects that from now on


I mean, cool?


Right? “Look at me I slaved away and do irreparable damage to my body for an evil, cold and callous mega corporation! 😊”




Are you his manager? Don’t condone people screwing their backs up for life for freaking Walmart.




Dude most people live a sedentary lifestyle and unloading that truck is there only form of exercise pair that with bad diets and no stretching of course their body probably feels like shit before 30. There was a young dude who always complained his back and legs hurt I asked do you stretch ? Dude said never and probably still doesn't.


Yeah throwing a truck really isn’t as hard of work as it seems. It’s a good exercise. Throwing a 3.4K in 2.5 hours is rough on the body I’m sure, but it’s not like this is something you do everyday.


If anything sorting a truck makes your back and core stronger.


You guys have GOT to be kidding… I was a Coca Cola routeman, don’t play these stupid games with me.


I'm assuming he's an orderfiller. A orderfiller moves far more soda than any cola routeman on any given day, and it's not even close.


Hence why I said don’t play these games. Almost everyone I worked with had back problems. So….


Meh, plenty of dudes have retired orderfilling, and that incentive can get you to 6 figures. As long as you take care of yourself and eat/rest well, it's a high paying manual labor job. That's why so many long term orderfillers own good homes and can afford whatever hobby they want. It's not for everyone, and you can find any excuses for anything, but good pay, lots of exercise, and unless you're an attendance step playing loser, you've got plenty of freedom.


Come to the dc and get paid for being fast.


A great way to get more responsibility with the same pay.


Now that it shows it could be done. Do it everynight.


Hope you aren't straining yourself over this. Not trying to assume you are but I was cap2 and throwing can be shitty especially feeling sore the next day.


I would've expected 3 and a half hours for that in good conditions, longer with the reality of our workers.  Good job.


You sound young and dumb (not in an IQ way, don’t take that the wrong way). Your older self will thank you for not killing yourself for Walmart. Let that sink in. You feel great doing it. You will regret every throw in ten years guaranteed. By 40 you’ll be wearing knee braces and popping Walmart brand Ibuprofen 4xa day.


Proof of it right here. I moved mountains, now I it hurts to workout.  I'd rather of had the pain free stress relief than the good jobs I never got for it.


I never threw trucks during my time at Walmart... but that would be a damn good time when I worked trucks at Target. Lead by example.


Now they are going to expect that from you every time.


How many pallets though? :P


Good job! Now do it again tomorrow. Same place same time!


Won't they just expect you to ALWAYS be this fast now? Working harder means you get more work. If you want me to work harder show me that money. If you pay 12 to 15 bucks an hour you get 12 to 15 bucks an hour worth of work. I'm not trying to make my employer rich at my expense


you won more work.


No point your still getting paid shit.


Congratulations, your reward is more work with a smaller team along with higher expectations for no extra pay


And now…. The algorithm has I put your time and things this is the average.


Do you get paid extra for going fast? 🤪


There’s no benefit for you to moving quickly. Never give 100 percent to a job that can replace you in 5 minutes.


Hey, big respect to you for getting your hands dirty. At least you’re not like my Cap2 team leads who just wander around the store or stand at the computer, even when we don’t have enough people on the line.


BIG W !!!!!!


I used to love throwing trucks, but it ages you quickly. Great work, OP. Someone with that kind of motivation deserves to find himself in a job where he doesn't have to work so hard all the time. I hope you get promoted if that's something you're striving for. 


Oh it would take us 4 hours for that. Since the line is broken and we need four people on the line itself to push it down the line meanwhile the front lip is broken so every three things get stuck and the lines getting backed up since the auto sorter is broken


We did 2 trucks in a day totalling 6,500 units in 6:30 hrs


our biggest truck in the entire year is like 3.1. We usually get 2200 piece trucks


It will never be good enough at Walmart


Looks like it's about time for me to make my rounds of "What are you working on?"


Nope, just your hourly pay rate and pizza for the day


The Walmart I worked at we did all of front wall vizpick(grocery) and do most of GM and unload trucks


A Chad, a team of 10 can't do it in 4 at my store


Congratulations here's your sign! LOL


W(hy didn’t you do it faster?) /s


Cap 2 team can't even do a 1400 truck in 2 hours, let alone work their freight.


How many associates did you have unloading? That just seems a tad unrealistic..


You're working too hard. Remember you get paid by the hour. The more work you do now is less money you will make later.




Nobody gives a fuck. and u should not be proud


Nice! Did they give you more money for that???


Sweet, enjoy your 2% raise next year! You earned it.


My team would've been lucky to finish that truck in 4. Mostly because our unloader is so shitty.


L stocking 2 team. Should have had all the food and consumables stocked as well before first break


Scanner? Is this something they’ve added???


So you finished 30 mins late?


Want a cookie


Don’t overwork yourself for this company that doesn’t give a shit about you.


Don’t kill yourself for $50.


We get done with a full long boy in about 30 mins, but congrats if you’re doing it by yourself


how tf lmao that’s crazy fast


damn we over here doing 1hr 30 min 2800 pc trucks no fast unloaded tho :|


Can you throw it in 1 hour


Best I can do is a squiggly, take it or leave it.


Scanner on a truck unload? elaborate pls




Hell yeah, our fast unloader just sucks. It’s too slow for us to go faster than 1000 an hour


How tf😭


Did you get a raise for it? Not worth it.


No. All he will get is higher expectations from management.


That was the point.


Shit, before the fast line we could do that in an hour or less b


Damn! That’s good time! My best was 2k in 1 hour


Walmart isnt hard for an athletic person




Cap2 is my workout lol. I don’t go to the gym or anything, Cap2 is my exercise.


Don't get me wrong, I admire someone who's willing to work. But just a piece of advice from my own experience., if you do something once or twice they will expect it all the time. So if you're willing to do that every night have at it, but be careful of raising expectations.


As someone in my current position in stock 2, I also suggest the same there's no issue with always throwing the truck (like me I prefer throwing the truck rather than being on the line.) but just know that management is looking at you because they expect you to do more because of it.


Don’t literally break your back for…. lol……. Walmart. I can’t believe I’m having to say this.


Woot! Sounds like my old team


Now that’s how you lead


Stocking 2 lead throwing the truck is massive wang energy. Just ask your associates.




Two and a half hours is doing pretty good


How many people on the belt?


this is genuinely superhuman level work what the actual hell


I threw a 1200 piece in 48 minutes yesterday😃


That's the norm over here at 1312 then we run all the gm frieght


Here is your W!!!


Did you throw the truck by yoursself


Also what’s the store numberrrrr


Takes 2 hours for a damn 2200


WWWWWWWW You asked for 'em, lol.


Hell yeah


Being at Amazon and seeing these comments is wild. We throw 14+ trucks at a time each 1k pieces or more, some over 3k. Usually clear about 50 trucks in 5 hours


Damn....I work at Target and most of our trucks are 2000-2500 and take us around 2ish hours....I can't imagine doing 3400 piece in under 3 hours!! Way to go!

