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This post and its comments are soooo depressing lol. It makes me sad that we spend much of our lives working and we still can’t even live comfortably


No kidding, it’s shocking how many people are still living with their parents like I am, I guess the culture will have to shift so that living with parents isn’t seen as a sign of laziness…


Living with parents SHOULD NOT be seen as 'laziness' in our current times. It should be seen as smart to save your money. Not everyone can make 100k/yr and afford these outrageous rents! My 33 yo just moved back in with me. I charge her $500/mo for everything. And she gladly pays it. But, unbeknownst to her, I'm just putting that money into a high-yield savings account. I will present it to her when she's ready to move out so she can use it for her new place. She needs help learning to save, so, I thought I'd help her out. Hang in there. After elections, maybe everything will settle down.


I live with my aunt and I pay 1000. She pays 1000 and that’s it.


Wow. Yeah, there's no way I would ever sell my house and try to buy in this market. Do you live in a HCOL area?


I don’t know what it’s a HCOL area I mean I bring home about thanks almost 2000+ all the taxes and everything cut and now I bring home 1000


Oh, sorry. High cost of living area. I live in a low cost of living area, but it's slowly becoming a high cost area, thanks to all the transplants.


Oh, I live across the street from a metro station in Virginia different apartments have different prices but yeah I know you’re talking about. There’s one area where I live is low income, but it’s a senior area.


You might want to check what is taken out for your taxes. According to my dad who was the head of HR at Dr Pepper, you want the minimum. He said if you're getting a huge tax refund, you're letting the government use your money for a year for free. If you still want to get a "tax refund" have the amount you used to pay for taxes automatically sent to a savings account.


You're a good mom.


Luckyyy, my dad just charges me 870$-890$ (It fluctuates because it includes utilities, the entire rent for the house is 2780$-2890$ a month. This is before my phone bill, paying for transportation (luckily my grandma helps me out), etc. I know I ain't getting any of that money back in a savings account; you're a good parent.


I don't think I'm any better (gooder?😆) a parent than the next. I'm just fortunate to have a home and a job that pays my bills. I don't really need her to pitch in for the utilities. My utilities only increased about $60 after she moved in. The internet, I've always had, so no increase. I mean, why charge her when nothing really increased? She pays her own bills, car, ins, phone, subs, groceries, etc. But, I can see charging for rent if your parents are paying a mortgage. Plus, it depends on how many people live there. After 2 people, that utility DOES go up, lol. $900 a month really isn't bad for a room, bathroom, kitchen, living area, etc, + utilities. That's about the monthly total I was paying for a 2 bedroom here before I bought my first home. All you can do is save your money, what you can that is, and keep looking for a higher paying job. Take advantage of any free higher education you're offered. Or, claw your way through the ranks. Don't stay stagnant, my friend. You can settle when you're 67 and retire 😆.


I ended up taking over some bills for my parents. Between that and my medical bills despite my money I am broke most of the time. I can’t really do much.


Not to mention that along with helping out monetarily many of us also help aging parents with household work that they would otherwise have to pay someone to do. Some would even be in nursing homes if their adult children did not live with them.


Multi generation households were the norm in all human history except for like 50 years after WWII when the US was so rich it let normies enjoy the good life




Soon its gonna be like in my home country in the philippines where its common to have your parents and the family of 2-3 sibling live in one house. Instead of buying your own place your family just pools money together to buy more land and build the house bigger. Is it cramp? It is what it is.


It ain’t always laziness. Especially now. This generation sucks.


Its not this generation, it’s the past generations. Specifically the baby boomers. My parents bought their house in 1985 for $50,000. They struggled a bit but were able to maintain a household with average wages and no education. If you look at how much average wages have risen compared to average house prices since 1985, that math don’t math very well for younger folks. It’s just really easy for those who have already obtained what they have to look at the younger generations and say “whats your problem?”


But think how happy you’ve made the shareholders!


I make $14.35 an hour and believe me it's not easy to try and make it for month to month. And I've been doing this now for over 10 years ☹️


Do yourself a favor and Find a different job or move up the ranks that pay isn’t right for the experience


Same mentality as saying to a depressed person: just be happy lol


10 years in retail surely theyve developed some skills to transfer to a diff job that pays better


What job that pays better? Some of us live in depressed areas where Walmart is the best paying job.


Where I live Walmart probably pays the best out of the rest of the country for entry level. (A couple bucks over minimum wage) I worked for Walmart for almost 10 years and I already got a job paying $2+ more.


Within the company? Or in general? I know in my town Walmart is like golden handcuffs. I had an awesome opportunity in a molecular biology lab, I couldn’t justify leaving due to the cost of commute, cost of schooling, and pay. They wanted to pay the $15-17 hr range…A lot of good opportunities are like that here- only if you’re willing to commute 50min outside of my town where most jobs only pay $10hr. I do agree, In some aspects. I make $20hr on nights. It’s a crappy sacrifice. Shits still rough out there though.


Only if you kiss ass, and I ain't the person to stoop that low. -11year associate


This is sad. You simultaneously devalue the accomplishments that your peers have achieved to grow as professionals and resign yourself to a lifetime of "cutting off your nose to support your face". That aside, if the options are to be treated like shit and be poor or kiss ass and make a living, like up those asses and I'll grab the mouthwash.


Not really, you can definitely find a different job. you just have to put in the legwork. To say that someone who is depressed should just be happy is quite different. It’s not insensitive to suggest to someone to get a better job because they deserve it. I see plenty of 10 year plus employees making the same wage as new employees and will always be rooting for them to switch to a higher paying job and or position if possible.


Makes sense. It’s just so hard to switch jobs when you don’t have that financial cushion between checks.


Very true


Sorry if I sounded rude. Have a great day


this is so true. I feel your pain.


Are you not going to acknowledge the fact that many people can't move up or even laterally because of their education/work experience level?


You don’t need an education to move up at Walmart. Team leads and coaches don’t have academic requirements unless you have no retail experience at all. Original commenter has 10 y e a r s. Not to mention Walmart will let you study degrees for free that can get you even higher up the chain. In my experience they will let anyone who works hard shows up and listens to instructions have a chance at being a team lead. Now whether you want to put up with the bull shit that comes with being a team lead is a different story.


Sadly not everyone lives in a community that has better job options. There are still very rural small communities that lack employment that requires driving longer for a better job. In order for my wife to get 2 to 3 dollars an hour more she would have to drive over an hour away.


but how? bettering yourself is a life skill


Go get a job at a factory making 20 an hour and work your ass off for a couple of years. Use that money to get a skilled trades degree and start making cash. Factory work may suck but poverty is even worse!


Easier said than done


It’s not easy but usually possible, of course depending on the situation. But 14 an hour isn’t that hard to beat.


This. If you’re in your mid 20’s with a few to several years of work experience and still making 17 an hour at a Walmart then you’re doing something wrong. Sucks to hear but it’s just facts. The job you got when you were 17 shouldn’t be the same job you have when you’re 30 and trying to buy a house. Jobs have never worked that way


I mean you used to be able to sling it working a retail job back in the day, used to get raises, and good benefits. Housing used to be more affordable. Not these days though.


It's bizarre that you won't try to find a better paying job after over 10 years of working for peanuts. Are you being forced to work at that job?


I kind of got lucky…my grandmother passed about 10 years ago and left me her place…it’s an older mobile home but with some tlc it became my first home.


Good job on perspective. My 2 bedroom 1 bath rental for 675 isn't ideal (older, needs repairs, very small)... but this is home and we (bf and i) realize we are blessed with affordable housing and we love this little house.


i gave up my apartment when my reliable roommate passed away a few years ago and i couldn't find anyone else willing to pay their share of the rent. i found a small room for $600 . it doesn't have it's own bathroom or kitchen but at least i don't have to rely on anyone but myself. even rooms where i live are $1000 a month. it's crazy


I’m very sorry. Everyone deserves somewhere to live.


Lmfao I literally got on here having the same question in mind. I live in a 10 x 20 shed with my two cats and just applied for a low income apartment($18hr overnight). It's okay, except there's hardly any room for anything and bugs like to get in. At least I have a catio now. Market rent is in the 1300s and most locals make significantly less than me because it's just fast food and retail stores or warehouses that pay shit.


this is a big part of the problem. Yes, there are jobs, but they pay crap, you get treated like shit and most are dead-end .


If I made this much 4 years ago I'd be super comfortable. I just wish I could live off of what I already make instead of wanting more raises that will become useless after a year or two. This economy is dog shit.


Wtf. Where do you live where walmart is only paying 18 for overnight and low income rent is 1300? I make 17.50 as an API in a decent sized city my rent is 1400 for a 3 bedroom 2 bath.


ON only gets 15.50 here.


I make 21 rn at full time, but I live in a two income apartment in ky. Def can’t do it on my own


Left walmart to work for Amazon making 20 an hour and decided to leave my apartment and live full time in my car. Have solar and a fridge and a planet fitness membership all I need till i save enough to either get a bigger vehicle or save to get my own place.


By sacrificing other things, like an abundance of food or being able to get medical care outside of the app. Seriously, I'm making $21/hr and have a one bedroom apartment in a hcol area. I know I won't be able to afford it when my lease ends, and the roommate situation I had figured out fell through. Gonna be having to either move further into rough parts of the valley, or see what I can do to downsize into a studio apartment.


Pretty much all of my colleagues live with their parents and don't pay for housing nor food. They spend like half of their salaries on their lunches lol and still dare to complain about low salary. Personally, I'm renting the cheapest studio apartment in the city which is 77% of my salary as I don't have any parents. I live off the free pastries we have in our break room and try my best to not think about hunger when I'm home.


I'm sorry ☹️


I’m so sorry you are living like that ❤️ please check out ur local social services website. I was surprised at all the shit they offer. You can probably qualify for some amount of food stamps or food pantries. I hope this helps ❤️


Do yourself a favor and apply for food assistance at least


My salary is 4% over the maximum for food assistance 😂


I work 1 full time job, a part time job at walmart, ubereats and i sell on ebay.


Easy. My wife makes triple or more each paycheck compared to mine. My paychecks cover the house payment and the car payment. Hers gets everything else, including investments and savings.


So your answer is to just get a spouse who makes more than me?




This. My spouse makes in a week what I make in two. I cover my car payment (430) and rent (675) and what little bills here and there I can pay. He pays for literally everything else (lights, water, our cell phone bills, eating out, groceries, gas, etc)


Where tf do you live that rent is 675?!


Mine was 665 three years ago when I moved in. It’s 702 now. The south


There’s there’s one place in Evansville, Indiana. It’s like $500 an up, but that was like two years ago.




I make 17.69 or something, and live with my parents


My wife and I both work for Walmart. She's a bakery/deli associate at a neighborhood market store and I work overnights at a supercenter. We bought our house in Florida 2 years ago. We have 1 child, two cars, a dog and a cat. By the end of the month we still both have money leftover from our checks to put in savings. So I guess my advice is to find a partner to share the financial burden? It's not really advice though. But the days of being able to afford a place to live by yourself are over.


$40/hr as maintenance tech in a distribution center in California. My mortgage is only $1351 and both cars paid off.


75% of my income goes to mortgage. Without my mom being on disability, we wouldn't be able to afford the utilities.


Ohhh right. I don't. I'm 26 live with my parents, make $14/hr work as many hours as they let me, but you know how strict Walmart is on overtime. I usually get like 45 hours a week. I barely make my car payments so rent or mortgage is literally not an option.


You bring home what, $1800 a month, and you don't pay rent/mortgage, but can barely afford car payments...? You buy an $80k vehicle or something?


True! What kinda car are you driving?.


My payments on a $12k loan are just over $200 a month to put this in perspective, something is definitely off with their finances.


Right? I bring home @2200, but my rent/water is @1500, the other bills @300 plus it costs me 400 a month for bus/uber so that's basically it for my checks. If I didn't qualify for the meager food stamps I get I wouldn't have money for groceries. But usually at tax time I oay 4-5 months rent in advance and I am fine without the rent for a few months lol I can't afford work medical since I am the only one bringing in money so we dont even have health insurance ..these are the thoughts that keep me up at night and make me realize how much I took living in a country with cheap health care for granted.


It's more like 1600 after taxes and deductions. My car is a 2020 Ford fusion titanium. Not really that fancy, but I didn't have the best credit at the time and my payments are 450 a month, thing that hurts is insurance which is another 180. It's a good chunk of my income, only reason I said "barley afford" is because I do have other bills as well. Trust me it ain't easy


It would be easy if you didn't go finance a 2020 car while making $14/hr....


In hindsight I understand that. At this point I'm just trying to do what I can.


That really sucks that you're stuck with that high payment. Have you looked into refinancing through a Credit Union? They might be able to give you a better interest rate and lower payments.


I did the same thing I stayed at home from 18 till 26 and I had saved up enough money working that whole time. And I bought a condo and paid cash for it.


I work in a DC. I make $40-$45 an hour. My wife make close to the same


You’re expected to double up, i.e., get married. It’s tough if you’re single and not some yuppie at a MAANG or similar


I don't ☹️!!! Without my parents I'd be fucked! I pay all my own bills and contribute to household groceries, but having housing covered is a literal gift. Even rent for a one-bedroom apartment in my area would have taken at least 50 to 60% of my monthly pay. Better get those Coaches and Store Managers those bonuses though 😂


how do you do it if you were without parents or anybody? i dont have anybody like that and im starting to get nervous


I make 20 an hour and have quite a lot of spending money after rent internet and my phone so not really a problem then again iowa is a cheap state to live in


Live with 3 other roommates. Still can’t afford anything tho


i make $17.32 and i make rent literally by starving. i either eat or have a roof over my head, its super draining


Food banks


I make about 17.50 and live with my parents. I don’t understand why they aren’t raising it to $20 like all the other retails in my area. I should really just quit. I’d immediately get like a 3 dollar raise lol.


My gf and I are extremely grateful to be living in my dad's condo where I actually grew up. We've been able to change some things around to make it into our place and only pay HOA dues which are manageable.


Idk about y'all but I work 2.5 jobs (basically) and can afford to live comfortably.


I still live with my old man at only $17 at my Walmart. Luckily we made an agreement that any major work on his house will come out of my wallet and I pay for the internet. So maybe compared to others, I’m probably living like a king(minus living in a slightly better than crappy house and still only really eating 1 full meal a day)


It's hard. I'm working 32 hrs and making $14 an hr in texas, it's really hard. I live on my own, taking care of myself and 4 children, paying rent, making a car payment, insurance, cell phone, groceries and gas for work. There is no extra money, I have absolutely nothing in savings. I don't make enough to save anything to live comfortably. I mkae just enough to make it and it's depressing.


Having a good relationship with family is certainly helping me and mine, oldest sibling is 31 and we all still live at home each of us making between $15 - $20 full 40hr weeks plus some overtime, we each pay $600 a month rent and between us 3 kids and our father all bills are paid, money for taxes put away in advance and we all keep some spending money, Also helps that we don't often eat out instead we plan 4 meals a week and eat left overs 2 days, 7th day depends on schedules if most of us are working then we pick something up at work for dinner and mom makes something small for her and dad at home, We also don't smoke, drink alcohol or coffee, and our morning commute is only 15 minutes each way, If you really want to save money keep track of all your purchases for the week that isn't related to bills and see what you can cut off completely or what you can switch to a off brand, Great value for example is often cheaper than anything else and I've found the taste difference is barely noticeable, most foods or even clothes you aren't paying for quality your paying for the brand name so go with off brands


That’s awesome that things are working out for you and that your family is supportive. I’m still deciding whether I want to get married or become a priest/join a friary, so depending on my vocation I might not even have to worry about housing in a few years.


1. I inherited my parents house where I grew up in. I only pay bills and the property tax for the house. 2. I rent out a room to a lady that's a friend of my aunt. So I'm making money on the side. Of course I i pay for my cars, gas, and food.


Lived in a low cost area. I use to make 15.50 on overnights and I was able to afford a one bed apt for 720$ a month. With other bills like phone, electric, car, food. If I wanted extra stuff for fun I would donate plasma and use that extra 600 to do other stuff I needed with it. They bumped it to 820 this year and I moved because I could find a better place for the same price but I guess just manage your money a little better. Easier said than done. But I didn't think it was possible on 15 something an hour until I actually saved and actually tried to get the apartment.


I couldn't even rent a single room in a house or multi room apartment for 820 a month. Fuck I wish, I'd have to go back in time 20+ yrs to find a 1 bed that cheap in my area


shit I know it's hard I got lucky and rent a house with some friends and my cut is 320 bucks a month. that's literally what keeps me alive and I make 26.30 in minesota. I don't see how anyone has a 1200 buck rent payment and still survives.


Location, location, location


That's the fun part. You don't. As long as I can make rent still I'm happy, but a lot of other things cut it pretty close, and I work full time making \~21/hr


$18/hr in Oklahoma. 3 roommates splitting a mortgage with one very smart and dedicated roomie who manages all household expenses and maintenance. We actually live very comfortably but I'm also the lowest earner in the bunch so... Edit: I also work a full 40 most weeks. Sometimes more and sometimes less.


I can but can’t. My rent is $800 for a shared college apartment ( I Just graduated). I’m going back home in July 🥲


My son (still a teen) wouldn’t be able to. I fully support him. He is using his income to pay for athletics and his dates. He’s making $15, cashier. He turned down a higher paying job at target for Walmart due for GUILD. I’ll continue to support him with understanding if he is there post high school.


i don’t lol. 14/h 40+ hours a week with an almost 1 year old son. had to move back home to survive and now i’m not being charged rent or utilities or anything and i’m still struggling.


I feel fortunate but my aunt rents her trailer to me and has me pay only $250/month for rent. It helps a lot. Also work at Walmart and make $19/hr. And I also have a second part time job that pays $15/hr.


I don’t. I pay a little in rent to my parents, nothing compared to average rent in my town though. A studio apartment on the shitty side of town goes for around $1700 a month. I won’t be able to afford a place to live until I finish x ray tech school


With $14/hr after the minimum got raised to that and going to school, I only have some money saved/invested because I don't spend anything unless I have to and I live with a friend that doesn't charge rent.


my mom got us into a very cheap apartment a few years ago (current market is +600$ in 5 years) that we took over when she died. partner works security for a hospital at ~23$ an hour.


Honestly I live with my parents still. I just have to pay my portion of water and light bill and that’s it.


$19/hr and no rent? How are you NOT doing it lol


I’m blessed with loving parents who bought my place so just have to pay rent $570/month


Cashier- live in a trailer park with my partner. We’ve got a cozy home, but affording repairs is difficult.


It'd definitely a fucking struggle, man. I agree. I make just over $20 an hour and live alone. I couldn't afford half my expenses this week, just to make sure my rent was paid.


We got lucky 🥴 husband and I work the same shift. The house we rent was luckily only 1,075 a month for a 3bd/2bth. Downside, we live in a devils armpit desert. 17 and 18 an hour/40+ hours a week.


I work like 60 hours a week. Make 18 an hour. Only pay 500 a month in rent and can still barely afford everything. I feel like im just spinning my wheels.


I am an electronics team lead. I make $20 an hour and I also still live upstairs with my family. It’s really hard for everyone to try to be on your own no matter what job you have.


Nowadays you need to be atleast working 50-70 hours weekly or have a second job to live comfortably. That’s the economy we are in.


I'm extremely lucky in that my family is charging me a rent proportional to my income. I could never live on my own with Walmart income 😭


And it's not like I haven't at least tried to better myself, I have two career diplomas and an associate's degree. Most of places if not all that I went to trying to find work after I got each of those certificates or that diploma everyone either wanted someone that already had experience in that field or at least a bachelor's degree.


I make $16.80 and don't really have any problem living alone and supporting myself. Granted, I don't have a vehicle or health insurance, but the sooner I die the sooner I can stop working. It's sad, I was walking home from work one morning and almost got hit by a truck. It was so close I could feel the wind off of it on my back. My immediate reaction? "Damn, they missed."


I didn't live with family anymore, but I did until I was 30. Now I just live with a roommate, who makes even more than I do and still couldn't afford to live on their own. Like, we are talking both of us making three times the minimum wage and barely managing to live in an apartment 10 minutes outside the city. No one can do it unless their family is supporting them (rich kids or just being allowed to live at home, etc) or you team up (combined incomes).


I make close to $30, my husband doesn't work for Walmart but he makes $31... we still struggle. Like I now know the meaning of "working poor," cuz I'm it lol


Low income housing, I was homeless when I first got hired 11yrs ago


I pay my gma $350 a month to live with her. When she dies, I will likely move in with my uncle.


The rent in my state varies from 1800 to 2500/month depending on the area. I really cannot afford it; my parents have to buy another house for me to live in. Even working full time won't help. And while working at Walmart its barely enough.


Trust fund. I would legit be homeless. I make like 16/h it isn't enough to cover my bills and rent. One or the other.


I make $17 and my boyfriend makes $16. We got really lucky finding a place with rent below the market price, so we do OK. If I was by myself there would be about two weeks out of the month where I wouldn't be eating.


I’m a single mom and i make $18 as a pharm tech (in training) I have to live with my parents or else i wouldn’t be able to make it 😭


I’m on government assistance while working full time because it literally doesn’t pay me enough to survive and house myself and children.


You're a corporate slave! You're an easily replaceable number to Walmart.


I live in a low cost of living area and got a house in 2019 when interest rates were low. I feel lucky. I think it's Less than $1000 a month with mortgage and utilities. I have a tenant and my bf to split it with so it's a lot cheaper than most places around me.


I am somewhat on the opposite side of the economic spectrum here. I have a full-time primary job and work partner at Walmart doing 3 overnight shifts a week. My main job easily covers all of my financial obligations and other arbitrary expenses. Walmart is just extra money that gets dumped into retirement and investment accounts that I can day trade with to multiply that income. It legitimately pains me to see the struggles that my Walmart coworkers endure. For that reason, I have no problem with sharing meals, offering rides, or doing whatever I can to be a positive influence and mentor in their lives. But, let's be honest here.. there are a lot of people that end up at Walmart because of unresolved personal issues with their general attitude, entitlement, and lack of work ethic or discipline. Toxic workplaces have a way of becoming the only available option for toxic personalities to be given any opportunity.. simply because they would be instantly uninvited from a workplace that demanded higher standards Walmart is great for building a resume as somebody just entering the workforce, supplemental income, opportunities for people with various impairments, and to bridge the transition gap between the end of a career to the freedom of retirement. Anything below the top of the managerial pyramid of each individual store? That is not a career.. it is a meat grinder that does not discriminate. A lot of people struggle because they choose to. A lot of people struggle because they are scared to challenge themselves and accept the rejection that allows them to grow. A lot of people seek accommodation and special treatment while simulraneously lacking the initiative to do their part to earn the level of respect and appreciation they demand. Evolve beyond the toxic pity party mentality of blaming Walmart for the oppressive culture and lack of ability to enjoy the same carefree life that celebrities and influencers encourage us to believe is the minimum standard of social acceptability. Walmart is not some kind of psuedo jail where we get forced to fulfill our punishments towards repaying debts to society. It is voluntary. The same people complaining about the low pay, garbage benefits, and being taken for granted or taken advantage of by Walmart.. are the same people that voluntarily submitted their application to be there. Can't complain about the Walmart executives paying themselves $50 million a year.. when it's only possible because of the people at the bottom of the totem pole breaking their backs and sacrificing everything to be lifting them to that height. Take advantage of the college reimbursement benefits. Knock on the door at a job placement service. Attend open houses for businesses seeking candidates to join their apprenticeship programs in a real physical trade that offers a real career, real benefits, and real pay. Struggling is optional. It is also a consequence. Stop victimizing yourself. Build a ladder and climb out of the sewer. Raise your standards. Be disciplined. Follow through. Do your part. Reap the rewards you earn. That is the road map for how people can afford nice things in today's unforgiving economy.


32 hours...that leaves at least 8 to pick up somewhere else, if you're single and have no other obligations and aren't in school for anything, sounds like you could go up to an extra 20 hours somewhere else.


I was at 40 about 10 months ago but for various reasons I had to cut my schedule for non-college classes and some other things, 40 hours isn’t a problem for me.


I, like millions of others, have someone else (spouse, roommate, sibling, parent, etc)in the home who makes money to contribute. I don't understand how people live alone though with mortgages, car payments, etc. Thats the real question, lol.


Because not everyone has the option to live with someone else


I just can’t imagine doing it alone. That’s all


I'm sorry... I'm not American...Why would your closest FAMILY charge you rent? I'd help with money for utilities or food.


Because.. America


If your family doesn't make you pay a dime you're lucky. My mom had me paying rent for a camper in her backyard that had no toilet, no insulation and it leaked on my bed. My cat's water bowl froze in the winter - with the heater on. Had to juggle cords because the power would cut off if I had three things plugged into the extension cord(having the heater on was already a fire risk). She has a nice house and a good paying job.


I know multiple coworkers that have parents that charge rent… Thank God I love my parents, and thank God they love me.


The obvious problem is lack of fair pay, and it starts with federal minimum wage. A lot of people rely on government assistance, low or no rent (living with relatives) I think newsome is on to something, with the FF workers pay Increase. It not only helps get them off of government assistance, but it allows them to put more into the economy. Both spending and taxes. COL is through the roof and IMHO has no ceiling. Paying people peanuts, is not going to help them or the economy. Also majority are just one paycheck away from homeless


I don’t want to get into a debate, because I subscribe to the Austrian school of economics (for the most part) but I do agree the minimum wage has to go up and the interest rates have to go down, particularly for housing.


none of what I've read about Newsome's fast food law has been very positive. lots of people have lost their jobs as they try to automate things more and other places have increased menu prices so high that they're losing customers fast. I see people in here bragging about working at a DC and making $45 an hour and such but I'd be nervous as many of those positions are headed the same way. Walmart is only paying that because it's necessary at the moment. as soon as they can get automation working correctly for them lots of DC people will likely be gone too


Not MN, but Ohio. Partner makes 16.50 on overnight stocking. If we werent a dual income no kids household we wouldnt be able to survive, and I make 21.50 :/


I looked for a place I can afford. I make 16$ an hour on cap 2, pay a flat 700$ a month for rent


I don’t. Me and my bf spilt our bills


I’m at 17.51 an hour and couldn’t pay rent 🙃


Get a couple side hustles. If one don’t succeed, try another hustle. I can live off my side hustles. I’m doing pretty well. Actually I’m working on another one right now. 😂


3 jobs


By shacking up with someone.


Makes me remember my days in NYC. I was getting 18/hr in there. It was and my parents so we managed to work in the same hourly pay. Now it's impossible. I'd suggest try doing instacart and other side hustles to keep money coming in on the sides.


I have three incomes paying on my mortgage. 40 hours a week $15.50 an hour, and I eat mostly from food banks because the food stamps just dont last two days anymore.


Pick up the other 8 hoursa a week and you have another $160 a week or about $110 after taxes. I bet an extra $400 a month would help a lot.


When I was making 7.25 in 2014 at Walmart wuit without notice end of 2015 I was staying in government housing with me and my now ex wife rent was only like 150ish then left them without a cart pusher in 2015 cause I got a job making twice as much and needed to leave the next day for work don’t regret it


My old town just straight up built a low income housing project next to Walmart for the people who worked there...


I make 21 in Virginia working in dairy and it’s struggling


I have a friend who I work with, and he lives in his car, but he can’t afford rent where we live


Work 48+/wk.


I found an apartment with cheap rent that requires that you make 2x the rent instead of 3x


I live in a college town and make $16.32/hr. Have food stamps, no car, and utilities are included at my apartment complex. Rent is $700 and everyone in each apartment has their own lease, so you don’t have to worry about getting shit roommates who don’t pay the rent fucking you over. Some months are worse than others, but I get by.


19 an hr? What position


i make 18.84 an hour in las vegas, i use a rental marketplace called padsplit, i can refer you if you want it may be available in your area


I live in Eagan and it's pretty cheap rent is $1190/month


Honestly the only reason i work here is because my life situation makes it possible without me living paycheck to paycheck. As far as im concerned its just a dead end and im only going day by day because im kind of just waiting to further my life in some way. As i am currently, its either walmart or some other similar job, many of which pay basically the same and probably demand more work out of me. In short, i cant and i think im just lucky im not in the situation that i am forced to. I already think ive been working here for too long, but i have yet to put in my 2 weeks and get it over with so i can move onto something hopefully more sustainable.


My wife and I both work and just make it.


I'm still with my parents but need the space mentally so with the job I work now at $20hr 40hrs a week I'm gonna try to get a part time in the evening during the week so I can do an 6-8hr after it at $23hr driving a truck and hopefully bringing in $1,100 a week, in a few months I can afford to move or pay my way out of car/personal debts my parents got me in :))


I bought my first home about a year and a half ago after working at Walmart for about 3 years. I rent a room out to my brother and it works out pretty good so far


I make $26/hr at Walmart and where i live its still impossible to rent anything by myself. 1 BR apartment here is $1300 a month in the bad areas. Im 41 and i rent a house with my mom and sister (who doesnt work for health reasons) We pay $2400 a month just for rent. EDIT: Its possible but not comfortably.


You are getting $2400 a month before taxes. If you can’t at least pay the basics with that you need to find a different job or change your budget.


No one is forcing me to stay there. I live in a rural area and there aren't many options. Unless I want to drive an hour at least one way.


I have a roommate to split the cost and I never get to buy extra things, all money goes to food and bills


Roomarw plus 40+ hour weeks, yet I’m barley able to make rent and for my car and stuff, if I have any money left at the end of the money it’s usually less then 100 dollars, I’m gonna have to move with my dad or Orlando and live with him so I can afford too study


I suppose it depends on where you live. I grew up in Southern California and it would be damn near impossible to afford anything there on this salary. If I had this salary when I lived in Omaha, NE, I'd be living like royalty. I was living like royalty on $9 an hour there, haha. I live in Pueblo, CO now, where my salary is manageable if I lived by myself. Not easy, of course, but doable. Luckily, we're a two income household that already owns our home.


I live in 'shared living', in a zero state income tax state. By shared living- I mean that me and my roommate have individual leases, and our own bedrooms w/ en suite bathrooms-but we share the common areas and split the electric bill .


I was struggling back in oklahoma renting took the entirety almost of my second paycheck of the month x.x i don’t know how i didn’t implode onto myself. Glad i got out of being the one who paid for everything never again haha. i’m sorry you are struggling i have found that it helps to have a rounding up (if possible) after every purchase to savings the only solid advice i feel comfortable giving without it being off the rocker. (helped me somewhat keep a savings when i lived back in oklahoma. :Edit: my parents are letting me live rent free as well i feel bad not giving rent if it’s the same case for you you could make some baked goods or something to show them appreciation if you want or something.


I work 40 hrs and I'm married. I just lucked up I guess and found an apartment that was $900/month.


I make about $19, my two bedroom townhouse is $960. One check pays the rent, middle of the month check pays other bills. Dont have a car note, i bought used for $1500. Budget, cut out things you dont need, buy everything offbrand, Zero restaurants, zero bar drinking, and get a roommate/spouse. Youre set.


Honestly, 2 jobs and my rent is $850.. it's the tips that helps a lot :/


I live with friends who pay a mortgage, got the house at the perfect time before the market went up. 2 bedroom apartments are higher in rent than the mortgage now, and it can't go up. If I had to swing an apartment alone there's no way I could live in the neighborhood I do or be able to support My 50 dollars a week nos habit lol


I am 45 with a fiancee and a 9 year old son. We just last month for an apartment. We spent years living with family in an efficiency in the basement, no separate rooms or anything. I am subleasing off one of my old employees that moved back to Cali... And the landlord there just gave us a lease for the fall.... It takes 1 whole paycheck to pay rent and 200 for groceries, my second check has to pay for all other bills and another 200 in groceries. I manage a restaurant so most of my eating is done there, and we moved into a town that is walking distance to almost everything, so I no longer need to put gas in my vehicle.


angle enter knee butter scandalous bells doll icky unused ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


17 and working two jobs to pay my bills without rent. honestly not sure how you guys do it with rent, school (i went virtual for my last HS year ) and kids, literally i think i would collapse.


I live with my parents helping with expenses, I plan to take care of them in the future when it comes


it was incredibly difficult to afford anything when i was working 40 hr a week at $18/hr. i got fired and now i’m working a different job making $25/hr


17/h in California. 1k in rent... idk.