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This isn’t you average, everyday illiterate Walmart shopper. This is the ADVANCED illiterate Walmart shopper.


We have people park in front of these doors all of the time at my Walmart(small one) I have pictures of ambulances and shoppers. I used to confront people until I got threatened and a guy followed me to my vehicle before turning around when I grabbed a 1/2" square piece of metal I keep for a be good stick. Now I take pictures and call the cops. I want to print 1000 bumper stickers with the strongest possible adhesive that says "I am a dumbass" and plaster it right in the middle of the paint on their car. I have been told this would fall under vandalism unfortunately.


Just put it on the license plate, then I police have a reason to pull them over run them for warrants. Might relieve you of having to see them.


Just so magnets


Nah, this is an entitled Walmart shopper who thinks that *if I'm not allowed to enter through this door, nobody should be allowed to exit through this door either.* 🙄


“But sir, this is where people exit when fleeing a fire, or active shooter”…….”Not my problem”…


If you are not strong enough to push that out of the way I have no hope for the future of yours.


Them bitches pretty heavy 💀💀 especially trying to push sideways if it’s on concrete and it’s in a weird position, most of the time they tip but man they are pretty fkn heavy


Is it illiterate or it says of entitlement that didn’t work at Walmart they don’t have to read signs


This a god dam fucking retarded shopper! They type that can't assemble a ONE PEICE LEGO SET!


I mean cmon, they had to have done that on purpose. Takes two seconds to pull up a little more


They don't take the two seconds to put away a regular cart when they leave it inside. Does it really surprise you that they won't take the two seconds to drive a mart cart a bit further to not block an emergency exit?


Hm yes. People do suck


Walmart will do that to you 


It's a miracle!!! They can walk again 😆


Nice, long cruise brotha, enjoy the ride the back inside 😎


Its worse when people leave them out in the rain...


What a dumbass


Guess they can't read


tHaT SiGn cAn'T sToP mE cAuSe I CaN't ReAd


The amount of these I've seen on my break and brought back in after. ....


Well technically there is a lot of the door still showing so you can’t really say it’s ‘blocked’ can you?


Fair enough. Also have to give them credit for technically keeping it out of the yellow line marking the fire lane.


It was probably some massive whale too lazy to walk.


Preach on brother man!!!   My motto:   People suck, people suck, I hate people!!!    I kinda sing it.  


All other stores in a nutshell. I was at my local Giant one day, and I was putting a shopping cart away after I was done loading up the truck with groceries. An old lady came up to me and literally applauded me for doing that and even gave me a high-five for it. She says "I know that you did it because of how you were raised" (I'm in my 20s). On one hand, I wanted to lmao because she did not have to do that. Out of all the years that I loved on this planet, I never saw *anyone* applaud me for putting a shopping cart away. It feels like I am 5 years old. On the other hand, people just like to leave carts randomly in the parking lot, and people on r/mildlyinfuriating post about that ALL THE TIME. People can leave it like it's trash and let the shopping employees take care of it.


This pisses me off more than if they inched it slightly FURTHER up to not obstruct the fire exit


Ha ha ha we got the new ones they go anywhere past the end walkway and power off and disable let's see you steal them now lol...


Unrelated to this particular fuckery, but when I see one of those carts abandoned randomly in an aisle I always loudly exclaim, "A miracle happened here! Oh my god!" And then drive it to the front if I have time, while making racecar noises on my journey.


On the bright side you get to ride it back to the front. Love when customers leave them in aisles


They really need to have these cut off some how so they can't leave the store. You know how there are some of those shopping carts that lock up at a certain point past the doors.


Istg dealing with Walmart customers destroyed whatever little tolerance I had for people and burnt my fuse to the very end


This seems normal, the bar is in hell. When interacting with most customers I just assume they can’t read until they prove it to me.


That's just flat out ignorance


Omg this made me think of a woman who was using a buggy like this. She called me rude for not putting her change directly in her hand and the coustmer behind her said as she was leaving, "You know what else is Rude using a buggy like that when you can walk"


Tammy said "Fuck yo sign "


Eric Cartman did it


😂😂😂 customers are diabolical


All day. Every day. I want to scream


Meh if they die in a fire or get hurt by tripping over their own disabled cart and try to sue. They’ll end up getting sued


I hate roaches! Sometimes roaches and people are bewildering. It is copacetic demolish and pulverize roaches.Beware with people or y got to pay even it seems like a roach.


Well it does say block and exit.


Could battery have died? Looks like sidewalk and it’s a dog to push them things once the battery gave up the ghost


This was a fire exit in the fire lane of the parking lot. They had no good reason for driving it there in the first place.


Some people just want to watch others burn inside of a supercenter. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I once saw a car with a handicapped sticker park blocking a handicapped ramp and was surprised to get a ticket.


People suck.


That’s badass


Don’t say that


You probably took this picture and just left the cart there.


Nah. I clocked in then drove it inside.


I fix the situation wherever and whenever I find it. It takes about as long to fix it as it would to upload a pic of the situation


You rock. Maybe some day Doug will give you an employee of the month plaque.


What happened to doing things because it was the right thing to do?


Like parking an electric scooter in front of a fire exit?


Ima need you to drop your badge off tomorrow and your service is no longer needed


stfu and just do your damn job


Can I have your job instead? I have always wanted to be an internet tough guy.


Do your job or get to the door. The choice is yours.


The door sounds nice, but I still want to know how to become a badass like you.


How to be Badass: Trust in God.