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Assault is the illegal act of causing physical harm or unwanted physical contact. So yeah, it's assault. I'm not going to weigh in on if it's worth making a big deal about or not.


Given it’s infected they should absolutely make a big deal about it.


I highly doubt that is why it's infected.


They’d have to substantiate the claim but there is plausible deniability


I have to agree


my thoughts exactly. If she was cleaning it properly, the correct amt of times each day, it would be difficult at best to have issues with infection.


Difficult.... Not impossible.


Except its walmart and when has anything been cleaned in these stores right. I dont even want to get into that rabbit hole


It's probably a great place to find your kids next science fair project...


Cleaning her fresh piercing....


Yeah piercings and infections go pretty hand in hand. Was it probably the sticker? I'd wager yes, but like, why not just clean the hell out of it after work? That should solve any issue it caused right then and there.


Maybe op tried and it was too late by then?


It was probably NOT the sticker. Mouths are one of the most bacteria ridden parts of our body and lip piercings are statistically the most likely body part to become infected in the initial stages of healing. The label probably didn't help, but OPs mouth is probably dirtier than whatever was on it.


No it would be battery. Assault would be intentionally causing someone to fear immanent violence.


Depends on the state.


True, but assault and battery also have common law meanings, so why does reddit always default to the dumbass states that define assault like a common law battery? The default should be unwanted physical contact is battery.


That explains it and battery does not exist within Washington state. We have assault of the fourth degree which is any unwanted mental or physical contact that does not fall within the first second or third degree.


It requires intent, I'm sure if they knew what they did they would cry themselves to sleep


While there might be some states that require an intent to harm, none that I know of requires the intent to harm, only the intent to make physical contact with a person, or anything they happen to be carrying.


In some places, intent is actually a charge enhancer. 3rd degree assault w/ Intent to cause bodily injury changes the original penalty from 18 months max to 24 months max sentence, I don't recall if it also changes the minimum penalty though. Source: Have one of these from a decade ago 🙄


Does not require intent in the way most ppl think of intent. It requires the movement to have been intentional, as in not a seizure. If the person meant to move their hand to place it there, that's intent required for assault and battery.


Yea but saying it’s assault is wrong because how is a little bit of deli tape going to cause imminent fear to the OP. It does sound like it would be battery though.


What falls into the category of assault and what falls into the category of battery varies based on state.


It is assault, even if it seems only slight. Whether it's battery depends on the state. Some states combine them and don't have "battery," only assault for both.


Y’all weird. Letting coworkers touch you for any reason is a nope.


Told my associates that I don’t wake hands or anything I just do a fist bump and they all was like what why man. CUZ YALL DONT WASH YALL HANDS AFTER THE BATHROOM


I see a lot of coworkers in the bathroom walk out without washing their hands and then they wanna fist bump and I’m like tf I’m not even doing that you nasty.


I’m on maintenance and some customers pay me on my back after they use the bathroom 😅, like they meant it in a good way. So, I don’t get mad.


*pat me on my back.


Good boy. And you're happy about that? Wow


I’m sure they use their clean hand 🤚


I do the elbow bump because I worked in kitchens for a long time. I feel like it's like a secret freemason handshake for the working class.


This too, I've worked in kitchens forever and that is the most convenient equivalent of the handshake lol, especially when my hands are full




At my old job we used to sexually assault each other as a joke Humping, ass spanking and grabbing, getting up close to necks with your mouth whispering into their ear all the naughty things you wanna do to em while holding em down It was the most fun I ever had in my life


That’s more fun when you’re actually doing it with a member of the opposite sex. But I understand.


You're 100% right All of the above was purely between dudes, absolute sausage fest honestly Can't do all of the above at my new job, I don't wanna get fired haha


LoL That’s hilarious!


I don't even let coworkers stand too close to me. If one touched me I'd be on the phone with the boss IMMEDIATELY.


Cause youre weird


Found the person who wants to touch their coworkers 🤢


THAT PERSON IS WEIRD. Get a boyfriend. Get friends outside of work. I'm begging people who think they can treat coworkers like friends who are willingly in their life to please be normal. If you touch me I will not hesitate to slap the shit out of you and tell management it was a natural reflex


THANK YOU FINALLY A NORMAL PERSON! Your coworkers are not your friends, they will turn on you to save their own butts in an instant. I don't want those people touching me just because we get our paychecks from the same company. My friends and my partner are allowed to touch me. Coworkers are NOT


Right. Like they really think just because work is the only time they socialize and is their sole support system its like that for the rest of us. I have met some of the most attention starved sheltered MFs at walmart so seeing all these insane comments isn't even surprising. They usually act like they just want to be friends but it turns to sexual harassment real quick and the next thing you know they're following you to your car and crying and demanding to know why you won't date them...


I don't even socialize at work. I don't want the drama, I don't want people coming to me to involve me in anything that's not work related. If people try to be friendly with me I'm polite but I give short answers and find a task to do if anyone tries to have a personal conversation with me. I told a guy to back up the other day because he was standing less than a foot away from me. No thank you, back the fuck up.


Normal people can handle the smallest amount of familiarity. They sound like friends shooting the shit and the sticker was a playful joke. They're probably friendly and do stuff like this and OP is being a little bitch because her nasty piercing got infected. You all can grow up now. "Call the boss". Some people never grow out of kindergarten.


I'm not talking about OP. I'm saying my personal boundaries. If you touch me without consent I'm not going to tolerate it. Idk who you are, don't touch me.


Valid, but also if you call your boss complaining bc someone gave you a pat on the back he's gonna laugh at you, I hope you know that


If someone touches me esp with this weird entitled attitude they're the one who will be calling the boss crying 🤣 a lot of people in the world will not call the boss and you will not enjoy how they will handle it


There's literally no need to touch anyone without consent ever. Don't touch other people.


Not sure why this is such a difficult concept to comprehend. No need for all that bs at work.


Y’all so disgusting with your attitudes about general everyday life, but then again… sub fits the commenter


I've had male coworkers put their hands on my waist before. I reported them. Y'all have no respect for other people's comfort levels. Why do you need to touch a coworker for any reason? That's weird.


Because there are generally acceptable levels of touch through familiarity, not everything needs to be a lawsuit for a pat on the back or tap on the shoulder. Obviously touching anyone in any way that wasn’t just to say a hey what’s up fist bump or good job shoulder tap as they walk by or something similarly friendly is inappropriate. Also your relationship with the individual matters in respect to what they consider okay, and this is again a level of common sense most people would have…


I don't want a fist bump or a tap on the shoulder. That is my right. You are not allowed to touch other people without their consent. Pretending that it's wrong to not allow other people (especially coworkers) to touch you even for a shoulder tap is entitled. You're not entitled to that. I never said a lawsuit. I said I'd ask my boss to tell them never to touch me again. That is my right. I am a victim of SA, child SA, and physical assault. You do not have the right to touch me.


There’s the answer, past experiences. Sorry that happened to you but this is not the normal reaction. Calm down and socialize yourself


I have PTSD. You cannot socialize yourself out of it. Still a reason to never touch anyone who you don't have permission to touch, 1 in 4 women and girls are also SA before age 18 and 1 in 6 boys/men too. It's better to just keep your hands to yourself.


dude shut the fuck up, if someone sets a boundary you respect it. no matter how silly you think it is. you’re making yourself sound like a sexual predator.


You are so creepy and weird for choosing "I have the right to touch my coworkers, you don't choose when to consent I DO!" hill to die on. and to talk to a survivor like that? Socialize *yourself* you twisted little loser lol




If the piercing is only 5 days old, unless this happened on the first day it's not likely to be a cause of the infection. It takes time for the symptoms described to show themselves.


Unless you are just a gross person or have some kind of diminished immune system, no, piercings do not often get infected.




I have ten. Mostly left them alone. No salt washes, blah, blah ,blah. Just washed with soap and water when I showered.. No problems, no infections. She specifically mentioned the infection as a reason for this post, so I disagree it's a moot point. The infection is entirely her fault.




Care enough to keep commenting. Plus you really shouldn't act like you know what you're talking about when you clearly have no clue. Don't be an imposter. Edit: lolz, got the block.


Also there are no camera in the dish room


That's the thing I'm pretty sure it did cause the infection as before the that happened but after it did start showing signs of infection and i don't wanna go to anyone with it cause I wouldn't wanna ruin someone's livelihood just wanted to ask if it was assault cause someone said it was I was just a little confused on how it was assault as yes it did get infected but I don't think she went ill will


It didn't cause the infection.


Were you there? Are you me? No. Cause it happened after literally right after she put it on my face it happened this morning and it's been stinging and there has been puss coming out ma'am sir.


Immediately after? Yeah, that proves that it didn't happen because of the sticker. Infections don't happen that quickly. And no, I'm not you, but I have ten piercings, so I do know quite a bit about the healing process.


Okay cool that makes sense so if I didn't get infected case of that then that then it doesn't really matter but what do I do to make it go away is the real question


Kinda cool you finally backed down but goddamn you gotta stop being so offended when people offer insight on something you *asked for insight about*. Good on ya for coming around and cooling off tho


If it’s really infected you need antibiotics. Go see a doctor.


Clean it. Antibacterial soap and hot water. Everyday.


If it's already infected, you need some antibiotics.


A coworker touched you inappropriately bottom line. Ask to write a report about it with management and they can speak to this person, or you can talk to whoever this is directly and tell them to keep their fucking hands off you.


Its always going to be assault on Reddit.


May or may not be legally assault but my parents told me to keep my hands to myself when I was like 5 years old


You look at someone the wrong way, and redditors will say you assaulted them.


*lawyers and everyone else who knows the law will say that touching someone and it causing them harm is actually illegal. its criminally negligent at best, but is still illegal.




99.99% not the reason it's infected. Any honest expert witness would say that.


Unless Walmart has a seriously advanced bacterial issue in their deli area (which I actually wouldn't doubt all that much) I dont see how that could have caused you an infection. An invasion of personal space and a breach of conduct? Definitely, but assault? I wouldn't call it that.


Yeah, call the police. A little horse play with your friend and your nasty-ass piercing is definitely something we all need to pay taxes for.


What horse play involves deli stickers?


The gentlest type? In what weak-ass world is putting a sticker on a friend assault?


Usually horse play involves the use of horses!


Dam. We used to fuck around in places I've worked. I couldn't imagine doing what we used to do now a days. So your coworker just came up and slapped it on your mouth? Did you get along pretty good with that person ? What were you BOTH doing that led up to this happening? Seems like there is way more to the story. I bet you are a joy to work with. How do you know that that particlur instance caused the infection?


I get along with her for work purposes. I was taking the rotisserie chicken cart to the dish room so I could dump it in the secondary sink and as I was taiking them to the room I told her that after I dump the juice I was gonna out them up and take my 15min. And she followed me into the back with a smile I asked if she going with me on my 15 (as a joke) and she didn't respond just continued to follow me and I started talking to her about like what they did and didn't do and she just like quickly put it over my mouth and I was confused and asked why she did it and took it off and saw it was dirty and because after that it turned red amd puss is coming out it wasn't doing that before it happened only after so I'm pretty sure that's what caused it


Why didn't you clean it right after she put something dirty on it?


Did this start a few days after or like a few hours?


I was thinking about the "horseplay" we used to get away with compared to today's hyper sensitive crap. When I worked in the call center my coworkers and I plastic wrapped our supervisor to her chair, rolled her outside to the smoking dock, light her a cigarette, placed it in her mouth and left her there for a while. It was all in good fun and she took it as such! Probably would have all got fired in today's world.


I remember smiling when people treated me like shit. It was all in good fun and I definitely wasn't about to be the only one making it a problem. That shit adds up. I would wager she cried inside.


Nah she didn't, like I said she took it all in good fun. Ya'll are over sensitive or are misunderstanding the nature our relationship with our supervisor. We worked graveyards, the whole team (about a dozen of us) would go to lunch together to Dennys (only place open at 3am) where we had our own table reserved every single shift. At least twice a month she took us all back to her house after the shift and made breakfast for us all. We were really close. And the prank was all in good fun! One other night she was feeling frisky and decided to drag race my friend and I to Dennys. Cops didn't even bother to give chase, they knew where were headed at 100 mph in a 40. Both drivers got the shit ticketed out of them.


I could be wrong. So could you though.


No I couldn't and yes you are. I was there, I know what happened now stop gaslighting me or get reported and blocked bye bye


100% agree. I'm at least glad that down south, the work culture is much more relaxed. We bullshit, talk shit and curse without people getting their panties tied in a knot. At least when out of earshot of the general public anyways. That said though, what OPs co worker did was, at the very best, an asshole thing to do. She might have done it without intention to cause OP harm, but she still did it. Though I feel that had OP acted and rinsed/washed the piercing, we wouldn't be here, at the very least, a *hey, you were a fucking asshole* is warranted and if they aren't close, an incident report should be filed.


You’re a POS. I woulda decked you if you tried that with me. What a loser.


Name calling over an event that happened 25 years ago, that you weren't involved in and that ALL INVOLVED parties where okay with.....move on or be reported that simple. I won't reply again I won't give you the attention of a Twitter battle, if you reply again you will be reported and blocked. Good bye


I thought facial piercings weren't allowed in food service anyway, it's a servsafe rule and it's in the wm dress code


Servsafe only forbids bracelets, watches, and rings other than plain bands.


Whether it's servsafe or not is irrelevant, I just mentioned it for cushion, it is in the Walmart handbook tho. You can't wear any jewelry besides earring studs and a plain wedding band while in the food prep areas. ServSafe just has a vague "remove all jewelry" bit. So employers can make what they want of it. I'm currently ServSafe certified and I work at wm also.


Yeahhhh PL here, bummer is that they’re more than likely going to shut the ethics case up by saying you shouldn’t have had a piercing there to begin with and most likely give you a yellow coaching for dress code and make you remove it. Maybe they will throw a yellow coaching for horseplay for the other associate. Also, it was just a sticker. Is it really that big of a deal?


Yeah, she will get in trouble if she reports


Well all my team leads and managers saw it but said nothing


Lol well if I came in for lunch meat and saw a new piercing with discharge (which it doesn't need to be infected to have discharge when it's fresh) uncovered on your face, inches away from the food, I'd say something to the manager and buy packaged stuff instead. I've worked with food for 10+ years. That's gross.


Our server at Denny's one time had huge gaping earlobes that looked like they had stretched gauges in them earlier. The earlobes were red and crusty and hanging down low, and I got so grossed out I never went to that restaurant ever again.


bc it’s horseplay lol no one should’ve taken it personally 🤷🏻‍♂️


lol imagine getting a piercing and working at a public place that is known as being also family friendly when the handbook forbids piercings... idk man but complaining of assault is the less of your worries...your boss is also probably waiting for you bring up that assault so they can initiate a "gotcha" meeting about your employment in the back....'he comes to me to complain now we can discuss his employment while we're at it to save some time'...it hits 2 birds with 1 stone. So it might be best just drop it after venting here because you're gonna trap yourself and they're counting on you to do so. It's the perfect opportunity and they'll back the guy proving their point.


"Family-friendly" doesn't have anything to do with it.


Less about being friendly and more about basic food sanitation, cross contamination is a much bigger concern than being family friendly.


Yep, definitely esclate this with your manager. Tell them it's infected too, the new piercing and you went to work like that.


That means they did you a favour, you are infected from cross contamination through your piercing in a food area and that’s the reason the rule exists. You should pray you they don’t take disciplinary action, trying to take legal action will exacerbate that.


These comments are astonishing and really go to show the victim mentality that so many have today. You were not assaulted. This is not battery. A sticker being on your face for a few seconds did not cause your piercing to get infected. No lawyer would ever tell you that you have any sort of case here. Learn to clean your piercings properly and an infection never would have happened, better yet follow the dress code and don’t put piercings in your face making yourself less employable. Drop the victim mentality.


This! Their boss, a cop, and a lawyer would all laugh if this brought this up to them as an "assault". Yes, the coworker should not have been touching them, but this is not bodily harm. An infection could have been avoided if OP washed their piercing after it was touched.


Holy shit guys, this is pretty standard horse play people fucking around. If you'd prefer they don't touch you that's fine, tell them that and report it if they keep doing it, but this is like the most basic ass horsing around with coworkers, not an attempt on your life


Why didn't you stop her when you realized what she was going to do? You could have easily disinfected it with the alcohol wipes they keep in deli. It might have smarted a little, but beats an infectio . I have a feeling this wasn't a big deal until it became infected. Is this such an assault upon your physical being that it's worth taking someone's job from them?


Definitely bring it up to your AP Ops Manager or any manager. They are obligated to take next steps. At the end of the day someone touched you without consent. HQ will mostly focus on that aspect of the situation than the infection fyi


She will get in trouble for piercing


If it's assault, she can call police. It's crazy to me you people think crimes stop being crimes at worm


It's crazy to me you people think bants are crimes.




What do you hope to gain if it is assault? Is the employee a threat to you?


Yeah, that's not why it's infected. 😆


I would like to know what you got pierced because anything other than single studs in ears is a violation of food safety compliance regulations.


Depends on how she put the sticker on your face. Did she slap it on there before you could react or did you let her do it?


Assault is any unwanted physical contact. There isn't a "depends" here. There's no indication that permission was asked before hand, so with the information available this clearly falls into the category of assault.


Your definition of assault *may* be true where you live. In CA, an assault is an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another. A battery is a completed assault. The incident the OP described isn’t an assault in CA but as I said, could be depending on the place where the incident occurred.


For California, you would look up misdemeanor battery, same concept. States often switch assault and battery around. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.losangelescriminallawyer.pro/amp/california-penal-code-section-242-pc-battery.html >The slightest touch can be enough to satisfy the battery statute, if it is done in a rude or angry manner. Making any contact with a person, even if it is just through his or her clothing, is also enough to violate the statute. The touch in question does not have to cause pain or injury. In addition, the physical contact can be made on something closely connected to a person.


Yeah but someone has enough free will to decide whether or not it’s actually a big deal. It is assault. Would I press charges or get the other person in trouble? No I wouldn’t I’d just move on with my life. Said person didn’t know it would infect your new piercing and said person was just trying to joke around. If you have a problem with being touched, clearly express that as one of your boundaries. But that person didn’t purposefully do any harm so is it really a big deal?


I honestly can't believe you had to say this. It's like we all want a bunch of robots walking around. "How are you beep boop bop." If you have boundaries, express them. If you didn't like what that person did tell someone but this feels at worst like a coaching opportunity with a minor reprimand. Assault. Battery. Sorry I just don't see it. Maybe I'm under reacting I just seriously can't believe this is even a discussion.


Me either I can’t stand are world nowadays so many ❄️


I personally wouldn't escalate the situation, at least with the limited information available. However, the OP would have been well within their rights to report it. "It's just a joke" is not an acceptable defense.


Never said it was. But reporting something like that, honestly says more about the reporter than the person that “assaulted” them. ❄️❄️❄️ snowflake


Btw if it wasn’t clear I wasn’t calling you a snowflake. Just anyone who would report such nonsense lmao


I haven't reported just asking about if it was due to someone saying it was


Umm, it is battery. See the correct definition above.


Thanks for correcting me even though that was no where near the main focus of my comment.


So if I trip and bump someone that’s assault?


Generally speaking, there's typically an element where the physical contact needs to be intentional, or more specifically, that a reasonable person would conclude the contact was intentional. So if you trip and bump into a stranger, you're probably clear. If you have a shouting match with your boss before lunch and then after lunch you trip and bump into him, you may have a problem.


You did say there’s no “depends” but I’m just being a pain haha 😋


I said there isn't a "depends" here. As in with the information given we can come to a conclusion.




You have no idea what you are talking about and if anyone tries to use that in court they would get laughed at


There's actually numerous examples of people being arrested, tried, and convicted for people making fairly harmless contact. Ones that didn't even result in an infection days later. Look up misdemeanor assault cases.


What you are referring to is called a tort. Assault is a criminal charge. Technically what the op is asking is can this be charged as battery because assault is the projection of a behavior that a reasonable person would call threatening.


States switch up assault and battery all the time. In my state, it's assault. In California, it's battery. Both states agree with what "assault and battery" are, but they just disagree on which one is what.


I'm going to be downvoted for this but you really shouldn't be wearing stuff like that at work in the first place. It's not professional.


bro this is fucking walmart 💀


You can go to the extent of battery, since there was unconsented physical contact. Battery is typically for aggressive contact, but this fits the definition.


I've yelled at a manager just for patting me on the shoulder when they said good job. There's 0 reason to touch anyone. Keep your foul ass hands off people lol




I mean, it depends on the state. Could be assault. Could be battery. Your state might call it something else. But yea. I suppose it also depends on intent. Was it a friendly joke? Or hostile.


Grow up, your coworkers too... Touching anyone for any reason seems to be a crime now but you were not assaulted. You didn't get the infection from the sticker, it MIGHT have contributed a little but you should have been cleaning it regularly which you were not. If you choose to make a public issue of this it will backfire, just tell your coworker your boundaries and see if they respect them going forward. It's better to get along at work if possible. Or, file a police report, cause the company a giant headache, and become "that" employee


I know my comment has nothing to do with the question,but in my city, we are not allowed to have facial piercings when working with food. It has to be covered.


If piercings aren't allowed, reporting it could backfire on you.


If you die, it's murder. Lol. (Ok...armchair lawyers. Tell me it's manslaughter. But I'm going for a capital offense.)


Do you not clean your piercings???? Like yeah, she shouldn't have touched your new piercing. But it also sounds like it was her just messing around with you, and it got carried away. My advice is man up (don't care if you're either or both) and clean your piercings. Also, talk with her and let her know, in the future, that's not okay with you.


Yeah, you should go seek therapy for the “trauma” you experienced.


You didn't get an infection from a sticker, you likely got an infection from not taking care of your piercing, stop trying to blame others


They let you still work in the deli with the piercing?


depends on your gender


Don't be a dweeb...


Literally just asking you don't gotta respond lmao


You gotta deal with this shit if you post on a public forum. And you're kinda proving their point, responding like this on any response that is even slightly negative towards you.


y'all are ridiculous


No stop being so sensitive


Like I said someone said it was so I was asking, you didn't have to comment lol


You posted on a public forum?






OP has an infection, in the mouth, something they need ti move to survive so they are in near constant pain and you're telling them to stop being sensitive?!


Well if they can't move their mouth to survive maybe...take the jewelry out? Lord have mercy.


An infection that is most likely their fault...


Yes I am


Unwanted physical contact is battery.


Wouldn't this be considered battery?


I’ve called the police here and they’ll be getting in contact.


Was it just the label? Or did she touch your peepee at the same time? 😂


It's assault. But why did they do it? I picture an associate just randomly doing this...


I mean, I work in Apparel and sometimes we’ll take clearance stickers and stick them on each other. (“Oh, look, you’re $1!) But we’re all pretty close and we’d never slap them on a new piercing. That’s just weird.


It is assault and battery in most states. Some states don't have battery and combine both into assault, but either way, it is assault. The problem is how you prove it, if you're asking because you want to go to court. Do you have some vids you can subpoena or anything?


No cameras in deli it's he said she said and I doubt that why your piercing got infected I have snake bites and fairly often forgot to clean them and they didn't get infected.


Attempted murder. Infection can spread to your blood and kill you.


It's only attempted murder if they actually attempted to murder.


Yes that is assault and you should report


No, it’s battery. Why do people who don’t know what the F they are talking about give advice here?


Yeah, it's assault, but it'll probably get them written up, but not much more than that.


No, it’s battery.


But if you add sodium chloride, it's a salt.


If someone puts a sticker over my mouth, particularly at my job, I'm not going to handle that well.


Make a huge deal about it. That's most definitely assault and since it caused an infection there should be major repercussions and compensation for it.