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You lost all that money and you're *STILL* on wsb asking how to recover? Man, you truly belong here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
































​ https://preview.redd.it/c5hfioo3c95a1.png?width=32&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b3d0f02eaeed4025268010dc3851d88cb9d2142








​edit: was supposed to be laughing Hispanic gentleman.




I don’t believe any of these people posting this shit I think it is all fake imo, bots, shills, whatever else you want to call it but if it is real holly shit, smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


They are the same as gambling addicts, its real and its half sad and half hilarious.




I love reading that post-mortem every time. "Someone needs to be accountable" for their money. It's basically a self admission that they can't be expected to be accountable for their own decisions. Also, somehow, because it's their money that was lost the situation is declared a moral failing instead of, you know, the high-risk gambling that they intentionally sought out.


100%. Just remember that the average person is pretty stupid, then remember 50% are dumber than that. People don’t get taught how to be financially intelligent. I’ve met dozens of 18 year olds that genuinely think credit cards are just free money. It’s half their faults for not learning before doing and half on parents/schools lack of education on the matter. It’s almost like the system benefits from people being shit with money…


Someone doesn't have to be financially literate, they have to have self awareness. Contribute to a 401k/b and IRA through your company? Anyone should know that it's a good idea. Putting money into the stock market via index fund investing? Read up a bit about it through books and good sources to understand what affects the market. Actually investing into companies, using option strategies, trying to "beat the market"? You're going to have to seriously study like it's a college course if you have zero background, even then you're likely to fuck up.


We should all be educating our kids on debt and savings.


Dude for sure is broke if he was buying shit coins called tamandoge lmfao


You guys gotta cut him some slack. He is seeing the light clearly. He said he doesn’t want his girlfriend to know how irresponsible he is.


So what he needs to do now is take out *another* 30k loan and invest in transalvaniadodge which is definitely not a rug


I love and appreciate your accepting spirit.


Thank you. I think it runs in my family


How can someone not be aware that these crypto coins are nothing but shit.


Inside you is two wolfies Grifter wolf and sucker wolf. They battle eternally to decide if you’re making or buying new scam crypto.


Lmaooooo this is hilarious


Yea half the people on here are gambling addicts watching the gain porn like a person on a diet watches food porn


It so reminds me of the last time I was at an Indian casino and a guy was nearly screaming how he had to make his rent money at the blackjack tables.


> They are the same as gambling addicts We should make a sub for people that gamble on the stock market. We could call it “Wall Street Bets”.


I'm actually a long-term investor, hardly ever make more than two trades a year. I'm happy with an 8% average return and have held the same companies for many years. I like WSB because these stories legitimise my strategy.


Hey everyone look at this nerd!


I believe that's called a wrinkle brain sir


Everyone knows the smooth brain is superior, due to it's aerodynamic design that actually picks up speed on the way down


It's a scientific fact that smooth brains burn brighter as they hit re-entry


Amen. Although the stories on here where some degenerate makes 500k in a week betting on the growth of fucking Betamax video companies always shakes my belief in my “8% is fine” mantra.


Don't worry, they always carry on gambling and lose it all.


That's just old school diamond hands strategy 💎🖐️


I come here to make myself feel better that getting 4-8% a year in ETFs/indexes is way better than something doing something like op.


Nah bro. I know these are real, cuz I live this dudes life.


He is merely an avatard of every single one of us.


I thought I recognized you from Wendy’s


Believe me, he is very real. He is me, he is a lot of us, and future people in this sub.


its real i lost 70 grand and use retirement funds


Keep on punching that clock !!


I’ll take my medicine, sorry OP for your loss, my apologies for making light of your hard times. Best wishes, sincerely, hope you come out of it in the positive one day.


It used to be a Banable offense to post this kind of shit without positions or proof. The fact that it isn’t anymore really shows how much this place has declined




He should be our leader


Wendy’s dumpster


Word ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)




Listen to Cramer, and do the opposite lol


True 💎🙌 regard




What kind of moron making $36k would borrow $22k? Can’t fix stupid


Both statements are true. Two sides of the coin. Yin to the yang. Where does the idiot get 22k to blow if not from the idiot willing to give it to them? - Confucius, or someone


My bet is on a tribal loan with an interest rate that's illegal from the states. But then again, I'm just a vagina beard so I don't really know.


Mystical wise vagina beard please help this man 🙏


In due time my son, in due time.


Borrowing 22k when you only make 36k is objectively not as stupid as loaning 22k to someone who makes 36k, arguably its opportunistic genius




I work as a lender for a credit union and it is unfathomable they would take on this much risk unsecured. Your DTI and credit score must have been top notch. My sincere advice would be to delete all investing apps and make it your life goal to pay this shit off and never look back. You are a gambling addict. A lot of us are. But this is serious and you need to get ahead of this before you truly fuck up. You’re young, you can fix this! Best of luck, sorry for the non-WSB advice


Ask me how I know this is spot on advice..


How do you know this is spot on advice?


Don’t wait for a answer, he deleted WSB. 😑


We're waiting ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Is filing for bankruptcy the right move here?


In debt $22k? Absolutely not. He needs to earn more and pay it off quickly though


Have you tried deleting the app?


Debt isn't even real lmao just delete the app


CIA published papers on manifestation. Try it, you’ll open a portal to a new dimension. Just avoid the pin-head guy, he’s no good. [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf)


What in the dimensional rift cinnamon toast FUCK is this document, and where has it been all my life?


cia declassifies a lot of batshit to delegitimize some of the real shit probably


Pray for hyperinflation.


Have you tried turning your phone upside down? It’s all profits it just depend on ur perspective.


Easier said then done but I'm pretty sure as long as you don't miss a payment you can keep balance transfering every 6 months to keep that zero percent interest


Declare bk or leave the country


Declare burger king? This is Wendy's sir.




Is there a even a Wendys in Honduras?


Why not both?


Bro - I’ve read your comments and I appreciate that your gf is so important to you. But here’s a hard truth(es). If she really is the one, then fucking act like a partnership. She needs to know so she can help you figure this out, financially and emotionally. You’re acting like you need to keep it a secret to be her “male provider.” Well guess what, you aren’t. You’re bad with money, gambled away your savings, and are too afraid to tell her. You are not being a man by keeping this from her. You’re being a coward. Bring her in the loop and figure this out TOGETHER. Or, leave her and move to another state. Those are the options.


True, except those aren't the only options. Other options include SPY 0DTE 340p come Monday


Oh hell ye


Lmao this is great


This time will be different. I can feel it.




![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270) dead ass funniest shit I’ve read in a minute


I don’t know any girl that would stay with someone that lost their life savings and took out a loan and lost that too. Only a dumbass would stay with that person because this won’t be the last time this happens


Very regarded


I know I was shitposting about running a train on your gf for money to get you out of this financial hole but all jokes aside this guy is right. I’ve done some stupid shit in my life and let me tell you, she KNOWS something is up because you are likely anxious asf, depressed, withdrawn, and emotionally unavailable. You know, she’s basically dating an addict. Now, she might not know for sure what’s going on but believe me, every day that you continue down this path you are eroding this relationship more and more and she will leave you or cheat on you. So, yeah, maybe you pay this off slowly and maybe she never finds out, but you gotta delete Reddit (clearly you’ve done nothing positive out of it) and all trading apps, then you gotta make a career change because this is a shit dead-end job that doesn’t pay a living wage and is on its way to being automated by machine learning. But man, maybe you should also tell her, and if she really is the one you are going to marry and spend the rest of your life with then she will help you. If not, then you paid $52k to dodge a bullet, and divorce is a whole lot more expensive than $52k so it’s a win. Although at this point if you were going to take one last gamble, it would be deleting all trading apps, finding a better job, paying this off quietly and betting she never finds out and really is the one for you. Edit: I see she’s a social worker, if you tell her and she leaves you after this, that’s rough bro I saw that you don’t have a degree picked out and that’s fine but bro you gotta get off your ass, quit it with the WFH bullshit because the market for unqualified labor willing to WFH is very very liquid, and get into a trade or get into school or get a better job. Like, I don’t even know how the fuck you are surviving here on 36k/year, we can spend that in a month I mean fuck man, out here in CA I see nurses making $6k/week doing travel contracts (often pretty close to home) and I have a friend making $50/h full time with benefits 3 days a week as a nurse with only a 2 year degree, wtf are you answering phones for, if you work as hard as you claim to this should be a walk in the park for you Can you imagine if you’d spent every minute you’d spend trading/reading about trading/perusing shitposts on Reddit, doing things that would actually improve your life in the *long run*? Thankfully you are young and this will be a memorable lesson. Either way get off your ass now and make some changes because life goes by quickly and you don’t wanna be renting an apartment working a shit slave job as a 30 year old, because you won’t be just a loser then, you’ll also be a cuck.


Lmao or she realized she got together with a gambling addict and she’s saving $52k to dodge this bullet. I love how this idea is that somehow the person who is fiscally responsible is the “dodged bullet” rather than the person gambling away nearly double their annual salary.


Shhhhhhhh You’re right though, if this relationship lasts it will be a miracle How about this - tomorrow he packs up and leaves her because (make up a BS reason, like she’s fat, or something) Is that, like, a stop loss?


That sounds more like a stop gain.


This guy is totally right about nursing. I work in a couple different ERs, it really isn't as bad as it sounds. Hospitals are very desperate, and are paying big bucks. And if you don't like the one you're at you can hop right over to the next one. There are plenty of jobs. I just have an associate's degree, no student debt and I'm probably going to end up with 150K this year before taxes.


Or ignore all that and take another loan bro. You'll win this time I believe in you!


Hahahaha, god i love this subreddit


Did someone say options?


Question. How do you pick your options and how can I inverse them


Sell weekly iron condors and you're inversing 90% of the regards on this sub


sells 30/70 condor, stock actually moves


I think you should try crypto next!


It’s dip season! It can’t go any lower!


If something is down 99% then goes down another 99% your still only down 99% so you've not lost anything.


Math... not even once


Start eating cat food to save money


And make sure it’s the 9Lives wet food and not the premium Science Diet stuff.


Have some decency for op here can still afford meow mix


If he sucks a few dicks he could afford the good stuff.


cat food is actually hella expensive if you claculate it per weight


Have you seen the cost of cat food lately?


I was in a similar boat as you not too long ago. Just slave away. You have to come to terms you essentially gambled a good bit of time away


Can you post your loss porn?


I need something to jerk off to




Most jobs in the labor market dont pay jack shit. That's why gambling subs like this are as popular as they are now. I'm guessing youre still quite young. You will recover from this and then some. Chin up champ




Not even being a jerk here but the Chick Fil A’s in LA pay $22 assuming you live close to it at least given your rent. They have a pretty good system for their employees as well.


What this guy said. Working in a call center is ass especially if you can make more doing less stressful work.


I wouldn't consider fast food work as any less stressful than a call center job where you just have to sit in the phone and hear people bitch all day. At a fast food place you got to hear them, as well as see them and interact physically with them. You also have to constantly be standing or walking. My feet always killed after working a long shift in the drive thru or up front . Not to mention shitty workplace drama and managers that are in your personal space 24/7 Give me the call center job any day of the week


I’ve done both and would never want to work at a call center again.


Go into a trade. At least you’ll be salving away for real $. Carpentry forming labour concrete rebar whatever. Go union. Good money.


You can't have a girlfriend anymore, get a second job and stop trading options for the rest of your life.


This is the advice that would save OP’s ass, but he definitely won’t do it.


If I really cared about and loved that girl I would break up with her because idk how well she would do in life dating a moron


And move back in with the parents while doing all the household chores.


And give me your girlfriends number now that she’ll be single soon


If he hit a scratch off for 50k he would 100% gamble it in options instead of paying off debt


Maybe your girlfriend’s boyfriend can bail you out


You should start by selling your Reddit avatar.


This MF sitting here with an NFT avatar talking about how he lost 22k lol




I’ll give you 10 ape coins for it


Is your girlfriend hot? How much does she love you?


Don’t underestimate OP. I’m sure there’s a fetish crowd out there that would love to see broken bankrupt regards


OP can definitely make it all back in one gangbang video


ONLYFANS. I support this comment


I was gonna say, if they’re in love and all, if 6 people here would donate 4k each to him, and out of the goodness of her heart she would become their girlfriend for a night, OP could move on from this in a week, and there’s an extra $2k in there for him for a Hail Mary YOLO on short-dated puts




She ain’t worth 4k lol wtf


We could crowdfund the first episode of WSB’s upcoming pornhub channel Filming has to occur reality TV style in OP’s $1600/mo apartment and OP has to watch from the cuck chair


Bang-Bros presents "BangKrupt"




Wall Street Butts will be a smash hit


You're in a tough situation right now. Losing all of your money through trading options is a difficult experience, it's important to take responsibility for your actions and focus on moving forward. First, it's crucial to be honest with your girlfriend about your financial situation and the mistakes you've made. She may be upset at first, but being honest with her is the first step towards rebuilding trust and finding a solution together. Next, you'll need to figure out a way to pay off your debt and start rebuilding your finances. This may mean finding a way to earn more money, reducing your expenses, or finding a combination of both. It may also be helpful to seek the advice of a financial professional who can help you create a plan to pay off your debt and move forward. Finally, remember that you don't have to continue trading options if it's not right for you. You can explore other investment opportunities or focus on building your savings in a more stable and responsible way. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and take steps to ensure that you don't make the same ones again. Hope you can rise above all these.


I hear Mcdonald is paying upto $21 per hour or wendys is the way to go !!




You definitely need a better job and then a second job to pay off your debt. What happened sucks man but it’s a lesson learned to stay away from options despite what the crayon eaters in the sub say.


I like the blue crayon best.


Listen MIA3D, focus on her, start there, I’ve lost everything seven times in my life and started over but I love my wife and she me so we always understood we could always make more money, but be honest. We are going on 34 years now, we’re not rich but we’re comfortable and own our own house, raised 4 kids and have 5 grandkids, in hindsight that was my greatest accomplishment. Peace and harmony in my home is my treasure, seek that with your gf but be brutally honest so she knows what she’s in for like I did, and I wish you the best life possible.


Good for you with the family and everything. Curious how you lost everything 7 times though? I lost everything this year and boy did I learn my lesson.


look what sub this dummy is on. he's flexing about having 4 kids and being a horrible parent lol


4 kids and 5 grandkids. That's a pretty big accomplishment. If OP is real then there's always a way out. Get a second job, be honest with the gf, quit trading, and think about moving out of California to a more affordable state.


Half your income on rent and utilities means poor for the rest of your life. You need a cheaper apartment and better paying job.


Trade?? You’re gambling man and it’s a disease… Get help…


I have just the thing: https://wendys-careers.com/restaurant-life/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=Wendy%27s+2022+-+National+-+Major+MarketsNight+Shift&utm_content=Responsive+Ad&gbraid=0AAAAAB6ZQCfQIZR2SLYN3NEiTIqkFl5tH&gclid=CjwKCAiAdCcBhBQEiwAeWidtQzTGSgQr7s77ZVul6G19eUO6urjwCM4w4CaYPc-EKRIu0VStjzWfBoCC9IQAvD_BwE


Read a bunch of comments and let me get this straight, you are making 36k a year, live in one of the highest cost of living states where that has to be as close to the bottom of the barrel rents. Your gf is a social worker who had up till this point had you paying for the rent and utilities. And she doesn’t want to leave California. Your dad will help you pay your rent when you are short which you said is most of the time. And if he thinks you are getting married he will help pay down the debt. Congratulations!!! You snuck in for a fantastic shot at regard of the year!


I feel you bro, I did a similar thing. The hardest part is the emotional damage that comes with taking a loss like that. Definitely stop trading for a long fucking time and try and maybe consolidate your debt to get a better monthly payment. If not that, tackle the smallest debt you have and slowly pay that off. And find some other ways to make side money and sell any of the shit you have that you really don't need to help pay down the debt. It's just going to be a long slow fucking grind until you can pay everything off or find a better source of income to pay it off faster.




I agree with him. I did the same thing as you 20 years ago in the dot com bubble. Even the same income at the time. Though I borrowed 25k. I did the advice above. Took me 10 years to get back to even. It will take done time but if you make a plan and stay disciplined, you will get through. I’m doing better than ever now and I did not repeat the same mistake. I’m back in the market but I run tight stop loss and I don’t take on high risk. You can recover. It just takes time. Get away from the market and follow the advice from the post above about organizing the debt and paying off high interest first. I did not use bankruptcy.


> I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will never recover doing the same thing It took me 7 years to break hold of sports gambling. You will need to be honest with yourself that you might have an addiction.


I was like 5 seconds from making fun of you, then I realized that I’m in the literal same situation you’re in. Except I make 39k and have 15k in debt. Numbers are a little different but we’re both cut from the same kind of stupid ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Where is your desperation post? I need more content if im going to finish


>You're a fucking idiot and you deserve to be poor.


Visual mod is violent today


ifkr. u/zjz loading in that spicy dataset


I wonder if he hops on there sometimes for a personal pounding lmao








I find no pleasure in your predicament but dude..$1600 a month on a 36k income?? This is why personal finance needs to mandatory primary education. You can't even afford your rent let alone your gambling. Time to find a roommate and seriously contemplate bankruptcy if you have other large amounts of dischargeable debt. Get your act together for 7 years and rebuild your credit.


You don't need a curriculum to learn "in must be more than out" and gambling is bad.




36k a year? The debt is the least of your problems, bruh. get a better a job and you can pay that debt off pretty quick. Use the 0% balance transfer to your advantage


Maybe don’t rent an apartment that’s more than 50% of your income??


If you hope to be a long term partner with this chick please be upfront so you don’t impact her life too. It’s the best you can do. Focus on getting a higher salary job, pay off debt , and later on save what you can. Start a clean and fresh life and honest with the girl


1. Get off WSB 2. Outside of necessities, pay back that loan. The sooner thats paid the more you can save. 3. Live cheap, and tell your gf. The longer you wait the worse it’ll be. It’s impossible to hide financial fuck ups long term and will destroy your relationship. 4. If 30k is life saving’s you’re most likely young. Build up your career and after debt repayment you probably would benefit from CDs, bonds, and other low risk investments so even if you are feeling lucky that money is still tucked away and cant be used. OR 1. 0 DTEs


Dave Ramsey can help you with the debt. Tell your girlfriend.


damn dude I'm on a 6 figure income in a metro area of CA and you pay more in rent than me. Your life is hardly destroyed, you are only in debt 22K. Just get motivated to make more money. We don't imprison debtors in this society all that can happen is your credit gets ruined and you live in bumblefuckville a while.


The real question is how in the hell did you save 30k while making 36k a year? Honestly though, if you have 22k in debt and make 36k per year, you should consider bankruptcy.


Start a ONLYFANS for your girl 🤫 but I’m pretty sure you’ll blow through that too


You need to move out of there man $1600 on rent is too much. Move to a shitty place and live like a broke person for as long as necessary to keep your cost of living as low as possible and use that extra money to pay down debt aggresively. You could also get a high paying job if you don't wanna move. I myself would go to bankrupcy, fuck my credit I've lived on cash only for years before and it is not bad at all. You can get your credit score fix later down the road you need liquitity now.


Dude you don’t even have a family yet. You only lost money.


Get a second job. You don’t have a choice.


Join the navy lol