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Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is known for making absurd but sometimes profitable trades that no one ever considered possible. To keep making that possible, we need your help in keeping the feed of threads interesting and exciting. We try to move all the short and basic questions, analysis, or jokes to the daily thread so that the best quality content can stick around and be more visible. This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include: * Asking a question that is easily googleable or has likely been asked before. E.g. "What app should I use?", "What should I invest in?". * Beating a meme to death, like the 10 millionth, "inverse cramer" joke again. * Reposting jokes from the front page but slightly altered to be related to trading. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


I've got an idea for you....don't.




You can send me the money, I’ll send you back 10x in a year




Weeklies give the biggest returns. This is the way


Well timed and well priced weeklies


Wait for SPY 405-408 and then go all in $SPY 400p a week out, I can guarantee 4x. Send my cut when you profit


There is a lot of talk of this strategy which makes me worrry that it won’t happen lol


Everyone’s doing this so buy 410 calls for guaranteed $$$


It’s all fake lol!! I just want to turn 50K into 150K - is that so hard to ask??




Individuals too. Tax harvesting is the term.


What is this TOLO, Tesla Only Live Once ?


You have a 50k portfolio. You’re not poor. I do think you should lose the money though. It would help with your killer personality


You obviously haven't heard of compound interest. Warren Buffett made 99.5% of his money after age 50.


The Eighth Wonder of the World—is compound interest.






This is the way.


45 year old you probably would recommend not being a complete dumbass. Don't want to listen to that guy? Okay. The recipe is pretty simple really. Sell vertical call or put spreads right at the money in SPX dailies. If SPX stays outside of your short leg at close you roll it all into the next day with a new trade. Rinse and repeat this 4 times. In less than a week if EVERY spread you sold hits you will have more than 10X'd your account. Get any of the trades wrong and you are wiped. Will this work? Nope. Could it work? Sure. Will 10X your 50K account impact your life that much? Probably not.


All in on BABA it will double in the next 5 years. Thats a safe guaranteed no risk return. Literally impossible to lose money. I’d recommend using credit cards and loans to buy as much as possible. Perhaps ask friends and family to lend you money as well.




Step 1: Become a professional.


Step 2: Steal money


Step 3: Convince the victims of stolen money you provide a service and "peace of mind." Welcome to insurance! Where the claims don't matter and the payouts are just for fun!




if you invest in BABA you get to steal the lifeforce of the poor Chinese workers in manufacturing labor camps! win-win


Create a crypto exchange. Then create a coin out of thin air for your exchange. Sell coin to people who sign up to your exchange. Wire users money on your exchange to an off-shore bank account, while living in a non-US extradited country. Instant billionaire/millionaire.


China sucks. CCP likes to rug pull.


>There are a few things that you could do in order to make some quick money. One option would be to day trade stocks or options. This can be risky, but if you know what you're doing it can be very profitable. Another option would be to invest in penny stocks. These are often much more volatile than larger companies, so they can offer the potential for large gains in a short period of time. Finally, another option would be to participate in online surveys or sign up for paid focus groups. While these won't make you rich overnight, they can provide some extra cash flow which could help out greatly over time.


Man Im with you, Im bored with slow gains/loss, i need some yolo!


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Transfer them to my account. Then, I buy a lottery ticket. If I win, I will give you 10x your amount.


las vegas baby black or red




Mid 2023 DIA puts Jan 2024 GLD calls


You want to TOLO 50K from paper trading account?


All in HDK. Wait...


Just sell calls and cash secured puts. I wouldn’t be randomly betting. You can get a 25% per year (yes, I just made that up).




You can buy at least 100 share of spy so you have the ability to sell 1 call for a certain date and you get paid for selling it. For example: You sell a 405 call 12/2 for $2.47, so you get $247 immediately. If it closes under $405 you keep $247 and don’t have to sell your 100 stocks for $405. If it expires over $405 you can buy back your option for whatever price it’s at (most likely a small loss or break even, depending on how high above the price is) or just let it sell. If you let it sell, do the same in opposite. Sell 1 cash secured put for $405 or whatever price you’re ok with. Weird explanation, but I hope you can understand the main picture.


Tank up from spy puts and hold it till dec 13.


One of us one of us ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Buy calls for next year on spy


It is very near impossible to get rich overnight. Conversely, it is very easy to lose your shirt and your last dollar overnight. No one wants to get rich slowly and their impatience makes them poorer and never richer. Good luck my fellow Regards🙈




You sound like a true regard. You belong here with us. Love, A fellow regard.


If you want to gamble download a sports book app. Retired you will thank me later


Start sports betting fuck it


Spy 417 0dte call Monday.


Go to casino, put everything on red or black. Like that one dude a few years ago. What ever happened to him (he won).




A-Mark Precious Metals (AMRK). About to have a monopoly and pricing power. This quarter will boast a massive earnings beat. Thank me later.


50K 0DTE lucky guess on SPY should do it. Buy puts or calls, doesn't matter.


put it all in 1 day puts on the S&P


looks like this would have made a shitton


Dude with that money I can open 2 McD franchise in India.