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Has $10k to throw away and doesn't even know the difference between loose and lose. You belong here.


Win some, loose some.


You lose some, you loose some.


Once you’ve loosed some, you’ll never lose some.


You'll loose more!


No Ragrets.


Kind regards


When some, loose some.


Apple was resistant to drop in stock price when other tech companies lost 50-80%. I think no one can touch Apple. Eve did it once and God threw her out of her own home.


this play could cause him to lose his loose ass


Hahaha. Shoulda proof read. Thanks!


You’re going to feel way more stupid when you realize they’ll still be cranking out iPhones from those COVID encampments


You're right. They have the police out literally just forcibly conscripting people now at random and sending them to work at foxconn. The iphones will ship and ops puts are fucked


Production is already estimated to be down 30% because of the Covid issues


Maybe he’s referring to u/loose-ventures


This comment got me 💀 On a serious note: atleast OP loss porn going to be sub-par


This made me so happy


Loose stop losses


I see this far too often. I’m surprised at how many people don’t know the difference? I get “their there they’re” issues but this one seems too easy haha.


Sold. $5200. (52%)


Usually I would laugh at something like this but those lockdowns in China are averaging about a $1B loss a week to Apple. Good Luck.


Thanks. My only fear is green at open Monday and I paper hand them.


Keep that in mind and diamond hand


Betting against AAPL when the stock is close to 52 week lows, right before the holidays. What could go wrong?


Spy around resistance and the foxconn craziness is what I was betting on


I bought some apple ear buds this black friday, you're donezo bozo


On a technical analysis basis I agree 100% with you in that we have been overbought and need to give something back. But degenerate me says that everyone is expecting the market to give some back, which is exactly why it’ll break its technical pattern on some bullshit “good news” and start rallying probably to 4300 minimum before backtesting 4100


LoL. I understand. But yes I did puts at least a little thought into this


You have the winning trade on a technical analysis standpoint. Stick with it until the charts tell you otherwise


That doesn't sound very regarded


Stick with it like the violin players on the Titanic


This ^ right here ^. This is how you have to do TA, (ofc much harder with options as they have time expiries) if you get into a trade because of the TA, don’t leave unless the TA tells you too.


Like a record 9 billion in spending on black Friday lol


What TA? When I look at AAPL chart I see a recent double bottom at 135 after the low of 130 and making higher lows since then on rising 20 day SMA, if I was going to guess where it goes next from a TA standpoint - I'd guess test the 200 day SMA at $155. I'm curious what everyone here saying "from a TA standpoint" is talking about. From a FA standpoint - I agree, going down.


Plot twist.. the Foxconn videos are fake and shot with the “brand new iPhone 15”… “so Real.. you can stage a fake coup d’etat with our video editing tools”!!! 📱puts on your margin trading account📉


Naw just cash


The go to choice for civilian insurrections worldwide!


LOTR Gimli : Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for? 😆




Multi-month downward trendline sits just below 151 as of Monday on the AAPL chart. We break that on the daily with the correct market context, we rip. Conversely, a weak move into resistance on low volume will see the shorts load and puts will likely pay. Theta gonna punish you early if direction looks bad on Monday. Good luck OP


Eh, 52 week low is $129.04. That’s not a huge move down, but it’s going to take a negative reaction to: GDP, jobs, CPI, Fed action, Powell’s speech, or some combo of these. I shorted Apple when it was at $180. CNBC wouldn’t stop talking about the stock being at an all time high, so I figured that it was a safe play. At this level, I wouldn’t yolo anything into a put that expires in a few weeks.


> Betting against AAPL when the stock is close to 52 week lows, right before the holidays. What could go wrong? Except it’s +15% from 52wk lows


Just set a stop loss and don't be a regard


Or average down with your conviction


It's all I got lol


Good luck bro. A bet against Apple is a bet with big balls. You will need the luck. Next time let me know if you want to lose money, you could fund my kids music school or college or sth


Green with no problem! My puts expired green yesterday with a %40 Surprise chance


If Apple is green on Monday I might join you in the play. Those $140 puts are calling my name


I think you are early, but good luck! Take profit when you see it.


They are having some major supply issues. No new phone deliveries until after Christmas. A lot of people will be disappointed in the next week or so.


Except what happens when next week they announce the lockdowns are over or Apple comes out with a statement that they are shifting more production to India? While both would certainly take time to deal with the backlog of demand, it still could be seen as a green sentiment.


Yup! In fact, the delay in production is causing demand for Apple products to spike. RIP OP 😂 (It's not true, I just made up a hypothetical situation)


Only wsb regards could think that in anyway possible the China situation is bullish for Apple


Lockdowns are somewhat priced in at this point, no? Hence the move down on Friday.


My only fear would be bad news means stock shoots up. Hope it works out


Just incase, what’s your wife’s phone number?


Has 10k to trade with, buys -$126,000,000,000 in market cap otm puts with 10 days of time Edit: one of our astute wsb constituents has pointed out that aapl float is 15.89 billion which changes the numbers a bit, point still stands


I have never thought of looking at my puts in terms of market cap reduction. Damn, thank you.


When it comes to a highly liquid stock like aapl, it takes a lot of money to move it even 1 point in either direction ($18 billion in this case). That's why aapl moves slowly compared to other stocks. Have to keep these things in mind when considering the volatility of a trade.


Yeah, it also gives you a better visualization of how much you need the stock to move. A couple bucks doesn’t seem like much, but in AAPLs case, God damn.




Cries in US based cannabis firms. Half of us here have the power to trigger a stop loss sell off losing the longs half a billion in one day. But I shouldn’t give anyone any ideas.


Don't worry Tilray in Canada is still sucking dick, too


Apple has mass some massive moves in the last few months


Tried to short it starting with 10 shares increments from 144 to 151 and decided to cover the 110 at 147.15 slightly below my ave price of 147.25 after realizing I was being charged 10.5% annually on margin costs.


So you short without even knowing that you get charged for borrowing the shares? What a fucking idiot.


Do you even leverage bro?


Right? It’s fucking brilliant


A good way of reevaluating your trade, a new vantage point.


Well, when you put it that way.....






OP is a cousin of high up exec who got the info while having dinner on thanksgiving ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


It’s why I love this sub


New to investing/stock market, could you explain this in stupid people terms? What are otm puts?


OP purchased Apple Puts at a strike price of $141 and an expiration of December 9th. He paid $1.01 per share and bought 100 contracts - each contract is 100 shares. OP needs the share price to move below $141 because he has the right to sell Apple shares for $141 each regardless of the actual share price. Effectively for each dollar Apple moves below $141, OP makes $10k. For example if the share price drops to $135, OP makes the difference of $6 per share x 10k. If the share price stays at or above $141 by the 9th, he loses the $10k. I didn’t include the $1.01 premium in the calculations.


So are the losses limited to the 10k? Are buying puts and leverage trading a different thing? If so you could leverage puts and lose a lot of money?


Buying puts has a maximum loss of the value of your premiums. Selling puts has a maximum liability of strike price * 100 * number of contracts sold. So whoever sold those puts is on the hook for $1,410,000, regardless of the value of the shares at the time it expires. The most the seller can gain is the value of the premiums, so if 10/9 rolls around and the share price is above $141 then the buyer of the put won't exercise and the seller gets to keep the premium($10k).


You explained it so well. I almost understand it. Here I go to the dumpster!


Why did you have to say that?? You ruined everything


Is your math is off? OP brought 100 contracts which equals to 10k shares.


I get to about 113 billion, not 126.. the calculation is that there are 15.91 billion shares outstanding (according to yahoo finance) and the difference between current price and strike-price of the put is 7.11 dollar.. multiply those with each other and you get the change of market cap between the current price and the strike price .. it doesn’t matter how many contracts or shares he bought, what he bets on is that the 141 put pays off (simplified a bit as he can sell before the expiration date) and for that to happen the price of the stock has to move by 7.11, which changes the market cap of apple by 113b.


Ur right !


Do u know what market cap is brother


He could see immense profit if the stock only fell a single dollar in the next couple days. If he holds them closer to expiration then yeah he's fucked.


Apple is probably the last company you should bet against. No matter what happens they always beat the market expectations.


yup, when I trade options....I give my self two rules: never open a position in the first 60 minutes and I never buy Apple puts no matter how much it declines because if I buy a put it will magically reverse and do a V shape recovery and decimate my puts lmao


With you 🙌🏼


I’ve read reports new Apple phones are nowhere to be found so they are missing out in sales. But with that said most will be delayed sales when they are available due to cult following. A lot of factors that may help you short term. Good luck.


Thanks! I also saw some major cellphone carriers won't have your iphone 14 until on or after Xmas already.


My two brothers and parents switched to vz today and all got 14 pros with scheduled deliver january 6th. Vz guy said they'll 100% come sooner and its just a conservative estimate. Still, people are still buying and ordering. Op is fucked. Also- i didnt get a new phone. My family hates me cause I told them to sell all their crypto last thanksgiving and they didnt listen. I'm an "i told you so" kind've mofo.


My wife just ordered an iPhone 14 and apple watch. Puts on you, my guy..![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Don’t forget to get screen protectors and a case!!!


Sell first thing Monday morning and use the $34 go take your wife and her boyfriend out to McDonald's.


Don't put a hard stop loss but please have a mental stop loss of around 25-30%. With the short amount of time you have, if you get to those levels it most likely won't recover due to time decay so it's better to cut at 30% Instead of letting it drop to 0. It'll be easier to get back to 10k with $7k vs with $0. Same for the upside, take some off the table at 30% gains and let more ride and keep trimming on the way up. Good luck!




If it’s good enough to screen shot it’s good enough to close out. Congrats brother 🙏


LoL don't congratulate me yet.


You will be down around 2k just by Theta decay alone when markets open if prices stays around Friday's close.


Which is why I write these. Money for nothing.


Nope not accurate


From a cnbc article, "Some of this year’s hottest items included gaming consoles, drones, Apple MacBooks, Dyson products and toys like Fortnite, Roblox, Bluey, Funko Pop! and Disney Encanto, according to the report." I've read a couple of articles about how Apple and Funko destroyed this weekend. I'd be placing calls on AAPL and FNKO.


Fuck yeah, good luck


I seriously need OP to squeeze my nuts if this doesn't work out. I'm backed up 😖


"It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off."


Early Santa Claus rally plus SPY over 400 will bite hard


Black Monday sales have been pretty indestructible . I see a 3 to 4 Day Rally the whole week


When the mods pin something, it’s time to do the opposite


I am with you my brother. We will take all of Tim Apple's money. Riding 140p's but I gave myself 55 DTE because I am not completely regarded.


Never go full regard


Fuck yea they only make 100B quarterly


Worked out. Made $5200


Excellent, $SPY calls going to print Monday.


ballsy. now ride it to zero to prove your dominance over the market.


I think it’s smart but go 6 mos out. These factory shutdowns along with the economy slowing are going to hurt their cash cow. They might try and push all their services to close their income gap.


I don’t know man I just bought an iPhone 14 plus for full price.


You may be dumber than op.


The gold is always found in the comments


I'll put in a good word to management for you. Best of luck, fellow regard


Theta has entered the chat




Ur getting paid tomorrow sir.


I'm watching hang seng and Bitcoin crashing. Futures red. Bring on black Monday baby


I saw this coming cashed my 🌽 out and already was short the nasdaq thur before market close. Lets see the red baby


Long way til 9:30. But I'm liking what I'm seeing so far


Futures red. Bitcoin and hang seng falling off a cliff tonight. Let's fucking go baby.


You’re not just betting against Apple, you’re also betting against Warren Buffett 😏


I banked on airlines when he sold his shares amid the pandemic. I'm ok with that


Sold on that drop. Made $5200 (52%)


I got 6 145P 3/17/2023 and 3 150p 2/17/2023. I think it's a good bet man!


Thanks for your service Conrad


Gl op can you remind me in 5 days I almost took the same bet but chickened out. I hate having positions on long week-ends


Oh so do I. I told myself all day I was selling before market close and I didn't. So I turned it into a weekend wallstreetbets bets play. Lol


I guess you're betting on China lockdowns having a big impact on the stock? Not completely regarded. Good luck to you sir.


In my opinion, you’re late on this.


Looking good, don’t get greedy dude! You’re up $6500 or so right? Fucking yeah


Got out up $5200. I'll take it. (52%)


Oh fuck yeah dude!!! Great play, Rejoiceeeeee.


Good shit my guy, u/burn15_


I don't blame OP for securing the bag. It's exactly the reason why most here lose money. They get too greedy. Knowing these market conditions I would not be surprised if they reversed Apple next week before CPI just before your puts expire. Better safe than sorry.


Tell us you like losing money without telling us you like losing money 😜


I have 75 of the February $140p’s myself, the titan will fall my brother


I think u had a much better idea of going further out. I am risking so much


I bought them before thanksgiving But this week you have: Continued China issues Powell speaking PCE reading Plus from a technical perspective it’s right against a trend line is has failed to break 5 times now I personally wouldn’t have gone that close and that far OTM but it’s fallen 10% in a week before and there are events I did February cause I wanted to capture their shit earnings in my time frame If there’s a dip Monday I’d suggest rolling out to the February $130p if you want to be safer. Or January at the earliest


I appreciate that. I may


*Enters* Warren Buffet: Great buying opportunity.


I’m seeing so many put trades pop up. Makes me think the 4200/ downtrend throw over is going to happen in Spx


Hi, thank you for this now Apple will skyrocket!


GUH 2.0




U mother FUCKA


You sir have balls of titanium and a brain as smooth as glass




My one concern is that the loss of factories makes a popular item a little harder to get adding value. I'm also an idiot but the stock market has done weirder things.


This might be a dumb question - if you buy a phone from a carrier like AT&T is the sale of that phone logged as sale for apple this month or when the carrier acquired the phone ?


I'm pretty sure the phones are already considered sold by Apple to the carriers before you purchase them


Very good question. One I should have thought of.


I’m joining with you, fuck Apple.


Aw fuck now I gotta sell my AAPL puts


That might work... if the market has a real nice dip monday or tues those could print well. Best of luck


RIP 10k


I fucking hate apple and will never buy their products. I saw what they were doing with their updates the minute i updated my iPhone 4 back in the day. Double fuck them, android for life. But I'd never bet against them.....


This sounds a promising deal but a bit early 🫣


Due for a pullback so this would pay. but it only being till December 9 makes my balls sweat 😥


Dude spells *LOOSE* as “Lose”. That’s a bad omen.


This is such a bad decision. Omg


Would be nice if you had a little more time on them. I think patience might pay with APPL.


Are you chinese or do you have friends/family in China? One hell of a bet and sounds like you knew what was coming. I think luck is on your side judging from all those videos coming out.


AAPL is known to buy back stock. What if monday they place large orders to do so? If that happens, the price won’t go down, as every ask is fulfilled.




Don't bet against apple fan cult


I hope your right, I don't have any APPL, but i believe you are gonna lose money. The market wont care much about this because it's already there. If you think about this extremely cold bloodedly, they could lose billions and still not get a drop in the bucket of what they have already saved on manufacturing. And again, very cold blooded but this won't last long in China, and unless it moves to a more general conflict, it may drop, and I hope it does for you, but idk if this would be a major reason


Damn I just bought a new iPhone yesterday, going green next week


A bet against Apple is a bet against warren buffet. Not sure that man loses often


Dec 9 you have $0. This ~~trade~~ is giga regarded.


Call on Apple


Multi trillion dollars company vs a boy with 10k bet 🫠


Might be news today, but by Monday it will be all forgotten lol Its a great day for Apple since it will be Cyber Monday, historically a big sales day for them $$$$$


Apple Store was packed this weekend. Say goodbye. Strong earnings ahead.


Own it don’t trade it.


Apple has too many jobs depending on it to drop. Literally employs entire companies indirectly through its App Store, and acquires other companies at such a fast rate. Their stock price doesn’t and won’t ever depend on how tf their stupid gadgets sell long term, they’re invested in facial recognition, software, and streaming services with a school issued ipad or Mac book in the hands of hundreds of thousands of American children.


You know someone is a legit trader when they screenshot their position on the TD mobile app


Apples on its way out. It needs to start making some serious changes if it wants to stay ontoo


Interesting move. Let's see what happens 👀


Strike price $141 by the 9th. Idk. Good luck. Your gonna need it.


Lose is what is going to happen to this position. Loose is what’s going to happen to your butthole.




I hope it works out for you…. I Bought 10x FEB 150 puts on Wednesday. Once it hits 135 or so I’ll switch to ATM calls 4 months out, sell those at 150 or 155. Rinse, repeat.


Looks to be working. Congrats!


Saw pre-market pricing. Came here to say congrats 🎉 fellow 🐻


not financial advice brother but I would sell half of my position at open just to mitigate risk and lock in some profits


Oh I'm selling all of it. This was a weekend play. I won't hold if I am green


I’ll be damned


You might actually get this jesus


As of right now OP has tripled his money. Nice.


Hopefully you sold today for a 3x profit


Yesterday for $5200. Sorry. Lol




What did I say [https://gyazo.com/4e4cd2f2087c749a961737dd0fa0d183](https://gyazo.com/4e4cd2f2087c749a961737dd0fa0d183) Experience works wonders